Forelimb Flashcards
Describe main muscle groups of forelimb
Shoulder muscles:
Supraspinatus, infraspinatus, teres major, teres minor & subscapularis muscles rotate, flex & extend humerus
Elbow muscles:
Biceps brachii & brachialis flex elbow
Triceps brachii extend elbow
Forearm muscles:
Flexor carpi radialis & flexor carpi ulnaris flex the wrist & fingers
Extensor carpi radialis & extensor carpi ulnaris extend the wrist & fingers
Chest & back muscles:
Pectoralis major & minor, latissimus dorsi & rhomboid muscles stabilise back & rotate shoulder joint
Label the diagram & list functions
- Brachiocephalicus – extend shoulder joint
- Omotransversarius – advance limb
- (5)Trapezius
- (6) Deltoid – flex shoulder
- (7) Latissimus dorsi – retracts limb & flexes shoulder
- (8) Triceps brachii – extend elbow
Label the diagram & list functions
Supinator – rotate forearm laterally
Deltoid – flex shoulder
Triceps brachii – extend elbow
Brachialis – flex elbow
Extensor carpi radialis – extend carpus
Infraspinatus – flex shoulder
Teres major – flex shoulder
Label the diagram & list functions
Biceps brachii – flex elbow
Brachialis – flex elbow
Pronator teres – rotate forearm medially
Extensor carpi radialis – extend carpus
Extensor carpi ulnaris – extend carpus & digits
Superficial digital flexor – flex digits
Deep digital flexor – flex digits
Label the diagram & list functions
Biceps brachii – flex elbow
Brachialis – flex elbow
Pronator teres – rotate forearm medially
Extensor carpi radialis – extend carpus
Extensor carpi ulnaris – extend carpus & digits
Superficial digital flexor – flex digits
Deep digital flexor – flex digits
Label the diagram
Label the diagram
What are the ligaments of the forelimb
Collateral ligaments – either side of elbow joint for stabilisation
Annular ligament – holds radius in place
Accessory ligament – attaches ulna to humerus
Interosseus – connects radius and ulna
Fill in the table
What is the brachial plexus and where does it originate from
Network of nerves that originate from spinal cord & provide motor & sensory innervation to forelimb
Originates from anterior rami of spinal nerves C5-T1
Lies beneath muscles of shoulder & runs down forelimb
Fill in the table
Fill in the table
Label the image
Label the image
Label the image
What is the equine stay apparatus
Allows horse to stand for extended periods of time with minimal muscular effort
Suspensory apparatus – group of ligaments that support fetlock joint
Includes proximal & distal check ligaments & suspensory ligament
Digital flexor tendons
Sesamoid bones – 2 small bones at back of fetlock joint that connect to suspensory ligament
Hoof capsule
Patellar locking
Patellar ligament locks limb in place