Endocrine - Diabetes Flashcards
Physiology of blood glucose control in fed and fasting state
Fed state: High glucose level increases insulin secretion:
- Utilization of glucose by tissue uptake
- storage of AA, glucose, FA by ↑hepatic and
tissue uptake and conversion into storage form
Fasting state: Low glucose level increase glucagon, adrenaline secretion
- breakdown of tissue stores of glycogen, fat and proteins
- Increase level of ketone bodies, FA, glucose for use
Physiology of insulin secretion
Site: pancreatic islet β cells (core)
Process: high glucose → Increased GLUT-2 uptake into pancreatic cell → glycolysis make ATP → K+ ATP channel activation → depolarization → insulin secretion
Insulin from cleaving of C-peptide from pro-insulin
Causes of DM
- Type 1: immune-mediated β-cell destruction → absolute insulin insufficiency
- Type 2: insulin resistance → relative insulin insufficiency gradually becoming an absolute insulin deficiency
- Genetic defects of β-cell dysfunction or insulin action, eg. MODY
- Secondary diabetes:
- Pancreatic diseases (affecting β cells directly): chronic pancreatitis, CA pancreas, pancreatectomy, haemochromatosis
- Overproduction of hormonal antagonists of insulin (eg. acromegaly, Cushing’s)
- Drug-induced: glucocorticoids, thyroid hormones, thiazides, α/β-agonists, phenytoin, pentamidine, nicotinic acid…etc
Risk factors of type I DM
→ HLA-DR and –DQ susceptibility haplotypes (20% if HLA identical)
→ Other genes, eg. proinsulin
Environment: triggering events that cause presentation of β-cell antigen to immune system
→ Viruses, eg. mumps, Coxsackie B
→ Bovine serum albumin (BSA) in cow’s milk in infancy (↑risk of T1DM if on cow’s milk early)
→ Toxins, eg. nitrosamines
Immunological: key in pathogenesis
→ Hygiene hypothesis
→ A/w other autoimmune disorders, (eg. thyroid (2-5%), celiac disease, Addison’s, pernicious anaemia, vitiligo)
Pathogenesis of Type I DM
Initiation: environmental triggers cause T-cell-mediated autoimmunity towards pancreatic islet β cells
- Insulitis: lymphocytic infiltrate of pancreatic islets
- Autoantibodies:
- Anti-islet cell antibodies, eg. anti-glutamic acid decarboxylase antibody (GAD)
- Anti-insulin antibody
Result: absolute insulin deficiency
- Progressive destruction of β-cells → ↓insulin secretion
- Hyperglycaemia when 80-90% of insulin-secreting ability is loss
- Hyperglycaemia is toxic to β-cells → further worsen insulin secretion
Clinical presentation of Type I DM
Abrupt Onset of Hyperglycaemic symptoms: polydipsia, polyuria, nocturia, fatigue
Rapid weight loss
- Diabetic ketoacidosis
- Urogenital infections/symptoms, eg. UTI, pruritus vulvae (F), balanitis (M)
Pathophysiology of hyperglycaemic symptoms
→ glycosuria
→ osmotic diuresis
→ polyuria, nocturia
→ dehydration
→ polydipsia, fatigue
Risk factors of Type II DM
Genetics: MZ twins concordance rate = 70-90% (higher than T1DM!)
