First Aid: Somatic and factitious Flashcards
conscious feigning of symptoms in order to avoid jail, court, or obtain housing or compensation
Somatic disorder
complains of at least 1 complaint
- frequently seek treatment
- 6month
a difference between somatic and conversion
somatic: express concern over condition
conversion: abrupt onset of neurological problems, but not infrequently appear unconcerned
how do you manage somatic disorder
schedule visits with a single primary care doctor
Conversion disorder
one symptom of motor or sensory deficits
- symptom incompatible with medical condition
- patient is calm and unconcerned (la belle indifference)
treatment for conversion
illness anxiety disorder
preoccupation with having or acquiring a serious illness
- high level of anxiety
- 6 months present
an example of psychological factors affecting medical condition
not taking insulin to be skinny
Facitious disorder
intentionally falsifying medical symptoms
- absence of external reward
low 5-HIAAA concentration has shown what behavior
treatment for intermittent explosive disorder
SSRi, anticonvulsants, lithium
failure to resist uncontrollable urges to steal objects that are not needed for personal use or monetary value
many kleptomania patients also suffer from
buliemia nervosa
you have a higher risk of kleptomania if this runs in your family
OCD and substance abuse
treatment for Kleptomania