FMF 104 Administrative fundamentals Flashcards
THE development of an eval must be a what
team effort
Reporting Senior
COs and officers in charge (OICs) are reporting seniors by virtue of their command
authority. They may submit properly authorized FITREPs, CHIEFEVALs, and
EVALs on any member who has reported to them for duty, whether junior or senior
to them in grade. The term “commanding officer” is inclusive of all Services and
their civilian equivalents within the U.S. Federal Government. OICs are reporting
seniors if they are in charge of commissioned or established activities listed in the
Standard Navy Distribution List. When a member is assigned to a non-U.S.
Government activity, the reporting senior is the member’s U.S. administrative
commander unless another reporting senior is assigned by order or directive. A
member in this category may receive a letter-type report from the non-U.S.
Government activity for attachment to a FITREP, CHIEFEVAL, or EVAL.
Delegated Reporting Seniors
for specific direction refer to what?
Delegation of reporting senior authority is an actual transfer of that authority, and
not merely an authorization to sign “By direction.” For this reason, delegation is
held to the highest level consistent with effective observation of performance, and
the CO’s oversight responsibilities are carefully defined. For specific direction
concerning delegated reporting seniors, refer to BUPERINST 1610.10D, enclosure
(2), chapter 2.
Immediate Superiors in Command (ISICs)
An immediate superior in command (ISIC) is a reporting senior for assigned COs
and is authorized to assume the reporting senior authority of a subordinate CO
whose capacity to act as a reporting senior becomes impaired.
Enlisted Officer in Charge (OIC)
An enlisted OIC in the grade of E9 and civilians in command positions who hold the
grade of GS-9 through GS-12 may sign reports on E5 and below. A chief petty
officer (CPO) or senior chief petty officer (SCPO) may sign reports on personnel E4
and below only. GS-13 or equivalent may sign reports for E1 to E9. Reporting
senior authority for enlisted OICs in the grade of E7 and E8 may be delegated to
sign E5 reports with the prior written approval of NAVPERSCOM (PERS-32). All
other reports will be signed by a senior in the chain of command having authority to
report on the member concerned.
Enlisted Reporting Seniors
Chief Petty Officers (E7-E9) may act as reporting seniors for members in the
grades of E4 and below only. The next senior officer in the chain of command
having reporting authority for the members concerned must sign all other reports
Raters and Senior Raters
EVALs on personnel E6 and below should contain the signatures of a rater and
senior rater. The signature of the reporting senior is required. This ensures that
Navy’s senior enlisted and junior officer supervisors are properly included in the
enlisted EVAL process.
- The rater for personnel E1-E4 can be an E6 or civilian equivalent (GS-5). For
personnel E5-E6, the rater should be a Navy CPO whenever possible, but if none
is available within the command, the rater may be a military or civilian supervisor
who is an E7 equivalent (GS-6) or higher. Typically, the senior rater will be the
member’s division officer or department head. The senior rater may be omitted
where the reporting senior is the rater’s immediate supervisor. Table 2-1 in chapter
2 of BUPERINST 1610.10D provides guidance on evaluation raters, senior raters,
and reporting seniors for various sized commands
Performance Counseling
Counseling methods are up to the commanding officer. It is the CO’s program.
Performance counseling must be provided at the mid-point of the periodic report
cycle, and when the report is signed. The counselor will be a supervisor who
participates in the member’s EVAL or FITREP preparation. Commanding officers
will guide the counseling program and monitor counselor performance and results.
The objectives are to provide feedback to the member, and to motivate and assist
improvement. Performance counseling starts with a fair assessment of the
member’s performance and capabilities, to which the member contributes. It
identifies the member’s strengths and motivates their further improvement. It also
addresses important weaknesses, but should not dwell on unimportant ones. It
should avoid personality and concentrate on performance. The FITREP and EVAL
forms are used as counseling worksheets, and must be signed by the counselor
and member. Counselors may use the tick marks next to each performance
standard, and/or assign tentative trait grades, and may write comments. Under no
circumstances should a future promotion recommendation be promised during
what are the three eval types of reports
regular reports
concurrent reports
operational commander reports
regular reports
Regular reports are the foundation of the performance record and must be
submitted periodically per the schedule in table 1, and on other occasions specified in the EVALMAN. They must cover, day-for-day, all naval service on active duty or inactive drilling Reserve duty, except for enlisted initial entry training and other limited circumstances. Prior to submitting regular reports, efforts should be made to determine the ending date of the previous report, if any, to ensure regular report continuity is maintained.
