Germany- Political Stability Flashcards
when did Ebert die
28 Feb 1925
who won the most votes in the first round of voting
Karl Jarres
who was Ernst Thalmann
chairman of KPD through voting
who did Hindenburg consult with before running for presidency
what happened to the wings in the second vote
all came together- except KPD
what was the vote share in the second round of vote
Hindenburg- 48.3% (14.6m)
Marx- 45.3% (13.7m)
Thalmann- 6.4% (1.9m)
what does Ersatkaiser mean
substitute emperor
how many coalitions were there between 1923-1930
which party headed all the coalitions
what happened to the DVP after Stresemanns death
drifted to the right
how did the DVPs vote share change between 1920 and 1928
22% to 14%
when was the NSDAP refounded
27 Feb 1925
who was Gregor Stressor
leader of anti-capitalist faction, hitlers right hand man until murder in NoLK
what was the NSDAP founded upon (new rules)
Volkischer Beobachter
what were gaues and who were gauleiters
gaues- divided regions of germany
gauleiters- people in charge of gaues
what new organisations did the Nazis create
Hitler Youth, Nazi Teachers Association, Order of German Woman
when was the SS created
how many members did the SS have in 1929
what was the status of the NSDAP in 1927
70,00 members with 7 deputies in Reichstag
how did the Nazis do in the May 1928 election
lost 100,000 votes and 12 seats
how many members did the Nazi party have by October 1929
where did the KPD have support
industrial areas (e.g Ruhr)
who controlled most of KPD actions and what happened during hyperinflation
Comunist Party of soviet union, called to Moscow and instructed to launch communist revolution
what did the KPD label the SPD as
what % of the vote did extremists pull
what % voted for pro republican parties in May and December 1914
May- 61%
December- 67%
what was the Nazis vote share in May and December 1924
May- 6.5%
December- 3%
which coalition gov broke apart due to an issue with the flags on the table
Luther’s 1926 gov
which coalition was branded as the Great Coalition and what % of Reichstag agreed
Muller’s 1928- 60% agreed
who did the wealthy elites support
imperialist, anti-democracy parties (extremes)