FO CLASS #6 - Week of 31019L3 Pgs 1-39,Comm.Man,Ch. 10 ONLY App.C,T.B.–Tools17,19,20&21,Evolutions8&9,PAIDS–3-94,3-98,1-08&2-08Instructor BC Mike Barvels Flashcards
1) Two members of a Bronx Engine Company discussing fire operations in Tenements debated which incorrect statement made earlier in the tour? (Lads 3 Glossary 1.1) A) An Energy Efficient Window (EEW) is a window designed to maintain an airtight insulation, and will contain more than one pane of glass with an air tight space in-between. B) Flashover is a transition in the development of a compartment fire when surfaces exposed to thermal radiation from fire gases in excess of 1100°F reach ignition temperature more or less simultaneously. C) Under the Vent, Entry, Isolate, Search (VEIS) tactic, the priority upon entering an area via a window is to close the door to that room or area in order to isolate that area being searched from the fire area. D) A “window gate” is a folding gate placed at a window to prevent intruders from entering. The type that is approved by the Board of Standards and Appeals will always have locks.
D Window Gate A folding gate placed at a window to prevent intruders from entering. The type that is approved by the Board of Standards and Appeals does not have locks.
2) At a 4th floor fire in a 5-story Old Law Tenement, an Engine Officer entered the IDLH atmosphere on his own due to a known life hazard. Of the following choices, which is not defined as a “known life hazard” and should preclude the officer from rescue activity before teaming up?A) The Officer claimed he could see a victim through the involved 4th floor apartment window.B) The Officer claimed he could hear a victim in the involved 4th floor apartment.C) The Officer heard bystanders questioning each other about the whereabouts of the occupant of the involved 4th floor apartment.D) The Officer was notified by the building superintendent on scene of the presence of an elderly woman in the involved 4th floor apartment.
CIf a known life hazard is discovered and immediate action could prevent the loss of life,appropriate action (rescue activity) may be taken by an individual member. This appliesonly for a known life hazard, not for standard search and rescue activity. A known lifehazard is defined as follows: A victim can be seen by the rescuer A victim can be heard by the rescuer A member has information from a credible source or a person at the sceneindicating the location of the life hazardIf such action is taken the Incident Commander must be immediately notified andappropriate adjustments made.NOTE: In all incidents of such individual action, the Incident Commandershall forward a report detailing the full particulars to the Chief of Operations.A thorough review of each of these incidents will be conducted.
3) A typical Old Law Tenement is correctly described in all choices below except? (Lads 3 1.2.1-1.2.4)A) They are three to seven stories.B) They are 20’ to 25’ wide.C) They are 50’ to 85’ deep.D) There will always be an interior stairway to the cellar present.
D1.2.4 Interior stairs to cellar (may have been removed if building has been renovated).
4) There are many factors that members must consider in size-up when responding to a fire in a Tenement. Of the following factors, which is described incorrectly? (Lads 3 1.4.1)A) Time - Governs the life hazard. A tenement fire is more serious during the daytime than at night.B) Life - The most serious factor at any fire. The life hazard to firefighters must also be considered.C) Occupancy - This determines the severity of the life hazard and the intensity of the fire.D) Height - Building height will govern the use of the Aerial and/or Tower Ladder and portable ladders.
AA. Time -Governs the life hazard. Night fires mean poor visibility, buildingslocked effecting delay in access. A tenement fire is more serious at nightthan in daytime.
5) The first arriving ladder company officers have many things to consider when arriving at a fire in a non-fireproof Tenement. Which consideration below is incorrect? (Lads 3 2.4, 3.2.1)A) When two ladder companies arrive at approximately the same time but out of response sequence, they shall be guided by their alarm box assignment. The second due unit shall make no extraordinary effort to arrive at the location before the first due unit.B) It is the responsibility of the officer of the first arriving ladder company to ensure that entry doors at street level are chocked open.C) In addition to the handie-talkie, the Officer should carry a Hand Light, Officer’s tool and Thermal Imaging Camera.D) If the engine does not have a charged hoseline at the door to the fire area, the first arriving ladder officer should use caution when entering and performing the primary search of the fire apartment with the Can FF and FE FF. All three members shall perform this search together and not split apart.
