General Fitness/Drug Free Workplace Flashcards
(General Fitness/Drug Free Workplace) Who’s responsible for managing their various medications to ensure that their ability to make decisions and perform appropriately is not compromised? Also, the duty to consult with their physician to determine if medication will impair one’s ability to perform the essential functions of their job and report such medications to the Health Detail?
The Member
(General Fitness/Drug Free Workplace) What is the blood/breath alcohol content which will be ground for discipline/termination?
(General Fitness/Drug Free Workplace) Who is a member, whose actions, verbalization, suspected abuse of prescribed or over-the-counter medications, misuse of alcohol, ect, may pose a danger to himself or others called?
‘At Risk Member’
(General Fitness/Drug Free Workplace) What (2) indicators can be cause to initiate a reasonable investigation and to conduct a field sobriety test, and/or a blood or breath test?
- The odor of an alcoholic beverage
- An identifiable impairment
- Urine/Hair may also be collected or determine previous use and/or abuse*
(General Fitness/Drug Free Workplace) Before reporting for duty, who must a member notify when required to use prescription medication which they have been informed by a physician or pharmacist (to include prescription warning labels) has the potential to cause impairment while on duty?(2)
- The Health Detail
- Their Supervisor
(General Fitness/Drug Free Workplace) What must a member provide to the Health Detail upon receiving prescribed medications?
- A copy of the prescription
- A copy of the paperwork from the pharmacy
- The completed department approved medical evaluation form
- Also, a physician’s opinion regarding medication potential impairment and prescription duration*
(General Fitness/Drug Free Workplace) Prescriptions are required to be submitted to the Health Detail when?
- First prescribed
- If they will be taken while on duty
- If they may affect their job performance
(General Fitness/Drug Free Workplace) When must prescription be renewed with the Health Detail?
After the expiration of the time period the member will not have the approval for the use of the medication
(General Fitness/Drug Free Workplace) Will a member be entitled to representation by their bargaining association anytime during the drug testing process?
(General Fitness/Drug Free Workplace) If a supervisor has reason to believe that a member may be experiencing adverse effects or is under the influence of any controlled substance, prescription drugs, over-the-counter medications or any other substances that impairs their ability to perform their duties OR has reason to believe a member may be under the influence of alcohol, who will be notified immediately?
(General Fitness/Drug Free Workplace) After IAB has been notified reference a member possibly being under the influence of a narcotic or alcohol, how will that member be taken to the IAB office?
(General Fitness/Drug Free Workplace) If a supervisor has reason to believe that a member may be experiencing adverse effects or is under the influence of any controlled substance, prescription drugs, over-the-counter medications or any other substances that impairs their ability to perform their duties, has been transported to IAB UNARMED, who will be summoned, to conduct what?
A DRE officer to conduct a ‘preliminary assessment’
After a positive ‘Preliminary Assessment’ an on-call nurse will be summoned to the IAB office to collect blood and in some cases hair or urine
(General Fitness/Drug Free Workplace) How will IAB and the investigating supervisor document the reasonable suspicion reference a drug/alcohol test?
On a Statement of Complaint
The document will be provided to the subject employee prior to the actual test
(General Fitness/Drug Free Workplace) In reference to reasonable suspicion drug test, what will a supervisor do when there are visual observation of physical manifestations, such as track marks, slurred speech, dilated pupils or staggering?
Have the member perform a field sobriety test before at least (2) witness and have the drug test conducted ASAP
(General Fitness/Drug Free Workplace) If a member is suspected of using an illicit drug, who will place the member on administrative leave?
-The bureau commander, pending the results of the drug test
(General Fitness/Drug Free Workplace) Upon completion of a sample collection, the member will be released to the custody of a supervisor in his chain of command who may then place the member on ___________ pending the results of the drug test.
-Administrative Leave
(General Fitness/Drug Free Workplace) If a reasonable suspicion drug test returns positive for an illicit drug, the member will remain on Admin Leave pending the completion of what?
Internal Affairs Investigation
(General Fitness/Drug Free Workplace) If a reasonable suspicion drug test returns positive for an non-illicit drug, the bureau commander may return the member to full or modified duty after consultation with who?
Risk Manager
(General Fitness/Drug Free Workplace) How many hours does a member have to inform a MRO of a request to have the ‘E’ sample tested by an independent laboratory, specified by the department?
72 hours
(General Fitness/Drug Free Workplace) For random drug testing, an officer who are assigned TDY, will they be tested with their TDY assignment squad?
(General Fitness/Drug Free Workplace) For random drug testing, if there is not sufficient hair for sampling, what other method will be required?
