Fluencia Level 7 Units 5-6 Flashcards
(Begin Level 7 Unit 5: work performance, exclamatory words, yo verbs)
(work) to enter; to grow; goal
entrar; crecer; meta
(work) hard, harsh; perseverance; to develop
duro; la perceverancia; desarollar
(work) to fulfill, to carry out, to complete; to demonstrate; to intend, to try (2); loyalty
cumplir; demostrar; intentar, tratar; la lealtad
(exclamatory) This church is really pretty! (what pretty is this church!)
¡Qué bonita es esta iglesia!
(exclamatory) How much food there is on the table!
¡Cuánta comida hay en la mesa!
(exclamatory) How happy you make me! (How you make me happy!)
¡Cómo me haces feliz!
(exclamatory) What a musician he is!
¡Qué músico es!
(exclamatory) How delicious (What delicious!)
¡Qué delicioso!
(exclamatory) How we celebrated during the wedding!
¡Cómo celebramos durante la boda!
(exclamatory) I love you so much! (How much I love you!)
¡Cuánto te quiero!
(exclamatory) God help me (by God)!
¡Por dios!
Little Red Riding Hood (Little Red Cape): (Little) Grandmother, what big eyes you have! [All] the better to see you with (they are in order to see you better), said the wolf.
Caperucito rojo: –Abuelita, ¡qué ojos grandes tienes! –Son para verte mejor – dijo el lobo.
How (what) thin you (female) look! Are you on a diet?
¡Qué delgada te ves! ¿Estás a dieta?
How many cookies can I eat? However many you want!
¿Cuántas galletas puedo comer? ¡Cuántas quieres!
(irregular yo words) I thank you all for celebrating with me.
Les agradezco a todos ustedes para celebrar conmigo.
(irregular yo words) I choose broccoli.
Yo escojo el brócoli.
(irregular yo words) I drive (conducir) my own pickup truck.
Conduzco mi propia camioneta.
(work) to work, to run, to function; performance (rendition) (2); to show, to reflect
funcionar; el rendimiento (el desempeño); reflejar
(work) to deserve (merit); productivity; to achieve, to manage to
merecer; la productividad; lograr
(work) issue, matter; magnificent; to congratulate
el asunto; magnífico; felicitar
Hello, fatty (male), how was work (how was it to you in the work)?
Hola, gordo, ¿cómo te fue en el trabajo?
Oh (ay), what a cute little fat one! (What a little one more cute!)
¡Ay, qué gordito más lindo!
[Hey,] good looking (woman), do you have the book for the Spanish class?
Guapa, ¿tienes el libro para la clase de español?
potbellied; pudgy (nicknames for child)
panzón; gordinflón
pretty; sweetie (nicknames for girlfriend, wife)
linda; dulce
How you have developed and grown in this company!
¡Cómo has desarrollado y crecido en esta compañía!
How (what) good that they gave you (informal) a raise!
¡Qué bueno que te dieron un aumento!
How many times I’ve thought that!
¡Cuántas veces he pensado eso!
How (much) cold I am (have)! I want to go to the beach.
¡Cuánto frío tengo! Quiero ir a la playa.
What [a] surprise! I didn’t know you were coming (would come).
¡Qué sorpresa! No sabía que vendrías.
How my head hurts! (How the head hurts me!) I can’t think.
¡Cómo me duele la cabeza! No puedo pensar.
I follow, continue; I get; I distinguish
sigo; consigo; distingo
I drive; I am thankful for; I deserve
conduzco; agradezco; merezco
I correct; I direct; I choose, I pick; I pick up, tidy up; I demand
corrijo; dirijo; escojo; recojo; exijo
(End Level 7 Unit 5: work performance, exclamatory words, yo verbs)
(Begin Level 7 Unit 6: Fantastic News!)
(review) Good qualifications are needed to find a job.
Se necesitan buenas cualificaciones para encontrar un trabajo.
(review) In school it is not permitted to wear brand-name clothing.
En la escuela no se permite llevar ropa de marca.
(review) Used clothing should be given (as a gift) to others and not put it in the garbage.
Se debe regalar la ropa usada a otros y no ponerla en la basura.
(review) How does one get to the agency?
¿Cómo se llega a la agencia?
(review) They are offering a day trip (excursion) on the island. (Is being offered a day trip (excursion) on the island.)
Se está ofreciendo una excursión en la isla.
(review) These days (actually), people prefer modern houses (modern houses are preferred).
