Final Exam: Spinal Cord Flashcards
The major pathway of communication b/t the brain and periphery
Spinal cord
What are the 3 functions of the Spinal cord?
- Relay somatic sensory input and somatic motor output
- Relay visceral sensory input and visceral motor output
- reflexive control of somatic and visceral tissues
Signs of Atrophy of m. and lack of reflex could be cause by damage to the ______, not the SC.
Neuromuscular junction
What is the space running dorsal to the spinal cord cord?
Dorsal median sulcus
What is the space ventral to the spinal cord called
ventral median fissure
What are the 3 br. of the spinal n.?
- ventral Br.
- Dorsal Br.
- meningeal br.
Where does the first pair of cervical spinal nerves emerge?
lateral vertebral foramina of the atlas
After the first pair, the remaining CSNs emerge cranial/caudal to their corresponding cervical vertbrae
Where would CSN 8 emerge?
caudal to C7
Cranial to C8
Which br. of the Sc has the ramus communicans?
The thoracic spinal nerves and lumbar spinal nerves will emerge cranial/caudal to their corresponding vertebrae
The first two sacral spinal nerves emerghe through the _______.
sacral foramina
Where does the third sacral spinal nerve in the dog emerge?
b/t the sacrum and first caudal vert/
Terminal tapering of the SC
conus medullaris
Where should you aim your needle when doing an epidural?
caudal to the conus medullaris to avoid SC
Lumbosacral Stenosis causing impingement on the cauda equine in this area
Cauda equina syndrome
What are the 2 subdivisions of spinal cord grey matter>
- afferent region
2. efferent regions
What are the 2 parts of the afferent region of the SC gray matter?
- somatic afferent
2. Visceral afferent
What are the 2 parts of the efferent region of the SC grey matter?
- visceral efferent
2. somatic efferent
regions of white matter within the SC are referenced as
What are the 3 funiculi?
- dorsal
- lateral
- ventral
What are the 2 tracts of the dorsal funiculus?
- fasciculus gracilis
2. fasiciculus cuneatus
Tracts that transport sensory info. from SC to brain
Ascending tracts
Tracts that transport commands from brain to SC
Descending tracts
How do you name ascending spinal tracts?
spino- as prefix
How do you name descending Tracts?
-spinal as suffix
Which tracts are generally located in the ventral and lateral funiculi?
descending tracts
Which tracts are generally located in the dorsal and lateral funiculi?
ascending tracts
point for point correspondence of a specific body part to a specific region of the CNS
The ability to sense stimuli in relation to position, motion, and equilibrium
What are the 6 general regions of the SC
- Cranial cervical
- Cervicothoracic
- thoracolumbar
- Lumbosacral
- Sacral
- Caudal
Region of SC that innervates axial m. and skin of Cranial cervical region
Cranial cervical region
Region of SC that supplies Brachial plexus
Cervicothroacic region
Region of Sc innervates thoracic limb m. and skin
region of SC that gives sympathetic innervation to the head/eye
Region of SC that innervates regional m. and sking
Region of SC that contains preganglionic sympathetic neurons
Region of SC where lumbar intumescence occurs
Region of SC that contains lumbosacral plexus
Region of SC that supplies bladder and perineum
Region of SC that innervates the perineum and external anal sphincter
Sacral region
Region of Sc that is PSNS innervation to viscera of pelvis and bladder
Sacral region
Axons from __ to __ contribute to sciatic n.
Region of SC that innervates m and skin of the tail
caudal region