A Urine sample
(General Fitness/Drug Free Workplace) A member will be permitted, at the conclusion for the department’s random drug testing process, to leave the workplace in order to provide a sample for their own independent test. What will this require?
- A supervisor approval, based on department manpower needs
- Submittal of the appropriate leave request
- The independent test will be at the member’s own expense
(General Fitness/Drug Free Workplace) Under transfer drug testing, the member will provide a urine sample within ______ hours, after being notified of the requirement by their newly assigned bureau/area commander of his designee.
24 hours
(General Fitness/Drug Free Workplace) May an individual volunteer to be drug tested during an official investigation?
(General Fitness/Drug Free Workplace) When will department supervisors be subject to alcohol/drug testing, immediately following what?
- An OIS (excluding dog shoots)
- Accidental discharge (that occurs during the course of a police operation)
- A traffic accident, where the supervisor is considered at fault (while driving department vehicle) that causes death or substantial bodily harm
(General Fitness/Drug Free Workplace) For supervisors involved in an OIS (excluding dog shoots), Accidental discharge (that occurs during the course of a police operation), A traffic accident, where the supervisor is considered at fault (while driving department vehicle) that causes death or substantial bodily harm, who will investigate?
(General Fitness/Drug Free Workplace) The supervisor will be escorted to the collection room to submit a sample for a drug test. The supervisor MAY or MAY NOT choose between providing either a blood or urine sample
(General Fitness/Drug Free Workplace) Who will transport a supervisor to IAB to get a blood/urine sample to test for drugs/alcohol?
The supervisor may be transported by the PMSA representative; however, a CIRT investigator will accompany the supervisor to IAB in the same vehicle.
(General Fitness/Drug Free Workplace) The supervisor WILL or WILL NOT be subject to a preliminary breath test (PBT) at the scene to presumptively determine the presence of alcohol in the supervisor’s breath?
(General Fitness/Drug Free Workplace) If the result of a preliminary breath test indicates the supervisor’s breath contains any alcohol concentration, the supervisor ______________ to submit to an Evidential Breath Test
Will Be Required
(General Fitness/Drug Free Workplace) After a drug test is completed, who will provide the member with the drug testing results?
(General Fitness/Drug Free Workplace) In the event of a negative test result reference drug testing, the samples and report generated will be destroyed by the forensic laboratory ASAP. Will this include commissioned supervisor tests?
(General Fitness/Drug Free Workplace) How will a member identify himself as an abuser or prescription drugs/alcohol, prior to being identified through other means? (2)
- Through any person of the member’s chain of command
- An association representative
(General Fitness/Drug Free Workplace) A member who has identified himself as an abuser of drugs/alcohol, the employee will be subject to the conditions of a ‘Last Chance Agreement’, which will include unannounced testing for _________?
2 years
(General Fitness/Drug Free Workplace) A member who has identified himself as an abuser of drugs/alcohol, who will pay for the mandatory rehabilitation program?
The member, including insurance
(General Fitness/Drug Free Workplace) A member who has identified himself as an abuser of drugs/alcohol and agrees to the conditions of the ‘Last Chance Agreement’, how long will it remain in the member’s personnel file?
Consistent with the department’s Major suspension (5 years)
Thereafter, the document will be maintained in a separate file and can be acted upon if any other subsequent drug related offenses arise
(General Fitness/Drug Free Workplace) What will happen to a member, at any time after self-identification, wherein the member tests positive for a prescription drug hat is being abused?
The department will have cause for termination
(General Fitness/Drug Free Workplace) In member crisis intervention and support, if there has been events in which there has been overt acts to harm oneself or others, will the procedure be mandatory?
(General Fitness/Drug Free Workplace) Reference ‘Member Crisis Intervention and Support’, if it is determined that a potential risk of harm to self/others exists, the member will be placed on ___________, after consultation with the ____________, if not available, the WC will be consulted.
- Administrative Leave
- Bureau/Area Commander
(General Fitness/Drug Free Workplace) Reference ‘Member Crisis Intervention and Support’, who will be contacted IMMEDIATELY, if it is determined that a member is a potential risk of harm to self or others?
- The appropriate member association
(General Fitness/Drug Free Workplace) Reference ‘Member Crisis Intervention and Support’, what paperwork will be completed by the supervisor?
- Completes member crisis intervention form
- Additional memo with supporting info
(General Fitness/Drug Free Workplace) Reference ‘Member Crisis Intervention and Support’, in the event the member’s leave is extended beyond ___ weeks as allowed in FMLA or termination is recommended, communicates with _______, regarding appropriate administrative action thereafter.
- 12 weeks
- Labor Relations