FO CLASS #5 - Week of 30319FFP–TP Pgs 36 to end,Comm.Man,Ch.9Add1-4,T.B.–SCBA Add.5-9,Evolutions1&1A,PAIDS–1-77,1-84&4-89BC Chris Paolicelli Flashcards
- From the following choices choose the incorrect statement about the Battalion Recorder System. (Add.1 3.2, 3.3, 8.3, 8.7)
A. The HT recorder will record all HT transmissions on all channels except channel 9 in Zone A on both Models I and II of the XTS3500R handie-talkies.
B. The HT recorder does not record the transmissions to or from the borough dispatcher.
C. Copies of recordings shall be kept in a designated secure location in the company office when not in use.
D. Company Officers shall never request recordings for an incident in which that Officer’s unit did not operate.
8.3 It would be unusual for an Officer to request recordings for an incident at which that Officer’s unit did not operate. Any such request will be considered by the Bureau of Operations, but will be granted only if there are valid reasons justifying such request.
2. Requests for HT recordings of incidents involving serious injuries, fatalities or high profile incidents will be made available only at the direction of whom? (Add.1 8.7) A. The Chief of Safety B. The Chief of Fire Investigation C. The Chief of Operations D. The Chief of Communications
- Company Officers can request a recording of handie-talkie transmissions on how many of the following channels? (Add.1 8.2)
1) Primary Tactical Channel
2) Secondary Tactical Channel
3) Primary Command Channel
4) Secondary Command Channel
5) HT Channel 16
A. 5
B. 4
C. 3
D. 2
D (1 & 2)
Company Officers can request a recording of handie-talkie transmissions on the Primary and Secondary Tactical channels. Chief Officers can request a recording of handie-talkie transmissions on any of the available channels.
- BC Question - Chief Officers can request a recording of handie-talkie transmissions on which of the following channels? (Add.1 8.2)
A. Any available channels
B. Tactical and Command Channels only
C. Tactical, Command and Channel 16 only
D. All channels other than repeater channels (11, 12, 14 and 15)
Company Officers can request a recording of handie-talkie transmissions on the Primary and Secondary Tactical channels. Chief Officers can request a recording of handie-talkie transmissions on any of the available channels.
5. Conducting an emergency roll call to account for members is a difficult and time consuming operation. The Bureau of Operations mandates training roll calls to be conducted how often? (Add.2 1.3) A. Annually B. Semi- Annually C. Quarterly D. Monthly
- Which one of the following choices states the correct way for a company officer to respond when called by the Roll Call Officer during an emergency roll call? (Add.2 1.4)
A. State the number of firefighters they responded with and account only for the members within sight or hearing without using the HT.
B. State the number of firefighters they started the tour with and account only for the members within sight or hearing without using the HT.
C. State the number of firefighters they responded with and account only for the members within immediate supervision.
D. State the number of firefighters they responded with and account for all members of their company.
For this reason, all officers of all companies will answer when called by the Roll Call Officer (RCO), stating the number of firefighters they responded with and accounting only for the members within sight or hearing without using the HT.
- At a recent multiple alarm fire, an emergency roll call was conducted after units were ordered to withdraw from the fire building. The following responses were made to the Roll Call Officer. Which response was given incorrectly? (Add.2 1.5)
A. “Rescue 8 to RCO, we have 5 firefighters and my LCC, Irons and Can are accounted for.”
B. “Squad 10 to RCO, we have 5 firefighters and my Can and Irons are accounted for.”
C. “Ladder 99 to RCO, we have 5 firefighters and my Can and Irons are accounted for.”
D. “Engine 200 to RCO, we have 4 firefighters and my Nozzle and Backup are accounted
Squad company firefighters will answer a roll call as per engine company position assignment e.g., Nozzle, Back-up.
- Lt. Jones has been ordered by the IC at a collapse operation to conduct an Emergency Roll Call of all units at the scene. In order to obtain an updated list of all companies on scene, Lt. Jones should go to any apparatus MDT and take which of the following steps below? (Add.2 4.1)
A. Press “Print, Incident Summary, Send, Next”
B. Press “Incident History, Send, Next, Print”
C. Press “Incident Summary, Send, Next, Print”
D. Press “Send, Incident History, Next, Print”
Press the “Incident Summary” button - A blank form will appear requesting several pieces of information e.g., date, box. This information does not need to be entered.