concurrent reports
Concurrent reports provide a record of significant performance for active duty
(ACDU) and Full Time Support (FTS) members fulfilling additional duty (ADDU)
or temporary additional duty (TEMADD) orders; and for Reservists supporting
the ACDU and/or their designated cross-assigned billet assignment. They are
optional unless directed by higher authority, and may not be submitted by
anyone in the regular reporting senior’s direct chain of command. A Concurrent
report must be countersigned by the regular reporting senior, who may also
make it the Regular report for the period concerned if continuity is maintained
with the previous regular or regular/concurrent report. Refer to EVALMAN,
chapter 4 for detailed requirements.
operational commander reports
Operational Commander reports are optional, and may only be submitted on
COs or OICs as observed by their operational commanders who are not also
their regular reporting seniors. Refer to EVALMAN, chapter 5 for detailed
what are administrative blocks
The administrative blocks, blocks 1, 3-19, blocks 22-26, block 44
Guidance on Trait Grades
The meanings of the trait grades are printed on the form, along with
representative performance standards. The 5.0 trait grade is reserved for
performance that is far above standards and is notable for its exemplary or
leadership quality. The 1.0 trait grade means generally poor performance that
is not improving, or unsatisfactory performance with respect to a single
standard. For the majority of Sailors, most of the trait grades should be in the
2.0 to 4.0 range. Arbitrarily “two-blocking” the trait grades will be detrimental for
two reasons. First, the reporting senior’s summary group and cumulative trait
grade averages will be available to detailers and selection boards for comparison purposes. Second, it will be difficult for the reporting senior to
allocate promotion recommendations if everyone’s trait grades are the same.
Definitions are stated relative to both performance in that trait and promotability
with respect to that trait.
the performance grades and names
Superstar Performance – 5.0. Could be promoted two pay grades, and
still be a standout in this trait
Advanced Performance – 4.0. Far more than promotion ready in this trait
right now.
Dependable, “Fully-Qualified,” Journeyman Performance – 3.0. Can
handle this aspect of the next higher pay grade.
Useful, Promising Performance – 2.0. Needs development in this trait,
but is promotable if overall performance warrants it (i.e., sufficient
progress in this trait and no more than one other 2.0 trait). Exception: 2.0
trait grade cannot be assigned in Command or Organizational
Climate/Equal Opportunity on reports in pay grades E1-E6 and W2-O6
and maintain a promotion recommendation of “Promotable” or higher. For
pay grades E7-E9, a 2.0 trait grade cannot be assigned in Character and
maintain a promotion recommendation of “Promotable” or higher.
Disappointing Performance – 1.0. Until deficiencies are remedied in this
trait, should not be promoted, regardless of performance in other traits.
Comments Block (Block 41/43)
Comments should be based on verifiable facts. Numerical ranking among
peers is authorized. Explanation of the reporting senior’s forced distribution is
also useful. Use input from the member and the member’s immediate
supervisor(s), as well as the raters’ and reporting senior’s personal
Comments Block (Block 41/43) Do’s and Don’ts
Continuation sheets and enclosures are not allowed, except an endorsed
statement submitted by the member, a flag officer endorsement where
required, a civilian or foreign letter report, a letter extension of a
Concurrent/Regular report, or a classified letter-supplement. Specifically,
substantiate all 1.0 grades, three 2.0 grades, and any grade below 3.0 in
Character, or Command or Organizational Climate/Equal Opportunity in the
comments. Also, make general comments on the remainder of the
evaluative blocks. If there is a promotion recommendation of “Significant
Problems,” or any recommendation against retention, treat the report as
adverse. Any comment suggesting persistent weaknesses, continuing
incapacity, or unsuitability for a specific assignment or promotion must also
be treated as adverse matter, regardless of grades assigned. Do not
include classified matter in the report, and do not submit classified
supplements unless absolutely necessary. Include required comments and
address special interest items as appropriate. Do not include any of the
prohibited comments. (The list of required and prohibited comments and
special interest items are available in chapter 13 of the EVALMAN.)
Comments Block (Block 41/43) Style and Content
Space is limited. Avoid preambles and get directly to performance. Do not
use puffed-up adjectives. Use direct, factual writing that allows the
performance to speak for itself. Bullet style is preferred. Give examples of
performance and results. Quantify wherever possible, but do not stress
quantity at the expense of quality. Avoid stock comments that make
everyone sound alike. Be consistent with the trait marks. comments on poor performance or misconduct where necessary, but be judicious. Define
seldom used acronyms. Use the sections of the report that have been setaside for them. Remember the report will be made a part of the member’s
OMPF and that the report is a permanent part of the official record.
