full day psych/soc :)) Flashcards
demand characteristics
behaviour influenced by how the person thinks the observer wants them to act
fluid intelligence
to think logically and abstractly
crystal intelligence —> accumulation of knowledge and skills
proximal stim vs distal stim
proximal= the light energy hitting sensory receptors
distal= the actual stimuli
operationally defined
how you plan to measure that concept
correspondent inference theory
when someone we are observingdoes smth nice or hurtful we attibute it to themselves and their personality
social construction of emotions
The social construction model states that emotions are always a product of the current social situation and does not posit any biological basis for emotions, implying a lack of a role for emotions in evolution.
pervasive distrust in others and suspision
paranoid PD
odd or ecentic thinking, magical thinking, ideas of reference (simular to delusions of reference - that other ppl (or tv) are directed to you)
schizotypical PD
delusions of reference
the belief that common elements in the environment are directed directly to individual (thinking TV character is screming at him)
delusions of persecution
beleif that the person is being plotted against or threathened
creating new words
disorganized behaviour
unable to carry out normal daily activities
the movement of someone with schizophrenia
examples: echo- lalia (repeating words)
echo-praxia (repeating anothers actions)
lalia vs praxia
praxia –> movment
lalia–> words
prodormal phase
before schizophrenia in full blow
- deteriorization, socailwithdrawlwal
little desire for social interactions, detached, show hardly any emotions
schizoid personality disorder - HAVE no desire for social interactions!!! avoidants do!!
(different from avoidant bc avoidant is - extreme shyness and fear of rejection - they think they are social inept BUT THEY have a stong desire for social affection and attention!!)
serial killers
antisocial PD
perfectionist and inflexible
obsessive compulisive PD
iron law of oligarchy
theory that claims that rule by an elite is inevitable
strict and warm (v-vegas= warm)
strict and cold
process of becoming more governed by laws and policy
ideal bureaucracy (5)
division of labour, hierarchy, written rules, impersonality, employment based on technical qualifications
pros and cons to both
associative mating
disassortative mating
large animal with large animal
large with short
inclusive fittness
a measure of activities that enhance gene propagation of your species - personal fitness and how many offspring equivalents (orphans) you raise
kin selection- your relatives as well
reaction to secularization, go back to strict religious beliefs
break away from main church
dominant religion
social epidemiology
look at health disparities though social indicators Liberace, gender and income and how these affect a persons health (what’s the correlation between social advantages/dis and a persons health and disease)
in functionalism why do large an small societies stay together
small- simularity
large- interdependence
conflict theory evolves through what stages
feudalism –> capitalism —> socialism
rational choice theory vs exchange theory
exchange theory is just rational choice (economics) applied to social interactions
rational choice 3 core assumptions
- completeness
- transitivity
- independence
these three result in consistent rankle set of actions
each option can be ranked
the most preferential option is greater than all possibilities regardless of how they are ranked
when new option presented, it would not change the rank
age stratification theory
young restricted by age
old also restricted by age
95 not go skydiving
18 not CEO
regulating behaviour based on age
as one ages, loss of control of social resources and control
race and ethnicity
both socially defined
race- based on physical differences
ethnicity- based o shared language, religion, nationality
gender schema
what makes someone categorized into male or female (modeled framework - not nessasarily how one should act
– women are mothers
general cognitive framework and script is more specific plan about how to behave
schema is more general
is the potential reproductive capacity of females
revamping old parts of city, but when this happens it pushes poor out bc prices go up for everything
last stage of demographic transition
stage 5 - speculation- world pop stabilizes- food shortages, decrease birth rate public health disaster and pop stabilizes - negative growth rate
false consensus
they can’t see their oppression