FOPC notes Flashcards
define prevalence
● the number of people in population with a specific disease at a single point in time or in a defined period of time
define incidence
● the number of new cases of disease in a population in a specified period of time
List actions the government could take to stem the rise in obesity:
● health education (diet / exercise)
● tax (on unhealthy foodstuffs)
● legislation (ingredients on cans / labelling)
● enforcement of the above legislation
● ban on advertising unhealthy food
● improve exercise / sport facilities
● subsidise / fund healthy food
● transport policy
● funding of NHS treatment
List examples of what the GP could do to help individual patients:
● role model
● prescribing
● tailored advice (diet / exercise)
● referral (dietician etc)
● treat diseases that contribute to obesity
● arrange to see regularly
● education about risks associated with obesity
● tackle underlying causes (depression / low self-esteem)
List other health professionals who could also be involved in obesity management or prevention:
● community dietician
● psychologist
● pharmacist
● bariatric surgeon (2ndary care)
● practise nurse
● school nurse
● health visitor
● midwife
statistical normality
based on the normal distribution curve / standard deviation
cultural normality
based on norms and values within a certain group (community)
● list 2 advantages of GPs as gatekeepers
○ keep people out of expensive secondary care
○ continuity of the doctor-patient relationship
○ personal advocacy
○ patient does not know where to go / appropriate referral / use of resources
● list 2 disadvantages of GPs as gatekeepers
○ patients have less choice in secondary care
○ puts stress on GP to know everything about every disease / symptom
○ dependent on individual GP knowledge, attitudes, skill, practice organisation
○ puts stress on a good doctor-patient relationship
○ seeing a GP might increase the time it takes to receive the needed treatment
Categories of hazerd
● mechanical
● physical
● chemical
● biological
● psychological / stress
list the 4 ethical principles derived from deontology and utilitarianism (4 marks):
● beneficence (do good)
● non-maleficence (do no harm)
● justice
● autonomy
define culture
○ complex whole which includes knowledge / beliefs / art / morals / law / customs (Tyler 1874)
○ systems of shared ideas, systems of concepts, rules and meanings that underlie and are expressed in the ways that human beings live (Keesing 1981)
Define ethnicity
○ cultural practises and outlooks that characterise and distinguish a certain group of people; characteristics identifying an ethnic group may include a common language, common customs and beliefs and tradition; term preferred over ‘race’
Define race
○ a group of people linked by biological / genetic factors
List the 6 social classes
● professional
● managerial & technical
● skilled non-manual
● skilled manual
● partly skilled
● unskilled
Primary health professionals who have a role in tackling obestiy and what they do
● dietician = individual dietary advice
● pharmacist = general advice; OTC anti-obesity medication; weight management programmes
● health visitor = health education; advice on healthy diet
● GP = advice; prescription of weight reducing drugs
● practise nurse = weight clinics; general dietary advice
● midwife = encourage breast feeding; early dietary advice
3 models of stress
Engineering model
Medico-physiollgical mdoel
Psychological or transactional model
Briefly describe the engineering model of stress
● stress acts as a stimulus which the individual must resist
● if the stimulus becomes too intense or prolonged, the individual breaks
possible coping mechanisms an individual may use when faced with a stressful situation
● problem focused
● emotion focused
● combination of problem / emotion focused
Doctor patient relatiobships
Mututal participation
Whart is a gatekeeper in terms of GP
person who controls patients’ access to specialist or secondary care
Lifestyle factors to promote a helthy lifestyle
● diet
● exercise
● alcohol
● smoking
● illicit drug use
● sexual health
What is the World Health Organisation (WHO) definition of health (4 marks
● A state of completely physical (1), mental (1) and social (1) well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity (1)
3 different routes via which someone may be exposed to a hazardous substanc
● blood
● sexual contact
● ingestion
● inhalation