First aid: psychotherapies Flashcards
who does not get psychotherapies
problem with reality testing
- psychotic or manic patients
repressed thoughts that are out of one’s awareness
memories that are easy to bring into awareness
current thoughts
- sexual urges
- primary process thinking
moral conscience and ego ideal
mediator between ed, superego, and external environment
A patient’s child recently died from ovarian cancer. As part of their grieving process, the patient donates money to help raise community awareness
person with unconscious urges to physically control others becomes a prison gaurd
Nurse who feels nauseated by an infected wound puts aside feelings of disgust to clean wound and provide necessary patient care
is suppression a conscious or unconscious process
Student who is angry with his mother talks back to his teacher the next day and refuses to obey her instructions
Physician dying from colon cancer describes the pathophysiology of his disease in details to his 12-year-old son
woman describes the recent death of her beloved husband without emotion
Isolation of affect
My boss fired me today because she’s not meeting her quotas, not because I haven’t done a good job
Man who is in love with his married coworker insults her
reaction formation
man who accuses his wife of cheating on him while involved in numerous affairs is an example of
man who has been told his therapist is going on vacation “forgets” his last appointment and skips it
acting out
Woman who has been scheduled for a breast mass biopsy cancels her appointment because she believes she is healthy
women brings her childhood teddy bear to the hospital when she as to spend the night
husband who is attracted to other women believes his wife is having an affair
women who tells her doctor, “ you and the nurses are the only people who understand me; all the other doctors are mean and impatient
man who has had a brief fantasy of killing his wife by sabotaging her car takes the car in for a complete chekcup
Free association
patient says whatever comes into his or her mind
dream interpertation
dreams represent conflict between urges and fears
therapeutic alliance
therapist and patient work towards therapeutic goal
Projection of unconscious feelings regarding important figures in the patient’s life into the therapist
Projection of unconscious feelings regarding important figures in the therapist’s life into the patient
goal of interpersonal therapy
develop social skills
supportive psychotherapy
make patient feel safe during difficult time
classical conditioning
a stimulus can evoke a conditioned response
operant conditiong
behaviors can be learned when followed by positive or negative reinforcement
Aversion therapy
a negative stimulus is repeatedly paired with a specific behavior to create an unpleasant response
token economy
rewards are given after specific behaviors to positively reinforce them
heart rate and blood pressure are given to patients as they try to mentally control physiological states
therapy for borderline
two situations in which you use family therapy
schizophrenia and anorexia
conjoint therapy
therapist sees couple together
concurrent therapy
therapist may see couple separately
collaborative therapy
can see same therapist and have their own
4-way therapy
2 therapist see couple together