Germany- Hitlers consolidation of power Flashcards
When was the Reichstag building set on fire
27th Feb 1933
When/what was the Decree for Protection of the People and the State
When- 28th Feb 1933
What- Suspended important civil rights
Police were given greater powers to arrest and detain people without charge and search private premises
Government had the power to censor publications (restriction of free speech)
What happened to the SA in Feb 1933
became recognised as auxillary police- orders issued forbidding police from interfering with SA
When did the Nazis begin taking over state governments
6-7th March 1933
When was the Enabling Act passed
24th March 1933
What fraction of the Reichstag had to vote in favour of the Enabling Act and why was this
2/3 as it was seen as an amendment to the constitution
When was the SPD outlawed and as what
22 June 1933 as ‘hostile to nation and state’
When was the ZP voluntarily disbanded
5 July 1933
What % of the 12 Nov 1933 elections did the Nazi win
When was the Reichsrat abolished
14th February 1934
When was the Night of the Long Knives
30th June 1934
When/where/how was Ernst Rohm killed
when- 30th June 1934
where- Stadelheim Prison
how- revolver left in room for option of suicide- said ‘If I am to be killed, let Adolf do it himself’- then shot by 2 SS officers at point blank range
What led many people into thinking Nazism was a clear and well ordered system of government
Nazi totalitarian claims
What law and when outlawed all non-Nazi political parites
14th July 1933- Law against Formation of New Parties
Who/when, along with the army, had to make a new oath of loyalty to Hitler
1934- Civil Servants
who drew up all government legislation
Hans-Heinrich Lammers
When/how many/why was the ‘torchlight procession’
When- 30th Jan 1933
How many- attended by roughly 100k
why- to show Hitler taking over wasn’t like any other- show victory of Nazi movement/ start of their ‘National Revolution’
Which two members of Nazis in cabinet were in charge of police
Wilhelm Frick
Herman Goering
How did SA membership vary in Jan 1933 to Jan 1934
1933- 500k
1934- 3 million
Whose newspapers were banned after criticizing the Nazi regime
Who/when were the first prisoners at Dachau
8th March 1933- communists/ socialists
By July 1933, how many political prisoners had been arrested/ placed in how many camps
30,000 political prisoners in 70 camps
When was Hitler warned in the future the SA could become target for Nazi violence/ terror
July 1933
What happened to the SA following the Law Against Formation of New parties
- Hitler made speech on 6 July 1933 declaring end to revolution
- SA feared he was ready to dilute Nazi ideology
- In Feb 1933 SA and Stalhelm merged and became ‘auxiliary police’
- Became less used as no political opponents to threaten/ intimidate
- Rohm called for Second Revolution, aiming for SA to become nucleus of new national militia
What did SA units start doing in summer 1934
stopping army convoys/ confiscating weapons and supplies
Why did Hitler plan the Night of the Long Knives
Hindenburg nearing death, army wanted elimination of SA and end of talk of ‘second revolution and people’s army’- could gain favour of generals
What was the trigger cause of the Night of the Long Knives
Papen made speech on 17th June called for end to terror and for Hitler to clamp down on SA’s calls for second revolution- Goebbels tried to censor it in press but still got out
Who supplied weapons/ transport in Night of the Long Knives
Who were the main deaths in the Night of the Long Knives
General Schleicher
Gregor Strasser
Ernst Rohm
Significance of Night of the Long Knives
- Army endorsed Nazi regime- shown by Bloomberg’s vote of thanks to Hitler on 1st July
- Soldiers agreed to take personal oath of loyalty to Hitler rather than state
- Emergence of SS
- Hitler secured own personal political supremacy and his decisions/ actions accepted
- Clear Nazi regime was personal dictatorship
What had Hindenburg drawn up before his death
Political will in which he expressed preference for restoration of monarchy
What event dissolved doubts about Hitler succeeding Hindenburg
Night of the Long Knives (removal of SA)
when did Hindenburg die
2 August 1934
How long did it take for the announcement that the office of Chancellor and office of President would be merged
Less than an hour
When did officers of the army take an oath of allegiance to Hitler
2 August 1934 (same day Hindenburg died)
When was a plebiscite held to get German seal of approval on Hitler’s appointment as Fuhrer and what was the result
19th August 1934- 89.9% approved
How many people and what % said no to the plebiscite
10.1%- 4.5 million
Which 6 ways did Hitler consolidate his power
1) Terror- intimidation, Night of the Long Knives
2) Legalism- use of law (e.g Enabling Act)
3) Deception- Misled powerful groups to destroy them (e.g SA, trade unions)
4) Propaganda- successfully cultivated powerful images with Hitler as a respectable statesman
5) Weaknesses- Left divided by Social Democrats and communists
6)Sympathy of conservative right
What was the law called which combined the offices of President and Chacellor
Law Concerning the Head of State of the German Reich
Who claimed Hitler had total and comprehensive ‘Fuhrer Power’
E. Huber (Nazi theorist)
How did the number of times cabinet met differ in 1933 to 1936
1933- 72
1936- 4
Who outlined Hitler’s style of rule as ‘charismatic domination’ and what does it suggest
Ian Kershaw- suggests:
1) Hitler was crucial as he was responsible for Nazi dream
2) No real effective opposition to him or aims
3) Hitler didn’t get lost in detail of day-to-day gov
4) Generated environment in which his followers carried out his presumed intentions, and others willingly took responsibility to ‘work towards the Fuhrer’
When/what department was set up which Goebbels was put in charge of
March 1933- Department of Popular Enlightenment and Propaganda
What would happen before Hitler’s broadcasts (radio)
Sirens would sound and people would gather around radios to listen