FINAL 04 - Dementia, BPSD, Parkinson's Disease Flashcards
Is a general term characterized by progressive cognitive decline, memory loss, and changes in behavior
Most common cause of dementia that affects memory, thinking, and behavior
Alzheimer’s disease
Occurs because of microscopic bleeding and blood vessel blockage in the brain
Vascular dementia
4 symptoms and signs of dementia
Short term memory, Difficulty with task, Language problems, Disorientation
Refers to the symptoms of disturbed perception that frequently occur in patients with dementia
Behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia (BPSD)
Is characterized by the progressive loss of dopaminergic neurons in the substantia nigra, leading to motor symptoms like tremors, rigidity, and bradykinesia
Parkinson’s disease
Is a burst of uncontrolled electrical activity between brain cells that causes temporary abnormalities in muscle tone or movements
Are also called partial seizures since they begin in one area of the brain
Focal seizures
A type of focal seizure that may alter emotions
Simple focal seizure
A type of seizure that involves a change or loss of consciousness or awareness that feels like being in a dream
Complex focal seizure
Are surges of abnormal nerve discharges throughout the cortex of the brain more or less at the same time
Generalized seizure
6 types of generalized seizure
Absence, Tonic, Atonic, Clonic, Myoclonic, Tonic-clonic
Formerly known as petit mal seizures; often occur in children
Absence seizures
Are seizures that cause stiffening of the muscles
Tonic seizures
Also known as drop seizures; cause a loss of muscle control
Atonic seizures
Are seizures associated with repeated jerking muscle movements
Clonic seizures
Are seizures that usually appear as sudden brief jerks or twitches of the arms and legs
Myoclonic seizures
Previously known as grand mal seizures; are the most dramatic type of epileptic seizure
Tonic-clonic seizure
Are rapid, repeated, involuntary contractions of a group of muscles that either result in a movement or sound
4 causes of tics
Psychogenic, Neurogenic, Substance abuse, Physiological
2 types of tics
Simple, Complex
Are tics that involve a single muscle group
Simple tics
2 types of simple tics
Simple motor tics, Simple vocal tics
It includes head shaking, eye blinking, sniffing, neck jerking, shoulder shrugging, and grimacing
Simple motor tics
It includes coughing, throat clearing, and barking
Simple vocal tics
Are tics that usually involve more than one muscle group
Complex tics
2 types of complex tics
Complex motor tics, Complex vocal tics
It includes self-hitting or self-biting, jumping and twirling while walking
Complex motor tics
It includes repeating words or phrases, echoing what someone else said, and speaking obscenities
Complex vocal tics
Is an autoimmune inflammatory disease of the CNS white matter characterized by a relapsing or progressive course
Multiple Sclerosis
Is a chronic, progressive, hereditary disease of the nervous system that results in progressive involuntary choreiform movement and dementia
Huntington’s disease
Means any diagnostic or therapeutic drug that has the property of assisting in the diagnosis of abnormal conditions or symptoms
Includes the brain, spinal cord, and a complex network of nerves
Nervous system
Are medicines that affect the CNS
CNS agents
Are medications used in the management and treatment of pain
Are drugs that help normalize the way nerve impulses travel along the nerve cells which helps prevent ot treat seizures
Are medicines that ease nausea and vomiting
Are medicines that aim to replace dopamine either by drugs that release dopamine or those that mimic the action of dopamine
Are medicines that work on the CNS to relieve anxiety, aid sleep, or have a calming effect
Are a diverse group of medicines that have the ability to relax or reduce tension in the muscle
Muscle relaxants
Are those used to perceive things that are not physical touch, such as sound, sight, smell, and taste
Special senses
Involves difficulty processing and responding to these types of sensory information and can cause difficulties functioning in daily life
Special senses disorder
It is a hormone that is prescribed for the treatment of auditory processing disorder (APD) in children and teens
Intranasal insulin
Is a mineral compound of sodium valproate, which reduces neuron activity and prevents seizures
It is a drug that can help reduce sensitivity to external stimuli, minimize irritation or agitation, and improve coordination and balance
Intranasal sodium nitrate
This drug is administered through the nasal cavity and may help reduce sensitivity to smells
Intranasal clonidine
This drug is administered through the nasal cavity and can help reduce sensitivity to taste and improve digestion
Intranasal lidocaine
Are proteins derived from human or animal plasma and is intended to activate the immune system and provide protection against certain illnesses or diseases
Intravenous immunoglobulins
Recurring seizures
Duration of most seizures
30 seconds-2 minutes
Inhibitory circuits
Excitatory circuits
4 side effects of intranasal insulin
Nausea, Headache, Dizziness, Fatigue
4 side effects of anticonvulsants
Dizziness, Diarrhea, Headache, Stomach upset
4 side effects of intranasal sodium nitrate
Nose burns, Skin irritation, Dizziness, Diarrhea
4 side effects of intranasal clonidine
Dry mouth, Constipation, Dizziness, Fatigue
3 side effects of intranasal lidocaine
Irritation of the nasal sphincter, Nasal bleeding, Headache