Freud - (Little Hans) Flashcards
What does Freud mean when he states the unconscious mind?
Our awareness is in layers and there are layers occurring below the surface. In dreams we uncover this unconscious mind
What approach does Freud use in his study?
What are the 3 structures that the brain is split into according to Freud?
The Id, ego and superego
What is the id according to Freud?
The mass of pleasure-seeking desires that we are born with
What is the ego according to Freud?
Ego develops as you grow older and controls the desires of the id
What is the superego according to Freud?
The taking on of ethics of other people
What are the ego defence mechanisms according to Freud?
Denial, Displacement, Projection, Repression, Isolation and Regression
What are the stages that a child goes through during their development according to Freud?
Oral,anal,Phallic,Latency and Adult genital stage
What are the phallic and latency periods according to Freud?
Phallic - focus on genitals
Latency - sexual feelings are repressed
What is the Oedipus Complex?
Where a boy in the phallic stage of development wants to possess his mother and replace his father who he sees as a rival
What was the aim of Freuds study?
To see if his theory about personality development would be supported in particular infantile sexuality and the Oedipus Complex
Also to test his explanation of how phobias develop and to ability to use his method of treatment of psychoanalysis
Who were the participants within this study by Freud?
Little hans was aged between three and five during the period of this case study the other main people involved with his father mother and sister.
What was the procedure of Freud’s study?
Hans father recorded events and conversations with hans and sent these regularly to Freud. Both Freud and the father offered interpretations of Han’s behaviour. On one occasion during the case study Hans was taken to meet Freud.
What were the sources of Han’s anxieties during his early life according to Freud
Mother, Father and Sister
Why was Han’s mother a source of his anxiety in Freuds study?
He had sexual fantasies about her but she had threatened to cut off his penis which led to castration anxiety
Why was Han’s father a source of his anxiety in Freuds study?
Han’s saw his father as a rival towards his mother and wished him dead. But at the same time he loved his father and this created a conflict of emotions
Why was Han’s sister a source of his anxiety in Freuds study?
He wished she would drown which led him believe that his mother may drop him in the bath
Why did Han’s have a phobia white horses according to Freud?
Han’s heard a father tell his daughter that if she touched a horse, it would bite her
This was linked to Han’s castration anxiety
Han’s put this anxiety into fear of horses
Why was Han’s afraid of horses pulling carts or buses according to Freud?
Han’s recalled an occasion when he was walking with his mother and they saw a horse pulling a bus. The horse fell down and kicked his legs about - Han’s through the horse was dead which caused anxiety
What did Han’s fear of horses pulling carts/buses lead to?
This created a generalised anxiety disorder where Han’s became afraid of leaving his home
What did the Act of the horse kicking out represent to Han’s according to Freud?
- Han’s wanted his dad dead like the horse
* Han’s was interested in Lumf (poo) the cart falling over sounded like Lumf hitting the water in the toliet
What was Han’s dream about giraffes?
In the night there was the big giraffe in the room and a crumpled one and the big one called out because I took the crumpled one away from it. Then it stopped calling out and then I sat down on the top of the crumpled one
How did Freud perceive Han’s dream about giraffes?
The big giraffe was the father while the crumpled one was Han’s mother.
This a scene in morning routine in bed
What was Han’s fantasy about criminal activity?
With my father in the train and we smashed a window and the policeman took us off with him
What did the Criminal fantasy say about little Han’s according to Freud?
Wished to do something forbidden to his mother which his father was also doing
What was Han’s plumber fantasy?
I was in the bath and then the plumber came and first unscrewed it. Then he took a big borer and stuck in my stomach. The plumber came and first he took away my behind with a pair of pincers, and then he gave me another, and the same with my widdler
What was Han’s fathers interpretation of the plumber fantasy?
I was in bed with mummy. Then Daddy came and sent me away. He pushed me away with his big penis.
Also Han’s wanted a large penis and bum like his father
What was Han’s fantasy of where babies came from?
He called laden-carts stork-boxes. Storks bring babies while boxes deliver them
However then his mum told him where babies actually came from and then Han’s lost his anxiety of carts
What was Han’s fantasy of becoming a daddy and why was this so important?
Han’s had worked out a solution that both he and his dad were married to Han’s mother which meant Han’s had overcome his Oedipus complex as he could identify with his father