Fixation Flashcards
`[2] Types of specimen samples obtain from surgical procedures.
Fresh samples
Fixed samples
For immediate diagnosis or evaluation.
Fresh samples
Motion, mitosis and phagocytosis are to be observed.
Fresh samples
Not permanent or its use is limited, are liable to develop changes that have been observed after death.
Fresh samples
Detailed structure of cells because well preserved.
Fixed samples
Avoid autolysis.
Fixed samples
Often referred to as “cut – up”, involves a careful examination and description of specimen its- appearance, number of piece, and dimension.
Patient information, Clinical History, Description of site of origin.
Request form
To reduce the risk of mislabeling, or mismatching.
Accessioned with a specific number (or barcode)
Specimen size for processing.
3X2 cm and 3-5 mm THICK
[6] Specimen types
- Excision specimens
- Incisional biopsy
- Punch biopsies
- Shave biopsies surface (usually skin)
- Curetting
- Core biopsies
[4] Methods of fresh tissue examination
- Teasing/Dissociation
- Crushing/ Squash preparation
- Smear preparation
- Frozen section
Normally used when a rapid diagnosis of a tissue is required.
[methods of fresh tissue examination]
Frozen section
Best for frozen section.
Unfixed tissue
Used to localize hydrolytic.
Fixed tissue
Without use of any chemical fixative.
Freeze drying
Rapid freezing (160°C)
Removal of water in the form of ice (-40°C vacuum).
Frozen tissue is submerged to what formula?
Rossman’s formula
[5] Commonly used methods of freezing.
- Optimal cutting temperature
- Liquid nitrogen
- Isopentane
- Carbon dioxide gas
- Aerosol sprays
[2] Two methods of preparing frozen section
- Cold knife procedure
- Cryostat procedure
Almost any microtome can be used.
[methods of preparing frozen section]
Cold knife procedure
Cold microtome.
[methods of preparing frozen section]
Cryostat procedure
A refrigerated cabinet in which a modified
microtome is housed.
[methods of preparing frozen section]
Cryostat procedure
Presently, the ROTARY MICROTOME is the type of choice.
[methods of preparing frozen section]
Cryostat procedure
[12] Tissue processing
- Accessioning
- Fixation
- Dehydration
- Decalcification
- Clearing/ Dealcoholization
- Infiltration/Impregnation
- Embedding
- Trimming
- Secretion/Microtomy
- Staining
- Mounting
- Labelling
[2] Mechanism of action of fixative
- Additive fixation
- Non-additive fixation
Becomes part of the tissue by formation of cross links or complexes. Ex. Formalin, Hg, osmium tetroxide.
Additive fixation
NOT incorporated in the tissue, stabilizes tissue by removing of the bound water.
Ex. Alcoholic fixatives
Non-additive fixation
[6] Factors involved in fixation
- pH
- Temperature
- Thickness
- Osmolality
- Concentration
- Time duration
Slightly hypertonic solution around 400-
Rate of penetration:
[practical consideration]
Formalin 1mm/hour.
[practical considerations]
10-25 times that of the tissue
maximum effectiveness.
[practical considerations]
Osmium tetroxide.
[practical considerations]
prolonged fixation (museum preparation)
[practical considerations]
50-100: 1
[2] Types of fixative according to composition.
- Simple fixative
- Compound fixative
Are made up of only one component substance.
[types of fixative acc to composition]
Simple fixtive
Are made up of two or more fixatives which have been added together.
[types of fixative acc to composition]
Compound fixative
[3] Types of fixative acc to ACTION
- Microanatomical fixative
- Cytological fixative
- Cytoplasmic fixative
[2] Cytological fixative
- Nuclear fixative
- Cytoplasmic fixative
Contains glacial acetic acid.
(ex.Bouin’s fluid, Flemming’s fluid, Newcomers fluid, Carnoy’s fluid, Heidenhain’s SuSa (BFNCH)
[cytololgical fixative]
Nuclear fixative
Helly’s fluid, Orth’s fluid, Regaud’s fluid, Flemming fluid without acetic acid, Formalin with post chroming (HORFF)
[cytololgical fixative]
Cytoplasmic fixative
[3] Histochemical fixative
- Lipid fixation
- Carbohydrate fixation
- Protein fixation
Fixatives containing mercuric chloride and potassium dichromate in cryostat section.
[histochemical fixation]
Lipid fixation
Alcoholic fixative for glycogen (Rossman’s fluid or cold absolute alcohol)
[histochemical fixation]
Carbohydrate fixation
Neutral buffered formalin.
