Final Review Flashcards
Don’t break __________ unless legal and ethical guidelines stipulate you should do so. Confidentiality lives on after the client is deceased.
Pg. 648
Inform the client upfront that there are times when you need to break confidentiality, for example _________. This is known as “relative confidentiality” or the “limitations of confidentiality”. Your _________ information should also delineate freedom of choice issues, fees, techniques you utilize, and your qualifications.
Pg. 648
you are subpoenaed and asked to provide information about a client; informed consent
Never promise or guarantee that you will ________.
Pg. 648
cure the client
According to the ACA you may have a romantic or sexual relationship with a former client if you wait ____ years after the last contact. NBCC states _____ years after termination. The relationship cannot be exploitative.
Pg. 648
5; 2
If you don’t know how to handle a case _________. The “standard of practice/care” concept refers to the fact that competent peers would have handled the situation in the same manner as you.
Pg. 649
get supervision/consultation
Electronic client records require _________ so only appropriate staff can view them.
Pg. 649
restricted access
Breech confidentiality if a client threatens to hurt themself or someone else, relying on the principles of “__________”.
Pg. 649
minimal disclosure
Always contact a ________ regarding child abuse and/or abuse of elderly persons. Counselors are mandated reporters.
Pg. 649
hotline or appropriate organization
Practice ________ by keeping promises and being loyal to clients. Lying, not keeping appointments, and breaking confidentiality for no reason are examples of behavior that violates _________.
Pg. 649
fidelity; fidelity
Always secure _________ prior to seeing clients.
Pg. 649
malpractice (liability) insurance
Avoid dual/multiple relationships with current or former clients unless the relationship is ________ to the client. Document why you feel the interaction was beneficial in advance whenever possible. (If relationship is meeting your needs, and not you clients - avoid it!)
Pg. 650
If you are a counselor educator you must infuse _________ material into all courses and workshops.
Pg. 650
multicultural and diversity
Never use a test, inventory, or assessment tool on a population unless is has been _________ on that population.
Pg. 650
Never use a test or inventory that is ________ or make client decisions based on _______ test scores.
Pg. 650
obsolete; obsolete
Use the title “Dr.” only if your doctorate is ___________.
Pg. 650
in counseling or a closely related field
Do not use your ___________ to recruit clients for your private practice.
Pg. 650
regular counseling job
National Certified Counselors keep records for at least ___ years, unless the law says otherwise.
Pg. 650
If you are working with a terminally ill client who wishes to hasten their death you have a right to break or not break confidentiality after ____________.
Pg. 650
you consult with appropriate professional and legal sources
If you are using a _________ you must inform your client. You should also reveal the composition of the team.
Pg. 650
treatment team
If you provide technology-assisted services use ___________. Also check legal regulations and the licensing bureau of the state where __________ resides to determine if you must be licensed in that particular state.
Pg. 651
encrypted websites and email communications; the client
If you provide technology-assisted services, give the client ___________ in case technology fails. Also let the client know what services are covered under insurance and ensure that technological accessibility meets the ADA requirements.
Pg. 651
emergency procedures
If you are using a technique or treatment that is not proven via empirical evidence or a proven scientific foundation, always inform the client that ___________. Also discuss the possibility of harm with the client.
the intervention is “unproven” or “developing”
If you do unintentionally harm a client you must show that __________.
Pg. 651
you tried to remedy the harm incurred
A supervisor can legitimately recommend that a supervisee be __________ from a training program or professional setting.
Pg. 651
____________ can legitimately terminate a supervisory relationship.
supervisor or supervisee
When possible, don’t use deception with subjects in research studies. If you cannot find an alternative, then ___________.
debrief the subjects as soon as possible
Avoid fee-splitting and never accept a __________ for a client.
referral fee
_________ is not a valid excuse for violating ethical guidelines.
The application of human growth and development theories to the practice of counseling became popular in the ______.
Pg. 652
_________ refers to what happens to the fetus during gestation.
fetal origins
Changes to one’s growth and/or development can be either _________ (measured) or __________ (change in organization or structure).
quantitative; qualitative
__________ is the founder of psychology in the U.S. and the first president of the APA. He popularized the study of the child and child guidance.
Stanley Hall
________ was outlined by John Watson, Ivan Pavlov, Joseph Wolpe, and B.F. Skinner. Initially the mind is a blank slate and the child learns to behave in a certain manner. This model relies on empiricism (Locke’s view that knowledge is acquired by experience). All _________ is the result of learning.
behaviorism; behavior
Erikson’s psychosocial stages are based on ___________.
ego psychology and the epigenetic principle that states that growth is orderly, universal, and systematic
________ Qualitative stages of cognitive development:
- sensorimotor (birth - 2 yrs)
- preoperational (2-7 yrs)
- concrete operations (7-12 yrs)
- formal operations (11/12-16 yrs)
Patterns of thought and behavior are called ________.
________ occurs qualitatively (change in the person’s thought structure) when the individual fits information into existing ideas and modifies cognitive schemata to incorporate new information.
_________ is when the individual fits information into existing ideas.
________ is when an individual modifies cognitive schemata to incorporate new information.
_________ occurs in the sensorimotor stage (an object the child can’t see still exists).
object permanence
_________ occurs in the preoperational stage and is the act of focusing on one aspect of something.
_________ takes place in the concrete operations stage. The child knows that volume and quantity do not change, just because the appearance of an object changes.
__________ takes place in the formal operations stage.
abstract scientific thinking
The 7th stage of Erikson’s model is ___________ (35-60 yrs).
generativity vs. stagnation
The 8th stage of Erikson’s model is ___________ (65 + yrs).
integrity vs. despair
The 1st stage of Erikson’s model is ___________ (birth - 1.5 yrs).
trust vs. mistrust
The 2nd stage of Erikson’s model is ___________ (1.5 - 3 yrs).
autonomy vs. shame & doubt
The 3rd stage of Erikson’s model is ___________ (3-6 yrs).
initiative vs. guilt
The 4th stage of Erikson’s model is ___________ (6-11 yrs).
industry vs. inferiority
The 5th stage of Erikson’s model is ___________ (12-18 yrs).
identity vs. role confusion
The 8th stage of Erikson’s model is ___________ (18-35 yrs).
intimacy vs. isolation
________’s constructive developmental model emphasizes the impact of interpersonal interaction and our perception of reality.
_________’s 3 levels of moral development:
Preconventional = behavior governed by consequences Conventional = a desire to conform to socially acceptable rules Postconventional = self-accepted moral principles guide behavior.
**each level has 2 stages.
Lawrence Kohlberg’s
_________ illuminated the fact that Kohlberg’s research was conducted on males in her book, “In a Different Voice”. Women have a sense of caring and compassion.
Carol Gilligan
________ four major eras/transitions theory depicted the changes in men’s lives throughout the life span.
The four eras include: childhood & adolescence, early adulthood, middle adulthood, and later adulthood
________ proposed that cognitive development is not the result of innate factors, but is produced by activities that take place in one’s culture.
His __________ refers to the difference in the child’s ability to solve problems on his own and his capacity to solve them with some help from others.
Vygotsky; zone of proximal development (ZDP)
Freud’s psychoanalytic/psychodynamic 5 psychosexual stages:
- ______ (birth 1 yr)
- _____ (1-3 yrs)
- _____ (3-7 yrs)
- _____ (3-5 yrs)
- _____ (adolescence - adulthood)
oral anal phallic oedipal/electra complex latency genital
_________ is the drive to live and the sexual instinct that is present even at birth. It is said to be sublimated in the latency stage as the individual has little interest in sex. This ends when puberty begins.
_________ is the return to an earlier stage caused by stress.
_________ implies that the person is unable to move to the next stage.
_______ is criticized for focusing on sex and not including the entire life span in his theory.
_______ interviewed self-actualized people. Lower-order physiological and safety needs must be fulfilled before self-actualization can occur.
