DAFCS Flashcards
Define DAFCS
Digital advanced flight control system
How do you momentarily disengage altitude hold when changing altitude?
Thrust brake switch
When flying in known or forecast moderate or above turbulence, what are the three concerns/restrictions the pilot should be aware of?
LCT’s must be in manual, operating thrust break, do not use barometric altitude hold
Will the cyclic move when the DAFCS trim switch is moved laterally?
Which actuator makes the control input for positive stick gradient, pitch attitude, and airspeed hold purposes?
DASH- differential airspeed hold
Will the LCTs function with the DAFCS switch in the off position?
What is the name of the DAFCS component which the #1 FCC controls to provide the altitude hold feature?
Thrust CCDA
Which DAFCS computer controls the radar and inertial altitude hold feature?
FCC #1
What two features of DAFCS disengages when the centering device release sw is pressed?
Bank angle hold, heading hold
What are the three control laws (regimes)?
Forward flight, low speed, ground regime
-10, pg. 2-58
What is the maximum aircraft bank angle with altitude hold engaged?
What must be monitored to prevent transmission damage when changing Airspeed or heading with altitude hold engaged?
TQ, thrust control inputs
Which fight control computer (FCC) controls the pitch CCDA?
If you have a hard over with both DAFCS on how will you know when you have the good system selected on and the malfunctioning system off?
Erroneous inputs to flight controls will continue until The healthy system is selected
How will the aircraft react if the AFCS is turned off at one air speed and back on at a different airspeed?
Pitch transients
Possible DASH 1/2 failure as it reprograms/adjusts
What visual indication will you see when the DASH actuators are re-centering when AFCS is first turned on?
DASH1 and/or DASH2 FAIL caution
Define CPT
Control position transducer
Define LVDT
Linear variable differential transducer
What portion of the ILCA’s are controlled by the DAFCS flight control computers?
Extensible links portion
How accurate is the DAFCS heading hold feature?
When the landing gear proximity switches are activated, the DAFCS input into the pitch ILCA is reduced by what percent?
What 3 DAFCS features are provided by the DASH actuator?
Airspeed stability, pitch attitude stability, positive cyclic stick gradient
Which flight control computer (FCC) controls the thrust CCDA?
At what groundspeed does the position hold feature become active or captured?
Below 1KGS
Is go around a DAFCS feature or a feature of the flight director?
Flight Director
When can radar altitude hold be used in forward flight?
Overwater or smooth terrain
Does the cyclic have to be centered for the cyclic to be in detent?
At what airspeeds (accelerating and decelerating) is the low speed regime active?
Aircraft has not Accelerated past 45 KCAS
Aircraft decelerates below 35 KCAS
-10, pg. 2-60
Above what airspeed can LEVEL (Roll Wings Level Mode) be activated?
> 45 knots
-10, pg. 2-56
Under what 2 conditions will ALT-RAD automatically switch to ALTINRT?
The aircraft climbs above 8000’ AGL or the radar altimeter fails for more than 2 seconds
-10, pg. 2-63
Held presses of the UP/DOWN sw on the Thrust Control Grip commands an altitude change rate of what?
200 ft/min (3.33 ft/sec)
-10, pg. 2-56
ALT-INRT may allow the aircraft to drift above or below the reference altitude at a rate of _______ /min or ______ /min when GPS aiding is off without any corresponding annunciation.
5 ft per minute
15 feet per minute
-10, pg. 2-64
How does DAFCS provide torque limiting for DAFCS altitude hold and vertical axis coupled modes to prevent overtorque, exceeding engine limitations and to prevent rotor droop?
-maintains dual engine torque below 96%
-maintains the higher of the two engine torques below 10 minute limit (899 • Celsius)
-keeps dual engine torque above 14% to prevent spray clutch disengagement
torque limiting will not lower the thrust if radar altitude is less than 100’ AGL
-10, pg. 2-64
DESCENT mode will descend the aircraft at approximately ___ degrees and rates of descent no more than approximately _____ fpm until termination at a hover flight condition at a minimum height of ___ feet AGL.
9 degrees
600 fpm
20 feet AGL
At gross weights above 42,400lbs with BALT mode engaged, bank angles greater than ___degrees results in large uncommanded pitch attitude and airspeed deviations.
22 degrees
At night or in IMC flight, this may cause the pilot to become spatially disoriented
DECEL/PSN can be armed at any speed but will be activated only below _____ knots ground speed and remain active up to ____knots ground speed.
65 knots ground
70 knots ground
-10, pg. 2-62