Protein fixation
[8] Aldehyde fixatives
- Formaldehyde
- 10 % Formol saline
- 10% Neutral Buffered Formalin (NBF) or PO4 buffered formalin
- Formol corrosive
- Glutaraldehyde
- Karnovsky’s paraformaldehyde - glutaraldehyde
- Acrolein
- Formol - calcium
[3] Metallic fixative
- Mercuric chloride (BOSCHZZ)
- Chromate fixatives
- Lead fixative
[7] Mercuric chloride BOSCHZZ
- B5 fixative
- Ohlmacher’s
- Schaudinn’s
- Carnoy-Lebrun
- Heidenhain Susa
- Zenker
- Zenker’s formol
[4] Chromate fixatives (ROCP)
- Regaud’s (mollers) (molliflex)
- Orth’s fluid
- Chromic acid
- Potassium dichromate
Picric acid fixative
[2] Picric acid fixative
- Bouin’s
- Brasil’s alcoholic picroformol fixative
Recommended for fixation of embryos and pituitary biopsies.
[picric acid fixative]
Excellent fixative for glycogen and less messy then Bouin’s solution (excellent).
[picric acid fixative]
Brasil’s alcoholic picroformol fixative
It is normally used in conjunction with other fixatives to form a compound solution.
Glacial acetic acid
Fixes & precipitates nucleoproteins, chromosomes, & chromatin material.
Glacial acetic acid
Solidifies at 17°C.
Glacial acetic acid
[6] Alcohol fixatives. (MEICAN)
- Methyl alcohol
- Ethanol
- Isopropyl alcohol
- Carnoy’s fluid
- Alcoholic formalin
- Newcomer’s
For fixing dry and wet smears (PBS and
BM tissues.
[alcohol fixatives]
Methyl alcohol
Simple fixative incorporated with compound fixatives for better results, preserves but does not fix glycogen (Disadvantage: polarization).
[alcohol fixatives]
Fixing touch preparation.
[alcohol fixatives]
Isopropyl alcohol
For fixing chromosomes, lymph glands and urgent biopsies (MOST RAPID;1-3 hours).
[alcohol fixatives]
Carnoy’s fluid
To preserve sputum.
[alcohol fixatives]
Alcoholic formalin
For fixing mucopolysaccharides and nuclear proteins. Give better reaction in Fuelgen stain than Carnoys.
[alcohol fixatives]
[2] Osmium tetroxide (FF)
- Flemmings solution
- Flemming’s solution without acetic acid
Most common chrome-osmium acetic acid fixative used (FIXATIVE & DECALCIFYING
AGENT), permanently fixes fat, for nuclear structures (excellent).
[osmium tetroxide]
Flemmings solution
(improve cytoplasmic details) – recommended for mitochondria.
[osmium tetroxide]
Flemming’s solution without acetic acid
[3] Fixation terminilogies (SPW)
- Secondary fixation
- Post - chromatization
- Washing out
Process of placing an already fixed tissue in a second fixative.
[fixation terminologies]
Secondary fixation
Fixation whereby a primarily fixed tissue is placed in Aqueos solution of 2.5-3% potassium dichromate.
[fixation terminologies]
Post - chromatization
Removing excess fixative.
[fixation terminologies]
Washing out
[3] Washing out (fixation terminologies)
- Tap water (chromates)
- 50-70% alcohol
- Alcoholic iodine
[3] Factors affect fixation of tissues. (SAM)
- size and thickness of tissue
- Agitation
- Moderate heat (37-56°)
Each specimen receives an what?
accession number
Each number is unique to that case and is.
NEVER reused.
SAC means
S (surgical)
A (autopsy)
C (cytology)
8o[4] Smear preparation
[methods of fresh tissue examination]
Pull apart
Touch preparation
[factors involved in fixation]
[5] Temperature (ATERF)
[factors involved in fixation]
- Autotech (40°C)
- Traditionally (RT)
- EM and histochem (0-4°C)
- Rapid examination (60°C)
- For tissue w/ TB: (100°C)
Glutaraldehyde (IEM)
Primary fixation
[time duration]
2-6 hours
EM fixation
[time duration]
3 hours
Stock solution of Formaldehyde
[aldehyde fixatives]
Working solution of Formaldehyde.
[aldehyde fixatives]
For tumor biopsies esp of the skin.
FT 3-12 hrs
[mercuric chloride (BPSCHZZ)]
Heidenhain Susa
(fixing small pieces of liver,spleen, CT fibers and nuclei)
FT: 12-24 hrs
[mercuric chloride (BPSCHZZ)]
Fixative for pituitary gland, BM and blood containing organs.