6) Which tool is not part of the Forcible Entry FFs tool assignment at a non-fireproof Tenement Fire? (Lads 3 3.2.2)A) Handie-TalkieB) FlashlightC) Maul and halliganD) Rebar Cutter
D3.2.2 Forcible Entry PositionTOOLS: Handie-TalkieFlashlightAxe/Halligan (Maul/Halligan)Hydra Ram
7) The chauffeur of the first arriving aerial ladder has many duties when operating at a fire in a non-fireproof Tenement. Of the following, which duty is described incorrectly? (Lads 3 3.2.4 1-7)A) The chauffeur of an aerial ladder shall not operate in a manner that will in any way impede their return to the pedestal and cause a delay in positioning or repositioning the aerial for rescue or removal operations. The chauffeur must notify their Company Officer of intended destination when leaving this primary position.B) The chauffeur should remain on the turntable when members have entered the building by aerial ladder and are in precarious positions such as a floor over a heavy fire, the roof of a building with a heavy fire condition, etc. The chauffeur should keep alert as to who, when, and where of members using the aerial ladder.C) If the chauffeur is aware that the second ladder company is not in service or will not arrive in a reasonable time, they shall team up with another available member to try to get above the fire via aerial or portable ladder.D) The chauffeur and OV’s duties are complementary when the fire apartment or fire escapes are located in the rear of the building. For purposes of efficiency, the OV and chauffeur shall team up while keeping in mind the necessity to be available for the use of the aerial or portable ladders to assist members in distress.
D7. The chauffeur and OV’s duties are complementary when the fire apartmentand fire escape are located in the front of the building. For purposes ofefficiency, the OV and Chauffeur shall team up while keeping in mind thenecessity to be available for the use of the aerial or portable ladders toassist members in distress.
8) A situation that can arise at a fire in a non-fireproof Tenement is the obvious need to use the aerial ladder for placement of the Roof Firefighter at the same time of an apparent need to remove an occupant. All of the following factors in reaching a decision as to the aerial ladder’s initial use are correctly described below, except in which choice. (Lads 3.2.4 8)A) Emotional state of the occupant - An agitated, frightened occupant or one threatening to jump should be removed first.B) Fire/Smoke in the immediate vicinity of the occupant - The occupant must receive instant attention if he/she would be endangered or seriously disturbed by any delay in his/her removal.C) Location and severity of the fire - A front first floor fire will not normally require immediate removal of occupants from the 3rd, 4th, or higher floors in the front of the building.D) The Time Element - When aerial ladder is needed both for removal and roof access, roof access can be given priority if the person to be removed is in no immediate danger. If any doubt exists remove the occupant first.
CLocation and severity of the fire - A rear first floor fire will notnormally require immediate removal of occupants from the 3rd,4th, or higher floors in the front of the building. Conversely, a fireon the upper floors rarely requires removal operations on lowerfloors.
9) The first arriving aerial ladder arrives at a fire on the 7th floor of a 7-story Old Law Tenement in the borough of Manhattan. The OV FF of this unit would be correct to bring all of the following tools except? (Lads 3 3.2.5)A) Handie-TalkieB) FlashlightC) Halligan toolD) 6’ hook
D3.2.5 Outside Vent PositionTOOLS: Handie-TalkieFlashlightHalligan tool6’ Hook - For top floor fires the saw is taken in place of the hook.
10) At a non-fireproof Tenement, the first arriving OV FF of an aerial ladder may have various duties depending on a number of factors. Which tactic below is correct? (Lads 3 3.2.5)A) Store Fire - Ventilate the rear of the store from the exterior. Prior to conducting any horizontal ventilation tactics, request permission from the Incident Commander to coordinate the ventilation with interior operations.B) Top Floor Fire - Proceed to the roof. If possible, descend the fire escape and provide coordinated ventilation with interior operations. VEIS will be completed if the OV teams up with the second OV (or another available member).C) When there is only a rear fire escape (railroad apartments) or the fire apartment is in the rear, the OV and Chauffeur (or another available member) shall team up and enter the fire apartment from that fire escape.D) When there is a front fire escape and the fire apartment is in the front, the OV and Roof FF (or another available member) shall team up and enter the fire apartment from that fire escape.
