Fluencia Level 7 Units 7-8 Flashcards
Begin Level 7 Unit 7 (What’s Mine is Yours)
(kitchen) junk food (2); careless, neglectful; outside
la comida chatarra, la comida basura; descuidado; afuera
(kitchen) stove (2); inside; to try
la estufa, la cocina; adentro; tratar
(kitchen) floor; dirt, rubbish; roommate
el piso; la porquería; el compañero de cuarto
(long-form possessive adjectives) mine; yours (informal); his, hers, yours (formal); ours; theirs, yours (plural)
mío; tuyo; suyo; nuestro; suyo
My book is over there. The book that is over there is mine.
Mi libro está allí. El libro que está allí es mío.
Those apples are yours (informal), these are mine.
Esas manzanas son tuyas, estas son mías.
Our seats are on the left.
Los asientos nuestros están a la izquierda.
(possessive pronouns) mine; yours; his, hers, yours; ours; theirs, yours
el mío; el tuyo; el suyo; el nuestro; el suyo
My house is yours (formal).
Mi casa es suya.
Your (informal) car is better than mine.
Tu coche es mejor que el mío.
I don’t have my cell phone. Can I use yours (informal)?
No tengo mi celular. ¿Puedo usar el tuyo?
(neuter possessive pronouns) mine, yours…
lo mío; lo tuyo…
What’s mine (the mine) is yours (informal).
Lo mío es tuyo.
Pablo wants [what is] his.
Pablo quiere lo suyo.
What we have (the ours) is perfect.
Lo nuestro es perfecto.
calf, veal; legume; fish (culinary)
la ternera; la legumbre; el pescado
turkey; lentil; cookie
el pavo; la lenteja; la galleta
eggplant; flour; lamb (animal and culinary); watermelon
la berenjena; la harina; el cordero; la sandía
fast (rapid) food
la comida rápida
candy skulls (usually seen on el Día de los Muertos)
las calaveras de azúcar
Do you (informal) like this skirt? I like yours better.
¿Te gusta esta falda? A mí me gusta la tuya mejor.
Where is my car? Yours (formal) is over there (over there is yours), sir.
¿Dónde está mi carro? Allí está el suyo, señor.
Do you (informal) have what is yours?
¿Tienes lo que es tuyo?
My mother is American, hers was Spanish.
Mi madre es estadouidense, la suya era española.
(Begin Level 7 Unit 8, Wishes and Reality)
Deseos y realidad
down (depressed); depressed: You seem a bit down (depressed).
decaído; deprimido: Te pareces un poco decaído (deprimido).
picky, fussy: Is it possible that you’re (informal) being too picky?
exigente: ¿Es posible que estés siendo demasiado exigente?
(“my dream girl”) She should be intelligent and read a lot.
(la chica de mis sueños) Que sea inteligente y que lea mucho.
(“my dream girl”) She should have (that she have) a sense of humor and know how to have fun.
Que tenga un sentido de humor y sepa divertirse.
(“my dream girl”) She should like sports and have a pretty smile.
Que le gusten los deportes y tenga una linda sonrisa.
I’d like to know (meet) a girl that can speak another language.
Me gustaría conocer a una chica que pueda hablar otro idioma.
I doubt that anyone exists (exists anyone) who has all those characteristics.
Dudo que exista alguien que tenga todas esas características.
confess; to conceal (hint: occult); to lie
confesar; ocultar; mentir
honest; to admit; possible
honesto; admitir; posible
to feign (simulate); to swear; to suppose; to feel
simular; jurar; suponer; sentir
(irregular yo verbs: present indicative and present subjunctive) caber; caer; conocer
yo quepo, ellos quepan; caigo, caigan; conozco, conozcan
(irregular yo verbs: present indicative and present subjunctive) salir; venir
yo salgo, ellos salgan; vengo, vengan
I can’t believe that you’ve lied to me!
¡No puedo creer que tú me hayas mentido!
She wants her grandparents to come to visit.
Ella quiere que sus abuelos vengan a visitar.
Central America
(subjunctive) to wait, to hope that; hopefully, if only; to advise (counsel). I hope that it doesn’t rain today.
esperar, esperar que; ojalá; aconsejar. Espero que no llueva hoy.
(subjunctive) to desire, to want, to wish; to beg; to doubt
desear; rogar; dudar
(subjunctive) likely, probable, probably; before; to insist; to suggest
probable; antes; insistir; sugerir
(review) You aren’t permitted to wear brand-name clothing in school (in the school it is not permitted to wear brand-name clothing).
En la escuela no se permite llevar ropa de marca.
(review) People are talking a lot (there is much talking) about (of) the company’s new logo.
Se está hablando mucho del nuevo logotipo de la empresa.
(review) Where are you (informal) going? Come back now, we have an engagement.
¿A dónde vas? Vuelve ahora, tenemos una cita.
(review) It is important that you (informal) admit what you did.
Es importante que admitas lo que hiciste.
(review) Do you (informal) prefer that we eat fried chicken or a salad?
¿Prefieres que comamos pollo frito o una ensalada?
(review) Hopefully you’re (formal) not lying (you don’t lie) to me.
Ojalá no me mienta.
(review) I suggest you (informal) take the train instead of driving. (The) traffic is terrible.
Sugiero que tomes el tren en vez de manejar. El tráfico está terrible.
(review) It is likely that we will have to buy a new car.
Es probable que tengamos que comprar un auto nuevo.
(review) I insist (on) that you (plural) bring me food.
Insisto en que me traigan comida.
(review) I want you (informal) to marry me.
Quiero que te cases conmigo.
(review) He begs people to give (that people give) him money.
Él ruega que la gente le dé dinero.
(review) It isn’t true that I have concealed anything.
No es verdad que haya ocultado nada.
(review) Do you want your (informal) hair to be long or short?
¿Quieres que tu pelo sea largo o corto?
(review) Looking for a fun woman with blonde hair.
Se busca a una mujer divertida de pelo rubio.
(review) There is a lot of confetti from the party last night. You (plural) clean it [up].
Hay mucho confeti de la fiesta anoche. Límpienlo.
(review) Do you (informal) like this skirt? I like yours better.
¿Te gusta esta falda? Me gusta más la tuya.
Where is my car? Yours (formal) is over there, sir (over there is yours, sir).
¿Dónde está mi carro? Allí está el suyo, señor.