FOM Flashcards
When fueling is in progress with pax onboard how many crew members must be on board?
both FAs and one pilot
What are critical phases of flight as it pertains to sterile cockpit?
pushback, taxi, takeoff, landing, flight below 10,000 ft (except cruise)
Pilots will not serve as flight crew members within ___ hours of giving blood.
72 hours
Crewmembers will not participate in scuba diving within a minimum of ___ hours prior to going on duty.
24 hours (additional time up to 48 hours may be required for cabin altitudes above 8,000 feet or deep dives that require decompression)
What is exemption No. 5515?
Temporary operation without Registration and/or Aircraft Airworthiness Certificate
When can you amend a release?
- adding MEL 2. adding alternate 3. change of alternate 4. change of fuel quantity 5. change of destination in flight 6. change of crew member other than CA 7. change of flight plan greater than 50 miles or 4,000 feet 8. takeoff weight exceeds planned weight by 4,000 lbs
When do you need a new release?
- change of flight number 2. change of captain 3. change of aircraft 4. change of destination on ground 5. return to destination 6. diversion 7. aborted takeoff with return to gate 8. delayed more than 2 hours from authorized departure time
What is required for an ILS to 1800 RVR with no centerline lighting?
Must notate “RVR1800 authorized with use of FD or AP or HUD to DA”, must use AP or FD, max crosswind 15 kts
Minimum LAHSO landing distance.
6,700 feet
Category D MEL interval
120 consecutive calendar days
Category C MEL interval
10 consecutive calendar days
Category B MEL interval
3 consecutive calendar days
Category A MEL interval
specified in remarks
What does an (M) symbol indicate on an MEL?
requirement for a specific mx procedure which must be accomplished prior to operation
What does an (O) symbol indicate on an MEL?
requirement for a specific operations procedure which must be accomplished in planning and/or operating
CDL interval
120 consecutive calendar days
What are category “P” MELs?
NEF; good for 120 days
When do you declare emergency fuel?
If projected fuel consumption will result in landing with less than 30 minutes of fuel remaining.
Define marginal weather.
Destination - below 1000 and 3; first alternate - below 600 and 2
What is the weather minimums to file as an alternate airport?
2 nav facilities - add 200 and 1/2 to the higher of the 2 approaches; 1 nav facility - add 400 and 1
Do not start an instrument approach when visibility is reported to be less than 3/4 (RVR4000) unless:
wet runway landing distance is available, precision runway markings or centerline lights are available, all required airborne and ground equipment is operational, winds are within limits
Describe 3585
Destination - conditional wx must be not less than one half lowest vis required; 1st alt - conditional wx must not be less than one half lowest vis and ceiling required; 2 alt - C55 mins
Bottles containing alcoholic beverages are allowed as carry-on baggage provided:
It is packaged as on carry-on article. The seals to the containers have not been broken.The alcohol content is not greater than 70% (140 proof).
Max ammunition per passenger
11 pounds
How long does a person have to send an Incident Report after declaring an emergency?
within 48 hours
Each personal care or cosmetic non-aerosol container may have no more than:
16 total fluid ounces
Only way to void an error in the logbook.
VOIDED BY, with signature/initials and employee number
What is exemption 5487?
lost medical or airman certificate
When are Surface Movement Guidance and Control System procedures activated?
At SMGCS-approved airports, special lighting, markings, and procedures are activated when the visibility is less than 1200 RVR.
Operations on runways less than 5,000 feet in length is authorized subject to Captain/Dispatcher concurrence, provided:
The runway is not contaminated by ice, standing water, slush, wet or dry snow; there is no tailwind; and wind conditions make it a more desirable operation.
When does Republic recommend rejecting a takeoff below 80 knots?
Republic Airlines recommends a rejected takeoff for items such as engine failure, fire or fire warnings, or inability to develop rated takeoff thrust without exceeding engine limits, unusual noise or vibration, tire failure, amber MASTER CAUTION light, abnormally slow acceleration,or the perception the airplane is unsafe or unable to fly.
When does Republic recommend rejecting a takeoff between 80 knots and V1?
Republic Airlines recommends a rejected takeoff for items such as engine failure, aircraft aural fire warning, or the perception the aircraft is unsafe or unable to fly.
How many fluid ounces are passengers allowed to carry/check containing hazardous cosmetic items?
Each passenger is allowed to carry/check personal care and cosmetic items containing hazardous material (i.e., flammable perfume) up to a maximum of 68 fluid or 70 net weight ounces.
How many match books may be carried per passenger?
up to 4 per passenger
Holding leg timing
At or below 14,000 ft msl - 1 minAbove 14,000 ft msl - 1 min 30 s
Max holding speeds
At or below 6,000 ft - 200 kias6,001 through 14,000 ft - 230 kiasAbove 14,000 ft - 265 kias
Autopilot use on Cat I ILS below 3/4 mile or 4,000 RVR
For all CAT I approaches with visibility less than 3/4 mile it 4,000 RVR, the autopilot should be engaged from at least the FAF until the “landing” callout by the PF.
LAHSO restrictions
Not authorized if: no electric or visual vertical guidance, wet runway, in-pavement pulsating white lights at hold short point, tailwind greater than 3 kts, windshear within 20 minutes, 1,000 ft ceiling and 3 miles visibility, inop aircraft equipment
For refueling at the gate with pax onboard the following conditions must be met:
- main cabin door open
- two way comms with ground personnel
- one flight crew and both FAs must be onboard
- crew member must inform FA when refueling will commence and is complete
For refueling away from the gate the following conditions must be met:
- main cabin door open with air stairs or door closed and armed
- fasten belt sign on and comms with FA
- pax in seat with seatbelt fastened
- 1L and 2L doors remain unobstructed
- airport rescue and fire fighting in standby position
Max thrust takeoffs should only be performed under the following conditions:
- contaminated runways
- windshear advisories or reported
- runway analysis requirement
- deemed necessary by PIC
Authorized instrument approaches:
Required equipment for CAT II ops:
- localizer/glide path transmitters
- outer marker (radar, compass locator, DME, GPS)
- ALSF-1 or 2 or HIALS
- TDZ lights
- Centerline lights
stabilized approach criteria
1,000 above TDZE:
- final landing configuration
- correct vertical path with rate of descent 1,000 fpm or less
- correct lateral track
- airspeed trending towards approach speed
500 above TDZE:
- at calculated approach speed
required airworthiness checks in logbook
airworthiness release - 14 calendar days
two day check
average passenger weights winter/summer
summer - adult 190 child 82 lbs
winter - adult 195 child 87 lbs
average crew weights
pilots - 240 lbs
FAs - 210 lbs
jumpseater - 190 lbs
roller bags - 1 stowed in A, 2 stowed in B, 1 stowed in C
a child is defined at a person who is age:
2 - 12 years old
distance within one hour of an adequate airport in still air at normal cruising speed with one engine inoperative and for takeoff alternate is:
270 nm
least risk bomb location
second to last row, left hand side
Maximum contamination depth by type
water - 3/4 inches slush - 7/8 inches wet snow - 1 7/8 inches dry snow - 3 3/4 inches loose dry snow - 6 inches
min runway and taxiway plowed width
runway - 100 ft
taxiway - 75 ft
max dry ice
e170 - 300 pounds
e175 - 440 pounds
5.5 per pax if packed as carry on or in check baggage