Forensic - Deception Flashcards
Deception is the successful or unsuccessful, ________ attempt, without _______, to create in another a ______ for which the communicator _______ to be untrue. It always involves minimum of ______ people.
deliberate forewarning belief considers two
intentional –> if you falsely believe something, it is not a lie
forewarning –> magicians are not lying as we expect to be tricked
Name the 3 types of lies
Outright lies
Exaggerations - information conveyed exceeds the truth
Subtle lies - omitting relevant info, vagueness
The 5 reasons to lie are:
- to gain ________ advantage
- to avoid _________
- to make a ______ impression on others
- for ______, avoiding ________ or disapproval
- for the sake of _____ ________
personal punishment positive protection embarrassment social relationships
Frequency of lying
…college students told ___ lies a day and community members told ___ lie a day. Mostly they were for ___-______ purposes.
The frequency depends on
- personality and gender…
- gender
- situation
- person the lie is being told to
- extroverts lie more than introverts
- women and men lie similarly BUT women tell more social lies (maybe this is why we all prefer to talk to women?!) AND when dating men lie more about earning potential, and women more about physical appearance
- 90% lie to a prospective date and 83% to get a job
- least lying to a spouse BUT when they do lie it’s HUGE. Highest rate of lying is with strangers.
Behavioural Indicators of Deception
Paul Ekman’s emotional approach states that
deception results in _______ emotions (guilt, fear, excitement). The strength of emotional response depends on the liar’s _______ and _________ of the lie.
These emotions influence ____-______ behaviour, exemplified in higher signs of ______ in liars compared to non-liars (eg: averting gaze, fidgeting, speech errors, speech fillers, etc).
BUT non-liars can also be ______, especially if they think the other person believes they are lying. So it is good to ______ people that you can detect lying, to _______ non-liars.
non-verbal behaviour
Behavioural Indicators of Deception
Content Complexity
What does cognitive complexity refer to and what can be done about it to detect liars?
What is a limitation of this idea?
- lying is difficult
- engaging in cognitively complex tasks means you exhibit different non-verbal behaviors (more speech errors, filler, pauses, moving limbs less, etc)
- so can help to ask complex questions, such as “can you sketch the area?” OR get people to tell you what happened in reverse
BUT even truth-telling can be hard (eg: what did you have for dinner on Saturday?)
Behavioural Indicators of Deception
Attempted Behavioural Control
Liars may attempt to _____ their behaviour in order to _____ getting caught. Hence, they sometimes _____ themselves, resulting in _______ and ______ behaviours.
It is more ________ to control non-verbal behaviour than verbal (some responses are automatic). Hence, behaviours that seem overly controlled, such as someone _____ right at you, or speech that sounds too ______, might also be suspicious.
control avoid overcontrol rigid rehearsed
Behavioural Indicators of Deception
What did the Meta-analysis by Sporer and Schwandt find about verbal and non-verbal cues that indicate lying?
- higher pitch of voice
- increased response latency
- increased errors in speech (umm and ahhs as well)
- shorter length of description
- decreased nodding
- decreased foot and leg movements
- decreased hand movements
BUT the literature is mixed and these things are hard to determine
Behavioural Indicators of Deception
Microexpressions are a fleeting _____ expression discordant with the emotion being _____. It is _____ to control, so can betray a deceiver’s true ______ to a trained ______. However, they are _______ to detect, and you often have to ______ the conversation and slow down the speed to detect.
facial expressed difficult observer difficult record
Behavioural Indicators of Deception
Overall, liars do seem to show some ___-______ behaviour such as nervousness or gaze aversion. But, the evidence is not strong enough, hence this information is not accepted in _______. And a professional lie-detectors ability to accurately detect the lie is ___% (not much more than chance)
Content Indicators of Deception
Statement Validity Assessment was developed to determine the ______ of child witnesses’ testimonies. It is accepted in ______ courts. Other places have used it in the _______ stage. It consists of three stages:
- _____-_______ interview
- Criteria-based _______ ______ (CBCA) - transcribed version of the statement given during the interview
- _______ of the CBCA outcome via set questions (_______ check-list)
content analysis
Content Indicators of Deception
The CBCA is based on the idea that a memory based on an actual experience is ________ different from an invention/fantasy. There are several criteria in this analysis, and the more criteria there is in the statement, the more likely the statement is ______. But, absent criteria does not mean it is a ____ necessarily. It is biased towards the _____, that is, it strengthens the _______ if it’s there.
