FMF GCE Guide Flashcards many Reconnaissance Plts are in the Reconnaissance Company?
- What are the phases of reconnaissance
Entry level: core skills 1000 events ex. Identifying foreign weapons and land navigation Advanced individual training: lvl 2000 events follow on schools ex. Dive and jump School
Collective training: 4000-7000 events Unit working together
- What is the SOLE objective of Reconnaissance training?
The successful execution of the reconnaissance combat mission.
- How many companies doe the Reconnaissance battalion have?
- How many tasks does the Reconnaissance Battalion have?
- What is the primary mission of the Reconnaissance Battalion?
Conduct ground reconnaissance and observation in support of the Marine division and Its elements.
- What is the Primary armament for the LAV-M?
M252 81mm mortar
5 ready/94 stowed
- What is the primary function of the LAV-M?
Provide indirect fire support for light infantry and reconnaissance forces.
- How many rounds of 7.62 does the LAV-AT, LAV-C2, LAV-L, LAV-R, and LAV-M hold?
200 ready/800 stowed
- How many rounds of 25mm ammo, 7.62 ammo and smoke grenades does the LAV-24 have?
25mm: 210 ready/420 stowed 7.62: 400 ready/ 1200 stowed Smoke grenades: 8 eady/8 stowed
- What is the primary Armament of the LAV 25?
M242 25mm Chain gun
- How long does it take to get all the LAVs ready?
3 min
- What is the speed for the LAV-25 in water and land?
Water: 6 mph
Land: 62 mph
- What is the Range for the LAV-25?
410 miles
can a LAV cross a current of 8.2 feet per second and under?
- What ae the different types of light armored vehicles LAV?
LAV 25,
LAV-AT (Anti Tank),
LAV-C2 (Command and Control), LAV-L (Logistics)
LAV-M (Mortars)
LAV-R (Recovery) is the Range for the LAV-25?
- What is the mission of the LAR Battalion?
To conduct reconnaissance, security, and economy of force operations and within capabilities, conduct limited offensive or delaying operations that exploit the unit’s mobility and firepower.
- How many crew members are in the Husky MK3?
One Driver
- What is the max speed for the Husky MK3?
62 MP
- What is the Cruising range for the Husky MK3?
497 miles
- What is the Husky MK 3 used for?
IED detection
- How many troops can the CAT 1 MRAP and the COUGAR Type 2 MRAP hold?
CAT 1: four
CAT 2: ten
- What is the Crew for the CAT 1 MRAP and the COUGAR Type 2 MRAP?
Vehicle commander Gunner
- What is the Cruising speed for the CAT 1 MRAP and the COUGAR Type 2 MRAP?
20-30 MPH
- What is the Max speed of the CAT 1 MRAP and the COUGAR Type 2 MRAP?
65 MPH
- What is the Cruising range for the CAT 1 MRAP and CAT 2 MRAP
CAT1:450 Miles
CAT2:350 Miles
- True/False is the CAT 1 MRAP a cougar 4x4?
- What are the 4 tasks of the engineer support company?
Provide construction materials
Provide potable water
Provide electrical power
Provide Motor transportation
- How many counter mobility tasks are there for the combat engineering battalion?
Plan, organize, and coordinate construction of explosive and nonexplosive obstacle Systems.
Plan, and construct obstacles that require special engineering equipment and Expertise.
Perform specialized demolition missions that the division is not capable of doing.
- What are the SIX mobility tasks for the Combat engineer battalion?
Conduct engineer reconnaissance
Plan, organize, and coordinate breaching of explosive and nonexplosive obstacles Employ assault bridge systems
Provide expedient repair and reinforcement of bridges
Provide expedient short span bridges from local materials
Provide temporary repair of roads
- What is the mission of the AAVR7A1?
Recover similar or smaller sized vehicles.
- What is the troop capacity ng the AAVP7A1?
21 combat equipped troops 285 pounds per troop or 10,000 pounds of cargo
- How many crew members in all the AAV’s?
