Chapter 4: The Muscles Flashcards
Structure of Skeletal Muscles
the end of a muscle which is attached to the less movable or fixed joint. The point of muscle attatchment that moves the least.
Structure of Skeletal Muscle
the end of the muscle which is attached to the more movable bone
Structure of Skeletal Muscles
“belly” the main, fleshy portion of the muscle
Structure of Skeletal Muscles
Proximal End
the orgin of a muscle
Structure of Skeletal Muscles
Distal End
the insertion
Muscle Actions
moving a body part away from the midplane of the body
Muscle Actions
moving a body part towards the midplane of the body
Muscle Actions
bending a body part/increasing angle between 2 bones.
Muscle Actions
to straighten out a body part
Muscle Actions
movement of the palm of the hand from forward/upward facing position to backward/downward facing position
Muscle Actions
movement of palm of hands from backward/downward position to forward/upward position
Muscle Action
lifting a body part up
Muscle Action
downward movement/lowering of a body part
Muscle Actions
movement of a bone around its longitudinal axis
Muscle Actions
Squeezing closed
Muscle Actions
Muscle Actions
turning or swinging a body part in a circular fashion
Muscle Actions
forward movement
Muscle Actions
backwards movement
Muscle Actions
outward movement of the sole of the foot
Muscle Actions
inward movement of the sole of the foot
Types of Muscles
voluntary muscles, striated, attatched to skeleton
Types of Muscles
non-striated, involuntary, found in various organs which work automatically
Types of Muscles
found in heart, has striations, involuntary
Types of Muscles
fibers are parallel and run directly from the origin to their insertion
Types of Mucles
an encircling muscle that surrounds a natural orfice. In eyes, mouth, and anus.
Types of Muscles
Double Bellied
2 fleshy portions that are seperated by a tendon or aponeurosis, some in eye socket, some in neck
Types of Muscles
a flattened ribbon shaped tendon
Muscles of the Cranium
What muslces reside in the cranium?
- Occipitofrontalis (Epicranius) [1]
- Temporalis (2)
Muscles of the Cranium
Occipitofrontalis (Epicranius)
- large muscle covering the top/sides of the skull
- composed of 2 broad bellies connected by a large aponerosis called the galea aponeurotica
- its origin is the superior line of the occipital bone and mastoid portion of the temporal bone
Muscles of the Cranium
- Broad, radiating muscle shaped like a fan
- origin is in the temporal fossa, retracts the lower jaw/brings teeth together
- strongest chewing muscle (mastication)
Muscles of the Face
What muscles reside in the face?
- Zygomaticus Major
- Levator Anguli Oris
- Buccinator (trumpeters muscle)
- Risorius
- Masseter
- Levator Palperae Superioris
- Corrugator
- Orbicularis Oculi
Muscles of the Face
Zygomaticus Major
- Known as the laughing muscle
- located lateral to the Quadratus Labii Superioris and decend obliquely from the posterior portion of the Zygomatic bone to angle of mouth
Function - draws the angle of mouth posteriorly and superiorly
Muscles of the Face
Levator Anguli Oris
- located in the region of the canine teeth
- run from canine teeth to the angles of mouth/elevate angles of mouth
Muscles of the Face
Buccinator (trumpeters muscle)
- thin quadrilateral muscle in soft areas of the cheek
- principle muscle of the cheek/forms the lateral walls of mouth
Function - Responsible for compressing cheek
Muscles of Face
- narrow superficial muscle running horizontally across cheek to angle of mouth
Function - retracts the angle of mouth - an action which is antagonistic to the buccinator muscle
Muscles of the Face
- located on sides of face
- originate on anterior 2/3rds of the Zygomatic arch (lower portion of cheekbone) extening downward (posteriorly to the angles of the jaw (lower part of the ramus)
Function - Help in chewing, raise/lower jaw
Muscles of the Face
Levator Palpebrae Superioris
- narrow, tendnious muscles located deep in the eye sockets at the small wings of Sphenoid bone.
- ends in wide aponeurosis
Function - raise upper eyelid
Muscles of the Face
- known as frowning muscles located at the medial end of eyebrows, originaing at root of nose extend laterally and superorily to the middle of the Supraorbital Margin
Function - draws eyebrows medially and inferiorly
Muscles of the Face
Orbicularis Oculi
- 2 thin, broad sphincter muscles that surround both eyelids and are also partially spread over the temples and upper cheeks.
