- What happened in 1834?
The Marines were organized into the Department of the Navy.
- How many clicks are contained in a Bezel ring?
120 clicks when fully rotated/ each click equals three degrees
- What is a ridge?
A ridge is a series of hills that are connected to each other near the top.
- Describe a Four digit grid, Six digit grid, and a Eight digit grid. .
Four: Locates a point within 1000 square meters.
Six: Locates a point within 100 meters.
Eight: Locates a point within 10 Meters
- Where are the Bar scales located?
Used to convert map distance to ground distance. Located in the center of the lower Margin.
- What two places is the sheet number located?
Used as a reference number for the map sheet. Upper rightmargin
Lower left margin
- What is a wet down?
A party thrown by a newly promoted Staff NCO or Officer to celebrate his new rank.
- When was the Marine Corps created?
10 November 1775.
- When did the Marines deploy to Beirut, Lebanon?
- What was the date of The Battle of Guadalcanal?
7 August 1942.
- Who participated in The Battle of Guadalcanal and launched the first U.S. land offensive?
1st Marine Division.
- How many personal decorations did Louis B. Chesty Puller have?
- What did Opha Mae Johnson enlist in the Marine Corps?
13 August 1918.
- What is the official title of female Marines in WW1?
Marine Reserve (F).
- Who was the youngest WW2 Navy man to receive the MOH?
Robert E. Bush.
- What are the 4 principles of RM?
Accept Risk when Benefits Outweigh the cost Accept No unnecessary Risk
Anticipate and manage risk by planning Make Risk Decisions at the right level
- What are the three levels of RM?
In Depth lvl: Time is not a limited factor in planning.
Deliberate lvl: Ample time to apply the RM process.
Time Critical: Normal lvl of RM that personnel operate at. There is little or no time to Make a plan.
- What is the 5 step process for RM?
Identify Hazards
Assess Hazards
Make Risk Decisions
Implement Controls
- What are the different types of PPE?
Head protection
Hearing protection Foot protection Eye protection
- When shall single hearing protection be worn?
Noise lvls above 84 dBA.
- When shall double hearing protection be worn?
Noise lvls above 104 dBA.
- What does MSDS stand for?
Material Safety Data Sheet.
- What are the three Marine Corps Forces (MARFOR)?
MAGTF Atlantic, Pacific, Europe
- What is MCSF?
Marine Corps Security Forces, Marines who protect key naval installations and facilities.
- How many personal are MCSF?
- What is MSG?
Marine Security guard. Marines who protect embassies and consulates around the world 171 posts/135 countries
- How many standing MEFs are there and what are there locations.
3 Standing MEFS
1 MEF: South California and Arizona 2 MEF: North and South Carolina
3 MEF: Japan and Hawaii
- What is the Ground combat Element of a MEB?
Reinforced infantry Regiment.
- What is the ACE of a MEB?
Marine Aircraft Group.
- What is a (LCE) Logistics Combat Element of a MEB?
Combat Logistics Regiment
- How many MEUs (SOC) are there and what are there locations?
There are Seven MEUs.
1MEF: 11th, 13th, and 15th MEUs 2MEF: 22nd, 24th, and 26th MEUS 3MEF: 31s MEU
- What is a SPMAGTF?
Special purpose Marine Air Ground Task Force
- What is the ACE of a SPMAGTF?
Detachment of Aircraft.
28.What is the GCE of a SPMAGTF?
At least a Plt Sized element.
- What is the LCE of a SPMAGTF?
Organized to meet the specific logistics support requirements of the SPMAGTF.
- What is BUPERSINST 1610.10D?
Navy Performance Evaluation and Counselingsystem
- Who can Chief Petty Officers act as Reporting Seniors for?
E4 and Below
- How many types of reports are there?
1 Regular Reports: Foundation of the performance record, submitted periodically
2 Concurrent Reports: For active duty and Full time support service members who are TAD and are optional.
3 Operational Reports: Are submitted on OIC’s and CO’s by their operational Commanders. Operational Reports are optional.
- What are the different traits grades?
Superstar Performance 5.0: Could be promoted 2 grades and rank and still stand out. Advanced Performance 4.0: Far more than promotion ready.
