Final Exam Study Guide Flashcards
Relating to the line of union in an immovable articulation.
A covering or layer
A fossa is a …
Shallow depression
A gland is a secretory organ or structure that can manufacture ____
A meatus is…
a passage or opening through a bone
A prominence or projection.
A temporarily unossified area on the surface of the cranium of an infant.
Accessory (auxiliary) refers to a _______ structure that resembles a similar organ in structure and function.
Albumin is…
A protein found in blood plasma
An anatomic landmark that appears as a blunt projection…
An organism whose right and left halves are similar images of each other…
Bilateral Symmetry
Anatomically speaking where does the heart lie with the relation to the lungs?
Anatomy is the branch of science dealing with the study of the ______ of the body.
Any small bone…
At right angles to another surface…
At the hilus of the kidney, what is found there?
Renal vein, Renal artery, Ureter
Between which chambers of the heart is the tricuspid valve located?
Right Atrium and Right Ventricle
Bone embedded in a tendon…
Sesamoid bone
Curved protuberance a the end of a bone…
Dilated channel for venous blood…
Endocrine pertains to a ______ gland that secretes directly into the bloodstream.
Entrance or exit of any anatomical surface…
Exocrine pertains to a gland that delivers its secretion through _______.
A duct
Farther away from the point of attachment or from the trunk…
Generally, what would describe veins?
they are provided with valves
Group of organs arranged or the performance of a specific function
Heterocrine is a gland that has both _____ and _____ functions.
Histology is the study of…
How are muscles attached to bone?
How is most oxygen transported in the blood?
Bonded to hemoglobin in RBCs
How many arterial branches are associated with the ascending aorta?
How many bones are involved in the make-up of the human skeleton?
How many layers of the meninges are there?
How many vertebrae are involved in the make-up the adult spinal column?
If all the cells and factors associated with clotting were removed from the blood, what would remain?
In anatomical study, what term describes the direction toward the foot end of the body?
In hepatic portal circulation, blood from the digestive organs and spleen circulates through which organ before returning to what organ?
In internal respiration, how does oxygen diffuse?
Blood to the tissue fluid
In the blood, the blood cells make up ___% of total blood volume?
In which chamber of the heart does systemic circulation begins?
Left Ventricle
Includes the arteries, capillaries, veins, and lymphatics.
Vascular System
Into which vessel does the internal jugular vein empty?
Joint in which the bones are connected by fibrocartilage.
Membranous sac or receptacle for secretion or excretion.
Membranous structure in a hollow organ or passage which closes and opens to permit flow of fluid in one direction.
Myology is the study of…
Nearest to the point of attachment of a limb to the trunk of the body.
Normal or abnormal bending away; an arc.
Of the following arteries, which would be considered to be a singular artery?
A. Common iliac
B. Internal carotid
C. Brachiocephalic
D. Ovarian
Of the following terms, what is the one that identifies as an important body cavity?
A. Cervical
B. Abdominal
C. Popliteal
D. Ventricular
On which of the following bones is the cribriform plate found?
Openings of the nose…
Oral is pertaining to the ____
Partition that divides the nasal cavities…
Nasal septum
Passageway in the temporal bone through which the internal carotid artery passes.
Carotid Canal
Pertaining to a sac-like structure.
Pertaining to bile.
Pertaining to or composed of vessels…
Pertaining to or forming the wall of a cavity.
Pertaining to or situated near the surface of the body or body part.
Pertaining to the cheek bone…
Pertaining to the front of the chest.
Pertaining to the middle; toward the median plane of the body…
Posterior or towards the back…
Reduction of harmful properties of a poisonous substance…
Referring to the organ system that carries out gas exchange…
Respiratory System
Refers to the front side of the body or structure.
Anterior (Ventral)
Relating to the cheek or the mouth…
Resistance to flow of a liquid…
Ridges in the walls if the nasal cavity…
Salivary pertains to the formation of ___
Smooth muscle around the exit of the stomach into the duodenum.
Pyloric Sphincter
Study of the heart….
Suprarenal (adrenal) means located on the superior border of the ______.
Sweating cools the body by what process?
The appendicular skeleton is made up of the pectoral girdle, ________, and ________ __________.
Upper and lower extremities
The axial skeleton is the central structure to which the ____ is attached…
Appendicular skeleton
The pubic symphysis is the slightly movable junction of the ____ portion of the os coxae…
The colon is the part of the large intestine that begins with the ____ and ends with the ____
Ascending colon and Sigmoid colon
The connection between two or more bones. Another word for a joint.
