Fmf Verbatum/ two planes broken up into smaller bites Flashcards
The Mission of the Marine Division…
The mission of the Marine Division is to execute amphibious assault operations and such other operations as may be directed.
The primary mission of the Infantry Regiment…
The primary mission of the Infantry Regiment is to locate, closed with, and destroy the enemy by fire and maneuver or to repel his assault by fire and close combat.
The primary mission of the Infantry Battalion…
The primary mission of the Infantry Battalion is to locate, close with, and destroy the enemy by fire and maneuver or to repel his assault by fire and close combat.
The mission of the Rifle Squad…
The mission of the Rifle Squad is to locate, close with, and destroy the enemy by fire and maneuver, or to repel his assault by fire and close combat.
The mission of artillery in the Marine Division…
The mission of artillery in the Marine Division is to furnish close and continuous fire support by neutralizing, destroying, or suppressing targets that threaten the success of the supported unit.
The mission of the Artillery Battalion in the Marine Division…
The mission of the Artillery Battalion in the Marine Division is to furnish close and continuous fire support by neutralizing, destroying, or suppressing targets that threaten the success of the supported unit.
The mission of the TOW missile weapon system…
To engage and destroy enemy armored vehicles, primarily tanks.
The mission of the Assault Amphibian Battalion…
The mission of the Assault Amphibian Battalion is to transport troops and supplies from assault shipping to shore via amphibious forcible entry and conduct subsequent mechanized operations ashore.
The mission of the Assault Amphibian Company…
The mission of the Assault Amphibian Company is to provide the Ground Combat Element with the general support lift, staff expertise, and command and control assets to plan and execute amphibious forcible entry and subsequent mechanized operations ashore.
The mission of the Combat Engineer Battalion…
The mission of the Combat Engineer Battalion is to enhance the mobility, counter-mobility, and survivability of the Marine Division through close combat engineer support and to provide the limited general engineering support that is required for the functioning of the Marine Division.
The mission of the Combat Engineer Company…
The mission of the combat engineer company is to provide close combat support of an engineering nature as necessary to meet the essential requirements of an Infantry Regiment and other Division elements in combat operations.
The mission of the LAR Battalion…
The mission of the LAR Battalion is to conduct reconnaissance, security, and economy-of-force operations and, within capabilities, conduct limited offensive or delaying operations that exploit the unit’s mobility and firepower.
The primary mission of the Reconnaissance Battalion…
The primary mission of the Reconnaissance Battalion is to conduct ground reconnaissance and observation in support of the Marine Division and its elements.
Article I
“I am an American, fighting in the armed forces which guard my country and our way of life. I am prepared to give my life in their defense.”
Article II
“I will never surrender of my own free will. If in command, I will never surrender the members of my command while they still have the means to resist.”
Article III
“If I am captured, I will continue to resist by all means available. I will make every effort to escape and aid others to escape. I will accept neither parole nor special favors from the enemy.”
Article IV
“If I become a prisoner of war, I will keep faith with my fellow prisoners. I will give no information nor take part in any action which might be harmful to my comrades. If I am senior, I will take command. If not, I will obey the lawful orders of those appointed over me and will back them in every way.”
Article V
“When questioned, should I become a prisoner of war, I am required to give name, rank, service number, and date of birth. I will evade answering further questions to the utmost of my ability. I will make no oral or written statements disloyal to my country and its allies or harmful to their cause.”
Article VI
“I will never forget that I am an American, fighting for freedom, responsible for my actions, and dedicated to the principles which made my country free. I will trust in my God and in the United States of America.”
General Order 1
To take charge of this post and all government property in view.
General Order 2
To walk my post in a military manner, keeping always on the alert and observing everything that takes place within sight or hearing.
General Order 3
To report all violations of orders I am instructed to enforce.
General Order 4
To repeat all calls from post more distant from the guardhouse than my own.
General Order 5
To quit my post only when properly relieved.
General Order 6
To receive, obey, and pass on to the sentry who relieves me all orders from the commanding officer, officer of the day, and officers and noncommissioned Officers of the guard only.
General Order 7
To talk to no one except in the line of duty.
General Order 8
To give the alarm in case of fire or disorder.
General Order 9
To call the corporal of the guard in any case not covered by instructions.
General Order 10
To salute all officers and all colors and standards not cased.
General Order 11
To be especially watchful at night and during the time for challenging, to challenge all persons on or near my post, and to allow no one to pass without proper authority
Weapon Safety Rule 1
Treat every weapon as if it were loaded
Weapon Safety Rule 2
Never point your weapon at anything you do not intend to shoot.
Weapon Safety Rule 3
Keep your finger straight and off the trigger until you are ready to fire.
Weapon Safety Rule 4
Keep your weapon on safe until you are ready to fire.