Press “Send” - This will automatically default the report to the box the unit is currently assigned to. The MDT will indicate a message is waiting.
Press “Next” to retrieve the rundown of units.
Press “Print” for the MDT to print the rundown.
- Pre-printed Emergency Roll Call forms will help keep track of companies and members as they reply to the roll call. These forms can be found on which apparatus? (Add.2 4.3)
A. All Battalion and Division vehicles
B. Battalion vehicles only
C. Division vehicles only
D. All Engines, Ladders, Battalion and Division vehicles
4.3 Every Battalion and Division vehicle has a pad of pre-printed Emergency Roll Call forms. These preprinted forms will help keep track of companies and members as they reply to the roll call.
- Captain Degrom, who has been assigned as the Roll Call Officer (RCO) by the IC at a 2nd alarm fire, should know that which point below is incorrect regarding emergency roll calls? (Add.2 4.4, 4.6)
A. The RCO and the member assisting and filling out the pre-printed form should be in an area close to the Command Post, allowing immediate notification to the IC if needed.
B. Each incident will determine which companies should be called first when the emergency roll call is being conducted.
C. If weather is an issue, the RCO and assisting member will have to take a position in a dry area, such as an apparatus cab or Battalion vehicle.
D. After receiving a reply from the company officer, the RCO will then call the remaining members of that company.
4.4 The RCO and the member assisting and filling out the pre-printed form, should be in an area away from the Command Post. This will reduce radio feedback, thereby putting the roll call team in a better position to hear and talk over the HT roll call frequency.
- You have been assigned as the RCO at a 2nd alarm fire in a brownstone. When you attempt to contact the 1st arriving Engine Officer there is no response. Which one of the following members should you attempt to contact next? (Add.2 4.10)
A. The FAST Unit Officer
B. The IC to begin missing member procedures
C. The 1st arriving Ladder Officer, operating in the same area
D. The Control firefighter operating on the floor below
4.10 If a company officer does not answer when called, the RCO will either call a firefighter
operating with that officer or call another company operating in the immediate area of
that officer, in an attempt to locate them.
- While working in Ladder 100 on a 9x6 tour your Roof firefighter must take Emergency Leave at 1030 hours. At 1100 hours you respond 2nd due to a 10-75 in a 6 story H-Type. During the fire there is a collapse and an emergency roll call is conducted. When called by the RCO, how should you respond? (Add.2 5.4)
A. “L-100 to RCO, L-100 has 5 firefighters, my Inside team is accounted for.”
B. “L-100 to RCO, L-100 began the tour with 5 firefighters, my Can and Irons are accounted for.”
C. “L-100 to RCO, L-100 has 4 firefighters, we are riding without a Roof FF, my Can and Irons firefighters are accounted for.”
D. “L-100 to RCO, L-100 has 4 firefighters, my Can and Iron firefighters are accounted for.”
12. While working in Ladder 100 on a 9x6 tour your Roof firefighter must take Emergency Leave at 1030 hours. At 1100 hours you respond 2nd due to a 10-75 in a 6 story H-Type. During the fire there is a collapse and an emergency roll call is conducted. When called by the RCO, how should you respond? (Add.2 5.4)
A. “L-100 to RCO, L-100 has 5 firefighters, my Inside team is accounted for.”
B. “L-100 to RCO, L-100 began the tour with 5 firefighters, my Can and Irons are accounted for.”
C. “L-100 to RCO, L-100 has 4 firefighters, we are riding without a Roof FF, my Can and Irons firefighters are accounted for.”
D. “L-100 to RCO, L-100 has 4 firefighters, my Can and Iron firefighters are accounted for.”
- It is imperative that members maintain radio discipline when an Emergency Roll Call is in progress. Members should not transmit messages over the HT unless certain situations arise. Which one of the following transmissions should not be made during an Emergency Roll Call? (Add.2 5.1)
A. A ladder officer responds to the Roll Call Officer
B. A firefighter transmits an Urgent message after finding extension in Exposure 2.
C. A firefighter from the 2nd due ladder transmits that he has located a missing member.
D. An engine officer requests that the ECC shuts down their hoseline.
5.1 Follow the directions included in the Mayday/Urgent transmission. Maintain radio
discipline. Do not transmit the following, unless:
Called by the RCO
You have to transmit a Mayday/Urgent of your own
You have critical information affecting the Mayday/Urgent
You have critical information regarding the on-going operation
- The Electronic Fireground Accountability System (EFAS) is installed on the MDT of all Battalion and Division vehicles. Choose an incorrect choice regarding the EFAS system. (Add.3 1.1, 1.3)
A. It will immediately identify any member activating the Emergency Alert Button on their HT by displaying their company, position and name.