→ Altered regulation of β-cell mass
→ Check first-degree relative with Hx of DM
Obesity: 10× risk for BMI >30
Metabolic syndrome: HTN, hyperlipidaemia, PCOS, NAFLD
Previous conditions: pre-diabetes, gestational DM
Age >45y
Pathogenesis of Type II DM
Central obesity:
- Adipocytes release large amounts of FFA → insulin resistance
- Adipocytes release adipokines → insulin resistance
- Low physical activity decrease AMPK activation → ↓glucose uptake + ↓FFA metabolism
- Hyperinsulinemic euglycaemia: ↑insulin resistance and insulin secretion
- Impaired glucose tolerance: β-cells cannot handle metabolic load → gradual β-cell failure
Early T2DM: Relative insulin deficiency→ hyperglycaemia and hyperlipidaemia cause toxicity to β-cell
Late T2DM: absolute insulin deficiency
Clinical presentation of Type II DM
Commonly asymptomatic at dx
- Hyperglycaemic symptoms: fatigue ± polyuria/polydipsia
- Weight loss: usually none (insulin level sufficient to suppress lipolysis/glycogenolysis)
- Body habitus: obese or non-obese
- Complications:
→ Hyperglycaemic hyperosmolar state (HHS)
→ Urogenital infections
Monogeneic forms of DM
- Permenant neonatal DM (PNDM) - permanent activation of K-ATP channel in Pancreatic B-cell > cannot depolarize and release insulin
- Maternally inherited diabetes with deafness (MIDD) - Mutation of mitochondrial genome
- MODY2 - Inactivating glucokinase gene mutation > cannot make ATP for depolarization and insulin release
- MODY1,3,5 > Transcription factor mutations > cannot express components of TCA cycle, glucose transport, insulin
Maturity onset diabetes of the young (MODY)
- Presentation
- Diagnosis
- Cause
- Management
Presentation: early onset (<25y) non-obese NIDDM patients with -ve islet cell autoAb
Dx: Genetic testing
Cause: various mutations interfering with pancreatic β-cell’s ability to secrete insulin
Inheritance: monogenic AD,
Management: no treatment for MODY2 (long-term outcome similar to healthy), sulphonylureas for MODY1/3
Acute complications of DM
Acute complications: Diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) in T1DM
Hyperglycaemic hyperosmolar state (HHS) in T2DM
Stress hyperglycaemia: unmasked by infections, pregnancy, steroid therapy or stroke
Infections eg. urogenital infection
Diagnostic criteria of DM
Single measurement of random glucose ≥11.1mmol/L with classic DM symptoms or in hyperglycemic crisis
Two positive tests on different days if asymptomatic
→ Venous plasma glucose-based: Fasting glucose ≥7 mmol/L with ≥8h of fasting; 2h post-prandial glucose ≥11.1 mmol/L in a 75g OGTT
→ HbA1c ≥6.5%
Diagnostic Criteria of pre-diabetes
Pre-diabetes: ↑risk of DM and macrovascular Cx but no ↑risk of microvascular Cx
□ Impaired fasting glucose (IFG): fasting glucose 5.6-6.9 mmol/L (6.1-6.9 for WHO)
□ Impaired glucose tolerance (IGT): 2h PPG 7.8-11.0mmol/L after 75g OGTT
□ A1c-based: HbA1c 5.7-6.4%
Outline screening for DM
Screening: indicated in BMI ≥23 + more than 1 risk factor
- First-degree relative with
- High risk ethnicity
- History of CVD, HT, HL
- History of PCOS (female)
- Physical inactivity
- Medical conditions with insulin resistance
Yearly test for pre-diabetes
3 yearly test for gestational DM
Yearly testing for normal people over 45, with 3 yearly check-up if normal
Compare type I and II DM
- Age of onset
- S/S onset
- Presentation
Compare type I and II DM
- Significant medical diseases
- Family history of certain diseases
- First-line investigations
Type II DM does not present with weight loss and DKA
True or False?
How to definitely diff. Type I and II DM?
False - Type II DM can progress to absolute insulin insufficiency and present with acute complications
Definitive tests:
- Auto-Ab: anti-islet cell, anti-GAD (70-80%), anti-insulin (60-75%), anti-IA-2 (65-75%), anti-ZnT8 (70-80%)
- C-peptide: ↓C-peptide in T1DM, ↑/N C-peptide in T2DM
- Glucagon stimulation test: inadequate stimulation of insulin secretion in T1DM
Follow-up checks for Type I DM
Aims of DM management
Patient education
Tx DM with individualized choices
Tx associated coronary risk factors
Regular check for complications
Assessment of glycaemic control
HbA1c - 6 monthly if stable, 3 monthly if unstable
Home blood sugar monitoring (HBSM) - Insulin use, before eating, sleeping, exercise
Continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) - nocturnal hypoGly, Postprandial hyperGly, Morning hyperGly
Target HbA1c for DM patients
Limitations of HbA1c
Usually good correlation with average blood glucose except:
→ Variable effect: genetic/chemical alterations of Hb (eg. HbF, HbH (↑), Hbpathies (↓))
→ Falsely High HbA1c: ↑glycation (eg. chronic renal failure), ↓erythropoiesis
→ Falsely Low HbA1c: ↓RBC lifespan (eg. blood loss, haemolysis, hypersplenism), transfusion
Alternative: serum fructosamine (glycosylated serum protein)
→ Use: objective index of overall BG control in the preceding 1-3w
→ Need to correct for serum Alb level if <3.0mmol/L
Treatment outline for Type 1 and II DM
T1DM: lifestyle measures + insulin
→ Lifestyle measures alone in early stages (1st line)
→ Lifestyle measures + oral hypoglycaemics if relative insulin insufficiency
→ Lifestyle measures + insulin if absolute insulin insufficiency (advanced)
- First line: Metformin
- High risk CVD and CKD > SGLT2 inhibitor or GLP-1
- No CVD or CKD: DDP-4 inhibitor, SGLT2 inhibitor, TZD, GLP-1RA
- Need weight loss: SGLT2 inhibitor or GLP-1RA
Dietary management for DM
Energy content: 30kcal/kg ideal body weight per day
→ 40-50% carbohydrates, 30% fat (<7% saturated/trans fat), 20-30% protein
→ 20-35g/d fibre intake
Other advice:
→ Personalized according to individual preference and culture
→ Consistency of meal timing and quantity
→ Emphasis on ↑fibre food, low-fat dairy products and fresh fish
→ Minimize high energy food, esp those with high glycemic index (GI) and glycemic load (GL)
→ Hypocaloric diet for obese T2DM pt
List all classes of drugs for DM
- Insulin secretagogues
- Incretin mimetics
- DDP-4 inhibitors
- Insulin sensitizers
- a-glucosidase inhibitors
- SGLT2 inhibitors
Insulin secretagogues
Sulfonylureas (SUs)
- 1G: chlorpropamide, tolbutamide
- 2G: gliclazide (Diamicron), glibenclamide, glipizide
Meglitinide analogues
- Repaglinide
- Nateglinide
Blocks K+ ATP channel of pancreatic β cells
→ ↑depolarization → ↑insulin secretion
Insulin secretagogues
- Risk of weight gain
- High risk Hypoglycaemia
- C/O poor renal function (high risk hypoGly)
- No cardiovascular or renal benefits
Meglitinide analogues
- Risk of weight gain
- Small risk of Hypoglycaemia
- No cardiovascular or renal benefits
Incretin mimetics
GLP-1 analogues
- Exenatide (weekly)
- Liraglutide (QD)
Mimics endogenous incretin action → ↑insulin secretion from pancreatic β cells
Slow gastric emptying and weight loss
Incretin mimetics
Benefits, S/E and caution
- Atherosclerotic CVD (dulaglutide, liraglutide)
- Slow progression of Diabetic nephropathy
Injection site reaction
Thyroid C-cell tumor
C/O very poor renal function (eGFR < 35)
DPP-4 inhibitors
DPP-4 inhibitors
- Sitagliptin (Januvia)
- Linagliptin (Trajenta)
- Vildagliptin (Galvus)
Inhibits DPP-4-mediated breakdown of endogenous incretins → prolong incretin action on β cells
↑risk of acute pancreatitis and pancreatic CA or neuroendocrine tumours
↑risk of IBD, deranged LFT and rarely joint pain
Dose adjustment in CKD (except linagliptin)
Risk of HF (saxagliptin only)
Insulin sensitizers
- Metformin HCl (Glucophage)
↑AMPK activity → ↓gluconeogenesis, ↑FA utilization, ↓FA synthesis
- Rosiglitazone
- Pioglitazone (Actos)
↑PPARγ action in adipocytes → ↓inflammation, ↑insulin sensitivity,
preferential differentiation of pre-adipocytes to increase FA uptake
Biguanides/ Metformin
- Weight loss
- Benefit against ASCVD
- GI S/E (dyspepsia, diarrhea) and B12 deficiency
- Risk of lactic acidosis: eGFR <30, alcohol abuse, severe liver disease,
unstable HFrEF or uncontrolled sepsis at risk of hypoperfusion - Dose adjustment at eGFR 30-45
- Withhold 48h before and after contrast CT
- weight gain
- derange LFT
- Increase LDL-C (Rosiglitazone)
- Bladder Cancer (Pioglitazone)
- Increase fluid retention and risk of congestive HF
- C/O Chronic kidney disease
α-glucosidase inhibitors
α-glucosidase inhibitors
- Miglitol
- Acarbose
Competitive inhibitors of GI α-glucosidase → ↓digestion and absorption of starch and disaccharides from small intestines → ↓postprandial blood glucose level
Lower risk of ASCVD
Flatulence and diarrhea due to high glucose in feces
Poor hypoglycaemic effect/ performance