________ theory of intellectual & ethical development in adults/college students:
dualism = students view the truth as either right or wrong
relativism = the notion that a perfect answer may not exist. There is a desire to know various opinions.
commitment to relativism = individual is willing to change their opinion based on novel facts and new points of view
________ theory of faith and spiritual development:
0: undifferentiated (primal) faith (birth - 4 yrs)
1: intuitive-projective faith (2-7 yrs)
2: mythic-literal faith (childhood and beyond)
3: synthetic-conventional faith (adolescence and beyond) **a stage of conformity
4: individuative-reflective faith (young adulthood and beyond)
5: conjunctive faith (mid 30’s and beyond) **openness to other points of view, paradox, and appreciation of symbols and metaphors
6: universalizing faith (midlife and beyond) **few reach this stage
According to _________, faith is not identical with one’s belief in religion. “Faith can be religious faith, but it can also be centered on a career, a country, an institution, a family, money, success, or even oneself”. Faith grows and changes throughout the life span.
Baumrind’s Typology or Parenting Styles:
_________ = high expectations for the child, but is warm and nurturing. The child is given an explanation of the rules. Generally produces a child who is happy, does well in school, has good emotional regulation, and fine social skills.
Baumrind’s Typology or Parenting Styles:
_________ = bossy parents which champions “follow my orders” with no explanation. Punishment and verbal insults are used liberally. Can produce anxious, withdrawn children who are likely to engage in antisocial behavior including alcohol and drug abuse, stealing, and gang activities.
Baumrind’s Typology or Parenting Styles:
_________ = parent has a low level of control and is easily manipulated. Rarely says “no” to a child and is nonpunitive. Very affectionate and wishes to please the child like a friend. Child can display a lack of social skills, boundaries, and can be extremely demanding. Children often use drugs and alcohol.
permissive passive indulgent
_________ appears to be the best treatment of choice for those with eating disorders.
family therapy
________ is defined as habits, customs, art, religion, science, and the political behavior of a given group of people during a given period of time.
Cultures are said to be ________: each culture changing or evolving at its own rate.
The dominant or major culture in a country is the _________, often contrasted with the smaller ________.
macroculture; microculture
Learning the behaviors and expectations of a culture is known as __________.
Cultural ________ is a way to view cultural _________ as an ongoing process and not an end product. The construct suggests you need lifelong commitment to self-evaluation; fix power imbalances where they should not exist; and develop partnerships to advocate for others.
humility; competency
_________ implies that we are all genetically and biologically similar - “biological sameness” (i.e., we all need air, food, and water).
universal culture
________ can determine our language, political views, and laws
national culture
_________ gives us the behavior for a certain region
regional culture
_________ where factors such as earthquakes, floods, and food supply may influence our behavior
ecological culture
_________ occurs when one race views itself as superior to others. A given race has a set of genetically transmitted characteristics such as white, African American, or Asian.
_________ means that a given group sees itself as the standard by which other ethnic groups are measured.
In the ______ approach the counselor helps the client understand their culture. In the _____ approach the counselor focuses on the similarities in people; treating people as being the same.
emic; etic
**M = me/I T = those/others
_______ implies that the counselor helps the client change to cope with their environment.
**auto = 1 person (autobiography)
_______ occurs when the counselor has the client try to change the environment
______ and nosological systems such as the DSM can have a Eurocentric or Euro-American bias
_________ implies that the client’s tone of voice, loudness, vocal inflections, and speed of delivery, silence, and hesitation must be taken into consideration. It is part of the study of nonverbal communication and is usually considered more accurate than verbal communication.
_________ communication implies that there will be a precise explicit verbal explanation and possibly repetition such as summarizing at the end of a class, meeting, or group therapy session. Popular in the US, UK, Canada, and Germany.
low context
_________ communication is implicit. It is common in the Middle East, Italy, Spain, and Asian countries. It relies on nonverbal over verbal, respect for tradition and the past, and is readily understood by others in the culture with a shared frame of reference.
high context
_________ is the act of thinking that all people of a group are alike. Can be good or bad.
_________ occurs when we have an opinion based on insufficient evidence.
_________ is the notion that psychologically healthy people possess both masculine and feminine characteristics.
________ addresses the issue of personal space, also known as spatial relations. Communication and social relations are impacted by this.
_________ theory, popularized by early research by Festinger, postulates that we evaluate our behaviors and accomplishments by comparing ourselves to others.
social comparison
Festinger is also well known for his ___________ theory asserting that individuals will change their beliefs to match their behavior when there is a mismatch. This reduces the tension created by the initial inconsistency.
cognitive dissonance
_________ is to acknowledge information that supports your point of view and ignore that which does not.
confirmation bias
Counselors strive to understand a client’s ________ (the way the client sees the world due to attitudes, value systems, an beliefs).
__________ factors must be taken into account when counseling clients.
The statement “misery loves company” is often true according to ________.
_________ theory asserts that people from other cultures would do well to forget about their heritage and try to become like those in the dominant macroculture.
5-Stage Atkinson, Morten, & Sue’s Racial/Cultural Identity Development Model (R/CID) - aka Minority Identity Model:
stage 1: _________ = lean toward dominant culture and prefer a counselor from the dominant culture
5-Stage Atkinson, Morten, & Sue’s Racial/Cultural Identity Development Model (R/CID) - aka Minority Identity Model:
stage 2: _________ = question and confusion, prefer a counselor from a minority group
5-Stage Atkinson, Morten, & Sue’s Racial/Cultural Identity Development Model (R/CID) - aka Minority Identity Model:
stage 3: __________ = reject the dominant culture while accepting one’s own culture
resistance and immersion
5-Stage Atkinson, Morten, & Sue’s Racial/Cultural Identity Development Model (R/CID) - aka Minority Identity Model:
stage 4: __________ = mixed feelings related to the previous stage, prefer a counselor from one’s own racial/ethnic group
5-Stage Atkinson, Morten, & Sue’s Racial/Cultural Identity Development Model (R/CID) - aka Minority Identity Model:
stage 5: _________ = stop racial and cultural oppression, prefers a counselor with a similar attitude or worldview over merely a counselor who is the same race/ethnicity, but has different beliefs.
synergetic articulation and awareness
In the 5-Stage Atkinson, Morten, & Sue’s Racial/Cultural Identity Development Model (R/CID) - aka Minority Identity Model _______________.
not everyone goes through all stages and some individuals never progress beyond the second or third stage. An individual can also go backward.
________ may be used to describe the view that women are subservient to men and that men are expected to provide for the family.
The _________ experiment: a situation can control behavior as well as assigned roles, such as telling subjects to be a guard or a prisoner. Would not be ethical today.
Stanford Prison Experiment
The ________ experiment: two opposing groups of boys ended up working together because they were both attempting to solve the same problem (called superordinate goal).
Robbers’ Cave (Sherif)
The ________ experiment: in a social or group situation people would sell out and agree with the opinions of others about the length of the line even when they knew the individuals were clearly wrong.
Solomon Asch Situation (1950s studies regarding conformity based on the length of a line)
The _________ experiment: the greater the number of people in a group, the LESS likely they are to assist a person in need (and will be slower if they do intervene)!
Darley & Latane (bystander effect/apathy)
The ________ experiment: 65% of subjects gave painful electrical shocks to innocent victims when instructed to do so by an authority figure. Some experts insist this could explain the Holocaust.
Stanley Milgram (1963 Obedience to authority experiment)
Research illuminates that the __________ contributes to 30% of the client outcome.
therapeutic relationship
Freud’s Psychodynamic Psychoanalysis is a ___________. It it long-term. This form of therapy is said to be historic since it focuses on the past.
theory of personality & a form of psychotherapy
Freud’s Psychodynamic Psychoanalysis
Patient is asked to engage in _________, which is saying whatever comes to mind.
free association
Freud’s Psychodynamic Psychoanalysis
_______ are very important and generally viewed as a process for wish fulfillment. Research does not support this notion.
