GI Flashcards
Corkscrew XR
Esophageal spasm
Apple core XR
Stacked coin XR
Abrupt cutoff in XR
Bird’s beak XR
String sign on XR
Pyloric Stenosis
Causes of Solid Dysphagia
Schatzki’s RingsStricturesCancer
Schatzki’s Rings
Causes of Liquid Dysphagia
SclerodermaAchalasiaEsophageal spasm
Barrett’s Esophagus
MetaplasiaIncreased risk of adenocarcinoma
Esophageal Varicies
d/t Portal HTNVomit blood when they rupture
Chronic vomitersTear at LES mucosa
Boorhave’s Esophagus
Transmural rupture of the esophagus
Increased LES pressureDecreased peristalsisLoss of LES Auerbach’s plexus Bird’s beak on XR
Congenital lack of Auerbach’s in the rectumNewborn won’t pass meconium
Zenker’s Diverticulum
Above UESCough undigested foodHalitosis
Traction Diverticulum
Below UES
Plummer-Vinson Syndrome
UEWSpoon nailsd/t Iron deficiency anemia
TE Fistula (H-type)
Choke with each feeding
Esophageal Atresia with TE Fistula (C-type)
Vomit with 1st feedingHuge gastric bubble
Duodenal Atresia
Bilious vomiting with 1st feedingDouble bubbleDown’s Syndrome
Pyloric Stenosis
Projectile (non-bilious) vomiting RUQ olive sign
Choanal Atresia
Turns blue with feeding
Decreased LES pressure
Esophageal Spasms
Increased peristalsis
RUQ Olive mass
Pyloric Stenosis
RLQ Sausage mass
Mass of undigestable materialAntrum obstruction
Type A Gastritis
AIAnti-parietal cell AbAtrophic/AchlorhydriaAdenocarcinoma risk
Type B Gastritis
H. pyloriSpicy food
Duodenal Ulcer
Loss of barrierPain after meal and during nightRelieved by eating (weight gain)Associated with H. pylori and Type O blood
Gastric Ulcer
Loss of barrierPain during mealsAssociated with NSAIDs and Type A blood
Sliding Hiatal Hernia
Fundus slides through esophageal hiatus into thorax
Rolling Hiatal Hernia
Bowel protrudes through defect in diaphragmStrangulates bowel
Menetrier’s Disease
Lose protein through thick rugal folds (generalized edema)
> 200g per day
Osmotic diarrhea
Cause of secretory diarrhea
Laxative use
Blood and pus
Celiac Sprue
JejunumWheat allergyVillous atrophyAnti-gluten/gliaden Ab
Tropical Sprue
Distal ileum
Mesenteric Ischemia
Pain out of proportion to exam
Bugs that cause bloody diarrhea
CASESCampylobacterAmeoba (E. histolytica)ShigellaE. coliSalmonella
Inflammation of Bile Duct
Charcot’s Triad
JaundiceFeverRUQ Pain
Reynold’s Pentad
JaundiceFeverRUQ Pain(+) Hypotension(+) Change in mental status
Ascending Cholangitis
Common bile duct infection d/t stone
Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis
p-ANCABile duct inflammationBeadingAssociated with UC
Primary Biliary Cirrhosis
Anti-mitochondrial AbBile ductules destroyedXanthelasma
Obstruction of bile ductPruritis Increased alkaline phosphataseJaundice
Inflammation of gall bladderMurphy sign
Formation of gallstonesRUQ pain
Gallstone obstructs bile duct
MC Gallstone
Conjugated Bilirubin
Water solubleDirect
Unconjugated Bilirubin
Fat solubleIndirect
Signs of Alcoholic Cirrhosis
Spider angiomaPalmar erythemaGynecomastia
Hepatorenal Syndrome
Build up of liver toxins causing renal failure
Cholesterol build up in tendons
High Cholesterol causes
Triglyceride buildup under eye
High Triglycerides cause
Type 1 Hyperlipidemia
Bad LPL (liver)High Chylomicrons
Type 2A Hyperlipidemia
MCBad Clathrin Pit/B100 receptorsHigh LDL
Type 2B Hyperlipidemia
Fewer LDL/VLDL receptorsHigh LDL and VLDL
Type 3 Hyperlipidemia
Bad ApoEHigh IDL and VLDL
Type 4 Hyperlipidemia
Bad LPL (adipose)High VLDL
Type 5 Hyperlipidemia