[mercuric chloride (BPSCHZZ)]
Zenker’s formol
Precipitates proteins.
[trichloroacetic, acetone, heat fixation]
Trichloroacetic acid
Swelling effect 🡪 counteract shrinkage by other fixatives.
[trichloroacetic, acetone, heat fixation]
Trichloroacetic acid
Weak decalcifying agent (softening effect)
[trichloroacetic, acetone, heat fixation]
Trichloroacetic acid
Used at ice cold temperature from -5°C to 4°C.
[trichloroacetic, acetone, heat fixation]
For fixing BRAIN TISSUE (rabies diagnosis)
[trichloroacetic, acetone, heat fixation]
For diffusible enzymes such as phosphatases and lipases.
[trichloroacetic, acetone, heat fixation]
Microwave: 45-55°C
[trichloroacetic, acetone, heat fixation]
Heat fixation
Thermal coagulation of tissue proteins.
[trichloroacetic, acetone, heat fixation]
Heat fixation
For bacteriologic smears.
[trichloroacetic, acetone, heat fixation]
Heat fixation
Failure to arrest early autolysis of cells.
Failure to fix immediately
Removal of substances soluble in fixing agent.
Wrong choice of fixatives
Presence of artifact pigments.
Incomplete fixation
Tissue are soft and feather like.
Incomplete fixation
Loss or inactivation of enzymes.
Wrong choice of fixative
Shrinkage and swelling of cells.
Tissue blocks are brittle and hard.
prolonged fixation
Best mounting media for cryostat.
[methods of freezing]
Optimal Cutting Temperature (OCT)
Most rapid.
[methods of freezing]
Liquid nitrogen
Cooled by liquid nitrogen.
[methods of freezing]
Adequate for freezing small pieces of tissue EXCEPT muscle.
[methods of freezing]
Aerosol sprays
For BM biopsies. FT: 1 ½ -2 hours.
[mercuric chloride (BOSCHZZ)]
B5 fixative
[5] Steps in Mercuric chloride.
Sodium Thiosulfate
[5] Pigments
- Acid formaldehyde hematin
- Mercuric chloride pigment
- Chromate pigment
- Osmium tetroxide pigment
- Crush artifact
Helly’s, Zenker’s, Flemming’s
[washing out]
Tap water (chromates)
picric acid (Bouin’s solution)
[washing out]
50 - 70 % alcoholic
mercuric fixatives.
[washing out]
Alcoholic fixatives
Fixes CT mucin and is recommended for acid mucopolysaccharides.
[metallic fixatives]
Lead fixatives
to demonstrate chromatin, mitochondria, mitotic figures, golgi bodies, RBC.
[chromate fixatives]
To study early degenerative processes and tissue necrosis, preserves myelin better.
[chromate fixatives]
Orth’s fluid
preserves CHO.
[chromate fixatives]
Chromic acid
Preserves lipids and mitochondria (pH 4.5-5.2).
[chromate fixatives]
Potassium dichromate
[2] Paraformaldehyde in Aldehyde Fixatives.
- Paraformaldehyde
- Acid Formaldehyde hematin
[5] Steps in Picric Acid Fixatives.
- Picrates
- Protein
- Precipitate (water soluble)
- 70% alcohol
- Insoluble
Frozen section may lead to formation of?
Ice crystals
4% formalin or formol saline, acetone or formalin for cryostat section.
[fixative abs]
Fixative for enzyme histochemistry
Glutaraldehyde, PtCl3, PtCl3– formalin (Zamboni’s), AuCl, Osmium tetroxide, 10% NBF = acceptable but not recommended.
[fixative abc]
Fixatives for EM
[fixative abc]
Fixative for electron histochemistry and electron immunocytochemistry.
pH of Potassium dichromate.
4.5 - 5.2
Example of Additive Fixation.
Example of Non- additive fixation.
Alcoholic fixatives
Most important reaction for maintaining tissue morphology.
Stabilization of proteins
To harden and protect the tissue from the trauma of further handling.
Secondary aim
To preserve the morphologic and chemical integrity of the cell in as life-like manner as possible.
Primary aim
Process of preserving cells and tissue constituents.
First and most critical step
The tissue is preserved by preventing degeneration, putrefaction, decomposition and distortion.
First and most critical step
Diluted in 10% NaCl.
[aldehyde fixatives]
10 % formol saline
For routine post mortem tissues.
[aldehyde fixatives]
Formol corrosive
w/ HgCl2.
[aldehyde fixatives]
Formol corrosive
Mixture w/ formaldehyde/formaldehyde.
[aldehyde fixtatives]
Lipids (frozen section]
[aldehyde fixatives]