qualitatively true/genuine lie truth truth
Content Indicators of Deception
Name the 5 categories from the CBCA and some examples of each
- General characteristics
- logical structure (consistent facts)
- unstructured production (lack of rehearsal, moves back and forth)
- quantity of details (more details = truth) - Specific Contents
- reproductions of conversations
- unexpected complications present (eg: phone rings, but this is unrelated to the story)
- contextual embedding (temporal/spatial basis) - Peculiarities of Content
- unusual or necessary details eg: perpetrator had a stutter
- Accurately reported details that child misunderstood (eg: he peed white)
- reports their mental state and perpetrators mental state
- related external associations - easy going in and out of the story - Motivation-related content
- spontaneous corrections
- admits lack of memory
- self-deprecation (self-blame)
- pardoning the perpetrator
- raising doubts about testimony - Offender-specific elements
- details are characteristic of the offense
Content Indicators of Deception
Why does someone who is lying NOT have some aspects of the check list?
- Lack of imagination in inventing relevant characteristics
- Do not realise judgements based on these
characteristics, so don’t include them - Lack knowledge to incorporate certain
criteria - Difficult to incorporate some criteria (esp on the spot)
- Wary of including details in case they forget
- Wary of including details that can be checked (eg: phone ringing)
- Wary of including certain characteristics in case their stories sound less credible
Content Indicators of Deception
In the validity checklist, evaluators consider:
- _________ characteristics (appropriateness of age, skills, etc for the statement)
- _______ characterisitcs (types of questioning)
- _________ to report
- _________ considerations (consistency with other evidence)
Content Indicators of Deception
Describe the support for CBCA
Field and experimental studies - both have pros and cons. Field studies are genuine people in actual cases of alleged sexual abuse…but we don’t know what the real truth is. Experimental studies are more controlled because people lie for the experiment, so easy to tell whether it’s a lie or not, BUT it’s not a real-life situation.
- Most support –> criterion 3 (truth included more details)
- Strong support –> criteria 4 and 6 (more contextual embedding and reproduction of conversations)
- Cognitive criteria (1-13) had more support than motivational criteria (14-18)
- 92% of experimental studies, truth-tellers had higher CBCA score.
BUT keep in mind…it is a “truth-verifying” technique NOT a “lie-detection” technique.
Content Indicators of Deception
List the limitations of the Statement Validity Assessment
- no formal rules (where is the cut off for truth/lies)?
- some believe criteria should be weighted differently
- perhaps different types of lies yield different characteristics?
- relatively subjective, and inter-rater reliability can be low, even after training
- time-consuming
- it’s only slightly better than non-verbal behaviour (for truth-tellers it’s 76% and for liars 68%)
A whole approach to deception….De Paulo et al. (2003) examined 158 cues to deception and found only 5 related to liars. These are…
Liars are:
- less forthcoming
- less compelling tales
- less positive/pleasant
- more tense
- less ordinary imperfections and unusual details
A whole approach to deception….the 9 difficulties of detecting deception are…
- there is no give-away ___
- othello error: truth-tellers can show _____ behaviour to liars. They also may have to think ____, experience arousing ______ or have to ______ themselves
- There are no adequate _______ between truth-telling and lie-telling
- Observers have ______ beliefs about how liars _____ and people, such as police officers, are taught the wrong ____ to look for.
- Liars can use _______ to beat the system
- Deception research is often conducted in _______ labs, and in field studies it’s hard to establish _____ _____
- The Brokaw hazard - _______ _______ in emotional expression, vocal and body characteristics
- individual differences in ability to _______ - some people are “natural liars” or have trained themselves to be effective
- _______ differences in non-verbal bx
cue similar hard emotions control comparisons incorrect behave cues countermeasures university ground truth individual differences control cultural