CH47 ATM Flashcards
Who has overall responsibility for the crew mission briefing?
Task 1004: PLAN A VFR Flight
For cross country flights, determine the distance +/-____ NM(s), gound speed +/-__ knots and estimated time in route +/-________________. Compute magnetic headings +/-______ degrees.
Determine fuel required for the mission +/-_____ pounds.
+/- 1 NM
+/- 5 KGS
+/- 1 minute for each leg of the flight
+/- 5 degrees
+/- 100 pounds
Prior to every mission, calculate the performance planning values using GWT and current conditions for the time of takeoff within the following parameters:
-FAT +/- 5 degrees celsius
-PA +/- 500’
-GWT +/- 500 lbs
The maximum authorized power for departure and arrival below 40 KCAS is ___ __________ power.
__________ __________ power is the maximum power authorized for cruise flight.
10 minute power
Max continuous power
What are the standards for Task 1012: Verify aircraft weight and balance.
-verify CG and GWT remain within limits for the duration of the flight
-identify all limitations imposed by CG and GWT
-verify accuracy of 365-4
Where can the list of maneuvers be found that may not be attempted if HVR PWR checks indicate that OGE PWR is not available?
What are the semi annual flying hour requirements for CH47F aviators?
FAC1- 45 hours
FAC2- 33 hours
NVD-9 hours
6 of the 9 NVD hours must be flown in aircraft, the remainder can be flown in an accreditable compatible flight simulator
What are the simulator annual flying requirements for a CH47F pilot?
FAC1- 18 hours
FAC2- 12 hours
An in-flight PAT check will be conducted only if:
Environmental conditions prevent check on the ground or HVR
PPC values will be recalculated if enviromnental conditions significantly change. Significant change is defined as :
Change of:
+/- 10 degrees C
+/- 1,000’ PA
+1,000 lbs
What is the caution concerning two-wheel taxiing for Task 1034: Perform Ground Taxi?
What additional step is required when performing two wheel taxi? (During before taxi checks)
While turning during two wheel taxi, FWD gear must not contact the ground
P will have NRCM visually confirm swivel lock actuators are locked
For Task 1038: Perform Hovering Flight, maintain ground track +/- _____ feet during HVR taxi and maintain a constant rate of turn not to exceed _____ degrees in ___ seconds.
Ground track +/- 5 feet
> 90 degrees in 4 seconds
If disorientation occurs during a hover at night the P* will perform any of the following :
1-perform an ITO
2- arm appropriate DAFCS modes
3- if takeoff is not feasible, maneuver forward and down to limit side or rearward motion
4- P take controls and hover utilizing symbology or outside reference
Call for cruise check ____ to _____ minutes after takeoff or after initial entry into mission profile.
15 to 30 minutes
What are the standards for Task 1044: Navigate by Pilotage and Dead Reckoning?
1- maintain orientation within 500 meters or 1/4 NM of the planned route
2- arrive at checkpoints and destination at ETA +/- 1 minute
What are the standards for turns, climbs and descents, and traffic pattern flight in Task 1052: Perform VMC Flight Maneuvers?
in addition to appropriate common standards
- clear the aircraft
- maintain selected bank angle +/- 10 degrees
- roll out on desired heading +/- 10 degrees
Climbs and descents:
- clear the aircraft
Traffic pattern flight:
-enter, operate, and depart a traffic pattern
What are the common standards for hovering flight?
Heading +/- 10 degrees
Altitude +/- 3 feet
Drift <5’
Maintain constant rate of movement appropriate for conditions
Maintain ground track with minimum drift
NRCM’s announce all unannounced drift
What are the common standards inflight?
Heading +/-10 degrees
Altitude +/- 100’
Airspeed +/- 10 KCAS
Ground track-minimum drift
R/C +/- 200 FPM
In Trim
During slope landings, how will the ramp be positioned?
In the full up position, unless internal load or tactical situation prohibits
What will be verified before starting the approach on a roll on landing?
Parking brake released and swivels are locked
What are the standards for Task 1068: Perform Go-Around?
1- announce initiation
2- apply appropriate PWR
3- adjust to appropriate climb airspeed
What does RAASH stand for in regards to the FADECF process?
Rotor speed
What are the standards for Task 1094: perform Flight with DAFCS-OFF?
1- maintain trim +/- 1 ball
2- maintain the standards for the task/maneuver being performed
What are the standards for Task 1170: Perform ITO?
1- comply with DP
2- maintain HVR PWR+10% (+/-3%)
3- maintain climb attitude not to exceed 10 degrees nose low
4- at 40 KCAS, adjust power to maintain climb and in trim
What are the standards for Task 1426: React to NVG Failure?
1- announce goggle failure by crew station
2- transfer flight controls as applicable
3- troubleshoot ANVIS
4- announce results of troubleshooting
For tactical flight mission planning, determine distance +/-_____, speed +/-______ KGS, ETE +/-_______ for each leg of the flight, and fuel +/-_______ pounds
+/- 1 KM
+/- 5 KGS
+/- 1 minute
+/- 100 lbs
Terrain flight is considered sustained flight below ______ feet AGL
200 feet AGL
For NVG training: what are the altitudes for NOE, Contour, and Low Level flight?
NOE >25’ AHO
Contour 25-80’ AHO
Low level 80’-200’ AHO
What are the standards during Hook-up and HVR for Task 2048: Perform External Load Operations?
1- ensure aircraft remains clear of obstacles
2- ascent/descent with/without load to a load height of 10 feet +/- 3 feet
3- determine PWR sufficient for the maneuver
What are the standards during Approach and Load Release for Task 2048: Perform External Load Operations?
1- maintain constant approach angle and maintain aircraft and load clear of obstacles
2- perform vertical descent from 10 feet with the load +/-5 feet
3- P will reference RAD ALT to assist P* and NRCM calls
What are the overlapping scan sectors for the crewmembers of a CH47?
Left seat- 9 to 1 o’clock
Right seat - 11 to 3 o’clock
Back seats- 10 to the 2 by way of the 6
What are the two standards for Perform Flight with AFCS Off?
1-maintain trim flight +/- 1 ball
2- maintain the standards for the task being performed
In what sequence should aircraft control be established when recovering from an unusual attitude or while IIMC?
1) attitude
2) heading
3) torque
4) airspeed
5) altitude
(Clear the aircraft)