Fluencia Level 8 Units 3-4 Flashcards
(Begin Level 8 Unit 3)
(review) Do you (informal) like this skirt? I like yours better (I like better yours).
¿Te gusta esta falda? Me gusta más la tuya.
(review) My husband likes well-done meat.
A me esposo le gusta la carne bien cocida.
(verbs of emotion) to stand, to bear, to support; to be sorry about (lament); to set up (mount)
soportar; lamentar; montar
(verbs of emotion) to enjoy (2); to be happy; to formalize
disfrutar, gozar; alegrarse; formalizar
(verbs of emotion) to be offended; to amaze, to be amazed, to marvel at; to be afraid of, to fear (ref: timid); to feel sorry for (2)
ofenderse; maravillar; temer; dar pena, apenarse
(emotion) I fear that her marriage is in crisis.
Temo que su matrimonio esté en crisis.
(emotion) I am happy that you (informal) are going away on (of) a trip.
Me alegro de que tú te vayas de viaje.
(emotion) We hope that grandpa recovers (recuperates) quickly.
Esperamos que abuelo se recupere pronto.
I’m afraid I’ll (to) arrive late.
Yo temo llegar tarde.
I hope to be able to attend the dinner.
Yo espero poder asistir a la cena.
(verbs of emotion) to lament; to annoy, to bother; to be sorry; to feel badly; to get offended
lamentar; molestar; sentir; dar pena; ofenderse
I feel (NOT subjunctive) that they made (committed) an error.
Yo siento que ellos cometieron un error.
I am sorry that you have to go (pass) through such a (that) rough (period of) time.
Lo siento que tengas que pasar por ese mal rato.
What a shame (pity) that you can’t come to my party.
Qué lástima que tú no puedas venir a mi fiesta.
(-zar verbs) She hugs her husband.
Ella abraza a su esposo.
(-zar verbs) I want my husband to hug (embrace) me.
Quiero que me abrace mi esposo.
(-zar verbs) to throw (lance); to enjoy (2); to authorize; to carry out (to realize); to pray; to reach
lanzar; gozar, disfrutar; autorizar; realizar; rezar; alcanzar
(-zar verbs) The boss authorizes the changes.
El jefe autoriza los cambios.
(-zar verbs) The boss needs to (it is necessary that the boss) authorize the changes.
Es necesario que el jefe autorice los cambios.
(-zar verbs) I hope you (informal) organize your things today.
Espero que organices tus cosas hoy.
(emotions) ridiculous; cynical; fantastic
ridículo; cínico; fantástico
(emotions) sentimental; emotional; old-fashioned, antiquated
sentimiento/a; emotivo/a; anticuado/a
(emotions) alone; shame (what a shame!); birth; beauty, a beautiful person
solo; lástima; nacimiento; hermosura
(dessert) sweet-toothed person; sponge cake; “candy of milk”; sandwich cookie (Peru, Argentina); gypsy’s arm sponge cake
goloso; tres leches; dulce de leche; alfador; brazo gitano
He is sorry (laments) that his father is not at (in) his son’s birth.
Él lamenta que su padre no esté en el nacimiento de su hijo.
It bothers (worries, preoccupies) us that you (informal) are not studying for your classes.
Nos preocupa que no estés estudiando para tus clases.
She gets (puts herself) sad that her parents live so far away.
A ella le pone triste que sus papás vivan tan lejos.
(To me) It offends me that you (plural) believe I am unfriendly.
A mí me ofende que crean que soy antipático.
It surprises me that you (informal) want to leave your husband.
Me sorprende que quieras dejar a tu esposo.
(to me) I like that he talks about (of) his feelings and emotions.
A mí me gusta que él hable de sus sentimientos y emociones.
I’m afraid that my husband won’t get that job.
Temo que mi esposo no consiga ese trabajo.
I feel sorry (lament) that not everyone has (have) food to eat.
Lamento que no todos tengan comida para comer.
(Begin Level 8 Unit 4)
congratulations (2)
felicitaciones, enhorabuena (es)
too; so, as; very. It is so hot (frying pan). It is so hot (weather). This house is as large as that other one. That house is very luxurious.
demasiado; tan, tanto; muy. Está tan caliente. Hace tanto calor. Esta casa es tan grande como esa otra. Esa casa es muy lujosa.
well; barely; later
bien; apenas; luego
badly, evil (noun); still (2); then. That guy is pure evil.
mal; aún, todavía; entonces. Ese tipo es puro mal.
(2 adverbs modifying the same verb) Juan completed the project quickly and efficiently.
Juan completó el proyecto rápida y eficientemente.
Move (informal) forward (advance) carefully or you’re going to fall.
Avanza cuidadosamente o vas a caer.
very; much
muy; mucho/a
here (2): I live here in this house. I live here in this neighborhood. Come here right now!
aquí, acá: Yo vivo aquí en esta casa. Yo vivo acá en este vecindario. ¡Ven acá ahora mismo!
there (3). Your coat is there in the closet (2). There in California where my sister lives, the weather is always good.
allí, ahí; allá: Tu abrigo está allí (o ahí) en el clóset (armario). Allá en California donde vive mi hermana siempre hace buen tiempo.
(-ger/-gir verbs) She chooses an apple. I want her to choose a fruit.
Ella escoge una manzana. Quiero que ella escoja una fruta.
(-ger/-gir verbs) She directs a company. It’s important that she direct the company.
Ella dirige una empresa. Es importante que ella dirija la empresa.
(-ger/-gir verbs) Hopefully the judges pick my painting.
Ojalá los jueces escojan mi cuadro.
(-ger/-gir verbs) I need you (informal) to lead (direct) the meeting.
Necesito que dirijas la junta.
(-ger/-gir verbs) to choose; to pick up; to protect; to demand
escoger; recoger; proteger; exigir
(-ger/-gir verbs) to pretend (feign); to direct; to correct
fingir; dirigir; corregir
It’s necessary that you (informal) fix (correct) your mistakes.
Es necesario que corrijas tus errores.
It’s important that you (informal) protect your skin from the solar rays.
Es importante que protejas la piel de los rayos solares.
I hope you pick up the packages on time.
Espero que recojas los paquetes a tiempo.
Except [for] potatoes, I don’t like vegetables.
Excepto las papas, no me gustan las verduras.
Nobody beats the clock (against time, nobody wins).
Contra el tiempo nadie gana.
(adverbs) then; above, upstairs; more; near
entonces; arriba; más; cerca
(adverbs) far; much; below, downstairs. the downstairs bathroom (the bathroom of downstairs)
lejos; mucho; abajo. el baño de abajo
My girlfriend lives downstairs (on the lower floor).
Mi novia vive en el piso de abajo.
There is barely [only] one cookie left. I’m not going to share.
Apenas queda una galleta. No voy a compartir.