FMF 103 Marine corps mission and organization fundamentals Flashcards
Discuss the seven elements of the Marine Corps mission.
Provide Fleet Marine Forces with combined arms and supporting air components
for service with the United States Fleet in the seizure or defense of advanced naval
bases and for the conduct of such land operations as may be essential to the
execution of a naval campaign.
Provide detachments and organizations for service on armed vessels of the Navy
and security detachments for the protection of naval property at naval stations and
Develop, in coordination with the Army, Navy, and Air Force, the doctrine, tactics,
techniques, and equipment employed by landing forces in amphibious operations.
Provide Marine forces for airborne operations, in coordination with the Army, Navy,
and Air Force, according to the doctrine established by the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
Develop, in coordination with the Army, Navy, and Air Force, the doctrine,
procedures, and equipment for airborne operations.
Expand peacetime components to meet wartime needs according to the joint
mobilization plans.
Perform such other duties as the President may direct.
Two parallel chains of command
Service: President, Secretary of Defense Secretary of the Navy, and
Commandant of the Marine Corps
Operational: President, Secretary of Defense, then directly to Commanders
of Combatant Commands for missions and forces assigned to their
Identify and discuss the three Marine Corps Operating Forces.
MARFOR Marine corps forces
marine corps security forces
Marine corps security guard
MARFOR Marine corps forces
MARFOR are organized as MAGTFs and are
either employed as part of naval expeditionary forces or separately as part of larger
joint or combined force.
The commanders of MARFOR Atlantic and Pacific serve
as Marine Corps component commanders to their respective Combatant
Commanders and may also serve as Commanding Generals of Fleet Marine
Forces (FMFs) Atlantic, Pacific, and Europe. As Commanding Generals, with the
status of a naval type Commander, they provide forces for service with
Commander US Atlantic Fleet, Commander US Pacific Fleet, and Commander US
Naval Forces Europe, respectively.
MSF marine corps security forces
The MCSF include approximately 3,400
Marines who protect key naval installations and facilities worldwide. Although not
assigned to combatant commands, they are part of the Operating Forces of the
Marine Corps as well as Marine detachments afloat.
MSG Marine corps security guard
Detachments at embassies and consulates
around the globe. The Marine security guard battalion provides forces to the
Department of State for embassy security. These Marines are currently assigned to
171 posts in 135 countries throughout the world
Headquarters, U.S. Marine Corps, consists of the Commandant of the Marine
Corps and those staff agencies that advise and assist the Commandant in
discharging those responsibilities prescribed by law and higher authority
The Commandant of the Marine Corps is directly responsible to the Secretary of
the Navy for the administration, discipline, internal organization, training,
requirements, efficiency, and readiness of the Marine Corps; the operation of the
Marine Corps materiel support system; and the total performance of the Marine
Describe, in general, a Marine Air-Ground Task Force (MAGTF).
The MAGTF is the Marine Corps’ principle organization for the conduct of all
missions across the range of military operations. MAGTFs are task-organized,
combined-arms forces with organic ground, aviation, and sustainment
elements that can respond rapidly to a contingency anywhere in the world.
The MAGTF provides a combatant commander or other operational
commander with a versatile expeditionary force that is capable of multinational
major operations and/or campaigns.
MAGTFs are organized, trained, and equipped to perform shore-or sea-based
missions ranging from humanitarian assistance to peacekeeping to intense
combat and can operate in permissive, uncertain, and hostile environments.
When deployed aboard amphibious shipping, MAGTFs maintain a continuous
presence at strategic locations around the globe and can be rapidly moved to
and indefinitely stationed at the scene of potential trouble.
The MAGTF provides the JFC with the capability of reconstitution, which is the
ability of an expeditionary force to regenerate, reorganize, replenish, and
reorient itself for a new mission without having to return to its home base.
Command Element (CE)
Is the MAGTF Headquarters. It is task organized to provide command and control capabilities (including intelligence and
communications) necessary for effective planning, direction, and execution of all
(CE) command element shops
G shops and others
G-1 Division (Personnel and Administration)
G-2 Division (Intelligence and Counterintelligence)
G-3 Division (Operations and Training)
G-4 Division (Logistics)
G-5 Division (Plans)
G-6 Division (Communications and Information Systems)
Command Section
Comptroller Division
Communication Security Management Office
Special Operations Training Group
Staff Judge Advocate Branch
Public Affairs Office Branch
mission of The MEF CE
is to provide command, control, direction, planning and coordination of corps-level air, ground, and logistical operations of assigned forces, normally consisting of one or more Marine Divisions, Marine Aircraft Wings, and force service support groups, and other separate units.
Marine Expeditionary Force (MEF) Headquarters Group (MHG)
Provides administrative, training, and logistical support while in CONUS and
forward deployed to the MEF and MEB Command Elements. Additionally,
function as Higher Headquarters for the four Major Subordinate Elements in
order to allow MEF CE to execute war fighting functions in support of service
and COCOM initiatives as required
Is designated as the Marine Corps service component for U.S. Central
Command. MARCENT is responsible for all Marines Corps forces in the
CENTCOM area of responsibility
Marine Corps Forces Reserve (MFR)
Is designated to augment and reinforce active Marine forces in time of war,
national emergency or contingency operations, provide personnel and
operational tempo relief for the active forces in peacetime, and provide
service to the community (for example, through Toys for Tots).