The digestive system tube that goes from the mouth to the anus.
Alimentary Canal
The external auditory meatus is the _________ opening of the ear or auditory canal.
The function of the lymph nodes is to destroy pathogens in what area?
Lymph coming from the extremities
The Islets of Langerhans…
Cluster of cells in the pancreas that produce insulin
The lymph nodes that destroy pathogens in lymph returning from the arms are called…
The malleus, incus, and stapes are within which of the following bones and what are they concerned with?
A. Maxilla/Hearing
B. Mandible/Hearing
C. Occipital bone/Hearing
D. Temporal bone/Hearing
Temporal bone/Hearing
The mandibular fossa is a depression in the _______ bone into which the condyle of the mandible fits.
The organs that participate in the secretion, storage, and delivery of bile to the duodenum.
Biliary Tract
The pH or potential of hydrogen is a number signifying the ___ or ___ of a solution…
Acidity or Alkalinity
The pubic symphysis is the slightly movable junction of the ______ portion of the os coxae.
The receptors for vision are located in which part of the eye?
The undersurface of an organ or a structure below another surface…
The vermiform appendix is a worm shaped tube connected to the ____
The vertebral artery is located as leaving which of the following arteries to supply blood to the Circle of Willis?
A. Subclavian
B. Internal carotid
C. External carotid
D. Axillary
To raise the vessels necessary to embalm one of the lower extremities, one will usually raise the femoral artery and femoral vein in what region?
Femoral triangle
To what organ is the cystic artery known to supply blood?
Gall bladder
Toward the central part of a structure, below the surface…
Union of two vessels going into the same body part…
Urinary pertains to the secretion or storage of ____
Wall dividing two cavities…
Well defined parts of an organ separated by boundaries…
What anatomical structure is found between the subclavian and axillary arteries?
1st Rib
What are serous fluids?
A fluid that prevents friction and is found between pleural membranes
What are the blood cells responsible for clotting?
What are the blood vessels that carry blood in the general direction of the heart?
What are the branches of the trachea?
Primary bronchi, one to each lung
What are the cells in the hemopoietic tissues that undergo mitosis to produce all the types of blood cells?
Stem Cells
What are the chambers of the heart that receive blood from veins?
Right and Left Atria
What are the elements of a carbohydrate?
Carbon, Hydrogen, and Oxygen
What are the layers of the eyeball, in order from the outermost?
Sclera, Choroid, Retina
What are the neurons that carry impulses from the CNS to effectors?
Motor neurons
What are the three major structural parts of a cell?
Plasma Membrane, Nucleus, Cytoplasm
What are the two organ systems that are most responsible for protecting the body against pathogens?
Integumentary and Lymphatic
What are the visual receptors that detect color in the eye?
What are the WBCs that recognize foreign antigens and produce antibodies?
What are two hormones that help maintain normal blood pressure by maintaining normal blood volume?
ADH and Aldosterone
What artery is the continuation of the popliteal and extends to the top of the foot where it becomes the dorsalis pedis artery?
Anterior tibial
What branch of the abdominal aorta creates a supply of blood to the stomach?
Celiac Trunk
What does the term phrenic refer to?
What does the term visceral refer to?
What is a group of organs acting together to perform a single function?
What is a term that would describe glands that might secrete a hormone into the blood and put enzymes into the digestive tract?
What is another name for Pouparts ligament?
What is another name for red blood cells?
What is another name for the right atrio-ventricular valve?
What is commonly found in veins below the level of the heart?
What is found to create the medial border of the femoral triangle?
Adductor Longus
What is the amber colored watery liquid that occupies the intercellular spaces of the tissues?
Tissue fluid
What is the artery formed by the union of the right and left vertebral artery?
What is the artery that begins as a continuation of the external iliac artery and terminates by becoming the popliteal artery?
Femoral Artery
What is the branch of the abdominal aorta that provides blood supply to the kidney?
What is the branch of the external carotid artery that ends by providing blood supply to the chin, lips and nose?
What is the branch of the external carotid that serves to provide blood supply the scalp immediately behind that ear?
Posterior Auricular
What is the branch of the internal carotid artery providing the blood supply to the eyes?
What is the clumping of bacteria by attached antibodies called?
What is the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide between the body and the environment?
External respiration
What is the fluid contained within the spaces surrounding the brain?
Cerebrospinal fluid
What is the function of cilia?
To sweep materials across a surface
What is the hereditary material of cells?