B. The EFAS can replace the use of the Roll Call procedures by a Roll Call Officer using the Emergency Roll Call function.
C. The EFAS can be used to track the HT transmission history of an operation.
D. The EFAS firefighter can manually identify any member transmitting a Mayday via HT who was unable to activate the Emergency Alert Button.
EFAS does not replace the use of roll call procedures currently established and
outlined in Communications Manual Chapter 9, Addendum 2.
- The officer of Ladder 1 is drilling with his members on FAST Unit operations when the EFAS is discussed. From the following points made, which one was incorrect? (Add.3 3.1)
A. Officers arriving at an incident, after transmitting their 10-84, must key their HT remote microphone three times in order to “check in”. Keying the HT microphone will have all members of the unit recognized by the EFAS.
B. EFAS starts up on the MDT when the vehicle ignition is turned on. There is a one-minute start up delay to allow Starfire to connect. Do not attempt to select EFAS during this time.
C. EFAS may capture routine transmissions during the course of the tour. In the event an emergency response is received, it may be desirable to clear the EFAS of all previously listed transmissions.
D. When viewing the EFAS screen, units arriving on scene, and pressing the 10-84 will not cause the Battalion or Division MDT screen to automatically switch back to Starfire.
3.1.4 Officers arriving at an incident, after they have transmitted their 10-84 via the
MDT, must key their HT remote microphone once in order to “check in”. Keying
the HT remote microphone will have all members of the unit recognized by
- When a member activates their Emergency Alert Button, their identity line in the EFAS will automatically be highlighted in red in both the “Radio Status” and “Mayday” areas. In addition, a hard copy automatically prints showing what information? (Add.3 5.1.2)
A. The member’s name, company and position
B. The member’s name, company and time of Mayday
C. The member’s company, position and time of Mayday
D. The member’s company, time of Mayday and HT channel operating on
5.1.2 In addition, a hard copy automatically prints showing the company, position and
time of Mayday. (Figure 7)
- Battalion Chief Green is conducting an EFAS drill with his companies at MUD. The Chief made the following statements. In which was he incorrect? (Add.3 1.4, 5.1.4, 6.1,)
A. The EFAS is connected to Starfire, units assigned on the response ticket will be displayed as “Assigned Units”.
B. EFAS has the capability of monitoring all HT channels other than the duplex channels (11, 12, 14 and 15).
C. EFAS has the capability of handling multiple Emergency transmissions at the same time.
D. Active “MAYDAYS” will appear in red in both the “Radio Status” and “MAYDAYS” area.
6.1 EFAS defaults to Tactical Channel 1. It has the capability of monitoring any of the 16
Channels, including UTAC and NYMAC channels. However, it can only monitor one
channel at a time, therefore, a separate Battalion/Division/EFAS equipped vehicle in
conjunction with an EFAS trained member is required for each channel in use e.g.,
primary tactical, secondary tactical, primary command.
- A Lieutenant working at a multiple alarm fire in taxpayer where a collapse has occurred in Exposure 04B has been ordered by the IC to conduct an Electronic Roll Call via the EFAS system. The Lieutenant would be correct to take all but which one of the following actions? (Add.3 7.1.1, 7.1.2, 7.1.5)
A. She instructed all units to prepare for an electronic Roll Call.
B. She selected “BEGIN ROLL CALL” on the top of the EFAS screen.
C. She instructed all members to fully depress and release their handie-talkie remote microphone 3 times when called.
D. She began the Roll Call by contacting the 1st arriving units according to the response ticket.
7.1.5 The Chief or company officer conducting the Roll Call shall begin by contacting
the most severely exposed unit, sector or group i.e.: “All members of Engine 75
fully depress and release your handie-talkie remote microphone 3 times.” If a unit
by unit Roll Call is not feasible, the IC can vary from this procedure.
