GI pathology Flashcards
Pleomorphic Adenoma
Benign mixed parotid tumor. Presents as a painless mobile mass. Composed of chondromyxoid stroma and epithelium and can recur if incompletely excised. Can transform and cause cranial nerve VII palsies
Warthin tumor
Cystic tumor with germinal centers (benign). Common in parotid gland due to embryologic association with parotids.
Mucoepidermoid carcinoma
Most common malignant tumor. Has mucinous and squamous components. Presents as a painless, slow growing mass. Commonly involves facial nerve.
Failure of LES relaxation due to loss of myenteric plexus. High LES tone and uncoordinated peristalsis leads to progressive dysphagia to solids and liquids. Increased risk of squamous cell carcinoma. Secondary achalasia can arise from chagas disease
Due to candida, HSV-1, or CMV in immunocompromised.
Menetrier Disease
Gastric hypertrophy with parietal cell loss. Rugae hypertrophy so looks like brain gyri.
Signs of gastric cancer
Leser-trelat sign (keratoses), and acanthosis nigricans.
Also virchow node, sister mary joseph, and krukenberg tumor.
Associated with dermatomyositis.
Sequellae of duodenal ulcers
Hypertrophy of brunner glands.
Not cancerous, but type B chronic gastritis is.
Posterior duodenal hemorrgahe
Ruptured gastroduodenal artery
Anterior duodenal ulcer complication
Perforation with free air under the diaphragm.
Small bowel carcinoids
No signs if just in small bowel, however, if met to liver then diarrhea, flushing, palpitation. Can also cause fibrosis of heart valves.
Associated with DQ2 and DQ8. Autoimmune destruction with intraepithelial lymphocytes. Happens in response to gliadin. Antibodies in response against endomesium transglutaminase and gliadin. Must check IgG because may be IgA deficient. Mostly in duodenum. Moderate increase in risk of lymphoma (EATL). Dermatitis herpetiformis.
No B48 so no chylomicrons, no B100 so no VLDL. Decreased secretion of cholesterol/vldl in bloodstream. So accumulatiojn in enterocytes. Also no fat soluble vitamin absorption.
No B48 so no chylomicrons, no B100 so no VLDL. Decreased secretion of cholesterol/vldl in bloodstream. So accumulatiojn in enterocytes. Also no fat soluble vitamin absorption.
What liver thing is associated with ulcerative colitis?
Primary sclerosis cholangitis.
Lead pipe, also associated with P-ANCA
COLitis = CHOLangitis.
Also associated with colorectal carcinoma.
What part of the Gi tract does crohn’s spare?
How to check for ectopic gastric mucosa?
Pertechnetate uptake
What parts of the colon are involved in volvulus
Cecum in kids, sigmoid in elderly
Hirschsprung disease
Congenital megacolon due to failure of migration of meissner and auerbach’s plexus. Associated with mutation in RET. THIS IS A FAILURE OF NEURAL CREST CELLS MIGRATION. Diagnosed by retinal suction biopsy. Seen in down.
Stress on right side of colon causes bleeds.
Signs of ischemic colitis
Postpradial pain.
Juvenile colonic polyps
Sporadic lesions in children less than 5 years old. 80% in colon. If multiple, increased risk of adenocarcinoma
Peutz-Jeghers Syndrome
Autosomal dominant syndrome features multiple nonmalignant hamartomas throughout GI tract, with hyperpigmented mouth, lips, genitals. Icnreased risk of colorectal carcinoma.
At risk colon
Loss of apc, only loss of kras causes adenoma. Then loss of p53 and increased cox can cause carcinoma.