Empire 1914-1947 Flashcards
how many troops did India send in WW1
1.5 million
stats on Indian casualties in WW1
62,000 dead
67,000 casualties
how much did India contribute financially in WW1
£214 million
how many troops did Canada contribute/ casualites
sent- 620k troops
casualties- 59k
what fraction of munitions in france were canadian in WW1
how much did canadian debt rise in WW1
increased £240m
how many troops did Australia send/ how many casualites WW1
sent- 410k
casualties- 212k
how many troops did New Zealand send in WW1 and what is significant about this figure
100k (10% of population)
how many troops did Ireland contribute during WW1
what happened half way through war in Ireland
Easter Uprising
how many troops did south africa send/ how many casualties in WW1
sent- 150k
casualties- 7,000
how many Egyptians/Sudanese were sent as porters
when was Egypt’s protectorate removed
1922- became a client state
when were troops removed from Egypt- where was the only place they stayed
1936- Suez Canal Zone
how much land did Br gain after WW1
1.8 million square miles- 13 million people
what were the three mandate categories
A- quite developed- independence granted soon (e.g Iraq)
B- less developed would need longer (e.g Cameroon)
C- undeveloped- independence not near (e.g Samoa, New Guinea)
how much was Br debt to USA after WW1
$4 billion
how much did Br’s economy grow after WW1
what was a mandate
authorisation given by LoN to govern a previous German or Ottoman teritory
what/when was the Hussein-MacMahon agreement
1915/16- Br prepared to uphold independence of Arabs if they can break free of Ottoman rule
what/when was the Sykes-Picot agreement
16 May 1916- agreement between Fr/Br how to divide spheres of control in ME post WW1
what was the Balfour Decleration
letter stating Br aim to set up Jewish home state in Palestine whilst avoiding prejudice towards those who were already there
describe the change of Jewish population in Palestine
60,000 (9%) in 1918
175,000 (17%) in 1931
when was the Irish free state created
what triggered the Easter Rising
Br introducing conscription
how did Br react to Irish unrest
Br responded violently, ordering execution of 15 leaders
how many died in the Easter Uprising
what were the consequences of the Easter Uprising
-start of Irish War (1919-20)
-Anglo-Irish Treaty 1921 which created Irish Free State
when/what did the Shaw Commission say (Palestine)
issued March 1930- stated direct reasonability for unrest in Palestine lied with Arabs
how many troops were sent to Palestine and when to deal with Arab insurgency
1936- 20,000
when/what did the Peel report say (Palestine)
1937- recommended Palestine be partitioned into two separate Arab and Jewish states
what happened at the Cairo Conference in 1921 and who led it
Churchill- solidified Br control in Iraq, ensured Faisal as leader, established Iraq as mandate
when was Iraq granted full independence
what did the Statute of Westminster (1931) declare
dominions allowed to pass own laws without interference from Br
how did unemployment in Br change between 1920 and 1921
roughly 4% to 24%
what did the Trade Disputes Act (1927) do
made sympathetic striking illegal
how much did WW1 cost Br
35 billion
what did the Devonshire Dec state (Africa)
native population had to be preferred
when were Br on /off the gold standard
off- during WW1 as spending reserves
on- 1925
off permanently- 1931
what fraction of Br exports did dominions represent
what was the sterling area
an area of trade in which the pound sterling was used- it facilitated trade when the value of the pound decreased
how did the value of exports differ in 1930 to 1913
Decreased by £147m
when did Japan seize Singapore and what was significant about this
Feb 1942- it was Br main naval base
which countries did Br lose in summer 1942
Burma, Hong Kong, Malaya
what were the consequences of events in Asia during WW2
-myth of ‘white invincibility’ gave fuel for nationalist movements
how many captured Indian soldiers joined the Indian National Army
who led the INA
Subhas Chandra Bose
how many troops did dominions send in WW2
5 million
how many dominion troops: died, casualties, prisoners, civilian deaths in WW2
deaths- 150,000
casualties- 400,000
prisoners- 100,000
civilian deaths- 300,000
what was the ‘Billion Dollar Gift’
the $4 billion contributed by Canada to war effort
who tried to assassinate General Smuts
how many troops did India send/ how many died in WW2
sent- 2.5 million
died- 87,000
what were some consequences of war in India
-1942 Quit India campaign
-Bengal famine (1940-43)
-1942 INA
-1942 Cripps offer
what did Malaya and Burma provide that was key to Br
raw materials (e.g rubber)
SWOT analysis of Br economic position
Strengths- appeasement allowed time to build up support/capacity for war
Weaknesses- independence movements increased, economy suffered
Opportunities- USA was wealthy/willing ally
Threats- extremism (axis), war could damage resources and investment
who won the 1945 general election
how many tonnes of Br shipping was lost due to German U boat attacks in WW1
11.7m tonnes (54% of merchant fleet)
what were Lend-Lease agreements
US sent Br military equipment which Br would give back in cash
what did the Colonial Development Act of 1929 provide
provided treasury with funds to support colonial development projects
who argued for a return to ‘imperial preference’ in between war period
Lord Beaverbrook
what did the Ottawa Conference (1932) introduce
-Br intro’d 10% tax on all imports apart from crown colonies
-Br/dominions gave each others exports preferential treatment
what did Malaya rely on exports of
what was the 1919 Gov of India Act (what, why, effect)
why- Montague-Chelmsford agreement (recommended local self gov)
what- provided dual form of gov for major provenances in which power split between legislative and provincial govs
effect- increased self gov
what was the 1919 Amritsar Massacre (why, what, effect)
why- marshal law intro’d banning gatherings
what- peaceful Sikh gathering in which Br interrupted and killed roughly 1000
effect- huge increase in nationalism, civil disobedience called for
what was the Rowlatt act (1919) (why, what, effect)
why- fear of 1919 GoIA increasing political challenge to Br rule
what- authorised arrest of those suspected of causing unrest with unfair trials (ones without jury, conviction without trial)
effect- increased Br use of force against nationalism/counterproductive as increased nationalist feeling
what was the Simon Commission (1927)
commission to investigate the 1919 Government of India Act- contained no indian representatives
what was the Nehru report (1928)
committee to open up constitution for India to grant dominion status
what was the Salt March (1930)
civil disobedience, in which 78 people marched 400km to sea to boycott salt tax- after Gandhi gave speech to 75,000 in which 20,000 arrested
what event triggered the salt march
intro of salt tax by Br
when/what were the Round Table talks
12 November 1930
7 September 1931
conferences to settle opposing interests in future of India- nationalists wanted dom. status
when/what was the Gandhi-Irwin pact
5th March 1931- Gandhi would halt civil disobedience which affected Br goods in response Br would release some non-violent prisoners and un-ban some organisations
how many people were arrested in the civil disobedience that occurred after Gandhi’s arrest
what was the GoIA (1935) (why, what, effect)
why- growing nationalist protests
what- increased laws on who could vote, increasing it from 7 million to 35 milion
effect- division over federal structure remaining with princely states
what was the 1940 Lahore Resolution
60,000 demanded creation Pakistan
what was the hostage theory
there will be Hindus in Pakistan and Muslims in India and so they wont be harmed as they would be harmed in the other country
what was the 1942 Cripps Offer (why, what, effect)
why- ensured continued loyalty in war
what- Cripps (labour) sent to offer India dominion status which is rejected
effect- Quit India campaign
what was the 1942 Quit India campaign
called for full independence after Cripps offer in which theyd violently disrupt which was responded to with huge police brutality
when/what was the Simla Conference
25 June 1945- proposition by Viceroy Wavell to have interim council to crush protests