Formulas Flashcards
System in series
Rtotal = R1 + R2
Change in Pressure
∆P = flow x Vascular resistance
Conductance = 1 / Resistance
Cross section
xsect = π (d/2)2 x (amount)
Net filtration Pressure
NFP = (Pc - PISF) - ∂(πc - πISF)
∂ = 1 if membrane impermebale to proteins
∂ = 0 if membrane permeable to proteins
Flow (GFR)
Flow = KF x NFP
KF =
12.5 ml/min/mmHg
Excretion rate
ER = V x U
V = urine excretion rate
U= urine concentration of compound
Renal Clearance
GRF with inulin
Effective Renal Plasma
Clearance = (V x U) / P
V = urine excretion rate
U= urine concentration of compound
P= Plasma concentration of compound
Clearance ratio
Clearance ratio = Clearance / Clearanceinulin
Excretion = filtration - reabsorption + secretion
Renal Plasma Flow
RPF = 0.60 x Renal Blood Flow
Remember Hct = 0.40
Filtration Fraction
FF = GFR / Renal Plasma Flow
Velocity of blood flow
Velocity = (blood flow) / (xsec area)