Fort Drum Local Fying Rules Flashcards
_________ Radio is the supporting Flight Service Station [for Fort Drum].
Burlington Radio
Primary weather briefers are ____ Weather Squadron (____).
If primary support is unavailable, weather support can be obtained from _____________________.
Primary-18th Weather Squadron (18WS)
Secondary- 15WS at Scott Air Force Base
What form is used to file a military flight plan?
(Old form DD175)
When must flight plans be filed with WSAAF Base Ops?
At least 1 hour prior to flight
What fuel points may CH47’s use at Oasis on WSAAF?
2, 3, or 4 but must have an empty point to the left and right during refuel
What Fx can WSAAF Oasis be reached?
FM 47.50
At what distance will lightning shut down FARP/Oasis operations?
5 miles
On WSAAF, winds in excess of ___ knots is classified as severe weather.
45 knots
Night unaided aircraft operating in WSAAF Class D will add the suffix __ to their call sign to distinguish them from other traffic
Uniform “U”
Traffic pattern altitude at WSAAF
(700’ AGL)
WSAAF traffic pattern altitude
1,400’ MSL
(700’ AGL)
SVFR criteria for WSAAF
Traffic pattern-500-1
Describe the fort drum SARSA
Small Arms Range Safety Area
Extends vertically to 3,200’ MSL when active
What is the maximum altitude for aircraft operating in the training areas in Fort Drum AO?
1,000’ MSL
How many aircraft may be in any of the Fort Drum training areas at one time?
Four individual aircraft or formation flights of twelve aircraft
What suffix is used for Fort Drum to designate an armed aircraft?
Alpha “A”
Fort Drum IIMC Procedures
1- climb to MSA of 3,600’ MSL
2-turn only for known obstacles, a/c separation of 500’
3-squawk 7700 (lead a/c only in formations)
4-contact ATC
*lost commo IIMC
Squawk 7600 and proceed to the ART VOR or appropriate RNAV waypoint. Primary approach will be the ILS 21 or 03.
Who has overall responsibility for the coordination of all requests to land to the Cantonment Area and maintenance of the PPR system?
G3 Air
Who is responsible for verifying any on-going or planned construction projects in the requested HLZ areas for a PPR?
Division Engineer
A requesting unit is responsible for submitting a PPR NLT ____ days prior to the G3 air portal.
NLT 2 working days prior
Overwater flight is defined as :
Forward flight over a body of water at or above single engine airspeed and no lower than 300 ft
(Fort Drum SOP )
Overwater operations is defined as:
Operating an aircraft over any body of water with any of the following conditions:
-flight without single engine capability
-hovering or flight below single engine airspeed
-operations below 300’ AWL
For all shipboard/overwater operations, anti exposure suits will be worn below ___ degrees ambient water temperature (Fahrenheit)
60 degrees Fahrenheit
The minimum altitude for overwater operations day or NVG training is _____ feet AWL.
Night unaided overwater operations is ____________.
50 feet AWL
Niagara Falls flight restrictions are in effect below ________MSL.
3,500’ MSL
Airspeed in vicinity of Niagara Falls is limited to no more than ______ knots.
130 knots. (Not specified true/calibrate/ground)
CFR Part 93 states that altitude in these flight restricted areas (i.e. Niagara Falls) must be adhered to:
Altitude +/- ____ feet
Altimeter error of no more than +/- _______ feet.
Altitude +/- 300 feet
Altimeter error no more than +/- 245 feet