Dependable fully qualified journeyman performance: Can handle the next aspect of this trait in the next pay grade.
Useful promising performance: Needs development in this trait.
Disappointing performance: Until deficines are fixed in this trait the member should not be promoted.
- What is a standard letter used for?
To correspond officially within or outside the DOD.
- What is NAVPERS 1070/881?
Training Summary
- Who is the lowest lvl to convene a General Courts Martial?
Commanding General of a division, wing, or base.
- How many common elements are found in a combat environment?
Violent unnerving sights and sounds Casualties
Confusion and lack of information Individual discomfort and physical fatigue Fear, stress, and mental fatigue Continuous operations
Communications breakdown Homesickness
- What is the six troop leading steps (BAMCIS)?
1 Begin Planning: Mission
Enemy Terrain Troops
Time available
2 Arrange for Reconnaissance:
Includes Reconnaissance and movement of the unit.
3 Make reconnaissance:
Revise the preliminary plan as necessary.
4 Complete the plan: Prepare the order
Issue the order:
Ensure a thorough understanding of the order
5 Supervise:
Supervise the planning and preparation of subordinates
- How many articles are in the code of conduct?
- What is article 3 in the code of conduct?
If I am captured I will continue to resist by all means available. I will make every effort to escape and aid others to escape. I will accept neither parole nor special favors from the enemy.
- What are the rights that a prisoner of war has?
Humane Treatment of prisoners: Prisoners must be protected at times.
Respect for the persons of prisoners: All prisoners will be treated the same. Questioning of prisoners: Full name, rank, DOB, and serial number
Medical Attention and Inspections: Conducted monthly
Authorized work conditions: No labor shall be conducted that is military related.
No Dangerous or Humiliating labor
Religious freedom
Punishment: No prisoner may be punished more than once for the same act or charge. Geneva convention and regulations and orders must be posted
- What is shock?
Shock is an abnormality of the circulatory system that results in an inadequate amount of blood flow and oxygen to the organs and tissues.
- What is the anatomy of the cardiovascular system?
Pump: Heart contains 4 chambers Container: Arteries, veins, and capillaries Fluid: Blood and blood plasma
- What are the dimensions of a straddle trench?
Four ft long, 2 1⁄2 ft deep and 1 foot wide.
- What is General order four?
To repeat all calls from post more distant from the guardhouse than my own.
- What is General order nine?
To call the corporal of the guard in any case not covered by instructions.
- What are the three classification levels?
1 Top secret: Any information whose unauthorized disclosure could cause exceptionally grave damage to the national security.
2 Secret: Any information whose unauthorized disclosure could cause serious damage to the national security.
3 Confidential: Any information whose unauthorized disclosure could cause damage to national security.
- What are the 5 methods used to collect information?
Human intelligence (HUMINT): Info from human sources
Signals intelligence (SIGINT): The interception of electronic communications between Two parties.
Open Source intelligence(OSINT): Broad array of information available ex. Media. Imagery Intelligence (IMINT): Intelligence derived from imagery collection. Measurement and signature intelligence (MASINT): Intelligence that concerns weapons capabilities and industrial activities. Gathered from imagery intelligence and Signals intelligence.
- When is FPCON Normal applied?
When there is a general global threat.
- When is FPCON Charlie applied?
When an incident occurs or intelligence is received indicating some form of terrorist action or targeting against personnel or facilities is likely.
- What are the frequency ranges for the PRC 117F SINGARS?
30-512 MHz
VHF low 30-90 MHz VHF high 90-225 MHz UHF 225-512 MHz
- What is the distances a SINGARS radio can operate:
LO Man pack: 300 MM: 300M-4 km
Hi: 4km-8km PA: 8km-35km
- How tight do you screw on the Antenna for the radio?
Hand tighten
- What does VRC stand for?
Vehicle Radio Communication
- What type of Hub is the BA-5390/U?
Lithium Manganese Dioxide NON-RECHARGEABLE HUB
- What does FITCAL stand for?
- What are the four weapon safety rules?
- Treat every weapon as if it were loaded.
- Never point a weapon at anything you do not intend to shoot.