Comments Block (Block 41/43) Promotion Recommendation Summary Groups
Promotion recommendations should be consistent with the performance trait
grades, and with the Individual or Member Trait Average displayed on the form.
Do not make “Early Promote” and “Must Promote” recommendations merely
because quotas are available, and do not recommend any member as
“Promotable” who could not, if called on, currently perform the basic duties of
the next higher grade. Do not automatically place individuals in the “Early
Promote” category when they are evaluated singly. Use the same standards for
trait grades and recommendations as are used for other members of the
command. For enlisted personnel, a recommendation of “Promotable” or above
is the CO’s official recommendation for advancement, even if made by a
delegated reporting senior. A mark of Progressing cannot be assigned on an
EVAL or CHIEFEVAL when a Promotable or higher promotion
recommendation for advancement has been given in a previous report in the
same pay grade. A member’s promotion recommendation can go from
“Significant Problems” on one report to “Early Promote” on the next report
based on the member’s performance and the reporting senior’s
Comments Block (Block 41/43) Misconduct Reporting
Adverse or downgraded FITREPs, CHIEFEVALs, and EVALs may not be
directed as punishment or used as an alternative to the proper disposition of
misconduct under the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ). Reports may
not mention non-punitive censure, or investigatory, judicial, or other
proceedings which have not been concluded or which have exonerated the
member. Subject to these limitations, FITREPs, CHIEFEVALs, and EVALs
should take into account misconduct that has been established through reliable
evidence to the reporting senior’s satisfaction.
Responsibilities and Rights of Members on eval reports
Members shall sign all of their Regular reports, unless impossible to do so, and
shall sign other reports where possible.
Members shall receive a copy of every report from the reporting senior at the
time it is signed.
Members have the right to submit a statement to the record concerning their
reports, either at the time of the report or within 2 years thereafter. Such a
statement shall be endorsed by the original reporting senior and forwarded to
NAVPERSCOM (PERS-32). If the reporting senior feels that the member’s
statement does not meet the requirements as prescribed in BUPERSINST
1610.10D, chapter 17, then the reporting senior should counsel the member. If
members refuse to change their statements, then the reporting senior should
submit the members’ statement along with the endorsement to NAVPERSCOM
(PERS-32) for review.
Members have the right to communicate directly with selection boards, and
have various avenues by which to appeal for change or removal of their
Members have the right to review their records, and have the responsibility to
ensure that their records are complete.
what are the navper FORMS on evals
NAVPERS 1610/2 W2-O6
NAVPERS 1610/5 O7-O8 (not pictured)
NAVPERS 1616/27 E7-E9
NAVPERS 1616/26 E1-E6
the following types of naval correspondence is portrayed as?
To a large degree, the image and effectiveness of the DON is portrayed by the
tone, quality, and responsiveness of correspondence.
Be neat in appearance, correctly formatted, error free, and grammatically
correct. With the use of computers and advanced word processing software,
the long-accepted practice of allowing legible “pen and ink” changes to a piece
of correspondence is no longer acceptable. All correspondence shall be free of
typographical errors and technically correct before it is signed.
Avoid stereotyping men and women based on gender. Use pronouns and titles
that are gender neutral.
Do not write unless you must. A conversation in person, by telephone, or by
electronic mail (e-mail) often saves two letters - the one you would have written
and the other person’s response. Conversations are often better than
correspondence for working out details. Confirm your conversation with a short
memorandum (also referred to as “memo”) to the other person or a
“Memorandum For The Record” if issues of importance or policy are agreed
upon during the conversation.
Always include a point of contact, return telephone number, and e-mail address
when your correspondence might prompt a reply or inquiry
Identifying Navy Personnel 104
Abbreviated rank for officers and rate and warfare designator for enlisted
personnel (e.g., AD1(AW), BM2(SW), CSSN(SS)) with no space between
rank/rate and warfare designator,
first name, middle initial if any, and last name,
staff corps abbreviation (if any),
branch of service,
the 10-digit Electronic Data Interchange Personal Identifier (EDIPI), referred to
as the DoD ID number (should be used as a substitute for the SSN whenever
possible). The last four digits of the SSN (when use of the SSN is justified),
the designator for an officer.
LCDR Kenneth O. Allison, USN, XXX-XX-1234/3100
YN1 (SW) Robert L. Gabel, USN, 1234567890
YN2 Jazsmne Wilson, USN, XXX-XX-1234
Identifying Marine Corps Personnel 104
Unabbreviated grade.