Freud’s Psychodynamic Psychoanalysis
__________ is examined.
unconscious material
_________ emphasized ego defense mechanisms:
repression, displacement, projection, reaction formation, sublimation, rationalization, identification, suppression or denial
________ = something that is too painful for face is totally forgotten (not aware you are doing this)
________ = taking your anger out on a safe target rather than the source of your anger
________ = you can’t accept a quality about yourself so you attribute it to others (i.e., you think you’re looking out a window but you are really looking in a mirror)
_________ = you deny an unacceptable unconscious impulse by acting in the opposite manner
reaction formation
________ = express an unacceptable impulse in a socially acceptable manner
_________ = when a person overrates or underrates a reward or outcome
_________ = joining a feared person (such as a gang) to relieve your anxiety
_________ = when you purposely don’t think of a situation
suppression or denial
The discharge of repressed emotions is called _________.
abreaction or catharsis
According to Freud’s structural theory, the personality has 3 systems:
\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ = morals, houses conscience and ego ideal \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ = reality principle that balances the id and superego \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ = biological forces, especially sex and aggression. Operates on the pleasure principle striving for immediate gratification
______ is the life instinct
______ is the death instinct
Carl Jung’s Analytic (Psychodynamic) Psychology:
Unconscious has 2 parts: Personal unconscious & collective unconscious
\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ = similar to what Freud postulated \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ = composed of archetypes passed down through the ages (common to all people).
personal unconscious
collective unconscious
Carl Jung’s Analytic (Psychodynamic) Psychology:
Archetypes include…
________ = a social mask the person wears
________ = masculine side of the female
________ = feminine side of the male
Individuals are said to be ___________, having both male & female characteristics.
________ = dark side of the personality related to animal instincts
persona animus anima androgynous shadow
Carl Jung’s Analytic (Psychodynamic) Psychology:
The ______ is symbolized via a mandala or a balance between the personal unconscious and the collective unconscious.
Carl Jung’s Analytic (Psychodynamic) Psychology:
Jung created the ____________ typologies. He felt that we possess both; however, one is dominant. The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) has its roots in this work.
Carl Jung’s Analytic (Psychodynamic) Psychology:
__________ was Jung’s term for becoming a unique human being.
Adler’s Individual (Psychodynamic) Psychology:
Adler’s approach focuses on the fact that the behavior is one’s unconscious attempt to compensate for feelings of __________. An individual constructs a lifestyle which is chosen.
Adler’s Individual (Psychodynamic) Psychology:
Adler stressed the “__________” to generate feelings of superiority.
“will to power”
Adler’s Individual (Psychodynamic) Psychology:
The theory adheres to the principle of __________ or the notion that behavior is motivated primarily by future opportunities rather than the past.
fictional finalism
Adler’s Individual (Psychodynamic) Psychology:
Adler felt __________ (also called place in the family constellation) was important.
1st born children are conservative leaders.
2nd born children tend to be more competitive and rebellious.
Sibling interaction can have a greater impact than parent-child interaction.
birth order
Adler’s Individual (Psychodynamic) Psychology:
Since Adler felt behavior is highly influenced by future goals rather than one’s past, this is a ____________.
teleological theory
Behaviorism, Behavior Modification, and Behavior Therapy:
Newer exams often refer to behavior modification as __________.
applied behavior analysis (ABA)
Behaviorism, Behavior Modification, and Behavior Therapy:
ABA looks at observable behavior, rather than __________.
hypothetical constructs.
Behaviorism, Behavior Modification, and Behavior Therapy:
The key concept is that behavior is ____________.
learned and not pathological
Behaviorism, Behavior Modification, and Behavior Therapy:
Watson coined the word “__________” while Lazarus created the term “___________”.
behaviorism; behavior therapy
Behaviorism, Behavior Modification, and Behavior Therapy:
The __________ of behavior therapy are that is does not yield insight, it treats symptoms not the root cause, and it can be manipulative and often changes behavior but not underlying feelings.
Behaviorism, Behavior Modification, and Behavior Therapy:
___________ purports that behavior is molded solely by its CONSEQUENCES. This paradigm is known as operant or instrumental conditioning.
B. F. Skinner’s radical behaviorism
Behaviorism, Behavior Modification, and Behavior Therapy:
A _________ reinforcer is a stimulus that raises the probability that a behavior will be repeated. The reinforcer must come after the behavior (or operant).
Behaviorism, Behavior Modification, and Behavior Therapy:
_________ reinforcers also raise behavior. For example, a recruit in the military makes a bunk bed to avoid being yelled at by a drill instructor. All reinforcers, whether positive or negative, raise behavior. All reinforcers are said to follow or come AFTER a behavior.
Behaviorism, Behavior Modification, and Behavior Therapy:
________ speaks of social learning theory. Here the person’s own behavior increases when they see somebody else getting reinforced for it; also referred to as vicarious learning or modeling.
Behaviorism, Behavior Modification, and Behavior Therapy:
_________ is intended to lower behavior by suppressing it.
Behaviorism, Behavior Modification, and Behavior Therapy:
Behaviorists champion _________ (e.g., assertive behavior).
Behaviorism, Behavior Modification, and Behavior Therapy:
_________ will lower behavior after an initial extinction burst or response burst.
Behaviorism, Behavior Modification, and Behavior Therapy:
________ schedules of reinforcement rely on work output, whereas ________ schedules rely on time. Ratio schedules are ________ effective than interval schedules.
ratio; interval; more
Behaviorism, Behavior Modification, and Behavior Therapy:
_________ reinforcement occurs when each behavior is reinforced. Good when first learning a new behavior.
Behaviorism, Behavior Modification, and Behavior Therapy:
__________ reinforcement occurs some of the time, but not all of the times the desired behaviors are reinforced. This type of reinforcement is MORE effective than a fixed schedule where you always reinforce in the same manner.
intermittent or variable
Behaviorism, Behavior Modification, and Behavior Therapy:
________ with successive approximations is reinforcing small chunks of behavior that lead to the desired behavior.
Behaviorism, Behavior Modification, and Behavior Therapy:
__________ reinforcement of other/alternative behavior (DRO/DRA) takes place when the helper reinforces behaviors other than the dysfunctional behavior to reduce the dysfunctional target behavior (e.g., you want a child to quit talking in class so you give them a gold star only when they are doing their work and not talking). This procedure relies on reinforcement AND extinction.
Behaviorism, Behavior Modification, and Behavior Therapy:
In Skinnerian __________, the behavior is affected by the consequences that come after the behavior.
operant conditioning
Behaviorism, Behavior Modification, and Behavior Therapy:
________ popularized what is now known as classical conditioning.
Ivan Pavlov
Behaviorism, Behavior Modification, and Behavior Therapy:
Behavior modification/applied behavior analysis is generally based on ________, while behavior therapy usually has its roots in __________.
Skinner; Pavlov
Behaviorism, Behavior Modification, and Behavior Therapy:
Interventions based on __________ conditioning include:
- sensate focus (sex therapy)
- systematic desensitization
- flooding (aka in vivo exposure with response prevention or deliberate exposure with response prevention)
- implosive therapy
- assertiveness training
Behaviorism, Behavior Modification, and Behavior Therapy:
__________ conditioning = learning by pairing things together
Behaviorism, Behavior Modification, and Behavior Therapy:
_________ conditioning based on the work of Skinner & Thorndike = learning by consequences occurring after a behavior
Behaviorism, Behavior Modification, and Behavior Therapy:
Wolpe’s __________ can be conducted individually or in a group to curb fears and abate anxiety. This technique relies on relaxation and imagining feared stimuli. Newer research has revealed that this is a form of extinction.
systematic desensitization
Behaviorism, Behavior Modification, and Behavior Therapy:
Behaviorists may also use _________ therapy where the client imagines scary or feared stimuli in the safety of the counselor’s office.
