What do the Nucleosides, Nucleotides and Nucleic acids function as?
-Energy Carriers
-Second Messengers
-Genetic information transmitting and storage materials
What does a purine look like ?
A hexagon that has a pentagon attached to it
What does Pyrimidines look like?
A hexagon
What Nitrogenous bases have a purine structure and what is the structure like?
Adenine : has a standard purine and a NH2 at the top
Guanine : standard purine and a H2N on the left and a oxygen double bonded to the top
What Nitrogenous bases have a Pyrimidines structures and what is the structures like?
Cytosine : Standard pyrimidine and a NH2 binded to the top
Uracil : standard pyrimidine and a oxygen double bonded at the top and bottom left
Thymine : standard pyrimidine and a oxygen double bonded at the top and bottom left and a CH3 binded to the top right
How does the numbering and structure of ribose and deoxyribose differ?
Numbering are the same and the structure is the same except at carbon 2 the ribose has an OH and the deoxyribose has a H
What is the Beta glycosidic linkage?
The bond between the anomeric carbon and the nitrogen.
What is the structure of a Nucleotide?
Ribose-5’-phosphate+Nitrogenous base
What is the structure of a Nucleoside?
Ribose with a 1’ nitrogenous base
What is the structure of a Nucleic Acids ?
-Linear polymers constructed from four types of monomers
What do the Phosphodiester bonds link?
The 3’OH end to the 5’OH end.
What is the double helix in the DNA consist of and how far are the adjacent bases and how wide is it and where are the backbones and bases located on the helix?
- strand that runs 5’-3’ and the 3’-5’ are intertwined to form a right handed double helix
-backbones on the outside and bases on the inside
-Adjacent basses separated by 3.4 angstroms
-Approx. 20 angstrom wide
What stabilizes the double helix?
-Hydrogen bonds between base pairs
-Hydrophobic interactions
-vdW forces called stacking forces between adjacent bases.
What is a Palindrome sequence?
They read same forward and backward
What do the presence of major/minor groove allow for?
Allows access to the hydrogen bonding capabilities of the exposed bases
What needs to be done to the DNA in order for it to fit inside the cell?
DNA molecule must be compacted, the DNA double helix is a circular molecule that is twisted into a superhelix by the process of supercoiling
What is the function of mRNA?
-Carries the genetic information from the nucleus to the cytoplasm , where it is translated into protein
What is the function of tRNA?
Carries the Amino Acids to the mRNA for protein assembly
What is the function of rRNA?
Catalytic component of the Ribosome, a machine for assembling proteins
What is the function of IncRNA?
Longer RNA transcripts that regulate gene transcription ( could be a 1000 of nucleotides long)
What is the function of microRNA?
About 22 base pair, double stranded RNA molecules that regulate the expression of mRNA