Actualmente, se prefieren casas modernas.
(review) How you (informal) have developed and grown at (in) this company!
¡Cómo has desarrollado y crecido en esta empresa!
(review) How many times have I thought that!
¡Cuántas veces he pensado eso!
They said (it was said) that it wasn’t possible.
Se dijo que no era posible.
to brag (about): Stop (informal) bragging about your (the) success.
jactarse de: Deja de jactarte de tu (del) éxito.
property, real estate; space; I don’t care: I don’t care if the space is small.
el local; el espacio; no me importa: No me importa si el espacio sea pequeño.
(restaurant) tablecloth; saucer, dish (meal); dishes, tableware
el mantel; platillo; la vajilla
(restaurant) tip; property, place, locale; square; round
la propina; el local; cuadrado/a; redondo/a
(restaurant) host (m/f); vegan (person); vegetarian (person); jar, pitcher
el anfitrión, la anfitriona; vegano/a; jarra; vegetariano/a
(adj AFTER noun: differentiation) Look at the big dog playing with the small dog. I like Mexican food more than Italian food.
Mira al perro grande jugando con el perro pequeño. La comida mexicana me gusta más que la comida italiana.
(adj AFTER noun: color or shape) the brown table; the round clock
la mesa marrón; el reloj redondo
(adj AFTER noun: classification, nationality, political affiliation, profession, religion) my Venezuelan friend (female); a Catholic school
mi amiga venezolana; una escuela católica
(adj AFTER noun: past participles) the dead fly
la mosca muerta
(adj AFTER noun: adj modified by adverbs like muy, más, menos, tan AND adj phrases formed by de + noun) my wife is very pretty (bonnie); a silk dress; the silver necklace
Mi esposa es muy bonita. un vestido de seda; el collar de plata
(adj BEFORE noun: highlight inherent characteristic of noun) murder (assassination); stormy: The murder happened (occurred) on a dark and stormy night. BUT… You don’t see anything (nothing is seen) on a dark night.
el asesinato; tormentoso/a: El asesinato ocurrió en una oscura y tormentosa noche. No se ve nada en una noche oscura.
(adj BEFORE noun: cardinal and ordinal numerals and quantitative adjs): My grandmother has 3 cats. This is the second time I go to California. I want another ice cream.
Mi abuela tiene tres gatos. Esta es la segunda vez que voy a California. Quiero otro helado.
(adj AFTER noun: numbers that form a part of a person’s title) King Henry VIII (eighth)
El rey Enrique VIII (octavo)
(adj BEFORE noun: demonstrative adjs and shortened form of possessive adjs) This coat is my girlfriend’s. My apartment is small.
Este abrigo es de mi novia. Mi apartamento es pequeño.
(adj AFTER noun: long form of possessive adjs): Her car (the car of hers) is black.
El carro de suyo es negro.
(Begin Level 7 Unit 6: Fantastic News!)
(review) Good qualifications are needed (are necessary good qualifications) to (in order to) find a job.
Se necesitan buenas cualificaciones para encontrar un trabajo.
(review) In (the) school it is not permitted to wear brand-name clothing.
En la escuela no se permite llevar ropa de marca.
(review) Used clothing should be given (as a gift) to others (should be given (as a gift) the used clothing to others) and not put (it) in the garbage.
Se debe regalar la ropa usada a otros y no ponerla en la basura.
(review) How does one get to the agency?
¿Cómo se llega a la agencia?
(review) They are offering a day trip (excursion) on the island. (Is being offered a day trip (excursion) on the island.)
Se está ofreciendo una excursión en la isla.
(review) These days modern houses are preferred (are preferred modern houses).
Actualmente, se prefieren casas modernas.
(review) How you (informal) have developed and grown at (in) this company!
¡Cómo has desarrollado y crecido en esta empresa!
(review) How many times have I thought that!
¡Cuántas veces he pensado eso!
They said (it was said) it wasn’t possible.
Se dijo que no era posible.
to brag (about): Stop (informal) bragging.
jactarse de: Deja de jactarte.
property; space; I don’t care (it’s not important to me): I don’t care if the space is small.
el local; el espacio; no me importa: No me importa si el espacio sea pequeño.
(restaurant) tablecloth; saucer, dish (meal); dishes, tableware
el mantel; el platillo; la vajilla
(restaurant) tip; property, place; square
la propina; el local; cuadrado
(restaurant) host (m/f); vegan; vegetarian; jar, pitcher
el anfitrión, la anfitriona; el/la vegano/a; el/la vegetariano/a; la jarra
(adj AFTER noun: differentiation) Look at the big dog playing with the small dog. I like Mexican food more than Italian food.