- BC Question - Portable EFAS tablets with attached HT radios have been issued to all Battalions. This allows the IC the ability to monitor EFAS from the early stages of an incident at the location where the Battalion is operating. Which statement below is incorrect regarding this device? (9.2, 9.3, 9.6)
A. The IC can remove the tablet and radio from the Battalion vehicle and bring it to the command Post.
B. The Battalion Firefighter can monitor the portable EFAS at the Command Post in lieu of the vehicle EFAS until relieved by an EFAS trained member of the FAST Unit. The FAST Unit member will still monitor the EFAS in a Battalion Vehicle.
C. The Portable EFAS is removable from the yellow pelican case it is carried in.
D. Chief Officers shall bring their Portable EFAS when assigned to a Branch/Sector/Group for better accountability of units operating in those areas.
9.3 The Portable EFAS does not replace the current procedures where EFAS is monitored in
the Battalion Vehicle by the Battalion Firefighter after performing his/her primary duties,
until relieved by an EFAS trained member of the FAST Unit.
1. When a member believes he or she has been a victim of or has witnessed discrimination, harassment (sexual or any other), intimidation, or retaliation, the member may file a complaint with the FDNY EEO officer within \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_from the date the alleged discrimination or harassment has occurred. (PA/ID 1-77 5.5) A. One month B. Six months C. One year D. Two years
5.5 A complaint must be filed with the Fire Department’s EEO Officer within one (1) year
from the date the alleged discrimination or harassment occurred.
2. Sexual harassment complaints may be filed directly to whom? (PA-ID 1-77 5.4) A. BITS B. The Inspector General C. The Chief of Operations D. The Fire Commissioner
5.4 Sexual harassment complaints may be filed directly with the Fire Department’s Bureau of
Investigations and Trials at 9 MetroTech Center, Room 4E-6, Brooklyn, New York
11201, telephone number (718) 999-2646.
- You are the company officer working in Engine 400 on a Tuesday 9x6 tour when a firefighter informs you that they would like to file an EEO complaint. You take the following steps.
1) You advise the member of their available filing options.
2) You call FDOC to speak with the EEO Officer
3) Since the member voluntarily provided you with information regarding the alleged incident, you complete the Confidential EEO Incident Report and submit it through the chain of command to the EEO Officer.
4) You place a copy of the EEO Incident Report in the member’s personal folder.
5) You did not take a mark in the Company Journal regarding the complaint.
In how many actions were you correct?
A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 D. 5
A (1 & 5)
Upon completion, the Confidential EEO Incident Report shall be submitted DIRECTLY
to the EEO Officer in a sealed envelope marked “Confidential” without intermediate
endorsement. No copies of the Confidential EEO Incident Report shall be retained by the
6.2.2 For incidents that effect operations, the Officer/Supervisor shall contact the EEO
Officer during office hours at (718) 999-1447 between 0800 to 1800 hours,
Monday to Friday. During non-office hours, the EEO Officer can be reached
through the Fire Department Operations Center (FDOC) at (718) 999-7900.
4. During a 9x6 tour a firefighter approaches you, the company officer, and states that they would like to meet privately with an EEO officer immediately. You are concerned that if the firefighter leaves quarters to meet with the EEO Officer, the company will not be fully staffed causing operational concerns. In this situation, you should contact whom to determine if the firefighter should be granted the leave? (PA/ID 1-77 7.2) A. The Battalion Chief B. The Division Chief C. The EEO Office D. FDOC
Officer/Supervisor shall allow
members to meet with an EEO Office representative at the earliest practicable time
consistent with the operational needs of their units. Concerns about the above should be
immediately addressed to the EEO Office.
- EEO Counselors responsibilities include all of the following except? (PA/ID 1-77 9.2)
A. Providing guidance on FDNY EEO policy
B. Providing guidance on alternative dispute resolution options
C. Providing guidance on EEO processes and procedures
D. Handling “Potential Claims” without alerting the EEO Office.
9.3.1 EEO Counselors shall provide guidance on the FDNY EEO Policy.
9.3.2 EEO Counselors shall provide general guidance on EEO processes and procedures.
9.3.3 EEO Counselors shall provide guidance on available alternative dispute
resolution option, such as mediation.