Behaviorism, Behavior Modification, and Behavior Therapy:
_________ devices are used to enhance the client’s self-control of the autonomic nervous system. Examples include heart rate or brain waves. This is a form of OPERANT conditioning.
Roger’s Person-Centered Humanistic Therapy:
3 conditions for effective helping…
- _________
- ________
- display ________
show empathy
be genuine/congruent
unconditional positive regard
Roger’s Person-Centered Humanistic Therapy:
_________ created a five-point empathy scale with a level-five response as the best response.
Roger’s Person-Centered Humanistic Therapy:
Counselor strives to improve __________ so that the person is more like their ideal self.
Roger’s Person-Centered Humanistic Therapy:
Rogerians are not big fans of traditional diagnosis and testing. Moreover, they do not believe in the _________. Humans can control their own behavior.
Roger’s Person-Centered Humanistic Therapy:
Critics are concerned that this approach is too _________ and may not be the treatment of choice for severely disturbed individuals or very young children.
Roger’s Person-Centered Humanistic Therapy:
Natalie Rogers, Carl Roger’s daughter, created ____________. This method strives to generate a creative connection with inner feelings via such things as movement, sound, art, writing, and journaling, which are shared with the helper.
person-centered expressive arts therapy (PCEA)
Ellis’s Active Directive Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT):
This is a ___________ form of therapy. Change your thinking (cognitions) and you can change your life.
Ellis’s Active Directive Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT):
________ beliefs are replaced by _______ beliefs via the counseling process.
irrational; rational
Ellis’s Active Directive Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT):
Uses the ABC or ABCDE model of personality.
A = \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ event B = client's \_\_\_\_\_\_\_ system C = emotional \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ D = counselor \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ the irrational belief at B E = new \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ consequence that occurs when B becomes rational
activating belief consequence disputes emotional
Ellis’s Active Directive Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT):
Humans have an innate tendency to think in an irrational, illogical, unscientific manner. Thought is referred to as ___________.
self-talk or internal verbalizations
Ellis’s Active Directive Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT):
Shoulds, oughts, musts, terriblizing, and awfulizing causes __________.
irrational thought
Ellis’s Active Directive Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT):
This is an active directive form of therapy utilizing lots of _____________.
homework, bibliotherapy, and even rational imagery (RI)
Ellis’s Active Directive Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT):
________ of this approach insist that it does not emphasize the counselor client relationship, feelings, and that REBT is mechanistic or sterile. It may be too complex for those with psychosis or thought disorders.
Beck’s Cognitive Therapy:
This therapy is similar to REBT, emphasizing that the client has __________ which are distortions of reality such as…
- polarized black and white thinking
- overgeneralizing based on a single event
- personalization (wrongly attributing an event to yourself and drawing conclusions without real evidence)
automatic thoughts
Beck’s Cognitive Therapy:
________ as confrontational as Ellis/REBT.
Beck’s Cognitive Therapy:
_________ is sometimes employed.
socratic questioning
Beck’s Cognitive Therapy:
Clients are urged to keep a record of __________.
dysfunctional thoughts
Fritz Perls’s Gestalt Therapy:
This experiential/existential approach focuses on the ___________ in an attempt to help the client become whole again.
here and now
Fritz Perls’s Gestalt Therapy:
Gestalt is an experiential form of therapy and it relies on __________.
dream work, role-playing, confrontation, the top dog/underdog concept, hot seat, and the empty chair technique
Fritz Perls’s Gestalt Therapy:
Modern gestalt therapists are not as abrupt with clients as Perls was. The therapy is now considered a ________ treatment.
softer, gentler
Fritz Perls’s Gestalt Therapy:
Gestalt is a German word that basically means “_________”. The view of human nature is that humans want to be self-actualized and complete (whole).
organized whole
Fritz Perls’s Gestalt Therapy:
_______ are the royal road to integration. Counselor asks client to recount the dream as if it is occurring in the present moment.
Fritz Perls’s Gestalt Therapy:
___________ questions are used more than why questions (e.g., what is your foot doing now?”).
what & how
Fritz Perls’s Gestalt Therapy:
Goal is for the client to take responsibility and achieve _________ in the here and now. Doing is emphasized over just ___________.
awareness; talking about problems
Fritz Perls’s Gestalt Therapy:
___________ helped develop the approach and made it more popular with women in therapy.
Laura Perls (Fritz Perls’s wife)
Fritz Perls’s Gestalt Therapy:
________ charge that this approach is “gimmicky”, puts little or no stock in diagnosis and psychological testing, and at times it “antitheoretical”. On occasion, the approach can lead to self-centeredness.
Berne’s Transactional Analysis (TA):
A here-and-now approach that took Freudian terminology and made it __________.
fun and easy to understand
Berne’s Transactional Analysis (TA):
The theory takes into account transactions between individuals. It is often combined with ________ therapy.
Berne’s Transactional Analysis (TA):
TA is a ________ approach.
Berne’s Transactional Analysis (TA):
TA insists that the person unconsciously develops a life plan at an early age called a __________.
life script
Berne’s Transactional Analysis (TA):
_________ assumes the person is at least partially living the preprogrammed script. The script concept is also used in narrative therapy.
script analysis
Berne’s Transactional Analysis (TA):
Ego states are the…
These states roughly correspond to Freud’s superego, ego, and id.
parent = superego adult = ego child = id
Berne’s Transactional Analysis (TA):
Uses __________. I’m ok, you’re ok (healthy); I’m ok, you’re not ok; i’m not ok, you’re ok; and i’m not ok, you’re not ok.
Tom Harris’s life positions
Berne’s Transactional Analysis (TA):
Games a played to avoid __________. Somebody is always hurt in a game.
Berne’s Transactional Analysis (TA):
___________ = a person changes their position from victim to persecutor to rescuer during discussion
Karpman’s drama triangle
Glasser’s Reality Therapy with Choice Theory:
This therapy focuses on ________ behavior. Clients are taught that they create their own personal reality with the behaviors they choose.
Glasser’s Reality Therapy with Choice Theory:
Glasser believes that “behavior is the control of our perceptions” and that a __________ is the result of being loved and accepted.
success identity
Glasser’s Reality Therapy with Choice Theory:
Glasser has been criticized for downplaying the role of the _________ in terms of impacting ethnic minorities.
Glasser’s Reality Therapy with Choice Theory:
Reality therapy have also been deemed “weak” in terms of not dealing with ___________.
dreams, the past, or traumatic memories
Glasser’s Reality Therapy with Choice Theory:
According to Glasser, psychiatric medicines are _________.
not the answer
Glasser’s Reality Therapy with Choice Theory:
The 8 steps of reality therapy:
- build a _________ with the client
- focus on _________ behavior
- help the client to __________ their current behavior
- develop a contract with an __________
- have the client _________ to the plan
- accept no _________
- do not use _________
- refuse to __________
relationship present moment evaluate action plan commit excuses punishment give up on your client
Glasser’s Reality Therapy with Choice Theory:
The approach emphasizes _________ treatment and is very _________.
short-term; concrete
Glasser’s Reality Therapy with Choice Theory:
Psychological needs include ___________.
belonging, power, freedom, and fun
Glasser’s Reality Therapy with Choice Theory:
Robert Wubbolding expanded the theory with his introduction of WDEP.
W = \_\_\_\_\_\_\_ (belonging, freedom, fun, belonging, power, and independence) D = \_\_\_\_\_\_\_ (is the client doing something to take them in the best direction?) E = \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ (how is the behavior working for the client?) P = \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ (should be immediate, attainable, and measurable)
direction and doing
evaluation or self-evaluation
Glasser’s Reality Therapy with Choice Theory:
__________ of reality therapy is a bit too simplistic, does not take into account developmental stages, and has changed its focus over the years.