- Keep your finger and off the trigger until you are ready to fire.
- Keep weapon on safe until you are ready to fire.
- What is the weight of the M9 pistol without a mmunition?
33.86 oz
- What are the characteristics of the M16A4 and the M16/M4 Service rifle?
Gas operated Air-cooled Magazine-fed
- What is the weight of a M16A4 with a 30 round magazine?
8.13 pounds
- What is the weight of the M16/M4 rifle with a 30 round magazine?
7.12 pounds
- What is the sustained rates of fire for the M249?
85 rounds per minute 3-5 round bursts with 4-5 seconds of rest no barrel changes.
- What is the sustained rates of fire fo the M2 50 cal Machine gun?
40 rounds or less per min
- What is the intelligence information report (SALUTE) stand for?
Activity or actions Location
Unit identification
Time of observation Equipment and weapons
- How do you signal for a Fire team?
Place your right are diagonally across your chest.
- What is the acronym used to construct a fighting hole?
Automatic weapons
Fields of fire
- What is the disadvantages of a two man fighting hole?
It offers less protection against tanks crossing the long axis and less protection against Bombing and shell fragments.
- What is APL and what are the different levels of APL Armor Protection Level System
0: No body armor
1: Vest/PC with soft armor worn
2: Vest/PC with FRONT and BACK hard armor plates 3. Vest/PC with front, back, and side hard armor plates
- What is the difference between camouflage and concealment?
Camouflage changes what your or your equipment looks like. Concealment hides you and your equipment from enemy observation.
- What is the AH-1W and what is its primary function?
Cobra and it is a Attack helicopter
- What is the CH-53E and what is its primary function?
Super Sea Stallion it is used to transport heavy equipment and supplies from sea to shore
- What is the UH-1Y and what is its primary function?
Huey and it is a utility helicopter
- What is the EA-6B and what is the number of crew members?
Prowler and fits a crew of 4 personnel.
- What class ship is the LHA-1 and what is its mission?
Tarawa class ship. It is used to transport and sustain Marines during Hostilities. Carries one LCAC.
- What class ship is the LHD and how many LCACs does it carry?
Wasp class ship and can carry three LCACs.
- What is a LCAC and how heavy of a payload can it carry?
Landing Craft Air Cushion. It can carry a 60-75 ton payload. Operates from the well decks of ships to carry personal, weapon systems, and cargo across beaches.
- Describe the NBC markers.
Chemical: Has Gas in center with YELLOW background and RED lettering.
Biological: Has Bio in center with BLUE background and RED lettering.
Radiological: Has ATOM in the center with WHITE background and BLACK lettering.
Chemical Minefield: Has GAS MINES in front with RED background with YELLOW Lettering and stripe
- What is the M50?
Joint Service General Purpose Mask
- How many MOPP lvls are there and what are they?
Ready: Mask Carried
0: Everything available
1: Overgarment worn.
2. Overgarment worn, Booties worn.
3. Overgarment worn, Booties worn, Mask worn
4. Overgarment worn, Booties worn, Mask worn, Gloves worn
- What are the three different CBRN alarms?
Vocal, Visual, Percussion
- What are the 3 lvls of decontamination?
Immediate Decon: involves skin decon, personal wipedown, and operator spray down.
Operational Decon: Involves MOPP gear exchange and Vehicle wipe down.
Through Decon: Involves Detailed equipment/Aircraft Decon and Detailed troop Decon.
- What is the length of the half step and back step? .
Fifteen inches
- What is the length of the right and left steps?
Twelve inches
- What are the four characteristics of command voice?
Voice control Distinctness: pronouncing commands correctly without loss of effect. Inflection: is the rise and fall in pitch and tone in the voice.
Cadence: speaking in a rhythmic flow.
- What are the two types of drill commands?
Preparatory: Command that indicates the movement to be executed.
Command of execution: Command that indicates when the a movement is to be done.
- How many soldiers are in the Joint Color Guard?
Three: Army Color, National Ensign, Right Rifleman
- What is the five paragraphs order?
Enemy forces
Friendly forces
Attachments and detachments
Administration and logistics: Beans, bullets, bandaids, bad guys Command and signal