Description and Technical Data
”- Lightweight- Magazine fed- Gas-operated- Air-cooled - Shoulder-fired weapon
- Semi-auto and auto (3 round burst)”
M4/16 Caliber
M4/16 Maximum effective range
”- 500 meters point target - 594 meters area target”
M4/16 Maximum range
3600 meters
Staggered, 30 round capacity
Primary Mission of the Headquarters Battalion…
The primary mission of the Headquarters Battalion is to execute command and control.
H&S Company…
The H&S Company provides command, administrative, and security functions.
Reconnaissance Company…
The Reconnaissance Company provides ground reconnaissance and surveillance in support of the Division.
MP Company…
The MP Company provides route reconnaissance, evacuation and control of EPW, beach and perimeter defense, area security, crowd control, and investigative services.
Communications Company…
The Communications Company installs, operates, and maintains communications facilities for the Division.
Truck Company…
The Truck Company provides motor transport to the Division.
103.1 Discuss the seven elements of the Marine Corps mission. [ref. a, p. 1-2-1]
Provide Fleet Marine Forces with combined arms and supporting air components
for service with the United States Fleet in the seizure or defense of advanced naval
bases and for the conduct of such land operations as may be essential to the
execution of a naval campaign.
Provide detachments and organizations for service on armed vessels of the Navy
and security detachments for the protection of naval property at naval stations and
Develop, in coordination with the Army, Navy, and Air Force, the doctrine, tactics,
techniques, and equipment employed by landing forces in amphibious operations.
Provide Marine forces for airborne operations, in coordination with the Army, Navy,
and Air Force, according to the doctrine established by the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
Develop, in coordination with the Army, Navy, and Air Force, the doctrine,
procedures, and equipment for airborne operations.
Expand peacetime components to meet wartime needs according to the joint
mobilization plans.
Perform such other duties as the President may direct.
105.1 Identify and explain the nine common elements found in a combat environment.
[ref. a, p. 1-8-3 ]
Violent, unnerving sights and sounds
Confusion and lack of information
Communications breakdown
Individual discomfort and physical fatigue
Fear, stress, and mental fatigue
Continuous operations
AH-1W Cobra
Primary function:
Primary function: Attack helicopter
Discuss the primary function and mission of the following Marine Corps aviation
AH-1W Cobra
Primary function:
Primary function: Attack helicopter
Speed: 147 knots (169.05 miles per
hour) in basic combat attack configuration
Range: 256 nautical miles (294.4 miles)
in basic combat attack configuration
Ceiling: 18,700 feet (5703.5 meters) in
basic combat attack configuration (limited
to 10,000 feet (3050 kilometers) by
oxygen requirements)
Crew: 2 officers
Armament: One 20MM turreted cannon with 750 rounds; four external wing
stations that can fire 2.75”/5.0” rockets and a wide variety of precision guided
missiles, to include TOW/Hellfire (point target/anti-armor), Sidewinder (anti-air) and
Sidearm (anti-radar).
Mission: Fire support and security for forward and rear area forces, point
target/anti-armor, anti-helicopter, armed escort, supporting arms control and
coordination, point and limited area air defense from enemy fixed-wing aircraft.
Features: The AH-1W Super Cobra is a Marine Corps attack helicopter capable of
operating in day, night and limited visibility. The AH-1W provides enroute escort for
our assault helicopters and their embarked forces. The AH-1W is a two-place,
tandem-seat, twin-engine helicopter capable of land- or sea-based operations. The
Cobra provides fire support and fire support coordination to the landing force during
amphibious assaults and subsequent operations ashore.
AH-1W Cobra speed
combat attack figuration range
combat attack configuration ceiling: and limited to what by what?
Speed: 147 knots (169.05 miles per
hour) in basic combat attack configuration
Range: 256 nautical miles (294.4 miles)
in basic combat attack configuration
Ceiling: 18,700 feet (5703.5 meters) in
basic combat attack configuration (limited
to 10,000 feet (3050 kilometers) by
oxygen requirements)
AH1- Cobra Armament:
Armament: One 20MM turreted cannon with 750 rounds; four external wing
stations that can fire 2.75”/5.0” rockets and a wide variety of precision guided
missiles, to include TOW/Hellfire (point target/anti-armor), Sidewinder (anti-air) and
Sidearm (anti-radar).
AH1-Cobra mission
Mission: Fire support and security for forward and rear area forces, point
target/anti-armor, anti-helicopter, armed escort, supporting arms control and
coordination, point and limited area air defense from enemy fixed-wing aircraft.
AH-1 Cobra feautures
Features: The AH-1W Super Cobra is a Marine Corps attack helicopter capable of
operating in day, night and limited visibility. The AH-1W provides enroute escort for
our assault helicopters and their embarked forces. The AH-1W is a two-place,
tandem-seat, twin-engine helicopter capable of land- or sea-based operations. The
Cobra provides fire support and fire support coordination to the landing force during
amphibious assaults and subsequent operations ashore.
