Final Exam Flashcards
Examples of criminal justice system -
Police, courts, and corrections
Is the criminal justice system the only power to control/ punish violators?
Who was the contact between police and public most common?
Among males, whites, and younger residents
Community policing (COP) and Problem-Oriented Policing -
Proactive forms of policing, change agents to prevent crime before committed
Personal decision making by those carrying out police, judicial functions w/in criminal system
Landmark decision:
Ruling of US Supreme Court, influences everyday procedures of police agencies, courts
Adversary system:
In which prosecution (state) and defense (accused) bring forward evidence arguments decided by judge/jury
Public official who represents the government in criminal proceedings; presenting case against the accused
person accused of violating the law
Conditions surrounding criminal case that indicate it had good chance of resulting in conviction
Defense attorney:
Responsible for protecting constitutional rights of accused, legal defense
Right to counsel:
Right of the person accused of crime to the assurance of public attorney in criminal prosecutions
Public defender:
Attorney employed by state whose job is to provide free legal counsel to defendant
Pro bono:
Defense lawyers volunteer w/out compensation, free legal counsel
Conditional release of convicted offender; under supervision of probation officer