Lynn Rehm’s Self-Control Therapy:
This is a self-control ________ paradigm of therapy which relies on self-monitoring, evaluation, and self-reinforcement.
_______ for pain, insomnia, anxiety, and habit control such as overeating and smoking.
Can be used to elicit _________, however, the memories are often dubbed as “pseudomemories”, meaning they are not accurate.
Feminist/Non-Sexist Therapy:
No single theorist is the founder. Has its origins in the ___________ of the 1960s.
women’s movement
Feminist/Non-Sexist Therapy:
Some similarities to _________ counseling.
Feminist/Non-Sexist Therapy:
A strong ________ on women’s rights, sex-role stereotyping, and the oppression of women.
Feminist/Non-Sexist Therapy:
Approach postulates that most therapies have an __________ (centered on men) and are not ideal and sometimes harmful to women.
androcentric bias
Postmodern Social Constructivist Theories:
Social constructionism emphasizes that realities are __________.
socially constructed
Postmodern Social Constructivist Theories:
________ therapy & ________ therapy are constructivist approaches.
brief; narrative
Postmodern Social Constructivist Theories:
________ therapy postulates that individuals construct their lives by stories they tell and about themselves and stories others create about them. Stories create meaning and this becomes the client’s identity.
Postmodern Social Constructivist Theories:
In _________ therapy, sessions consist of the client describing their life experiences and then rewriting the narrative in a new way.
Postmodern Social Constructivist Theories:
A narrative therapist _________ the problem in their progress notes and sends it to the client as a letter between sessions.
Postmodern Social Constructivist Theories:
In __________ therapy, rather than the counselor saying “you are a cocaine addict”, they would say “cocaine has been trying to wreck your life.”
Postmodern Social Constructivist Theories:
The narrative therapist sees themself as a _________ with the client. Some cultures want an expert therapist, and thus this can sometimes create a problem for multicultural counseling.
Postmodern Social Constructivist Theories:
Narrative therapy is often recommended (with or without CBT) for working with ________ and _________ who want to tell their stories. Journaling works well with this population and more disclosure is generally possible in individual rather than group sessions.
refugees and immigrants
Postmodern Social Constructivist Theories:
___________ counselors should allow the clients to choose the language spoken in the interview and language switching is often appropriate.
Postmodern Social Constructivist Theories:
Solution-focused brief therapy (SFBT) was created by __________.
Steve de Shazer & Insoo Kim Berg
Postmodern Social Constructivist Theories:
Narrative therapy was created by ___________.
Michael White & David Epston
Postmodern Social Constructivist Theories:
SFBT focuses on _________ and NOT on an understanding of the problem. The focus is on exceptions to the rule – what is working.
Postmodern Social Constructivist Theories:
_________ therapy uses so-called exception questions: a client who is depressed is asked, “when aren’t you depressed?”.
Postmodern Social Constructivist Theories:
In SFBT, goals are ___________.
small & realistic
Postmodern Social Constructivist Theories:
The miracle question is a ________ technique.
Postmodern Social Constructivist Theories:
SFBT also uses ___________. This is a homework assignment given after the first session.
formula first session task (FFST)
Postmodern Social Constructivist Theories:
Recently, ________ has gained popularity in group treatment settings.
Postmodern Social Constructivist Theories:
__________ is becoming the norm in many instances since managed care firms often restrict the number of sessions the client can attend.
Brief therapy
Postmodern Social Constructivist Theories:
Psychotherapy integration was created by __________.
Frederick Thorne
Postmodern Social Constructivist Theories:
___________ uses strategies from a number of counseling schools. Instead of merely using techniques from the approaches in eclecticism, this approach assumes that using or integrating 2 or more theories will often produce results that are superior to a single school of therapy.
psychotherapy integration
Family Counseling:
The client is the ________ and NOT the identified patient.
Family Counseling:
Family therapists believe in _________ rather than linear causality.
Family Counseling:
___________ occurs when a client makes a superficial change to deal with a problem, but the change does not alter the underlying structure of the family.
_________ alters the underlying structure and thus makes a difference that is longer lasting.
first-order change; second-order change
Family Counseling:
_________ feedback loops are not necessarily bad, but keep the family in homeostasis and functioning the way the family always has.
________ feedback loops induce change in the family system.
negative; positive
__________ takes place when several helpers from the same agency or different agencies work together without duplicating services to help an individual client.
case integration
_________ therapy urges helpers to change the client’s entire environment (social and physical) to help the client. Hence, treatment is not limited to counseling sessions. In most instances, this takes place in inpatient treatment facilities.
Famous Family Therapists:
________ used the psychoanalytic or psychodynamic approach.
Famous Family Therapists:
Experimental conjoint family therapist _________ popularized the notion that in times of stress, family members use 4 inept patterns of communication.
- __________ (tries to please everyone)
- __________
- __________ (who intellectualizes)
- __________ (interrupts and changes the topic to something irrelevant)
Virginia Satir
- placator
- blamer
- reasonable analyzer
- irrelevant distractor
Famous Family Therapists:
Experimentalist _________ could be very wild, radical, and creative, and often utilized a co-therapist.
Carl Whitaker
Famous Family Therapists:
__________ is a key name in intergenerational therapy. His approach is often referred to as extended family systems therapy.
Murray Bowen
Bowen Family Therapy:
________ occurs when two people who are stressed, bring in a third party to reduce the dyad’s stress level and restore equilibrium.
Bowen Family Therapy:
________ are actually graphic diagrams of the family from a minimum of 3 generations.
Bowen Family Therapy:
________ is a blurring of the psychological boundaries between the self and others. A person driven by fusion can’t separate thinking and feeling well.
Bowen Family Therapy:
__________ is the ability to control reason over emotion. People often secure their level of this from a multigenerational transmission process.
Structural Family Therapy:
________ is the leading name behind structural family therapy.
Salvador Minuchin
Structural Family Therapy:
_______ or blending in with the family is used. The therapist uses a popular strategy of this, known as ________, to imitate or copy the family’s communication and patterns.
joining; mimesis
Structural Family Therapy:
The therapy proposes that changes in the family system, subsystems, and family organization must take place in order for individual family members to ___________.
resolve their systems
Structural Family Therapy:
Structural therapy is ________ and performed in the _________.
directive; here and now
Strategic Family Counseling:
_________ are powerful names in this therapy (also referred to as the MRI model and the communications model).
Jay Haley & Cloe Madanes
Strategic Family Counseling:
In this paradigm, the therapist gives directives or prescriptions, often __________ (e.g., telling a client who is afraid he will shake, to shake as much as he can).
Strategic Family Counseling:
__________ problems is common in this modality.
Strategic Family Counseling:
This approach warns us that _________ (e.g., a parent telling a child she loves her while beating her severely) could cause serious psychopathology, even schizophrenia.
double-bind communication
__________ is used when a client is experiencing an expected NORMAL reaction to stress. Therapy, on the other hand, is aimed at reducing abnormal & pathological behaviors and symptoms.
crisis intervention
__________ uses a treatment team with a one-way mirror.
Milan Model
________ is known as the father of mental health consultation.
Gerald Caplan
Edgar Schein’s Models:
_________ = where you buy the person’s information and knowledge
_________ = you aren’t sure what the problem is, so you hire an expert to diagnose and treat it
_________ = the consultant helps the consultee with the process
expertise model
doctor-patient model
process consultation model
_________ models focus on the process, while _______ models focus on the imparting knowledge to the consultee.
process; content
Brain Chemicals & Neurotransmitters Related to Neuroscience:
_________ = mood
Most prescription medicines given to clients for mental health issues impact serotonin (e.g., SSRI (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor) drugs or the old tricycle antidepressants).
Brain Chemicals & Neurotransmitters Related to Neuroscience:
_________ = excess is thought to fuel schizophrenia, while very low levels are implicated in Parkinson’s disease. Some experts believe addictive behaviors such as gambling can flood the brain with dopamine.
