Flight Instruments Flashcards
How many ADS (Air Data Systems) are there?
ADS 1 - TAT 1, ADSP 1/2 and ADA 1 (Air Data Application)
ADS 2 - TAT 2, ADSP 3/4 and ADA 2
ADS 3 - TAT 1, ADSP 3/4 and ADA 3
ADS 4 - ADSP 3/4 and IESS (Integrated standby instrument)
ADS FCS - Sends data to the flight control system, ADSP 1/2
ADSP and TAT probe sense and transmit what to the ADS?
- Static pressure
- Total pressure
AoA is calculated based on what?
Interface between the static pressure of the smart probes
- ADSP 1 - ADSP 2
- ADSP 3 - ADSP 4
TAT, TAS and SAT information are only valid above?
60 kts
ADS 1 and ADS 2 feed what? What about ADS 3?
ADS 1 - Captain side
ADS 2 - FO side
ADS 3 - Backup
If failure occurs is the ADS automatically reverted?
What is the ADS reversion logic for the Capt and FO?
Captain 1 - 3 - 2
FO 2 - 3 - 1
What does the HSI button the display controller do?
Toggles between Full compass, Arc, or Map mode on PFD
When the ADS reverts what do you get on the PFD?
Annunciation on PFD (only if non normal ADS)
What does the WX button the display controller do?
Toggle Wx Radar info on HSI arc/map mode
What does the FMS button the display controller do?
Select FMS as primary navigation source - toggles between FMS 1 /FMS 2
What does the V/L button the display controller do?
Select VOR/LOC as primary navigation source - toggles between VOR/LOC1 and VOR/LOC2
What does the PREV button the display controller do?
Previews VOR/LOC while FMS selected as navigation
- 1st press - onside VOR/LOC preview
- 2nd press - offside VOR/LOC preview
- 3rd press - disable preview
What does the circle button the display controller do?
Circle (Cyan) toggles between (Captains are a bit of a hole)
- VOR 1
- ADF 1
- FMS 1
If only 1 ADF installed, then only single ADF can be selected on both bearing pointers
What does the Diamond button the display controller do?
Diamond (White) toggles between (FOs are diamond geezers)
- VOR 2
- ADF 2
- FMS 2
If only 1 ADF installed, then only single ADF can be selected on both bearing pointers
Colour of the HSI tells you what and what colours?
Colour of HSI reflects the navigation source
Magenta - FMS
Cyan - VOR/LOC preview
Green - VOR/LOC
Amber - cross-side navigation/FMS navigation source selected (one or both pilots)
What do the colours on the speed tape mean?
Cyan - Manual speeds
Magenta - FMS Speeds
What does the green dot on the speed tape show?
Slats/Flap retracted
- Drift Down speed
Slats/Flap extended
- the ideal slat/flap extension for current aircraft weight
Ensures 1.3g above stick shaker speed or 40 Deg AoB
How long does the speed trend tell you?
10 seconds
V-Speed bugs?
FS - Final Segment
F - Flap Retraction
2 - V2
AC - Approach Climb (Initial Go-around speed)
R - Rotate Speed (VR)
AP - Approach Speed (VAP)
RF - Reference Speed (VRF)
1 - V1
Green dot will be removed in case of?
- Loss of IAS
- Loss of Slat/Flap position
- Slat/Flap position disagreement
Does green dot take into account ice accretion (STALL PROT ICE SPEED)
Yes but no longer takes into account speed brake actuation
Low Speed annunciations on the speed tape are?
< or equal 1.13 VStall - > V Shaker - AMBER
< or equal to V Shaker - RED
High speed annunciation’s on the speed tape are?
< Vmo - GREEN
Vmo + Trend into barber pole - AMBER
> Vmo - RED
Invalid Vmo - GREEN but no barber pole
VSI limits are?
Pointer - +/- 4000fpm
Digital display - +/-9900fpm
How long does the altitude trend last for?
6 seconds
Flight path angle (Green AC symbol) is displayed and valid when?
- The AC is in the air greater than 20 seconds and TO FD mode is inactive
- There is an active FD mode other than TO mode
- TCAS guidance is displayed on the PFD
Difference between the FPA symbol and Attitude indicator is what?
indicates AOA
Length of the speed error tape indicates difference between selected and current airspeed how? and limited to?
Down - the current Airspeed less than selected
Up - current airspeed greater than selected
+/- 15 kts 5 deg pitch
The green chevron on the FPA indicates?
Acceleration trend
What do the pitch limit indicators (PLI) show?
Green - Normal Operating Range
- Airspeed < or equal to 1.2 (Vstall 1G) but >K (VStall 1G)
Amber - Cautionary Operating Range
- Amber PLI and LSA simultaneously displayed
Red - NO operation in this range
- Red PLI and LSA simultaneously displayed
- Airspeed <V Shaker
HDG mis compare flag is more than?
6 Deg
RA flag on PFD means?
Radalt Fail OR difference > set value
Airspeed mis compare flag comes on?
> 5 KIAS difference (both >100 KIAS)