D When there is only a rear fire escape (railroad apartments) OR thefire apartment is in the rear, the OV and Roof Firefighter (oranother available member) shall team up and enter the fireapartment from that fire escape. When there is a front fire escape AND the fire apartment is in thefront, the OV and Chauffeur (or another available member) shallteam up and enter the fire apartment from that fire escape.
11) The first arriving aerial ladder Roof FF is required to take all of the following tools to the roof of a non-fireproof Tenement except? (Lads 3 3.2.6)A) Life Saving RopeB) Halligan tool and 6’ HookC) FlashlightD) Handie-Talkie
B3.2.6 Roof PositionTOOLS: Handie-TalkieFlashlightHalligan tool6`Halligan HookLife Saving RopePOSITION: Roof of the fire building.
12) What is the most correct priority order of access for the first arriving Roof FF to reach the roof at a non-fireproof Tenement fire? (Lads 3 3.2.6 1-3)A) Adjoining Building, Aerial Ladder, Rear Fire Escape, Interior StairsB) Aerial Ladder, Adjoining Building, Rear Fire EscapeC) Adjoining Building, Aerial Ladder, Rear Fire EscapeD) Aerial Ladder, Rear Fire Escape, Adjoining Building
CNOTE: The interior stairs are NEVER used for the following reasons: Danger of being trapped above the fire. Banked heat and smoke may prevent member from reaching roof. Will lead to a delay in roof ventilation when it proves dangerous orimpractical.
13) Proper ventilation is crucial at non-fireproof Tenement fires. Which action below would be incorrect for the Roof FF to initiate? (Lads 3 3.2.6 p15)A) Proceed to the bulkhead door. When in position and prepared to vent, transmit this information to the Ladder Company Officer inside the fire area to be vented. Following this transmission, the Roof FF can start to force open the bulkhead door.B) Following the initial transmission from the Roof FF, if the Officer indicated he/she does not want vertical ventilation performed due to fire conditions preventing control of the fire apartment door; the Roof FF will force open the bulkhead door, and if conditions are tenable, reach in and probe the immediate area of the bulkhead for potential victims and then immediately close and control the door.C) If the Officer indicated he/she does not want vertical ventilation performed and the bulkhead door cannot be closed and controlled for any reason (e.g. victim removal, damaged door), the Roof FF should immediately notify the Ladder Company Officer inside the fire area to be searched.D) In no case shall the Roof FF perform vertical ventilation without direct communication with the Ladder Company Officer inside the fire area. If communication cannot be obtained with the Ladder Company Officer, the Roof FF should attempt to contact the Chauffeur.
DNOTE: The Roof Firefighter may perform vertical ventilation without directcommunication upon hearing radio transmissions that the interior teamhas door control on the fire floor, or a charged hoseline is advancinginto the fire apartment.
14) When operating at a fire in a non-fireproof Tenement, which Ladder Company tactic is incorrectly portrayed? (Lads 3 3.3.5, 3.4.2 3, 3.5.2)A) As the first arriving Tower Ladder at a fire in an Old Law Tenement with no front fire escape, the officer may request the Roof FF to perform outside ventilation of the fire apartment from the rear fire escape after completion of preliminary roof ventilation (bulkhead, scuttle, skylight), if necessary.B) When the second arriving ladder company is operating on the floors above the fire, members should force one or more doors on each floor to provide an area of refuge.C) For a top floor fire in a non-fireproof Tenement, the second arriving ladder company Extinguisher FF should take two 6` hooks in lieu of the pressurized water extinguisher.D) For a top floor/cockloft fire in a non-fireproof Tenement, the second arriving ladder company should check the floors below to ensure the fire did not start on a lower floor and then remain on the floor below until needed. They shall not block the stair or hallway leading to upper floors.