First name, middle initial if any, and last name.
10-digit Electronic Data Interchange Personal Identifier (EDIPI), referred to as
the DoD ID number (should be used as a substitute for the SSN whenever
possible). The last four digits of the SSN (when use of the SSN is justified),
Military Occupational Specialty (MOS).
Branch of service.
Colonel Rodney C. Jones 0123456789/0430 USMC
Major Timothy C. Beck 2013538698/0202 USMC
Sergeant J. Keller 3096589299/0411 USMC
Use of Letterhead Stationary
Use command letterhead stationery only for official matters of the command.
Printing names of officials on letterhead stationery is prohibited. When using
letterhead stationery, the “From:” line will always contain the title of the activity
head and command name. The “From:” line will never contain the name of an
Use command letterhead stationery when corresponding as a member of a
DON approved board or committee. Indicate the letter is from the signing
official by using the board or committee title in the “From:” line.
Do not use letterhead as personal stationery. For example, CDR Baker,
captain of the ship’s basketball team, may not use it for matters involving the
The use of letterhead is authorized for commanders, commanding officers,
officers in charge and directors or those who have signature authority for
commands that are represented in the SNDL only.
Use of Enclosures
An enclosure can prevent a letter from becoming too detailed. Try to keep letters
short, down to one page whenever possible, and use enclosures for lengthy
explanations that cannot be avoided. An enclosure may include such things as
manuals, publications, photocopies of correspondence, charts, etc. belonging to
the specific DON organization only. No external documents area allowed to be
enclosures. Consider making them references instead.
Enclosures must be marked on the first page; however, you may mark all
pages. An enclosure marking goes in the lower right corner, whether the text is
arranged in portrait or landscape orientation. Type “Enclosure” and its number
in parentheses. Arrange the typed pages lengthwise so they can be read from
the right.
Number only second and later pages. If you have several different enclosures,
number the pages of each independently.
When size, weight, or other factors prevent sending an enclosure with a letter,
send it separately and type “(sep cover)” after the enclosure’s description.
For text, use 10 to 12 point font size. Times New Roman 12-point is the preferred
font style and size for official correspondence, but Courier New may be used for
informal correspondence. Bold, underline, script, and italics may be used for
occasional emphasis, but not for entire letters.
Electronic Records
An electronic record is any information that is recorded in a form that only a
computer can process and that satisfies the definition of a Federal record
(SECNAV M-5210.1 Department of the Navy Records Management Manual, part I,
paragraph 17) – information made or received in connection with the transaction of
public business and preserved or appropriate for presentation as evidence of the
organization, functions, policies, decisions, operations, etc, or because of its
information value. Electronic documents, including e-mails, are Federal records to
the same extent as their paper counterparts would be. In practice, there is no
difference between managing electronic and paper records.
E-mail allows individuals and activities to exchange information by computer.
You may use it for informal communications in place of telephone calls or to
transmit formal correspondence. The Defense Data Network must be used for
long-haul data communications support, unless the host system is waived.
Correspondence you send by e-mail must be for official Government business
or for authorized purposes (as defined by the Joint Ethics Regulations section
2-301 (DoD 5500.7-R)). E-mails are subject to legal discovery, therefore, care
should be taken to ensure e-mails are created and managed appropriately per
Standard Letter
Use the standard letter format or one of its variations to correspond officially within
or outside the DoD.
The format of the standard letter, with slight variations, sets the
pattern for joint letters, multiple-address letters, endorsements, directives,
memoranda, etc. The person whose title appears in the “To:” line is the action
addressee. Aside from its one action addressee, the standard letter may have any
number of “Via” addressees, “Copy to” addressees, or both.
format on standard letter: Margins.
Allow l-inch top, bottom, left, and right margins on each page. On
letterhead paper, typing starts more than 1-inch from the top when the
letterhead is printed. Do not right, center, or full justify text or use proportional
spacing. Per OPNAVINST 5215.17, directives headers are 1 inch and footers
are .5 inches.
format on standard letter: font
Font. Spacing and alignment of headings following the “From:” line will vary
based upon the font utilized. The instructions and examples provided below
are typed using the preferred font of Times New Roman.
format on standard letter: senders symbol
Sender’s Symbols. If “in reply refer to” is printed on your activity’s letterhead
paper, type the Standard Subject Identification Code (SSIC) on the next line.
