GI - Upper GI Bleed Flashcards
Common causes of UGIB
Peptic ulcer disease (most common)
Gastro-esophageal varices
Esophagitis, Gastritis or duodenitis
Gastric malignancies
Mallory-Weiss syndrome
Rarer causes of UGIB
Oesophageal tumour
Portal hypertensive gastropathy, GAVE, Dieulafoy’s lesion
Small bowels
Aortoduodenal fistula, angiodysplasia, GI stromal tumour (GIST), diverticular bleeding, Crohn’s disease
Biliary tree
Haemobilia, haemosuccus pancreaticus
Variceal hemorrhage
- Bleeding pattern
- Cause
- Relevant history
Bleeding pattern:
Large volume haematemesis/melena ± haematochezia (seldom coffee ground)
Cause: Liver cirrhosis, Portal hypertension leading to collateral vein distension
Relevant history:
Chronic hepatitis carrier status
Hx of cirrhosis and chronic liver disease
Hx of oesophageal varices with banding
Esophagitis causing UGIB
- Bleeding pattern
- Cause
- Relevant history
Bleeding pattern: Usually haematemesis only
Causes: Reflux, Radiation, Infection, drugs, scleroderma…etc
Relevant history:
Reflux: obesity, middle aged, Hx of heartburn, acid regurgitation, acid/water brash
Irradiation: Hx of H&N and thoracic malignancy
Infectious: usually in immunocompromised patients (Candida, HSV, CMV)
Drug-induced: NSAID, tetracyclines, alendronate, Potassium Chloride
Sclerotherapy-induced: Hx of endoscopic intervention
Mallory-Weiss tears
- Bleeding pattern
- Cause
- Relevant history
Bleeding pattern: small volume bleeding
Longitudinal mucosal lacerations in distal oesophagus and proximal stomach
caused by violent retching
Relevant history:
Hx of repeated vomiting and its predisposing factors (alcoholism, chemotherapy)
Hx of sudden ↑intra-abd pressure¸ eg. straining, seizures, blunt abd injury
Gastritis or Duodenitis
- Bleeding pattern
- Cause
- Relevant history
Bleeding pattern: minor bleeding, self-limiting
Causes: Drugs, alcohol, stress
Relevant history:
Drug induced due to local (GI) and systemic effect (blood) of aspirin and NSAIDs
Alcohol-induced: Acute (esp after binge drinking) or chronic
Stress gastritis: ICU patients with resp failure, hypotension, sepsis, renal failure, burns
Dieulafoy’s lesion
- Bleeding pattern
- Cause
- Relevant history
Bleeding pattern: Often self-limiting bleeding but can be recurrent and profuse
Vascular malformation with idiopathic dilated aberrant submucosal vessels eroding overlying normal mucosa, at gastric fundus
Relevant finding:
Pool of blood in stomach w/o any localizing lesion
UGIB without localization
Portal HTN gastropathy
- Bleeding pattern
- Cause
- Relevant history
Bleeding pattern: Rarely bleeds, only in severe/ late presentation
Cause: Liver Cirrhosis
Relevant history:
Endoscopy incidental finding: gastric mucosa with mosaic, snakeskin appearance
Hx of liver cirrhosis
Gastric antral vascular ectasia (GAVE)
- Bleeding pattern
- Cause
- Relevant history
Bleeding pattern:
Melena or haematochezia, not acute profuse bleeding
- dilated antral small blood vessels of unknown cause
- giving rise to erythematous bands with watermelon appearance on endoscopy
Relevant history:
History of cirrhosis, Scleroderma, CKD,
List upper GI malignancies that can cause UGIB
Bleeding pattern
Relevant history
CA oesophagus, adenoCA of stomach, GIST, lymphoma, duodenal CA
Bleeding pattern:
self-limiting bleed but can be severe
Relevant history:
Hx of dysphagia (CA oesophagus/cardia)
Hx of ulcer-like discomfort, early satiety, bloating (CA stomach)
Constitutional S/S, eg. loss of weight, loss of appetite
Peptic ulcer disease
- Bleeding pattern
- Ulcer sites
- Relevant history
Bleeding pattern: Variable bleeding ± prior epigastric pain
Sites: duodenal, gastric, oesophageal, stomal (eg. jejunal side of gastrojejunostomy)
Ulcers high on lesser curve and in postero-inferior wall of D1 bleed more easily
Relevant history:
Hx of dyspepsia
Hx of H. pylori infection: urea breath test, OGD, triple therapy
DHx of NSAIDs, antiplatelets, steroids, anticoagulants, TCM
Recent Hx of stress, eg. burns (Curling ulcer), ↑ICP (Cushing’s ulcer)
Angiodysplasia-caused UGIB
- Bleeding pattern
- Cause
- Site
- Relevant history
Bleeding pattern: Variable
Cause: vascular malformation
Sites: usually in colon, can occur in stomach and duodenum
Relevant history: Advanced age Hx of aortic valve disease Hx of chronic renal failure Hx of hereditary haemorrhagic telangiectasia Hx of prior RT
Aortoenteric fistula
- Bleeding pattern
- Cause
- Site
- Relevant history
Bleeding pattern: Life-threatening, severe bleed
Cause: erosion of AAA into GI tract, after graft repair as graft infection erode into duodenum and create fistula between duodenum and aorta
Site: D3/4 (aorta just behind)
Relevant history:
Hx of endovascular Tx or aortic surgery
Hx of AAA
Differentiate acute vs chronic UGIB presentation
- Haematemesis
- Coffee ground vomiting
- Fresh blood or coffee ground vomit from NG tube
- Fresh PR bleeding/ Haematochezia
- Melaena
Chronic bleed:
- Small amount: asymptomatic iron deficiency anaemia, fecal occult blood test positive
- Moderate amount: symptomatic anaemia, melena
Differentiate ongoing/ severe UGIB vs Slow/ stopped UGIB
Ongoing/ severe:
- Hematemesis
- Fresh melena
Slow/ stopped:
- Coffee ground vomit
- Stale melena