Ch. 5 Flashcards
Human behavior motivated by inborn biological urges to survive / preserve species
Sociobiology principles
- behavior traits may be inherited, formed by natural selection, evolved by environment, affect how social behavior learned
Contemporary trait theory
Each offender is physically/mentally unique, therefore different explanations for each person’s behavior
Vulnerability model
Assumes direct link between traits and crimes
-some more vulnerable for crime from birth
Differential susceptible model
View that some people are prone to environmental influences
-ex: at risk when encounter unfavorable social environments
Crime and diet
- poor diet causes cognitive/learning deficits, antisocial behavior
- over/under supply of minerals causes depression, memory loss
Condition occurs when glucose (sugar) in blood falls below levels necessary for normal brain functioning
Principle male hormone, linked to aggression
Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS)
- theory states huge amounts of female sex hormones stimulate antisocial/aggressive behaviors
When are females more likely to commit suicide and be aggressive?
Before/during menstruation
Lead exposure
- linked to emotional / behavioral disorders
- delinquents higher bone lead levels
- linked to schizophrenia and homicide
Brain conditions and Crime
- violent criminals and substance abusers have impairment in prefrontal lobes
- reduction in executive functioning (EF)
Conduct Disorder
Pattern of repetitive behavior in which rights of others or norms are violated
- ex: lying, bullying, stealing
Brain Structure and; Aggression
Linked to amygdala, area that processes info regarding threats and fear
- lessening of activity in frontal lobe region linked to decision making
Attention Deficit Disorder (ADHD)
Child shows inappropriate lack of attention, impulsivity, hyperactivity
- also suffer from Conduct Disorder (CD)