Marine Air Wing, Air Combat Element (ACE)
Task-organized to support the MAGTF mission by performing some or all of
the six functions of Marine aviation.
Normally built around an aviation organization that is augmented with
appropriate air command and control, combat, combat support, and CSS
Operates effectively from ships, expeditionary airfields, or austere forward
operating sites and can readily and routinely transition between sea bases and expeditionary airfields without loss of capability.
Varies in size and composition from an aviation detachment with specific
capabilities to one or more MAWs.
Marine Division, Ground Combat Element (GCE)
Task-organized to conduct ground operations in support of the MAGTF
Normally formed around an infantry organization reinforced with requisite
artillery, reconnaissance, armor, and engineer forces and can vary in size
and composition from a rifle platoon to one or more Marine Divisions.
Marine Logistic Group (MLG), Logistical Combat Element (LCE)
Task-organized to provide the full range of CSS functions and capabilities
needed to support the continued readiness and sustainability of the MAGTF
as a whole.
It is formed around a CSS headquarters and may vary in size and
composition from a support detachment to one or more Marine MLGs.
I Marine Expeditionary Force (I MEF)
II Marine Expeditionary Force (II MEF)
III Marine Expeditionary Force (III MEF)
I Marine Expeditionary Force (I MEF)
Southern California and Arizona
II Marine Expeditionary Force (II MEF)
North and South Carolina
III Marine Expeditionary Force (III MEF)
Japan and Hawaii
Discuss the organization and mission of the following Marine Expeditionary
Brigades (MEB) elements and their components:
A MAGTF built around a reinforced infantry regiment, an aircraft group, and a
Combat Logistics Regiment (FWD).
A Brigadier General normally commands the MEB.
As an expeditionary force, it is capable of rapid deployment and employment
via amphibious shipping, strategic airlift, marrying with Maritime
prepositioned Force (MPF) assets, or any combination thereof.
Command Element, (CE)
Exercises command and control, is commanded by a general, and contains a
SRIG detachment.
Air Combat Element, (ACE)
Marine Aircraft Group
Ground Combat Element, (GCE)
Reinforced Infantry Regiment
Logistics Combat Element, (LCE)
Combat Logistics Regiment (FWD)
Discuss the organization and mission of the following Marine Expeditionary Units
(MEUs) (Special Operations Capable (SOC)) elements and their components: The Marine Expeditionary Unit (Special Operations Capable (MEU (SOC))
Standard forward-deployed Marine expeditionary organization.
Marine Corps Forces Atlantic and Pacific maintain forward-deployed MEUs
(SOC) in the Mediterranean Sea, the Western Pacific, and the Indian Ocean
or Arabian Gulf region.
MEU (SOC) can be thought of both as a self- contained operating force
capable of missions of limited scope and duration and as a forward-deployed
extension of the MEF.
The mission of the MEU (SOC)
And capabilities
) is to provide the NCA and the combatant
commanders with a forward deployed, sea-based, rapid crisis response capability
to execute a full range of military operations.
can conduct special operations such as:
Tactical recovery of aircraft and personnel (TRAP).
Reconnaissance and surveillance.
In-extremis hostage recovery.
Visit, board, search, and seizure of vessels.
Specialized demolitions.
Seizure/recovery of offshore energy facilities.
Seizure/recovery of selected personnel or materiel
The mission of the MEU (SOC) CE and shops
is to provide command and control to the
MEU (SOC). The MEU (SOC) CE is responsible for the command and control,
direction, planning, and coordination of air, ground, and logistic operations of
assigned forces, consisting of a Marine battalion landing team, Marine composite
squadron, MEU service support group, and other separate units. Sections include:
S-1 - Personnel and administration
S-2 - Intelligence and counterintelligence
S-3 - Operations and training
S-4 - Logistics
S-6 - Communications and information systems
Command Section
Chaplain Section
Headquarters Commandant
Public Affairs
describe Marine Air Wing, Air Combat Element (ACE)
Reinforced helicopter squadron with transport, utility, and attack helicopters,
a detachment of vertical/short takeoff and landing (V/STOL) fixed-wing attack
aircraft, and other detachments as required.
describe Ground Combat Element (GCE)
An Infantry Battalion reinforced with artillery, reconnaissance, engineer,armor, assault amphibian units, and other detachments as required.
describe Logistic Combat Element (LCE)
Combat Logistics Battalion.
Identify the location of each of the seven MEUs (SOC) command elements and the
MEFs in which it resides.
I Marine Expeditionary Force (I MEF)
II Marine Expeditionary Force (II MEF)
III Marine Expeditionary Force (III MEF)
11th, 13th, and 15th MEUs (SOC);
22nd, 24th, and 26th MEUs (SOC);
31st MEU (SOC).
Special Purpose MAGTF (SPMAGTF)
A fourth type of MAGTF organization
Normally used for a special purpose (e.g., disaster relief, humanitarian
assistance, noncombatant evacuation operation, or security operations)
Unique instances (e.g., Exxon Valdez oil spill containment) where
employment of one of the three basic MAGTFs would be inappropriate
Command Element (CE)
Structured to conduct command and control of operational functions and is
tailored to the mission and is task-organized for the SPMAGTF. Air Combat Element (ACE)
Task-organized detachment of aircraft. Ground Combat Element (GCE)
Composed of at least a platoon-sized element Logistic Combat Element, (LCE)
Task-organized to meet the specific logistics support requirements of the SPMAGTF and is centered on the unit designated to provide most of the logistics support.