If “in reply refer to” is not printed on your activity’s letterhead paper, type the
SSIC on the second line below the letterhead, starting 2 inches or more from
the right edge of the paper. The longest line of the sender’s symbol should
end close to the right margin.
format on standard letter: from’ line
Every standard letter must have a “From:” line, except a letter that will be
used with a window envelope. To prepare a letter for a window envelope,
follow figure 7-3. As a general rule, the “From:” line is composed of the activity head’s title and the activity’s name. Refer to the three publications listed below for the correct names and mailing addresses for DON and DoD
Type “From:” at the left margin on the second line below the date line. The
text begins two spaces after the colon. If the entry is longer than one line,
start the second line under the first word after the heading.
format on standard letter: to’ line
Address all correspondence to the activity head of an activity.
Include the
office code or person’s title that will act on your letter in parentheses, if
Type “To:” at the left margin on the first line under the “From:” line (do not
skip a line). Six spaces follow the colon.
format on standard letter: Via’ line
Use a “Via:” line when one or more activities outside of your activity should
review a letter before it reaches the action addressee.
The format for the
“Via:” line is the same as for the “From:” line and “To:”
Type “Via:” at the left margin on the first line below the “To:” line. Five spaces
follow the colon. If the entry is longer than one line, start the second line
under the first word after the heading.
Number “Via” addressees if two or more are listed. Follow the chain of
command. Routing starts with the addressee listed first.
format on standard letter: subject line
The subject line consists of a sentence fragment that tells readers what the
letter is about. Use normal word order and capitalize every letter after the
colon. In correspondence, do not use acronyms in the subject line. If the
subject appears elsewhere in the text of the letter, capitalize it using the “Title
Case” format.
Type “Subj:” at the left margin on the second line under the last line of the
previous heading. Three spaces follow the colon. If the entry is longer than
one line, align the second line under the first word after the heading.
Repeat the subject line at the top of each page of the basic letter. Start typing
at the left margin on the sixth line from the top of the page or set margins to 1
inch. Continue the text beginning on the second line below the subject.
format on standard letter: reference line
Use only those references that bear directly on the subject at hand. Avoid
unnecessary or complicated references. Many letters may not need a
reference, while others are complete with a reference to only the latest
communication in a series. List references in the order they appear in the
text. Always mention cited references in the text. Additionally, when citing a
reference it is not necessary to include the subject of the reference.
However, the subject may be included, following all other required elements,
if it aids in clarifying or better identifying the reference.
Type “Ref:” at the left margin on the second line below the subject line. Use a
lowercase letter in parentheses before the description of every reference. If
you have only one reference, list it as “Ref: (a)”. Four spaces follow the
colon. References are listed in alphabetical order, a through z. If you have
more than 26 references, continue with (aa), (ab), etc. If the entry is longer
than one line, line the second line under the first word after the heading.
format on standard letter: enclosure line
List enclosures in the enclosure line in the order they appear in the text.
Identify an enclosure using the same format as you would when identifying a
reference. See paragraph 10 above. When identifying a document, cite its
subject or title exactly. Never list an item in both the enclosure line and
reference line of the same letter. Type “Encl:” at the left margin on the second line below the last line of the
previous heading. Three spaces follow the colon. Use a number in
parentheses before the description of every enclosure, even if you have only
one. One space follows the closing parenthesis. If the entry is longer than
one line, start the second line under the first word after the heading.
format on standard letter: letter body
Start the text on the second line down from the previous entry. The text shall
be left justified. Make the content clear by using plain English. Do not use
slang or jargon.
Within the text, spell out all acronyms the first time used. After first use,
acronyms shall be used throughout the rest of the correspondence
Start all continuation lines at the left margin. All paragraphs are single
spaced and each paragraph or subparagraph begins on the second line
below the previous paragraph or subparagraph. When using a subparagraph,
the first line is always indented the appropriate number of spaces depending
on the level of sub paragraphing. All other lines of a subparagraph continue
at the left margin.
Do not number a single-page letter or the first page of a multiple-page letter.
Center page numbers 1/2 inch from the bottom edge, starting with the
number 2. No punctuation accompanies a page number.
format on standard letter: Signature Line:
Start all lines of the signature line at the center of the page, beginning on the
fourth line below the text. The preferred way to identify the signatory is by
typing their first initial, middle initial, and last name. If the signatory does not
have a middle name, use only their first initial and last name. Signature lines
can be changed based on the signer’s preference. Do not include the
signatory’s rank or a complimentary close. Add the signature line only when
you are sure who will sign the correspondence. If you use a stamp,
remember to mark all copies and avoid smeared or crooked impressions.
format on standard letter: Copy To’ Line:
Type “Copy to:” at the left margin on the second line below the signature line.
