Fluencia Level 6 Units 1-2 Flashcards
(Level 6, Unit 1: An important birthday - irregular past participles)
(Un cumpleaños importante)
This year you’re celebrating (reaching) 40!
¡Este año cumples cuarenta!
to heat, heated: the heated coffee
calentar, calentado: el café calentado
to organize, organized: He organized the house. The house is organized.
Él organizó la casa. La casa está organizada.
to put up (e.g. lights); put up: They put [up] the lights. The lights have been (are) put up.
poner; puesto: Ellos pusieron las luces. Las luces están puestas.
made: I have made the invitations for the party.
He hecho las invitaciones para la fiesta.
to write, written: Have you (informal) written the essay?
escribir, escrito: ¿Has escrito el ensayo?
to open; open: Did you (informal) open the door? - No, it was already open.
abrir, abierto/a: ¿Abriste la puerta? No, ya estaba abierta.
asleep; dead: When I saw the cat asleep I thought he was dead!
dormido; muerto: Cuando vi al gato dormido, pensé que estaba muerto!
to have on, be wearing: I (female) have on a white shirt and a black skirt.
tener puesto: Tengo puestas una camisa blanca y una falda negra.
to break, broken: Do you (informal) have another pencil? This one is broken.
romper, roto: ¿Tienes otro lápiz? Este está roto.
to die, dead: I think (believe) that the flowers in the garden are dead.
morir, muerto: Creo que las flores en el jardín están muertas.
open; closed: Is the bedroom window open or closed (is open or closed the window of the bedroom)?
abierto; cerrado: Está abierta o cerrada la ventana del cuarto?
to die, dead: The flowers in (of) the garden are dead.
morir, muerto: Las flores del jardín están muertas.
lost: Those people are lost.
Esas personas están perdidas.
tired: The tired dogs don’t want to walk any more. (2)
Los perros cansados ya no quieren caminar. (Los perros cansados no quieren caminar más.)
to cover, covered: The bed is covered in (of) my dirty clothes.
cubrir, cubierto: La cama está cubierta de mi ropa sucia.
boring: This boring class doesn’t interest me.
Esta clase aburrida no me interesa.
Do you (informal) have the printed (2) invitations?
¿Tienes las invitaciones impresas (imprimidas)?
to fry, fried: I love fried food!
freír, frito: ¡Me encanta la comida frita!
(Level 6, Unit 2: Blast from the past - present perfect, before and after)
(Explosión del pasado)
to do, done: Have you done (Did you do) your Spanish homework?
hacer, hecho: Has hecho (Hiciste) tu tarea de español?
I worked hard and put in (inserted, inverted) many hours.
Trabajé duro e invertí muchas horas.
Did you eat (have you eaten) a salad and a soup?
¿Has comido una ensalada y una sopa?
to give, given: Have you (informal) given the book to Carlos?
dar, dado: Le has dado el libro a Carlos?
Lately (ultimately) there have been several birthdays.
Últimamente, ha habido varios cumpleaños.
We have made lots of food for tonight’s party.
Hemos hecho mucha comida para la fiesta de esta noche.
They (female) have talked all (the entire) night.
Ellas han hablado la noche entera.
to be, been (occupation): I have been a doctor (female) for 10 years.
Yo he sido doctora por diez años.
I still haven’t gone to see my grandma in the hospital.
Aún (Todavía) no he ido a ver a mi abuela en el hospital.
What did you (impersonal) say? (What have you said?) I didn’t hear you (well).
¿Qué has dicho? No te escuché bien.
Have you (plural) seen my son? I can’t (don’t) find him.
¿Ustedes han visto a mi hijo? No lo encuentro.
An old friend (one I have known for a long time) called me.
Un viejo amigo me llamó.
An old friend (one who is old) called me.
Un amigo viejo me llamó.
I haven’t been able to study for my history class.
No he podido estudiar para mi clase de historia.
He has prepared a party for his wife.
Él ha preparado una fiesta para su esposa.
I haven’t put milk in the coffee yet. (not a problem) I still haven’t put milk in the coffee. (getting annoyed)
No he puesto leche al café todavía (aún). Todavía (Aún) no he puesto leche al café.
There has been a lot of wind this month.
Ha habido mucho viento este mes.
Have you told your sister that you’re going to get married?
¿Le has dicho a tu hermana que te vas a casar?
My neighbor has been washing his car since 7am.
Mi vecino ha estado lavando su carro desde las siete de la mañana.