GI motility [3] Flashcards
What GI motility disorders?
Neuropathic - ENS affected
Myopathic - Gi muscles diseased
Abnormalities in interstitital cells of Cajal - pacemaker
CNS disorders (parasymp vagal n. is domin. driver)
What is it?
What % results in GI manifestations?
What is the main abnormality of the GI tract?
(hint: what type of GI motility disorder is scleroderma?)
aka Progressive systemic sclerosis (PSS)
Multisystem disorder characterized by:
- obliterative small vessel vasculitis
- CT proliferation with fibrosis of mult organs
80-90% GI manif.
SM atrophy and gut wall fibrosis
Spastic disorders of Esophagus
- Myo or neuropathic?
- Esophageal manometry shows?
Can be myopathic or neuropathic
Jackhammer esophagus!
(nl swallowing and peristalsis, just MASSIVE peristalsis - chartruss)
Receptive relaxation of the stomach is _____ mediated inhibition of body tone.
Liquid emptying is by _______
Solid emptying is by _________
swallowing induced vagally
tonic P gradient
vagally mediated contraction
Residual solids are emptied during non fed state by ____ every _____ min
MMC, 90-120 min
functional dyspepsia (FD)
- what is it?
- what % of FD pts have impaired gastric accomodation?
- What type of GI motility disorder is it?
dyspepsia (discomfort/pain centered in upper abdo usually related to eating) with no organic etiologies
- can be either myopatic, neuropatic, or CNS
What two stomach responses result in maintenance of low intragastric pressure?
receptive relaxation
- vagal mediated inhib of body tone
- sm relaxation by mech distention of stom
- gastric mechanoreceptors + vagovagal response
Presentation of FD
dyspepsia (upper ab discomfort/pain to eating)
postprandial heaviness
early satiety
epigastric pain/burning
- what is it?
- neuro or myo or CNS disorder
“stomach paralysis”
- gastric emptying prob fr. stomach → duodenum
CNS disorder
- ie: vagal n injury post thoracic surgery
tx: lifestyle, diet, meds
Presentation of gastroparesis
postprandial abdominal distention
postprandial abdominal pain
early satiety
Chronic intestinal pseudo-obstruction (CIPO)
- what is it
- what do you see on imaging?
- it is a major manifestation of small intestinal _____
- complication of CIPO?
- what type of motility disorder?
- Small bowel peristalsis problem
- See dilatation due to mechanical obstruction of small bowel without a lesion obstructing flow of intestinal contents
- Dysmotility
- stasis → bacterial overgrowth → fermentation and malabsorption
- can be myo, neuro, or mixed
Presentation of CIPO
N/V abd. pain distention constipation diarrhea urinary sx
Prognosis for infants with CIPO
1/3 die in 1st year of life
- mechanical obstruction of small bowel → peristalsis problem
Neuropathic small intestinal motility disorders
CIPO Degenerative neuropathies (PD) Chagas Diabetic neuropathy Paraneoplastic autoimmune
(hirshsprung is colon disorder)
24 radiopaque Sitz markers are given in 1 day. On day 5, how many remaining is abnormal?
> 5 abnl
- in recto-sigmoid: defecatory disorder
- throughout colon: slow transit
What type of muscle - innervation
internal anal sphincter
External anal sphincter
I: circular SM
- Autonomic: pelvic plexus
E: striated - volitional
- pudendal n
Hirshsprung’s disease
- what is it?
- type of motility disorder?
Sphincter dysfxn
congenital absence of myenteric neurons of distal colon
(neuropathic motility disorder)
What reflex is absent in Hirshsprung’s?
Recto-anal inhibitory reflex
- involuntary IAS relaxation in response to rectal distension → descend into anal canal
Pelvic floor dysfxn
- what is it
inability to coordinate the abdominal, rectoanal and pelvic floor muscles during defecation
DYSSYNERGIC DEFECATION (spincter dysfxn) - paradoxical contraction of pelvic floor and EAS
Test used to measure fxn of lower esophageal sphincter
esophageal manometry
- tells you if your esophagus can move food down to sotmach nl
Note: Achalasia (type I): absence of peristalsis and no LES relaxation