D3.5.2 OPERATIONSInside Team - Proceed to the top floor to assist first Ladder Company in entryand search of all top floor apartments. This permits deployment of 6 firefighters(2 officers and 4 firefighters) in a critical top floor area.
15) Fires in air and light shafts can be challenging for members. Of the following tactics listed below, which is the only one in accordance with Department procedures? (Lads 3 4.2, 4.2.1, 4.2.2)A) During the initial stages of a shaft fire, the window frames, curtains, drapes, etc., in both buildings feed the fire in the shaft. In most cases lateral extension into apartments of exposed buildings will be immediate, trapping occupants and preventing members from finding and remove them.B) The draft created by a shaft fire will contribute to the horizontal extension during the initial stages, frequently prohibiting a close approach to the shaft on most floors.C) While awaiting hoselines, members may, by the proper application of water with pots, pans, etc., either extinguish fire around shaft windows or delay the lateral extension.D) The engine company, after knocking down fire in a room exposing the shaft, must continue through the apartment for additional knock down and final extinguishment prior to directing the nozzle stream into the shaft.
CDuring the initial stages of a shaft fire, the window frames, curtains, drapes, etc., in bothbuildings feed the fire in the shaft. However, in most cases the draft created in the shaftwill delay lateral extension in the apartments in the exposed building allowing time foroccupants to use one of their means of egress or for members to find and remove them.
16) At a recent fire in an air/light shaft in an Old Law Tenement, all of the following actions taken were correct except the action found in which choice? (Lads 3 4.2.1, 4.2.3, 4.2.4)A) The second arriving LCC positioned the apparatus to cover the original fire building. Since she was not needed in the fire building, she went to work in the exposed building.B) Since the second arriving OV and Roof FFs were not needed in the fire building, they went to work in the exposed building.C) As the apartments on the shaft were in the same line, members of the second inside team used the fire escape of one apartment for access to the others rather than force doors on several floors.D) In addition to their duties in the fire apartment, the first arriving ladder company officer and forcible entry team facilitated the engine company’s advance.
A4.2.3 Second Ladder Company to ArriveA. Inside Team - Assignments remain the same.B. Chauffeur Position - Position the apparatus to cover the exposed building.Operate as per section 3.4 or 3.5. If not needed in the fire building, thenthey are available for work in the exposed building.
17) Fires in dumbwaiter shafts present many challenges to members of the Department. Of the choices below, which contains incorrect information? (Lads 3 4.3)A) All units must be immediately notified of a dumbwaiter fire. It is important that the top floor, cockloft and cellar are checked as soon as possible.B) If fire is reported in the dumbwaiter shaft, the Roof Firefighter should vent the dumbwaiter bulkhead. If after venting a dumbwaiter bulkhead, the Roof Firefighter does not see any appreciable volume of smoke venting, the Roof Firefighter should notify his/her officer.C) If the dumbwaiter bulkhead has been previously removed and tarred over, this eliminates the danger of extension via the dumbwaiter shaft. The Roof Firefighter should continue with his/her normally assigned duties.D) Members should not place any part of their body in the shaft.
C4.3.7 If dumbwaiter bulkhead has been previously removed and tarred over, the rooffirefighter should notify his/her officer. This could result in rapid extension to thecockloft.
18) Roof operations in non-fireproof Tenements can be dangerous. A knowledgeable officer should know which points below to be correct? (Lads 3 5.2.2, 5.2.3, Figure 5B)1. When the fronts of buildings are aligned, depths will be aligned as well.2. Opened end shafts are generally located toward the front.3. If possible, move from one roof to another near the front wall, always checking your footing.4. Roof level skylights and/or scuttle covers, if removed, should be immediately discarded from the roof to avoid a tripping hazard.5. Before walking or moving on a roof when visibility is poor, or a heavy smoke condition exists, crouch to a kneeling position. Probe the roof surface by either swinging a tool or leg in the direction of movement.6. Members operating on the roof should not step over a parapet or wall without first feeling the adjoining surface with a tool.7. When momentarily blinded by smoke or darkness, and there is no immediate danger, it may be best to remain in place until visibility is restored.8. Avoid standing directly above the window when taking the top floor window with the hook from the roof.A) 3, 5, 6, 7, 8B) 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7C) 1, 3, 5, 6, 8D) 1, 3, 4, 5, 6
A5.2.2 The fronts of buildings are aligned, building depths may vary, and opened endshafts are generally located toward the rear.In order to alert members to the presence ofopenings, roof level skylights and/or scuttle covers if removed, should be placedupside down on the roof.