Bad C2High VLDL and Chylomicrons Associated with DM
Takes triglycerides from GI to liver and endothelium
Takes triglycerides from liver to adipose
Takes triglycerides from adipose to tissue
Only one to carry cholesterol
Breakdown product of VLDL
Crigler-Najjar Type I
Unconjugated bilirubin buildup in infants
Gilbert’s Syndrome
Stress leads to uncreased unconjugated bilirubinIncreased load saturates glucuronyl transferaseDeficiency in UDP-glucuronyl transferase
Bad bilirubin storage leads to increased conjugated bilirubin
Dubin Johnson
Bad bilirubin excretion leads to increased conjugated bilirubin Black liver
Cullen’s Sign
Hemorrhagic pancreatitisBleeding around umbilicus
Turner’s Sign
Hemorrhagic pancreatitisBleeding into flank
Tests for Pancreatitis
Amylase (sensitive) - breaks down carbsLipase (specific) - breaks down triglycerides
Ranson’s Criteria
Prognosis of pancreatitis
Carcinoid Syndrome
How to DX Carcinoid Syndrome
5HIAA in the urine
MC primary location for Carcinoid Tumor
MC metastatic origin for Carcinoid Tumor
Small bowel
MC metastatic sites for Carcinoid Tumor
Lung and Heart
MC location for benign Carcinoid Tumor
Currant Jelly Sputum
Currant Jelly Stool
Familial Polyposis
100% risk of colon cancer APC defectBegin colonoscopies at age 5
Gardener’s Syndrome
Familial polyposis with bone tumors
Turbot’s Syndrome
Familial polyposis with brain tumors
Peutz-Jegher Syndrome
Hyperpigmented mucosa
Chron’s Disease
IBD with:CobblestonesMelenaCreeping fatFistulas
Ulcerative Colitis
IBD with:PseudopolypsHematocheziaLead pipe colonToxic megacolon
Current jelly stoolStacked coin on XR
Diverticulosis presentation
Bleeds (painless)
Diverticulitis presentation
LLQ pain
Spastic Colon presentation
Intermittent severe cramps
IBS presentation
Alternating diarrhea/constipation with HX of stress
External Hemorrhoids presentation
Pain on defecation
Internal Hemorrhoids presentation
No pain
Pesudomembranous Colitis
Overgrowth of C. difficile d/t normal flora being killed off d/t over use of antibiotics
Whipple’s Disease
T. whippelii destroys GI tract then spreads causing malabsorption and arthralgiasPAS (+)
Color of Upper GI Bleed
Color of Lower GI Bleed
Adds color to stool
Stercobilinogen oxidized to stercobilin
Add color to urine
Urobilinogen oxidized to urobilin
Default color of stool
Clay colored
Default color of urine
Tea colored
Risk Factors for Primary Liver Cancer
Hep B and CAflatoxinVinyl ChlorideAlcoholCCl4Anyline dyesSmokingHemochomatosisBenzeneSchistosomiasis
Risk Factors for Esophageal and Gastric Carcinoma
Cause of Gastroenteritis within 8 hours of eating
Pre-formed toxin:S. aureus (potato salad)C. perfringens (turkey/ham)B. cerus (fried rice)
Bacteria associated with Colon Cancer
S. bovisC. malangosepticus
Hepatitis B labs during Window period
HBeAb (+)HBcAb (+)
Hepatitis B labs during acute recent infection
HBcAg (+)HBsAg (+)HBcAB (+)
Hepatitis B labs within 2 weeks of immunization
HBsAg (+)
Hepatitis B labs after more than 2 weeks of immunization
HBsAb (+)
Hepatitis B labs of somebody with a previous infection who is now immune
HBcAb (+)HBsAb (+)
Hepatitis B labs of somebody who is currently infectious
HBeAg (+)
Hepatitis B labs of a chronic carrier
HBsAg (+) for > 6 months
Only Statin that is renaly excreted
Statins that need liver enzymes checked every 3 months
MoA of Statins
Inhibit HMG CoA reductaseMost active around 8PM (take at this time for maximum efficacy)