Brain Chemicals & Neurotransmitters Related to Neuroscience:
_________ = is a trace mineral or rare earth. It helps stabilize mood, especially in clients with bipolar conditions. An excess caused by prescription dosages can cause liver damage or tremors.
The _______ hemisphere of the brain is logical, verbal, and analytic, but the ______ hemisphere is emotional, creative, and artistic. This notion is still controversial.
left; right
The _________ or balance of good bacteria (such as probiotics) and bad bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract can affect our mood, digestion, and general health. This is sometimes called the gut-brain connection.
Popular Psychiatric Medicines:
________ = xanax, librim, klonopin ativan, and valium
anxiety (benzodiazepines)
Popular Psychiatric Medicines:
_______ = prozac, zoloft, luvox, celexa, paxil, and lexapro (SSRIs), cymbalta, pristiq, and effexor (SNRIs), elavil, tofranil, and pamelor (TCAs)
Popular Psychiatric Medicines:
_______ = ritalin, concerta, adderall, vyvanse (adderall& vyvanse also used for binge eating)
Popular Psychiatric Medicines:
_______ = risperdal, zyprexa, lithobid, depakote, tegretol, and lithium
Popular Psychiatric Medicines:
_______ = prozac, paxil, luvox, zoloft, anafranil, effexor
Popular Psychiatric Medicines:
_______ = ativan & paxil
panic disorder
Popular Psychiatric Medicines:
_______ = abilify, geodon, risperdal, clorzaril, and zyprexa
Group Counseling:
A major name in group therapy is existential expert and psychiatrist __________.
Irvin Yalom
Group Counseling:
Yalom’s 11 Reasons Groups Work So Well…
- _________ = giving help to others gives members a sense of well-being.
Group Counseling:
Yalom’s 11 Reasons Groups Work So Well…
- _________ = simply the notion that you are not the only one in the world with a particular problem
Group Counseling:
Yalom’s 11 Reasons Groups Work So Well…
- __________ = members expect the group to work
installation of hope
Group Counseling:
Yalom’s 11 Reasons Groups Work So Well…
- _________ = talking about your difficulties is beneficial
Group Counseling:
Yalom’s 11 Reasons Groups Work So Well…
- _________ = sense of we-ness
group cohesiveness
Group Counseling:
Yalom’s 11 Reasons Groups Work So Well…
- ________ = members copy or model the leader and the other members
imitative behavior
Group Counseling:
Yalom’s 11 Reasons Groups Work So Well…
- ________ = group helps abet family origin issues and feelings and the group allows you to work through them
family reenactment
Group Counseling:
Yalom’s 11 Reasons Groups Work So Well…
- ________ = can be advice or even psychodynamic insights
imparting information
Group Counseling:
Yalom’s 11 Reasons Groups Work So Well…
- ________ = members receive feedback regarding how their behavior affects others
interpersonal learning
Group Counseling:
Yalom’s 11 Reasons Groups Work So Well…
- ________ = such as feedback and instruction are helpful
socialization techniques
Group Counseling:
Yalom’s 11 Reasons Groups Work So Well…
- ________ = for example discovering that life can have meaning even if it is seemingly unjust and unfair at times
existential factors
Group Counseling:
Yalom is a proponent of working in the here and now and emphasizes the __________ is a powerful ingredient.
therapeutic alliance
Group Counseling:
Ideal group size is _______ members, with 8 being preferable.
Groups that are conducted for a long time (6 months or more) can function effectively with up to ____ members.
Size should be ______ with children.
_________ can refer to the length of the group sessions or how long the group will run.
5 or 6 - 8
Group Counseling:
________ of co-leaders…
- having two role models (perhaps 2 genders)
- more feedback
- one leader can deal with the client is there is transference
- two leaders can better see what is transpiring in the group
Group Counseling:
_______ of co-leaders…
- leaders can work at cross-purposes
- may have conflicting models of therapy
- could be in a power struggle
- may each decide to charge the client a different fee
Group Counseling:
Most experts believe in the stage models to explain development and dynamics.
- ________ stage = getting acquainted
- ________ stage = characterized by power struggles for control and resistance, and some members will rate their satisfaction as lower
- ________ stage = group works toward goals in a cohesive manner
- ________ stage = members must deal with saying good-bye
- initial/forming/orientation
- transition/conflict/storming
- working/productive/performing/action
- termination/closure/completion/mourning/adjourning
Group Counseling:
Members often experience feelings of __________. Referrals for additional intervention may be prescribed.
improved insight, awareness, accomplishment, and enhanced self-esteem
Group Counseling:
Group member roles that are ________ include helping others and being a stellar role model.
Other roles, such as monopolizing the group, intellectualizing too much, being silent, or attacking others are considered __________.
The _________ is the member who is blamed for the group’s problems. This term is also used in family therapy.
Group Leadership Styles:
Adept group leaders model appropriate behavior to enhance participation. This is especially important with __________ clients.
Group Leadership Styles:
Leaders rely on a strategy called _______ to determine how rapidly the group progresses.
Group Leadership Styles:
__________ style = advocates making decisions for members. It is appropriate during crisis or when a quick decision is in order but in MOST situations it will foster resentment.
autocratic / authoritarian
Group Leadership Styles:
_________ style = leader has little involvement. This approach is appropriate when all members are very committed to a group outcome or goal.
Laissez Faire / hands-off
Group Leadership Styles:
_________ style = allows input from members, including input into the decisions made. This is generally the best style.
Group Leadership Styles:
_________ style = leaders are often seen as charismatic. They rely on their personal power and charisma to move the group in a desirable direction. They are often adorned and group members look up to them, though they are not peer oriented.
Group Leadership Styles:
________ style = the leader reveals the impact that their own behavior has on themself as well as the impact that other group members have on them.
Types Of Groups:
__________ = provide members with information relevant to their situation
psychoeducational / old name guidance groups
Types Of Groups:
_________ = focus on conscious issues related to personal growth and development
counseling groups
Types Of Groups:
________ = (term coined by Moreno) can focus on unconscious material, the past, and personality change
group therapy
Types Of Groups:
________ = often intended for business or personal motivation
T-Groups (training groups)
Types Of Groups:
_______ = centered around certain issues, such as shyness or how to prepare for a job interview
structured groups
Types Of Groups:
_______ = not led by a professional. These groups have been dubbed as support groups and for those that follow the AA model are often called 12-step groups.
self-help / mutual help / support groups
Group Counseling:
_________ bias in relation to groups = when the groups is productive or successful the person takes credit for it, but when the group is unproductive or not successful, it is the fault of others.
self-serving attribution
Group Counseling:
The ________ phenomenon is when members make more risky decisions in a group than they would on an individual basis.
________ suggests that members of a group make more extreme decisions than they would individually.
risky shift
group polarity
Group Counseling:
_________ guidelines are intended to specifically help counselors apply ACA’s Code of Ethics to group work. The guidelines stipulate a leader should have an evaluation plan to meet the requirements of organizations, regulatory bodies, and insurance companies when appropriate.
ASGW Best Practice
Group Counseling:
_________ are NOT required to participate in an exercise or experiential activity and can quit during the experience. It is the leader’s job to clarify this upfront; however, the leader should explore why a participant did not wish to participate.
Group members
Group Counseling:
________ exercises are not recommended and could cause negative feelings in some members.
forced touching
Lifestyle and Career Counseling Theories:
_________ was the author of the seminal work in the field, “Choosing A Vocation”. This proposed the _________ theory.
The client needs to know…
- personal attributes & interests or traits
- appropriate occupations should be investigated
- match the client’s traits to the occupation
Frank Parsons
trait-and-factor theory (matching or actuarial approach)
Lifestyle and Career Counseling Theories:
_________ expanded the trait-and-factor approach.
He proposed 6 steps:
- analysis
- synthesis
- diagnosis
- prognosis
- counseling
- follow-up
E. G. Williamson
Lifestyle and Career Counseling Theories:
The _______ approach makes the assumption that there is a single best career goal for everyone. Many experts disagree.
