95-1 Flashcards
Operator and crewmember checklists will be used for __________through ____ ____ _____checks. While airborne, when the time does not permit the utilization of the checklist or when it’s use would cause a safety hazard, required checks may be completed ______ ________.
Preflight, before leaving aircraft
From memory
An Entry will be made on what form for each flight in aircraft or in flight simulators by all crewmembers indicating duties performed, mission, and fight condition?
What are the different flight conditions that may be used when logging a flight?
NG- night goggles
NS-night systems
For computation of flying time when does flying time start and stop?
Flying time starts with a helicopter lift off the ground. Flying time ends when the aircraft has landed, and the engines are stopped or the flying crew changes.
What will aviation personnel hand carry between assignments?
bonus how long does the crewmember have to turn in?
Their individual Flight records folder (IFRF)
14 calender days to turn in
Private, closed, or otherwise restricted airports and heliports will be used only with what?
Prior permission of appropriate authorities and if the facility is suitable for operations
Aviators may select landing and takeoff areas when what conditions apply?
(Without landowners approval / prior authorization)
When on life-saving missions or when further flight is inadvisable
When will anticollision lights be used?
When aircraft engines are operating except when conditions may cause vertigo or other hazards to safety
When will position lights be used?
Position lights will be on bright between official sunset and sunrise
Who may authorize exceptions to lighting requirements and under what conditions?
Unit commanders may authorize exemptions to lighting requirements provided they are clearly defined and authorized in standard operating procedures or mission orders
What are the three steps of the mission approval process?
1) Initial mission approval
2) mission planning and briefing
3) final Mission approval
When are seatbelts authorized to be removed?
(For all crew members?)
Only for operational/training requirements. Never for convenience.
When operating in noise sensitive areas, unless required by the mission, all army aircraft will maintain a minimum of what height above the surface of the following: national parks, monuments, recreation areas, and scenic River ways?
2,000’ AGL
What are the classes of missions army aircraft may be authorized to perform?
Required use, operational use, special mission use, other official use
Who is responsible for designing a crew endurance program?
Unit commander
Commanders will integrate risk management into aviation Mission planning and execution at ______ ______.
Every level
To be considered current in the aircraft, individuals must take part in flight once every how often?
60 days
The following flight rules apply prior to instrument flight
(pilot responsibilities)
-pilots will check NOTAM‘s
-pilots will ensure all required navigation performance levels can be met (RNAV/RNP)
-pilots will ensure a current navigational database

Flight into icing conditions
Aircraft will not be flown into known or forecasted severe ice and conditions. If your flight is to be made into known or forecasted moderate ice and conditions, the aircraft must be equipped with adequate operational deicing or anti-icing equipment
Aircraft will not be intentionally flown into known or forecasted _______ or _______ turbulence.
On a VFR flight plan, when there are intermittent weather conditions, what type of weather will apply?
Predominant weather
Aviators flying helicopters may reduce destination and alternate category visibility minimums by how much?
50%, but not less than 1/4 mile
An alternate airfield is required when filing IFR to a destination under the following conditions:
-radar is required to execute the approach
-The NAV aids used are unmonitored
-Predominant weather at the destination forecast at ETA through one hour after ETA is less than 400 foot ceiling above the weather planning minimum and visibility less than 1 mile greater than the planning minimum required
Can pilots plan for a GPS based instrument approach at the destination and the alternate?
An alternate is not required if descent from en route minimum altitude for IFR operation, approach, and landing can be made in what conditions?
VFR conditions
(Factor in : planned altitude, forecasted weather, cloud clearance requirements, and AGL altitude)
For electronic flight bags, how much should They be charged prior to a flight?
EFB device battery levels must be at least 10% for each hour of total flight time, but not less than 50%
Class 1 aircraft are aircraft whose weight or center of gravity limits can ________ be exceeded by loading arrangements
Class 2 aircraft are aircraft whose weight or center of gravity limits can ______ be exceeded by loading arrangements
Each aircraft will be weighed when:
Overhaul or major airframe repairs, modifications of 1% or greater of the aircraft basic weight, any modifications or component replacements have been made for which the weight and center of gravity cannot be accurately computed, weight and center of gravity data records are suspected to be in error, the period since the previous weighing reaches 36 months for a Class 1 aircraft
If weighing requirements are not met the aircraft status will change to what?
Red X
Oxygen will be used by aircraft crews and occupants for flights on an unpressurized aircraft as follows:
-flights above 10,000 feet for more than one hour
-flights above 12,000 feet for more than 30 minutes
-flights about 14,000 feet for any period of time
-For flights above 18,000 feet oxygen pre-breathing will be accomplished by crewmembers
What clothing and equipment are approved for aviation use it must be worn by all personnel while performing crew duties?
What equipment can NOT be waived?
-identification tags
-under layer clothing made of cotton, wool, nomex, or materials approved
-flight suit
-flight gloves
 identification tags and under layer clothing
When will army aviators file IFR flight plans?
What are the exceptions?
-Flight is primarily VFR training
-time will not permit mission completion on an IFR flight plan
-mission can only be accomplished VFR
-excessive ATC delays
-to avoid hazardous weather conditions