What is the imaginary, vertical plane that cuts through a cadaver, from side to side, at right angles to the mid-sagittal plane?
Coronal Plane
What is the innermost layer of the heart?
What is the largest salivary gland found in the body?
What is the largest section of the brain?
What is the membrane that lines the abdominal cavity?
What is the mineral in hemoglobin that bonds to the oxygen?
What is the name of the fetal blood vessel that carries blood from the placenta to the fetus?
Umbilical vein
What is the normal pH of living blood?
What is the part of the mandible and maxilla where the teeth are located?
Alveolar Process
What is the part of the stomach that creates the upper dome?
What is the portion of the blood that is about 95% water?
What is the process, by which a blood cell surrounds, engulfs and destroys foreign substances in the blood?
What is the purpose of the coronary vessels?
Supply the heart with oxygenated blood
What is the space between two neurons where a neurotransmitter carries the impulse?
What is the term to describe the orifice located between the esophagus and the stomach?
Cardiac Orifice
What is the term used to describe a hole in a bone?
What is the term used to describe the outer layer of the pericardial membranes?
Fibrous Pericardium
What is the valve located in the orifice between the stomach and small intestine?
What is the vein which begins as a continuation of the axillary vein and terminated by uniting with the internal jugular vein to become the brachiocephalic vein?
Subclavian vein
What is the vessel on the medial side of the forearm that is formed by the bifurcation of the brachial artery?
Ulnar artery
What is the vessel which originates on the lateral side of the foot and terminated by draining in to the popliteal vein?
Lesser Saphenous vein
What organ is the internal carotid artery is most closely associated with providing blood supply?
What part of the brain regulates body temperature and the autonomic nervous system?
What part of the brain that coordinates voluntary movement?
What part of the brain that coordinates voluntary movement?
What regulates the size of the pupil?
What term is used to describe a cavity in some bones?
What term is used to describe the fluid that is contained within the spaces surrounding the brain?
Cerebrospinal fluid
What term is used to describe the study of the function of the body?
What term is used to mean the same thing as white blood cells?
What two systems use the pharynx?
Digestive and respiratory
What type of body joints are said to be freely movable?
What type of gland would the pancreas be classified as?
What type of gland would the pancreas be classified as?
What vessel is found to originate as the 3rd branch of the aortic arch?
Left Subclavian
What vessel originates as one of the branches of the brachiocephalic artery and terminates by becoming the axillary artery?
Right subclavian Artery
What vessel provides the origin for the ovarian and testicular arteries?
Abdominal aorta
When blood exits the left ventricle of the heart, what/where does the blood enter?
Where are the auditory ossicles located?
Temporal Bone
Where are the parietal pleura found?
Lining of the chest cavity
Where are the receptors for hearing and equilibrium located?
Inner Ear
Where do capillaries carry blood from?
Arterioles to Venules
Where does the external jugular vein terminate?
Subclavian Vein
Where is red bone marrow found in the body?
Spongy bone in flat and irregular bones
What type of elementary tissue is blood?
Where is the exchange of gases found in internal respiration?
Systemic capillaries and body tissues
Where is the parietal pleura found?
Lining the chest cavity
Where will most of the blood volume of the body at any given time be found?
Where would the masseter muscle be located?
Which blood cells are responsible for coagulation of blood?
Which bone contains auditory muscles?
Which cranial nerve decreases heart rate when stimulated?
Which is the first part of the ear to vibrate with sound waves?
Which lymph vessel returns lymph to the left subclavian vein?
Thoracic Duct
Which membrane is NOT paired with its proper location?
A. Parietal pleura–lines the thoracic cavity
B. Peritoneum–lines abdominal organs
C. Meninges–lines the cranial cavity
D. Visceral pleura–covers the lungs
Meninges – Lines the cranial cavity
Which mineral is needed for chemical clotting of blood?
Which of the following arteries are found in the palm of the hand?
A. Greater arches
B. Lesser arches
C. Plantar
D. Volar
Which of the following arteries are paired visceral branches of the abdominal aorta?
Which of the following descriptions is accurate for the right lung?
A. is smaller than the left
B. is larger than the left
C. has two lobes
D. has one lobe
Is larger than the left
Which of the following glands is an example of an exocrine gland?
A. Thyroid
B. Pituitary
C. Adrenal
D. Salivary
Which of the following hormones lowers blood glucose levels y enabling cells to take in glucose?
