Chapter 3: Skeletal System Flashcards
- Frontal (1)
- Sphenoid (1)
- Ethmoid (1)
- Parietal (2)
- Temporal (2)
- Occipital (1)
- Supraorbital Margin
- Superciliary Arches
- Glabella
- Frontal Eminence
- Parietal Bone (one on each side)
- Occipital Bone
- Foramen Magnum
- Occipital Condyle
- External Occipital Protuberance
- Carotid Canal
- Squamous Portion
- Petrous Portion
- Mastoid Process
- Mandibular Fossa
- External Auditory Meatus
- Zygomatic Process
Ear Ossicles
- Malleus (2)
- Incus (2)
- Stapes (2)
- Cribiform plate
- Crista Galli
- Ethmoidal Sinuses
- Ethmoidal Cells
Domelike superior portion of the cranium, comprising the superior portions of the frontal, parietal, and occipital bones.
the cavity or socket of the skull in which the eye and its appendages are situated.
- Nasal Bone (2)
- Lacrimal Bone (2)
- Zygomatic Bone (2)
- Temporal Process
- Maxilla (2)
- Vomer (1)
- Inferior Nasal Conchae (2)
- Mandible (1)
- Palatine (2)
- Body
- Alveolar Process
3.Mental Eminence - Angle
- Ramus
- Palatine Process
- Alveolar Process
- Maxillary Sinuses
- Cervical Vertebrae (C1-C7)
- Thoracic Vertebrae (T1-T12)
- Lumbar Vertebrae (L1-L5)
- Sacrum (1)
- Coccyx (1)
- Manubrium
- Body
- Xiphoid Process
- True Ribs (14)
- False Ribs (10)
- Floating Ribs (4)
How many bones in the Cranium?
How many bones in the face?
How many bones in the Vertebral Column?
How many bones in the Sternum
How many ribs are there? (NOT including false ribs)
Floating ribs are…
ribs not attached to the sternum via cartilage
the first vertebrae that meets at the skull. It is called the Atlas and articulates the occipital bone.
called the Axis - forms special articulation with the atlas that allows pivoting action, enabling the head to turn from side to side.
- Stella Turcica (Turkish Saddle)
- Clavicle (2)
- Scapula (2)
- Acromion
- Humerus (2)
- Ulna (2)
- Olecranon Process
- Radius (2)
- Carpals (8)
- Metacarpals (10)
- Phalanges (28)
- Os Coxae
- Ilium (iliac crest)
- Ischium
- Pubis
- Acetabulum
- Femur (2)
- Head
- Condyles
- Patella (2)
- Tibia (2)
- Epicondyles
- Fibula (2)
- Lateral Malleolus
- Phalanges (28)
- Metatarsals (10)
- Tarsals - Calcaneus (14)