Discuss the following characteristics of the M67 grenade: [ref. d]
Description and Technical Data
Filling weight…………….….
Detonation mechanism……
Fuse delay…………………..
Casualty radius……………..
Fatality radius……………….
Maximum range…………….
Description and Technical Data
fragmentation hand grenades
used to produce casualties by high velocity projection of fragment
Filling…………………..……. Composition B
Filling weight…………….…. 6.5oz
Weight………………………. 14oz
Detonation mechanism…….Pyrotechnic delay M213 fuse
Fuse delay………………….. 4 sec.
Casualty radius…………….. 15 meters
Fatality radius……………….5 meters
Maximum range……………. dependent on persons using weapon
Discuss the following characteristics of the M67
Fatality radius……………….
fatality radius 5 meters
Discuss the following characteristics of the M67 grenade: [ref. d]
Casualty radius……………..
Casualty radius 15 meters
Discuss the following characteristics of the M67 grenade: [ref. d]
Fuse delay…………………..
4 sec
Discuss the following characteristics of the M67 grenade: [ref. d]
Detonation mechanism…….
Pyrotechnic delay M213 fuse
Discuss the following characteristics of the M67 grenade: [ref. d]
14 oz
Discuss the following characteristics of the M67 grenade: [ref. d]
filling weight
6.5 oz
Discuss the following characteristics of the M67 grenade: [ref. d]
compositon B
Discuss the following characteristics of the M67 grenade: [ref. d]
Description and Technical Data
Discuss the following characteristics of the M67 grenade: [ref. d]
Description and Technical Data
fragmentation hand grenades
used to produce casualties by high velocity projection of fragment.
EA-6B Prowler Primary Function
EA-6B Prowler
Primary function: Airborne Electronic Warfare (EW) support to Fleet Marine Forces to include; electronic attack (EA), tactical electronic support (ES), electronic protection (EP) and high-speed anti-radiation
missile (HARM)
EA-6B Prowler speed
Speed: Maximum .99 mach; cruise .72 mach
EA-6B Range
Unrefueled in combat configuration: 850
nautical miles (977.5 miles)
Refueled: unlimited (crew fatigue factor - approximately 8 hours)
EA-6B Armament
Armament: ALQ-99 Tactical Jamming System (TJS); USQ-113 Communications
Jammer, High-Speed Anti-Radiation Missile (HARM)
EA-6B sensors
Sensors: ALQ-99 On-board System (OBS), USQ-113 Communications Receiver
EA-6B Crew
Mission: The EA-6B’s ALQ-99 OBS is used to collect tactical electronic order of
battle (EOB) data, which can be recorded and processed after missions to provide
updates to various orders of battle.
EA-6B Prowler
Primary function:
EA-6B Prowler
Primary function: Airborne Electronic Warfare (EW) support to Fleet Marine
Forces to include; electronic attack (EA),
tactical electronic support (ES), electronic
protection (EP) and high-speed anti-radiation
missile (HARM)
Speed: Maximum .99 mach; cruise .72 mach
Unrefueled in combat configuration: 850
nautical miles (977.5 miles)
Refueled: unlimited (crew fatigue factor - approximately 8 hours)
Armament: ALQ-99 Tactical Jamming System (TJS); USQ-113 Communications
Jammer, High-Speed Anti-Radiation Missile (HARM)
Sensors: ALQ-99 On-board System (OBS), USQ-113 Communications Receiver
Crew: 4
Mission: The EA-6B’s ALQ-99 OBS is used to collect tactical electronic order of
battle (EOB) data, which can be recorded and processed after missions to provide
updates to various orders of battle.
- Providing a systematic structure to perform risk assessments.
- Providing improved confidence for individuals to make informed risk decisions.
Adequate risk analysis provides a clearer picture of the hazards and of unit
capabilities. - Preserving personnel and materiel by avoiding unnecessary risk, thus reducing
mishaps and their associated costs.
the 7 elements of the marine corps mission My TWO
Develop, in coordination with the Army, Navy, and Air Force, the doctrine,
procedures, and equipment for airborne operations.
Expand peacetime components to meet wartime needs according to the joint
mobilization plans.
103 MY two Memorandums
Plain-Paper Memorandum. Use plain-paper memorandums for informal
communications within your activity. It is no more formal than the
memorandum form, but it is more flexible when there are multiple
addressees, via addressees, or both.
Letterhead Memorandum. The letterhead memorandum may be used
within your activity and provides more formality than the printed form or
plain-paper memorandum. When direct liaison with individuals outside of
your activity is authorized, the letterhead memorandum may be used to
correspond on routine matters that neither make a commitment nor take
an official stand.