- eyelid portion closes eyelid, orbital portion is responsible in winking
Muscles of the Nose
- long, thin muscle extending vertically from nasal bone up to forehead
Function - pulls eyebrows and forehead down
Muscles of the Neck
- 2 broad, flat superficial muscles which arise from the fascia covering large muscles of the collarbone, ribs, and shoulder
Function - lowers the angle of the mouth (jaw) upon contraction
Muscles of the Neck
Sternocleidomastoid (SCM)
- 2 relatively thick muscles that pass obliquely across the side of the neck
- together the SCM muscles move the head backwards/forwards
Function - rotate head. R muscle contracts to move the head to the R and L. Muscles move head to L
Muscles of the Neck
- each muscle has 2 bellies, both of which lie just below the body of the mandible.
Function - Draws Hyoid bone superioly
Muscles of the Mouth
What muscles reside in the mouth?
- Orbicularis Oris
- Levator Labii Superioris Alaque Nasi
- Levator Labii Superioris
- Zygomaticus Minor
- Depressor Anguli Oris
- Depressor Labii Inferioris
- Mentalis
Muscles of the Mouth
Orbicularis Oris
- Spincter muscle that encircles the mouth, begins at base of nose and extends down to lower jaw and laterally to both cheeks
- known as puckering/whistling muscle
Function - Opens/closes mouth, moves lips, presses them together, moves them forward
Muscles of the Mouth
Levator Labii Superioris Alaeque Nasi
- the medical muscle of the QLS
- called common elevator, may be described as long, narrow slip running beside the nose
- The Elvis muslce
- Alaeque Nasi = latin for “wing of nose”
Function - raises the upper lip and dialates nostrils
Muscles of the Mouth
Levator Labii Superioris
- intermediate head of Quadratus Labii Superioris that lies lateral to common elevator.
- muscle of facial expression
Function - elevates/extends upper lip
Muscles of the Mouth
Zygomaticus Minor
- most lateral muscle of the QLS
- inserts into upper lip at the angle of the mouth, raises corners of mouth, usedin smiling
- NOT known as smiling muscle
Muscles of the Mouth
Depressor Anguli Oris (Triangularis)
- 2-3 sided muscles originating on the oblique line of the mandible and inserting at an angle of the mouth
- contributes to the prominance of the Angulus Oris Eminence
** Function** - depresses corners of mouth
Muscles of the Mouth
Depressor Labii Inferioris
- 2 in number, quadrilateral muscles that arise from oblique line of the mandible and move upward to the skin of the lower lip by the location of the Labiomental Sulcus (depresses lower lip)
Function - when contracted this muscle moves the lower lip downward and to the side
Muscles of the Mouth
- located on prominance of Mental Eminence beteen 2 Depressor Labii Inferioris muscles
- originates at the Incisive Fossa and inserts into skin of chin
Function - raises and protrudes the lower lip
Muscles of the Mouth
What muscles are considered the QLS muscles?
- Levator Labii Superioris Alaeque Nasi
- Levator Labii Superioris
- Zygomaticus Minor
Muscles of the Mouth
What is the Quadratus Labii Superioris (QLS)?
- QLS is a group of muscles that act independently or in unison
- the muscles are broad in origin extending along entire lower margin of the eye socket
- muscle is superior to upper lip begins at the lower margin of the eye socket runs downward to upper lip
- lifts upper lip and changes the expression of the mouth
- QLS in conjunction with the Levator Anguli oris creates the Nasobabial Fold, Nasolabial Sulcus, and Nasal Sulcus
situated at an angle and not having one end inserted on bone
Muscles of the Trunk
Muscles of the Trunk
A. Back
* Trapezuis
* Latissimus Dorsi
B. Chest
* Pectoralis Major
* Intercostals
C. Abdomen
- Anterolateral
* External Oblique
* Interal Oblique
* Transverse Abdominis
*-Anteromedial (Rectus Abdominis) *
* Posterior (Psoas Major)
D. Diaphram (Phrenic Muscle)
- Pectoralis Major
- External Oblique
- Deltoid
- Biceps Brachii
- Triceps Brachii
- Brachialis
- Brachioradialis
- Sartorius
- Adductor Longus
- Gastrocnemius
- Soleus
- Trapezius
- Latissimus Dorsi
- Internal Oblique
- Transversus Abdominis
- Teres Major
- Adductor Magnus
- Semitendinosus
- Semimembranosus
- Calcaneal (Achilles) Tendon
- Temporalis
- Masseter
- Orbicularis Oculi
- Orbicularis Oris
- Levator Labii Superioris
- Zygomaticus Major & Minor
- Buccinator
- Mantalis
- Platysma
- Sternocleidomastoid
- Corrugator
- Levator Anguli Oris
- Risorius
- Depressor Anguli Oris
- Depressor Labii Inferioris