Identify addressees by their SNDL short title and/or SNDL numbers shown
there. The SNDL number is an alpha-numeric number that is used to group
commands or activities by classification. Do not list offices within the same
activity individually, group them together in parentheses after the entry.
Endorsements Letter
When a letter is transmitted via your activity, use an endorsement to forward
comments, recommendations, or information. While an endorsement is mostly
used to transmit correspondence through the chain of command, you may also
use it to redirect a letter. Do not use an endorsement to reply to a routine letter.
Additionally, a “Via” addressee may alter the order of any remaining “Via”
addressees or add others. The length of the endorsement and the amount of
space that is available on the basic letter or on the preceding endorsement
determines if you should use a same-page or new page endorsement.
Start the endorsement line at the left margin on the second line below the
date line. If the correspondence is classified, start the endorsement line on
the second line below the classification line. When preparing a same-page
endorsement, as long as the entire page will be photocopied, you may omit
the SSIC, subject and the basic letter’s identification symbols.
Number each endorsement in the sequence in which it is added to the basic
letter. Indicate the numbers of the endorsement by using ordinal numbers
such as FIRST, SECOND, THIRD, etc. Following the number, type
“ENDORSEMENT on” and identify the basic letter using the same style as areference line. When the heading exceeds one line, start the succeeding line
with the word “on”
When preparing your endorsement, include in the “Via:” line any remaining
“Via” addressees, if any. If there is only one via addressee remaining, do not
number it. If there is more than one remaining, number the remaining
addresses starting with the number (1) in parenthesis and consecutively
number the rest.
Do not repeat a reference in the reference line of your endorsement that has
already been identified in the reference line of the basic letter or a previous
Do not repeat an enclosure in your enclosure line that has already been
identified in the enclosure line of the basic letter or prior endorsements.
Identify only the enclosures that you add.
If your endorsement is significant and not routine, each activity that endorsed
the basic letter before you and the originator of the basic letter shall be
included as a copy to addressee on your endorsement. Additionally, all copy
to addressees from the basic letter and previous endorsements shall be
included as a copy to addressee. Significant endorsements include
“forwarded, recommending disapproval,” “readdressed and forwarded,” and
those with substantive comments. Routine endorsements include
“forwarded,” “forwarded for consideration,” and “forwarded, recommending
Memorandum types
Memorandum for the Record.
From-To Memorandum. handwritten.
Plain-Paper Memorandum.
Letterhead Memorandum
Decision Memorandum.
Memorandum of Agreement or Memorandum of Understanding
Memorandum for the Record.
Use a Memorandum for the Record
(MFR) as an internal document to record supporting information in the
record that is not recorded elsewhere.
From-To Memorandum.
Use OPNAV 5215/144A DON Memo (8-1/2 X
11) or OPNAV 5215/144B DON Memo (8-1/5 X 5-1/2) for the “from—to”
memorandum. Memorandum may be directed to one or more
addressees. If very informal, it may be handwritten.
Plain-Paper Memorandum.
Use plain-paper memorandums for informal
communications within your activity. It is no more formal than the
memorandum form, but it is more flexible when there are multiple
addressees, via addressees, or both.
Letterhead Memorandum.
The letterhead memorandum may be used
within your activity and provides more formality than the printed form or
plain-paper memorandum. When direct liaison with individuals outside of
your activity is authorized, the letterhead memorandum may be used to
correspond on routine matters that neither make a commitment nor take
an official stand.
Decision Memorandum.
When only requesting an approval/disapproval
decision from a single addressee, it is appropriate to type a decision
block at the left margin, two lines below the signature line in the following
_____________________ Approved
_____________________ Disapproved
_____________________ Other
Memorandum of Agreement or Memorandum of Understanding
The Memorandum of Agreement or Understanding may be used to
document mutual agreements of facts, intentions, procedures, limits
on future actions, and areas of present or future coordination, or
commitments, etc.
Center “MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT” on the second line
below the date line. Center “BETWEEN” on the next line and follow
with the names of the agreeing activities (centered). To prepare a
“Memorandum of Understanding”, substitute those words for
“Memorandum of Agreement,”
Discuss the purpose of the following in Official Military Personnel File (OMPF)
NAVPERS 1070/602 -
NAVPERS 1070/880 -
NAVPERS 1070/881
NAVPERS 1070/613 –
Part I serves as an application for dependency allowances and is used to
capture military spouse data.