Lifestyle and Career Counseling Theories:
_________ created a psychodynamic needs approach.
Jobs meet our needs determined by our childhood satisfactions and frustrations.
Occupations are categorized by ____ levels and ____ fields.
Anne Roe
6; 8
Lifestyle and Career Counseling Theories:
_________ proposed a developmental theory in the 1950s with 3 periods…
- fantasy (birth - 11yrs)
- tentative (11-17 yrs)
- realistic (17 urs and up)
Ginzberg & associates
Lifestyle and Career Counseling Theories:
David Tiedeman & Robert O’Hara rely on a _________ approach. In their model, career development is commensurate with psychosocial development as delineated with Erik Erikson’s stages.
Lifestyle and Career Counseling Theories:
Donald Super is well known for emphasizing the role of the _________ in career and vocation choice and his __________.
self-concept; life rainbow
Lifestyle and Career Counseling Theories:
________ personality typology theory.
6 personality types…
- realistic
- investigative
- artistic
- social
- enterprising
- conventional
He is also known for assessment tools: the Self-Directed Search, My Vocational Situation, and the Vocational Preference Inventory.
John Holland’s
Lifestyle and Career Counseling Theories:
_________ theorized that career decision was based on social learning theory. Today, _______ leans toward behaviorism in general.
Four factors that impact career choice:
- genetics & special abilities
- the environment and special events
- learning experiences
- task-approach problem-solving skills
John Krumboltz, Anita Mitchell, and G. Brian Jones; Krumboltz
Lifestyle and Career Counseling Theories:
_________ emphasized circumscription (the process of narrowing the acceptable alternatives) and compromise (realization that the client will not be able to implement their most preferred choices).
The client adjusts aspirations to accommodate things like hiring practices, family obligations, or educational programs.
People sacrifice _______ rather than sex-type or prestige.
Theory was created in the early 1980’s.
Linda Gottfredson
Lifestyle and Career Counseling Theories:
_________ created by Lent, Brown, and Hackett helps complement other theories emphasizing the role of self-efficacy and cognitive processes.
Social cognitive career theory (SCCT)
Lifestyle and Career Counseling Theories:
_________ uses techniques popularized by narrative therapy to create a postmodern constructivist approach.
Mark Savickas
Career Choice:
_________ is a type of computer-assisted career guidance (CACG).
Career Choice:
When using a ________ the counselor should:
- Screen the client to make sure this modality and computer or online program is appropriate.
- Give the client an orientation to describe the pros and cons of the system.
- Follow-up to make sure an appropriate plan of action is evident.
computer-assisted career guidance (CACG).
Career Choice:
The O*NET replaced the _______ which listed over 20,000 job titles with 9 digit codes.
DOT (Dictionary of Occupational Titles)
Career Choice:
_________ provides job trends for the future with salaries, and can be accessed online.
OOH (Occupational Outlook Handbook)
Career Choice:
_________’s book, “What Color if Your Parachute?”, is a useful tool for job hunting.
Richard Bolles’s
Career Choice:
_____% of all jobs are not advertised, thus job seekers need to network. This is referred to as the _______ market.
80%; hidden job
Career Choice:
Sex-wage discrimination/earnings gap:
women make _____ for each dollar earned by men.
________ women earn $0.68, and ________ women earn $0.60 for every dollar earned by white men.
$0.80; African American; Latina
Career Choice:
Overall, _________ are avoiding career counseling services.
college students
Career Choice:
_________ = when a person takes a job below their skill level, expertise, and training
Career Choice:
_________ = a person who is unemployed due to downsizing, a company relocation, or the company closed business
dislocated worker
Career Choice:
_________ = women who enter or reenter the workforce after being at home. Often occurs after a divorce, death or partner, or having children.
displaced homemaker
Career Choice:
________ = when U.S. companies rely on labor from another country in order to save money. Can result in fewer jobs in the U.S.
Career Choice:
______ career counseling is a growing trend. Helpful, but not as much as face to face.
Career Choice:
The average worker have ____ jobs by age 36.
Career Choice:
In two parent families…
\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ = both parents work \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ = no chance for advancement \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ = consists of a managerial or professional position with the possibility for advancement
dual-career/dual-income family
dual earner
dual career
Career Choice:
Supervisors who rate workers often suffer from ________.
rater bias
Career Choice:
__________ = when a supervisor rates majority of workers as average
central tendency bias
Career Choice:
_________ = when a supervisor’s rating reflects primarily the worker’s recent performance rather than the entire rating period
recency effect
Career Choice:
_________ = supervisor generalizing about an employee based on a single characteristic (e.g., employee who is attractive). Positive & negative versions of this is possible.
halo effect
Career Choice:
Supervisors often rate workers _______ if they hired the worker.
Career Choice:
_________ = employees who share identical or similar jobs meet as a group to solve problems and find solutions to help management
quality circles
Career Choice:
Job interviews, personality tests, and reference letters are NOT __________.
excellent predictors of whether a person will do well in a job
Career Choice:
____________ interviews are usually better than unstructured job interviews.
structured job
Career Choice:
__________ = if a job seeker is interviewed after a superb candidate they will not seem as desirable (and vice versa)
contrast effect
Career Choice:
_________ don’t predict job success well, but they do predict job _________.
interest inventories; satisfaction
Assessment & Testing:
Ideally, tests measure and provide valid & reliable data regarding your clients so you can ___________.
pick effective treatment modalities, referral, or placement
Assessment & Testing:
_________ of tests:
- can be faked
- are mechanical
- often measure irrelevant factors
- can invade privacy
- create prejudice in the sense that the counselor perceives the client differently
Assessment & Testing:
__________ have uniform procedures for scoring and administration. Additionally, these instruments have validity, reliability, and norm data which has been investigated and analyzed.
standardized tests
Assessment & Testing:
_________ provide counselors with information on thousands of tests that have been critically analyzed.
Mental Measurements Yearbook (MMY) & Tests in Print (TIP)
Assessment & Testing:
Raw scores can be converted to _________ (e.g., t-scores, z-scores, percentile rank, standard deviation, or stanine) so they can relate to a normal bell curve.
standard scores
Assessment & Testing:
_______ is the highest score subtracted from the lowest score (some exams will add 1 to answer).
Assessment & Testing:
_________ = tells what percent of scores are equal to or below the score you are investigating. Hence, a client who is at the 75th percentile scored equal to or better than 75% of the people who took the exam.
percentile rank
Assessment & Testing:
3 measures of central tendency:
- _______ = arithmetic average (add all scores then divide by the number of scores you have)
- _______ = most frequently occurring score/category
- _______ = middle score when data is ranked from highest to lowest
Assessment & Testing:
In a _________ the mean, mode, & median all have the same point in the center of the bell shape.
When a curve leans, it is ________.
If the tail points to the left it is _________, and if it points to the right it is __________.
normal curve
negatively skewed; positively skewed
Assessment & Testing:
__________ is a measure of variability or dispersion of scores. (i.e., Are the scores bunched up close to the mean (average) OR are the scores spread out?)
A SD of 1 is a z-score (standard score) of 1.
A SD of -2 is a z-score of -2.
standard deviation
**think to deviate (disperse)
Assessment & Testing:
________ have a mean of 50 and the SD is 10.
What is a t-score when the SD is 2? answer is 70 (add 20 to 50)
What is the t-score for a SD of -3? answer is 20 (subtract 30 from 50)
**think T in t-scores = 10! SD is 10
Assessment & Testing:
Areas under the normal curve you should commit to memory!!