- What is the cruising ranges for all the AAV’s?
Land 25 MPH for 200 miles
Water 2600 RPM for 7 hours
- What are the different types of Assault Amphibian Vehicles?
Assault Amphibian Vehicle Personnel 7A1 AAVP7A1 Assault Amphibian Vehicle Command 7A1 AAVC7A1 Assault Amphibian Vehicle Recovery 7A1 AAVR7A1
- How many Assault Amphibian Companies does the 2D AABN have?
3 Assault Amphibian companies
- How many Assault Amphibian Companies does the 1st AABN and the 3D AABN have?
4 Assault Amphibian companies.
- What is the most recent version of the TOW?
TOW 2 Launcher: It is compatible with al TOW missiles and can be tripod mounted.
- When was the TOW fielded?
- What does TOW stand for and what is its maximum effective range?
Tube launched, Optically tracked, Wire guided missile
2.33 miles is the maximum effective range
- What is the main weapon of the M1A1?
120mm M256A1 main gun
- How many crew members are in the M1A1?
4 crew members
Tank commander
- What is the cruising range and max speed of the M1A1? Cruising range:
273 to 298 miles @ 25 mph
Max speed: is 42 mph
- How many Tank Companies are in a Tank Battalion?
4 Tank Companies
- What aircraft can transport the M142?
- State the range for the M142 munitions. Conventional:
8,000-32,000 meters Guided Missile: 15,000-300,000 meters
- What does the crew consist of for the M142?
3 Enlisted personnel
Gunner Launcher Chief
- What are the 3 different types of Ammunition for the M327?
M1101 cartridge: High Explosive 45 meter casualty radiusM1103 cartridge: Obscurant (smoke) 6.17 pounds of white phosphorus M1105 cartridge: Visible illuminant 1.5 million candle power for 65 seconds
- What is the bore of the M327 Mortar system, and how many crew members does it take to operate?
Rifled 120mm
5 enlisted and at least 3 enlisted to operate Section chief
1-3 Cannoneer
- What is the range of the M777 ammunition?
Conventional ammunition: 22,400 meters Rocket Assisted projectiles: 30,000 meters
- Name the aircraft that the M777 is transportable by.
Helicopter: ch-46, ch-53D, ch-53E or the MV-22 (4) Fixed wing: C-5, C-17, C-130, and C-141 (4)
- How many Crew members does it take to operate the M777?
9 enlisted/ 7 to operate
Section chief Assistant Gunner Recorder
1-5 Cannoneers Driver
- What are the rates of fire for the M777 Howitzer?
Maximum: 4 rounds for 2 minutes Substaines: 2 rounds per minute
- Who employs the M142 HIMARS system?
11th and 14th Regiment.
- How many Artillery Battalions are in the 11th Marine Regiment?
Four Artillery Battalions
- How many Artillery Battalions are in the 10th and 12 Marine regements?
Two Artillery Battalions
- What are the five different types of patrols?
1 Raid patrols: Used to destroy or capture enemy personnel and equipment, and free Friendly personnel who have been captured.
2 Contact patrols: Used to Establish and maintain contact with the enemy or friendly Forces.
3 Economy of force patrols: Used to perform limited objective missions to allow maximumForces to be used somewhere else.
4 Ambush patrols: Used to ambush enemy patrols and convoys.
5 Security patrols: Used to detect infiltration by the enemy and protect against surprise or Ambush.
- What are the three types of rally points?
En route Objective
- how many fire teams are in a rifle squad?
three fire teams built around an automatic wpn and controlled by a team leader
- how many M252 81mm mortars does the wpns company mortar plt have?
- how many M240G’s does a wpns plt machine gun section have?
six many Rifle Companies are in the Infantry Battalion?
three many Infantry Battalions are in the Infantry Regiment?
three infantry battalions with 3400 personnel.
- What is the M777 and what is its Bore diameter?
Howitzer, 155mm