Part II provides an immediately accessible, up-to-date record of emergency
data and is the official document used to determine the following:
Person(s) to be notified in case of emergency or death.
Person(s) to receive the death gratuity when no spouse or child exists.
Person(s) to receive unpaid pay and allowances (arrears of pay)
including money accrued during a missing or captured status, unused
leave, travel, per diem, transportation of family members, transportation
of household goods, and savings deposits found due from Department of
the Navy.
Dependents of member to receive allotment of pay if member is missing
or unable to transmit funds.
Commercial insurance companies to be notified in case of death.
National Service Life Insurance, Servicemen’s Group Life Insurance, and
Veterans Group Life Insurance in effect.
NDAWS is the authoritative source for awards. Once entered into NDAWS
and mailed with full SSN to NPC, PERS-313; PERS-3 will validate and
submit into members OMPF.
Replaced the old page 4, which is a chronological history of their
occupational and training related qualifications.
Also known as, a page 13.
Service as a chronological record of significant miscellaneous entries which
are not provided elsewhere or more detailed information may be required to
clarify entries on other pages of the U.S. Navy Enlisted (Field) Service
Record (FSR).
purpose of ucmj
Promotes good order and discipline and provides a basis for the administration of
justice for the Armed Forces.
Who is responsible for upholding the UCMJ?
All members of the Armed Forces.
Who is subject to the UCMJ?
Members of a regular or reserve component of the Armed Forces.
Members of the Fleet Reserve and Fleet Marine Corps Reserve.
Members of a reserve component while on inactive-duty training.
Members of the Army National Guard and the Air National Guard only when
In time of war, all persons serving with or accompanying an Armed Force in
the field
Volunteers from the time of their muster or acceptance into the Armed
Inductees from the time of their actual induction into the Armed Forces
cadets, aviation cadets, and midshipmen.
Retired members of a regular component who are entitled to pay.
Retired members of a reserve component who are receiving hospitalization
from an Armed Force.
Summary Courts-Martial
Composed of one active duty Commissioned Officer with the rank of Captain
or higher.
The lowest level of authority to convene Summary courts-martial is normally
a Battalion Commander or other equivalent; however, under special
circumstances, the superiors of a Commanding Officer of a separate or
detached command may grant the authority.
Adjudge any punishment not forbidden by the UCMJ, except:
confinement for more than 1 month with hard labor
hard labor without confinement for more than 45 days
restriction for more than 2 months
forfeiture of more than 1 month’s pay
In the case of sergeants and above, Summary courts-martial may not
award a reduction of more than one rank and hard labor without
May not try a Commissioned Officer, Warrant Officer, Cadet, or Midshipman
for any capital offenses.
You cannot be compelled to accept Summary courts-martial. Since Summary
courts-martial is less formal than the other two types of courts-martial, you
may refuse to accept trial by Summary courts-martial and may request a
Special courts-martial. However, you should be aware that conviction by a
Special or General courts-martial constitutes a felony conviction.
Special Courts-Martial
Can be composed of a military judge alone, or a military judge and not less
than three active-duty armed service members.
The impartial personnel can be commissioned officers, warrant officers, or
enlisted personnel.
If you, the accused, are a Commissioned Officer, no member can be a
Warrant Officer or enlisted person.
If you, the accused, are an enlisted person, you may request that at least one
third of the members of the court be enlisted.
The lowest level of authority to convene a Special courts-martial is normally a
squadron or battalion commander or equivalent. However, under special
circumstances, the superiors of a Commanding Officer of a separate or
detached command may grant the authority.
May adjudge any punishment not forbidden by the UCMJ, including:
confinement for 6 months
hard labor without confinement for 3 months
forfeiture of more than two-thirds pay for 6 months
a bad conduct discharge
reduction in rank
Normally, Special courts-martial may not try any capital offense when there is
a mandatory punishment beyond the maximum power of a Special courtsmartial.
General Courts-Martial
Can be composed of a military judge alone or a military judge and not less
than five impartial active-duty armed services personnel.
The impartial personnel can be Commissioned Officers, Warrant Officers, or
enlisted personnel.
If you, the accused, are a commissioned officer, no member can be a
warrant officer or enlisted person.
If you, the accused, are an enlisted person, you may request that at least one
third of the court’s members be enlisted.
The lowest level of authority to convene General courts-martial is usually the
Commanding General of a division, wing, base, or the equivalent. However,
under special circumstances, the Commanding Officer of a separate or
detached command may be granted the authority by his superiors. General
courts-martial may adjudge any punishment not forbidden by the UCMJ.