68% of the scores will fall between +/-1 SD from the mean
95% of all scores will fall between +/-2 SD
99.7% of all scores between +/-3 SD
It is safe to say that virtually all scores fall between +/-3 SD of the mean. This is known as the ____________.
empirical 68-95-99.7 normal curve rule
Assessment & Testing:
________ is the MOST important property of a psychological test. Does the test, test what is says it’s testing?
Assessment & Testing:
_________ = is the test consistency. Will it give the similar results if we administer it again and again?
Assessment & Testing:
A _______ test is not always valid, but a ______ test is always reliable.
reliable; valid
Assessment & Testing:
_________ reliability describes the consistency of 2 or more raters. If two counselors read the same test reports and come up with the same diagnosis then this is HIGH. If they come up with different diagnoses then it is low.
Assessment & Testing:
A test that is only normed on the majority culture is not appropriate for __________ since it is misleading and could cause discrimination.
cultural minorities
Assessment & Testing:
_______ can give a false positive or a false negative.
Assessment & Testing:
_________ tests predict _________.
aptitude; potential
Assessment & Testing:
_________ tests give you the current accomplishments, what has been learned or the level of performance achieved up to this point in time.
Assessment & Testing:
_______ tests such as the Wechsler or the Binet attempt to measure mental abilities. These tests are very controversial.
Assessment & Testing:
In _______ tests time is not a factor like it is in speed tests.
Assessment & Testing:
_________ tests = no correct answer. Client looks at an inkblot, vague picture, or incomplete sentence. Answer is assumed to be a projection of the client’s personality.
Scoring these tests is subjective. One rater could score it differently than another. (this is called inter-rater reliability)
Assessment & Testing:
__________ states that is a client scores exceptionally low or exceptionally high on a test, then the client with the low score will go up towards the mean the next time they take it (and vice versa).
regression to the mean
Assessment & Testing:
_________ generally implies that a label is placed on the client using a classification system, generally the DSM as an assessment tool.
**insurance companies always want an ICD diagnosis.
Assessment & Testing:
_________ assessments…
- helps determine admissions/selection/placement to schools & treatment organizations
- determine whether your client is making progress or not
reasons to use
Assessment & Testing:
_________ tests generally reduce costs, provide immediate scoring, and cut risk of scoring errors.
However, these tests can have low validity and reliability.
Assessment & Testing:
____________ occurs when a test (like the NCE) is used to make important decisions about the future.
high-stakes assessment
Research and Program Evaluation:
When counselor integrate research into practice it is called __________.
Empirically Validated/Supported Treatment (EVT or EST)
Research and Program Evaluation:
_________ is not the same as causality. _________ is simply an association. For example, the correlation between people who have an umbrella open and rain is very high, but opening your umbrella does not cause it to rain.
Correlation; correlation
Research and Program Evaluation:
Correlations go from __________.
0 = no correlation
+1 & -1 = perfect correlations
- *positive 0.5 correlation is NOT higher than -0.5
- 0.8 is STRONGER than 0.5
-1, to 0, to 1
Research and Program Evaluation:
In a ________ correlation, when X goes up, Y goes up. EX: when you study more your GPA goes up
In a ________ correlation, when X goes up, Y goes down.
EX: the more you brush your teeth, the less cavities you will have.
Research and Program Evaluation:
Research is _________ when one quantifies or measures things.
_________ research yields numbers.
_________ research does NOT use numerical data
Research and Program Evaluation:
All research has flaws with it sometimes referred to as _________.
Research and Program Evaluation:
__________ = 2 or more groups are used
true experiment
Research and Program Evaluation:
True experiments must have participants selected randomly. This is known as __________.
Participants also need to be randomly assigned to the control and experimental groups. This is known as _________.
_________ = where every nth person is chosen
random selection
random assignment
systematic sampling
Research and Program Evaluation:
When a researcher can NOT control the independent variable, then it is a ________ rather than a true experiment.
Research and Program Evaluation:
________ research is also referred to as a natural experiment does NOT ensure causality.
Advantages of this research include:
- gains external validity
- often not as artificial
However, it shows a loss in internal validity.
quasi experimental
Research and Program Evaluation:
Outcome data in a study is called the __________.
EX: If we want to see if eating carrots raises one’s IQ then eating carrots is the IV while the IQ scores would be the DV.
dependent variable (DV).
Research and Program Evaluation:
Each experiment has a null hypothesis and an experimental/alternative hypothesis.
_______ hypothesis = there is no significant different in people’s IQ who eat carrots and those who don’t eat them
_______ hypothesis = there is a significant difference between people’s IQ’s who do eat carrots vs. those who do not.
Research and Program Evaluation:
When a researcher rejects a null hypothesis that is true, it is a _________ error.
When a researcher accepts null hypothesis when it should have been rejected it is a ___________.
Type I alpha error **RA!
Type II beta error
Research and Program Evaluation:
Significance level for the social sciences is usually ____ or less (.01 or .001). Significance level gives you the probability of a Type I error. Smaller the better!
Research and Program Evaluation:
_______ is known as a single-subject design or case study
This does NOT rely on IV, DV, control group, etc.
N = 1
Research and Program Evaluation:
__________ are evident when subjects in a study have cues regarding what the researcher desires or does not desire that influence their behavior.
demand characteristics
Research and Program Evaluation:
If subjects KNOW they are being observed this is called ___________. Observers’ presence can influence subject’s behavior rather than merely the experimental variable or treatment modality.
When subjects do NOT KNOW they are being measured this is called ___________.
obtrusive/reactive measure
unobtrusive measure
Research and Program Evaluation:
_________ is high when an experiment have few flaws and thus the findings are accurate.
When this is low the researcher didn’t measure what they thought they did.
internal validity
Research and Program Evaluation:
________ is high when the results in a study CAN be generalized to other settings.
external validity
Research and Program Evaluation:
_________ is a popular parametric test for comparing 2 means.
t test
Research and Program Evaluation:
ANOVA (also called one-way ANOVA) is used when you are comparing ___________
This was developed by Ronald Fisher.
TWO or MORE means.
Research and Program Evaluation:
The t test and the ANOVA are _________ measures for normally distributed populations.
Research and Program Evaluation:
ANOVA provides F values and the _______ will tell you if significant differences are present.
F Test
Research and Program Evaluation:
Use the ________ when you are investigating more than 1 DV.
Research and Program Evaluation:
Use a ____________ when you are investigating more than 1 IV.
factorial analysis of variance
Research and Program Evaluation:
If you have two IVs it would be called a two-way _______; three IVs = three-way ________, etc.
Research and Program Evaluation:
If the population is not necessarily normal then a ________ test such as a chi-square (most common) or Kruskal-Wallis can be used.
Research and Program Evaluation:
__________ = if the researcher did NOT manipulate the variable
ex post facto or casual-comparative design
Research and Program Evaluation:
_________ = statistics that describe central tendency like the mean, median, mode, range, quartiles, variance, and SD.
descriptive statistics
Research and Program Evaluation:
________ = 3 data points dividing the distribution into 4 equal parts.
Q1 = 25th percentile or lowest 25% of scores Q2 = 26th - 50th percentile (**50th is the median**) Q3 = 75th percentile and higher (i.e., 75% of scores below this value)
Research and Program Evaluation:
_________ = correlation coefficients, t tests, ANOVAs, chi-square, Kruskal-Wallis, etc.
statistical analyses
Research and Program Evaluation:
_________ = examine a group of people who have something in common
cohort studies
Research and Program Evaluation:
_________ takes place during treatment or while the program is going on
_________ occurs at the end of a treatment or program
formative evaluation
summative/outcome evaluation
Research and Program Evaluation:
_________ design uses different subjects in the different groups (e.g., one group of subjects for the control group and another group of subjects for the experimental group).
Research and Program Evaluation:
_________ design (also referred to as repeated measures or within-subject design) the SAME SUBJECTS for the control condition and then at a different time for the IV/experimental condition.
within groups
Research and Program Evaluation:
__________ approval is required prior to conducting human research.
institutional research board (IRB)