A. Cortisol
B. Glucagon
C. Growth Hormone
D. Insulin
Which of the following is a paired visceral branch of the abdominal aorta?
A. Esophageal
B. Pericardial
C. Suprarenal
D. Superior mesenteric
C. Suprarenal
Which of the following is the artery that branches to supply blood flow to the descending colon and sigmoid colon?
Inferior Mesenteric
Which of the following is the correct description of the location of a layer of meninges?
A. Middle – Pia mater
B. Middle – Dura mater
C. Inner – Pia mater
D. Outer – Pia mater
Inner – Pia mater
Which of the following is true of an endocrine duct?
A. There are four ducts
B. There is no duct
C. There is no blood supply
D. There is no secretion
There is no duct
Which of the following products is the waste from cell respiration?
B. carbon dioxide
C. water
D. heat
Carbon Dioxide
Which of the following senses is the olfactory nerve associated?
Which of the following state mets describes what occurs when a muscles contracts?
A. Shortens and pushes or pulls the bone
B. Shortens and pulls the bone
C. Lengthens and pulls a bone
D. Shortens and pulls then pushes a bone
Shortens and pushes or pulls a bone
Which of the following statements describes the endocardium that lines the chambers of the heart?
A. it prevents friction when the heart beats
B. it prevents backflow of blood into the lungs
C. it helps pump blood out of the heart
D. is smooth to prevent abnormal clotting in the heart
D. is smooth to prevent abnormal clotting in the heart
Which of the following systems of the body includes the brains?
A. Central nervous system
B. Peripheral nervous system
C. Muscular system
D. Circulatory system
Central nervous system
Which of the following terms describes the vessel into which the left ventricle pumps blood?
A. pulmonary vein
B. superior vena cava
C. pulmonary artery
D. aorta
Which of the following terms refers to the oxygen carrying protein of RBCs
Which of the following vessels entering the heart that provides for the drainage from the abdomen and the lower extremities?
A. Abdominal aorta
B. Common iliac
C. Superior vena cava
D. Inferior vena cava
Inferior vena cava
Which of the following vessels receives blood from the celiac axis artery?
1. Liver 2. Stomach 3. Spleen 4. Cecum
1, 2, and 3
Which of these is a bone of the face?
A. Vomer
B. Ethmoid
C. Frontal
D. Temporal
Which of these is a bone of the upper jaw?
A. vomer
B. lacrimal
C. zygoma
D. maxilla
Which of these joints is not a freely moveable joint?
A. Symphysis
B. Pivot
C. Saddle
D. Hinge
Which part of the brain initiates voluntary movement in the body?
Frontal Lobe
Which spinal nerve group is matched with its correct number of pairs?
Lumbar - 5
Which statement is true of cells?
A. Cells are the smallest living subunits or structure and function
B. The human body contains few types of cells
C. Cells are not made of inorganic chemicals
D. A group of cells with similar structure and function is called an organ
Cells are the smallest living subunits of structure and function
Which term best describes the direction toward the head of the body?
Which term describes the middle region of the abdomen?
Which vein begins as a continuation of the axillary vein and terminates by uniting with the internal jugular to become the brachiocephalic vein?
Subclavian Vein
Which veins of the body return embalming drainage to the right atrium?
Superior and Inferior vena cava
Who is credited with the discovery of the circulation of blood?
William Harvey
With which bone would the ramus be associated?
With which muscles is the galea aponeurotica associated?
Within or on the inside of the body…
used to describe muscles that bend body parts?
Which of the following joints is an example of a ball and socket?
A. femur and tibia
B. scapula and ulna
C. tibia and fibula
D. femur and hip bone
Femur and hip bone
What is the imaginary, vertical plane that cuts through a cadaver, from side to side, at right angles to the mid-sagittal plane?
Coronal Plane
What are the minute tendinous chords that attach the atria-ventricular valves of the heart to the papillary muscles?
Chordae Tendineae
What is the process whereby oxygen is exchanged for carbon dioxide at the level of a body cell?
Internal Respiration
What is the blood vessel entering the heart, which provides for the drainage from the head and upper extremities?
Superior Vena Cava
What is the branch of the arch of the aorta which provides the blood supply to the right upper extremity?
Situated at or pertaining to a center point.
When there is a rupture in the vascular system, what blood cells would be responsible for clotting?
What is a term that would describe glands that might secrete a hormone into the blood and put enzymes into the digestive tract?
What is the space between two neurons where a neurotransmitter carries the impulse?
Which of the following arteries is involved in the make-up of the Circle of Willis?