Functional Assessments Flashcards
What does the Global Assessment of Functioning (GAF) scale measure?
The Global Assessment of Functioning (GAF) scale is a tool that was used to assess an individual’s overall level of functioning. The GAF scale provides a single score that reflects an individual’s psychological, social, and occupational functioning on a hypothetical continuum of mental health-illness.
What functional areas does the GAF include?
Psychological Functioning
Social Functioning
Occupational Functioning
What do high and low scores on the GAF indicate?
High: Superior functioning
Low: Impairment functioning
What are 5 limitations of the GAF?
Lack of Specificity: A single score does not provide detailed information about which specific areas are impaired.
Inconsistent Ratings: The GAF relies heavily on the clinician’s subjective judgment.
Lack of Standardisation: There is no standardised method for training clinicians to use the GAF, leading to inconsistencies in how scores are assigned.
Exclusion of Contextual Factors: The GAF does not account for contextual or environmental factors that may influence a person’s functioning, such as socioeconomic status or support systems.
Lack of Cultural Adaptation: The GAF does not adequately address cultural differences in the expression and interpretation of symptoms.
What assessment was the GAF replaced with?
The GAF has been replaced with the World Health Organization Disability Assessment Schedule 2.0 (WHODAS 2.0)
What does the World Health Organization Disability Assessment Schedule 2.0 (WHODAS 2.0) measure?
The World Health Organization Disability Assessment Schedule 2.0 (WHODAS 2.0) is assess the impact of health conditions on day-to-day functioning.
What is the global significance of the WHODAS 2.0?
The adoption of WHODAS 2.0 is part of a global shift toward understanding health and disability in terms of functioning and not just the presence or absence of a health condition.
What is the age range for the WHODAS 2.0?
Adults: 18 years and older
An adapted version is available for
adolescents 12-17 years
Is there Australian normative data for the WHODAS 2.0?
What are the 6 domains of the WHODAS?
Getting Along
Life Activities
What time frame are respondents asked to consider their symptoms for the WHODAS 2.0?
The past 30 days
What is the output of the WHODAS 2.0?
An overall score of disability ranging from 0 to 100
Domain specific scores
What do high and low scores on the WHODAS 2.0 indicate?
Low scores indicate fewer difficulties or impairments in functioning.
High scores indicate greater difficulties or impairments in functioning.
What are 4 benefits of the WHODAS 2.0?
Comprehensive: Provides a holistic view of the individual’s abilities and challenges.
Flexible: Available in various lengths and formats to suit different settings, purposes, and cultures.
Validated: Supported by extensive research and validated across diverse populations and conditions.
Standardised: Provides a consistent method for assessing functioning, making it useful for comparisons across studies and populations.
What doe the World Health Organization Quality of Life (WHO-QOL) measure?
The WHO Quality of Life (WHOQOL) measures an individual’s perceived quality of life across various domains.
How many versions of the WHO-QOL are there?
WHOQOL-100: 100 items
WHOQOL-BREF: Brief version with 26 items
*Also versions designed for specific conditions and populations e.g. WHOQOL-HIV for individuals living with HIV and WHOQOL-OLD for adults 60 years +
What is the age range for the WHO-QOL?
Adults 18 years to 59 years
WHOQOL-BREF can administered to adolescents aged 12-17 with appropriate adaptations
WHOQOL-OLD is specifically designed for older adults aged 60 and above
Is there Australian normative data for the WHO-QOL?
What are the 6 domains of the WHO-QOL?
Physical Health
Psychological Health
Level of Independence
Social Relationships
Spirituality/Religion/Personal Beliefs (WHOQOL-100 only and not in the WHOQOL-BREF)
Over what time period are respondents asked to consider in the WHOQOL?
The past 2 weeks
What do high and low scores on the WHOQOL indicate?
High Scores: Indicate a better quality of life, reflecting positive perceptions and experiences in the assessed areas.
Low Scores: Indicate poorer quality of life in the specific domain or overall, suggesting areas where interventions may be needed.
What is the difference between the WHODAS and the WHOQOL?
WHODAS 2.0 focuses on objective measures of disability and daily functioning, providing a clear picture of what an individual can or cannot do.
WHOQOL focuses on subjective measures of well-being and satisfaction with life, providing insights into how individuals perceive their overall quality of life.
What does the Outcome Rating Scale measure?
The Outcome Rating Scale (ORS) is a simple, quick measure designed to assess areas of life functioning and track changes over time in those areas.
When is a clinician most likely to use the ORS?
The ORS is typically administered at the beginning of each session in a therapeutic setting. It serves as a conversation starter and helps to quickly gauge how the client feels about their overall life and specific areas of functioning since the last session.
What is the age range for the ORS?
13 years +
Child Outcome Rating Scale (CORS) for 6 to 12 years
What domains does the ORS measure?
Individual Well-being
Interpersonal Well-being
Social Well-being
Overall Well-being
How do clients respond on the ORS?
Clients mark a point on each scale to indicate their perceived level of functioning in each domain.
How long (in cm) is each visual scale for the ORS?
How is the ORS scored?
Each scale is scored by measuring the distance (in cm) from the left end of the line to the mark made by the client.
Scores range from 0 to 10 for each domain, with a total possible score of 40.
What do high and low scores on the ORS indicate?
High Scores: Indicate a higher level of functioning and greater well-being across the assessed domains. Suggest that the client perceives themselves as doing well in personal, relational, social, and general areas of life.
Low Scores: Indicate a lower level of functioning and poorer well-being across the assessed domains. Suggest that the client perceives significant difficulties in personal, relational, social, and general areas of life.
What are the clinical applications of the ORS?
Therapeutic Monitoring
Outcome Measurement
Client Engagement