The purpose of NJP
is to give the commander the ability to maintain good
order and discipline.
When NJP can be administered?
NJP is given for minor offenses of the UCMJ. A minor offense is one for
which the maximum sentence if tried by a General courts-martial does not
include a dishonorable discharge or confinement of greater than one year.
The right to refuse NJP
Before the imposition of NJP proceedings the accused may demand trial by
courts-martial in lieu of NJP.
The right and procedures to appeal
The accused may appeal the punishment if he considers it unjust or
disproportionate to the offense.
The procedures to appeal:
By submitting a written statement describing why he considers the
punishment unjust or disproportionate.
Within 5 days of imposition of punishment.
Through the chain of command to the next superior authority.
Explain the following policies: [ref. d, pp. 1-7-13 thru 1-7-21]
Sexual Assault
An intentional sexual contact, characterized by:
use of force
physical threat
abuse of authority
when the victim does not or cannot consent
Sexual assault includes:
nonconsensual sodomy (oral or anal sex)
indecent assault (unwanted, inappropriate sexual contact or fondling)
attempts to commit these acts
Sexual assault can occur without regard to gender.
Sexual assault is a criminal act incompatible with the Department of Navy
Core Values, high standards of professionalism, and personal discipline.
Military personnel alleged to have committed a sexual assault offense may
be subject to trial and, if found guilty, punishment by courts-martial.
Additionally, such military personnel are subject to being processed for
administrative separation.
Explain the following policies: [ref. d, pp. 1-7-13 thru 1-7-21]
Sexual Harassment
Sexual harassment is unacceptable and unprofessional behavior for military
or civilian personnel that is dealt with through the leadership and supervisory
Leaders and supervisors have a dual responsibility to create and maintain or
defend an environment of mutual respect in which civilian and military men
and women can function and conduct appropriate and continuous training to
promote understanding and eliminate sexual harassment.
Explain the following policies: [ref. d, pp. 1-7-13 thru 1-7-21]
Equal Opportunity
Provide equal opportunity for all military members without regard to:
National origin
Consistent with the physical and mental capabilities of the individual.
Promote Marines based on merit, not quotas.
Promote Marines who meet the minimum eligibility service and grade criteria
(TIS, TIG) for promotion.
Promote equal opportunity for all Marines.
Explain the following policies: [ref. d, pp. 1-7-13 thru 1-7-21]
No Marine or service member attached to a Marine command, including
Marine detachments, may engage in hazing or consent to acts of hazing
being committed upon them. No one in a supervisory position may, by act,
word, or omission, condone or ignore hazing if he or she knows or
reasonably should have known that hazing may occur.
Consent to hazing is not a defense to violating MCO 1700.28.
Any violation, attempted violation, or solicitation of another to violate MCO
1700.28 subjects involved members to disciplinary action under Article 92 of
the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ).
Explain the following policies: [ref. d, pp. 1-7-13 thru 1-7-21]Fraternization
Defined as unduly familiar relationships and social and business contacts
between and among Marines of different grades.
These relationships are inconsistent with the traditional standards of good
order, discipline, and mutual respect that have always existed between
Marines of senior and lesser grade. Fraternization violates good order and
discipline, which is the essential quality of behavior within the Armed Forces.
Marines will behave in a manner that is consistent with traditional standards
of good order and discipline, mutual respect, and the customs of the Marine
Explain the following policies: [ref. d, pp. 1-7-13 thru 1-7-21]
Suicide Prevention
Suicide Prevention
Suicide is a preventable personnel loss that impacts unit readiness, morale and
mission effectiveness. Relationship disruption, substance abuse, financial
problems, legal problems, and mental health problems (such as depression) can
interfere with individual efficiency and unit effectiveness and also increase a
person’s suicide risk.
Navy suicide prevention programs consist of four elements:
Increasing awareness of suicide concerns, improving wellness, and
ensuring people know how to intervene when someone needs help.
Ensuring timely access to needed services and having a plan of action
for crisis response.
Assisting families, units, and service members affected by suicidal
Reporting incidents of suicide and suicide related behaviors.
navy suicide prevention four elements
Navy suicide prevention programs consist of four elements:
- Increasing awareness of suicide concerns, improving wellness, and
ensuring people know how to intervene when someone needs help.
-Ensuring timely access to needed services and having a plan of action
for crisis response.
- Assisting families, units, and service members affected by suicidal
-Reporting incidents of suicide and suicide related behaviors.