Mira al perro grande jugando con el perro pequeño. La comida mexicana me gusta más que la comida italiana.
(adj AFTER noun: color or shape) the brown table; the round clock
la mesa marrón; el reloj redondo
(adj AFTER noun: classification, nationality, political affiliation, profession, religion) my Venezuelan friend (female); a Catholic school
mi amiga venezolana; una escuela católica
(adj AFTER noun: past participles) the dead fly
la mosca muerta
(adj AFTER noun: adj modified by adverbs like muy, más, menos, tan AND adj phrases formed by de + noun) my wife is very pretty (bonnie); a silk dress; the silver necklace
Mi esposa es muy bonita. un vestido de seda; el collar de plata
(adj BEFORE noun: highlight inherent characteristic of noun) murder (assassination); stormy: The murder happened (occurred) on a dark and stormy night. BUT… You can’t (don’t) see anything on a dark night.
el asesinato; tormentoso/a: El asesinato ocurrió en una oscura y tormentosa noche. No se ve nada en una noche oscura.
(adj BEFORE noun: cardinal and ordinal numerals and quantitative adjs): My grandmother has 3 cats. This is the second time that I go to California. I want another ice cream.
Mi abuela tiene tres gatos. Esta es la segunda vez que voy a California. Quiero otro helado.
(adj AFTER noun: numbers that form a part of a person’s title) King Henry VIII (eighth)
El rey Enrique VIII (octavo)
(adj BEFORE noun: demonstrative adjs and shortened form of possessive adjs) This coat is my girlfriend’s. My apartment is small.
Este abrigo es de mi novia. Mi apartamento es pequeño.
(adj AFTER noun: long form of possessive adjs): Her car is black.
El carro de suyo es negro.
(adv AFTER verb - usually the case) I ran quickly to the bus stop.
Corrí rápidamente a la parada de autobús.
(adv BEFORE verb - “no” and other advs of negation) I don’t eat fried food. I would never go to Antarctica.
No como comida frita. Yo nunca iría a la Antártida.
(adj before/after noun - changed meaning) former vs ancient/antique/old; former vs old: the ancient Bible; my former boss; a former/old friend; my old car
la Biblia antigua vs mi antiguo jefe; un viejo amigo vs mi coche viejo
really weird
(augmentative suffixes) elbow, elbow jab; hammer, blow with a hammer; head, headbutt
codo, codazo; martillo, martillazo; cabeza, cabezazo
(augmentative suffixes) big dog; great game (match); big women; big man
perrazo; partidazo; mujerona; hombrón
(pejorative suffixes) riffraff; rundown house, hovel. Don’t hang out with that riffraff.
gentuza; casucha; No te juntes con esa gentuza.
(super, super-duper) super intelligent; super-duper smart
superinteligente; requetelisto/a
That dress fits you super well.
Ese vestido te queda rebién.
(food) coleslaw (cabbage salad); sweet potato; spinach
ensalada de repollo; batata; espinaca
(food) sweet; side dish (extra, accompaniment); spicy, hot
dulce; acompañamiento; picante
(food) beans; olive; cooked; well done; mushroom (2)
frijoles; aceituna; cocido; bien cocido; el hongo, la seta
Bailey is a super-duper intelligent little dog.
Bailey es una perrita súperinteligente (requetelista).
Bailey is super-duper fast.
Bailey es requeteveloz.
(measurement) mile; kilometer; pound; kilogram; gram; mililiter
milla; kilómetro; libra; kilogramo; gramo; mililitro
(measurement in Spain before 1850) inch; foot; yard
pulgada; pie; vara
This coffee is very sweet.
Este cafe está muy dulce.
I like the yellow tablecloth better (I like better the yellow tablecloth) than the white one.
Me gusta más el mantel amarillo que el blanco.
Do you (plural) prefer black beans or red beans?
¿Prefieren frijoles negros o rojos?
Which are better? Green olives or black ones?
¿Cuáles son mejores? ¿Las aceitunas verdes o las negras?
Start (comenzar, informal) cutting those sweet potatoes.
Comienza a cortar esas batatas.
Please clean [up] (informal) the broken pitcher.
Por favor limpia la jarra rota.
(End Level 7 Unit 6: Fantastic News!)