19) Which point below is incorrect regarding metal gates that are often found on fire escape windows? (Lads 3 5.3.2 3)A) These gates are always on the room side of the window and will first require opening or removing the window.B) Use either the fork or adz end of the halligan tool to pull the gate loose at the side of the locking device. If severely exposed to heat or smoke at this side of the gate, removal may be accomplished opposite the locking device.C) The gate is attached to the window frame with wood screws.D) Newer style gates may not be as easy to remove. Formidable mounting may be extremely difficult to force. This information must be relayed to the inside team.
BUse either the forkor adz end of the tool to pull the gate loose at the side opposite thelocking device
20) A 6’ hook and halligan can be used to assist climbing onto a high bulkhead when alone. Which choice below is not in accordance with this procedure? (Lads 3 5.3.3 A)A) The halligan is placed with the fork end down and the adz end up.B) When coping is present remove a piece and hang the hook on the bulkhead’s edge.C) Using the halligan to support most of your weight, pull yourself up, using caution when near or next to an open shaft or building wall that faces on a shaft, areaway, courtyard or street.D) While climbing the hook, exert a downward pressure and do not push against the wall with your feet. This lateral pressure may cause the hook to slip off the bulkhead wall.
CNOTE: Never attempt to climb onto or off a bulkhead or similar type structureat a spot near or next to an open shaft or near a building wall that faceson a shaft, areaway, courtyard or street. (Figure 5J)
21) A member on the roof of a non-fireproof Tenement may use a removed door in conjunction with the halligan to gain access to the roof of a bulkhead. To do this, drive the hook of the halligan into the roof, then position the door against the bulkhead at an angle of? (Lads 3 5.3.3 B)A) 45 to 60 degrees with the roofB) 30 to 45 degrees with the roofC) 5 to 15 degrees with the roofD) 65 to 75 degrees with the roof
BB. Use removed door in conjunction with the Halligan to gain access to theroof of a bulkhead. Drive the hook of the Halligan into the roof. Thenposition the door against the bulkhead at an angle of 30 to 45 degrees withthe roof. The Halligan serves as a stop and should be at a sufficientdistance from the bulkhead to permit the proper angle. The door can beused as a ramp. The Halligan should be parallel to the bottom of the doorfor safety reasons.
22) Which firefighting roof tactic is incorrectly described below? (Lads 3 5.3.3 C-E)A) After gaining access to and venting a high bulkhead, the Roof FF should get off the same place where he/she gained access.B) Some bulkheads are erected flush with an exterior wall (i.e., one side of the bulkhead is a continuation of a building). This reduces the selection of an egress from the bulkhead. If in doubt, the firefighter may drop an object (a tool if necessary) and listen for the sound of it hitting the roof surface.C) When pushing down the ceiling from the roof, utilize the hook end to ensure the hook properly protrudes the ceiling below.D) When forcing open bulkhead doors, realize that even if these doors are tight against the door jamb, there will usually be enough space between the bottom of the door and the sill to get a purchase.
CE. When pushing down the ceiling from the roof, reverse the hook becauseBX wires may snag the hook end.
1)Where is the “3 - 4 Corner” of the building below? (Comm 10 Add 2 Ill #1)A)AB)BC)CD)D
2)At a fire in a taxpayer, the Incident Commander orders your unit to search the “Pizza Sector.”You would be correct to know this occupancy as? (Comm 10 Add 2 Ill #2)A)2AB)O2C)O2AD)O2B