Firearms Flashcards
(Firearms) How will alternate duty handguns be carried?
Not to be discernible by ordinary observation
(Firearms) If during an investigation and the employee’s firearm is turned into either IAB or Homicide, who will supply the employee with a duty weapon till it is returned?
The firearm will come from the unit who took the employee’s firearm, either IAB or Homicide
The employee must qualify with the new firearm prior to returning to duty
(Firearms) When considering whether or not to deploy the rifle, the force option must reflect the totality of the circumstances surrounding the immediate situation. The officer will select a force option that is within the rage of ‘_________________’ options.
‘objectively reasonable’
(Firearms) If there is a potential for deadly force the officer may deem which approved firearm is most appropriate based on what (3) things?
- Available cover
- Distance
- Tactical Situation Presented
- Understand Terminal Ballistic Capabilities
- Limitations of the Firearm
(Firearms) It is ultimately the _________’s responsibility to ensure proper deployment of rifles and being aware of misuse or over-deployment.
(Firearms) Supervisor ensures that officers who deployed a rifle complete a rifle deployment report via ________
Blue Team
(Firearms) When multiple officers deploy rifles during a single incident, the supervisor should designate one deploying officer to complete the ‘Rifle Deployment Report’ in blue team, listing all officers that deployed a rifle as ‘______________’ in the report.
‘Involved Officers’
(Firearms) The ‘Rifle Deployment Report’ via blue team will detail what (4) things?
- Details of the incident
- Justification per policy as to the rifle deployment
- Nature of the treat resulting in decision to deploy rifle
- Number and locations of all rifles deployed officers in the incident
(Firearms) Supervisor of the deploying officer will conduct a review of the deployment and make appropriate comments in the deployment report to include what?
Any supervisory decisions countermanding or modifying original deployment
(Firearms) Firearms owned or issued for duty/official use should be cleaned a minimum of every ________ and more frequently depending on individual usage.
Every qualification