105 my 3 of the nine elements
Communications breakdown
Individual discomfort and physical fatigue
105 my rights of POW
Food,clothing,hygiene and medical attention
107 my rights for deadly force
Inherently dangerous property, National critical infrastructure, and serious offense against persons
107 my two Intel collection methods
Open-Source Intelligence (OSINT)
Refers to a broad array of information and sources that are generally available,
including information obtained from the media (newspapers, radio, television, etc.),
professional and academic records (papers, conferences, professional
associations, etc.), and public data (government reports, demographics, hearings,
speeches, etc.).
imagery Intelligence (IMINT)
Intelligence derived from the exploitation of imagery collected by visual
photography, infrared, lasers, multi-spectral sensors, and radar. These sensors
produce images of objects optically, electronically, or digitally on film, electronic
display devices, or other media.
Identify critical information
conduct threat analysis
conduct vulnerability analysis
conduct risk assessment
apply countermeasures
107 my 4 terrorist short range goals
Delaying the political process
Reducing the government’s economy
Influencing elections
Freeing prisoners
107 my two ways to reduce visibility
maintain a low profile
be unpredictable
weapon conditions of M4
Weapon Conditions
Condition 1
Safety on, magazine inserted, round in chamber inserted, bolt forward,
ejection port cover closed.
Condition 2
Does not apply to the M16M4 rifle,
Condition 3
Safety on magazine inserted, chamber empty, bolt forward, ejection port
cover closed.
Condition 4
Safety on, magazine removed, the chamber is empty, ejection port cover
Off-center Vision Method
The technique of viewing an object using daytime central vision is ineffective
at night. This is due to the night blind spot that exists during low illumination.
Marines must learn to use off-center vision. This technique requires viewing
an object by looking 6 to 10 degrees above, below, or to either side of the
object rather than directly at it.
Scanning Method
Scanning enables the Marines to overcome many of the physiological
limitations of their eyes. It can also reduce confusing visual illusions. This
technique involves looking from right to left or left to right using a slow,
regular scanning movement as shown in figure 1. At night, it is essential to
avoid looking directly at a faintly visible object when trying to confirm its
Strip Method
In daylight, look first at the ground
nearest you. Begin observing close to
your post and search a narrow strip 50
meters or less deep, going from right to
left parallel to your front. Then search
from left to right a second and similar
strip farther away, but overlapping the
first. Continue to observe until the entire
field of view has been searched as
shown in the below figure.
Exclusion zones, Freedom of navigation, and humanitarian Assistance
five purposes of close order drill mine i need to know
Teach discipline by instilling habits of precision and automatic response to
Increase the confidence of his junior officers and of his noncommissioned
officers through the exercise of command, by giving the proper commands
and the control of drilling troops.
my characteristic of command voice
All commands can be pronounced correctly without loss of effect.
Distinctness depends on the correct use of your tongue, lips, and teeth which
form the separate sounds of a word.
To develop the ability to give clear, distinct commands, practice giving
commands slowly and carefully, prolonging the syllables. Gradually increase
your rate of delivery until you develop the proper cadence, while continuing
to enunciate each syllable distinctly.
my three of the 3 of the 8 guidelines in clearing fields of fire
1-In all cases, leave a thin natural screen of foliage to hide fighting positions.
2- In sparsely wooded areas, remove the lower branches of scattered large trees. It may be
desirable to remove entire trees which might be used as reference points for enemy fire.
3- In heavy woods, complete clearing of the field of fire is neither, possible or desirable.
Restrict work to thinning undergrowth and removing lower branches of large trees. In
addition, clear narrow lane of fire for automatic weapons.
115 my two patrols
Economy of force and ambush
MY two mobility task of CEB
Employ assault bridge systems. When augmented, employ other standard bridge systems.
Provide expedient repair and reinforcement of existing bridges.
my Counter mobility task of CEB
Plan and construct obstacles that require special engineering equipment and technical
The Combat Engineer Battalion should provide technical assistance and the necessary
equipment for the development of temporary protective positions for personnel and
MY TWO task of the engineer support company
Provide potable water and hygienic services to the Marine Division.
Provide electrical power to Division organizations that are not authorized generators and
provide backup power to the Division, as required.
my 4 of the thirteen task of CEB
1-Reinforce and repair existing bridges with local materials for the passage of light vehicles.
2- Improve existing terrain for use as helicopter terminal points.
3- Furnish technical assistance in the fabrication and positioning of light obstacles.
4- Supervise the emplacement of minefields and booby traps.
MY 3 reconnaisance tasks
Conducts specialized reconnaissance.
Conducts long-range communications and digital imagery.
Assists in the emplacing and recovery of ground sensors.