File 7 cz Flashcards
blackberry /ˈblækbəri/ We’re going to go and pick some blackberries.
prohloubit, být hlubší
deepen /ˈdiːpən/ The pool deepens after the mid-way point.
sekané hovězí maso
minced beef /mɪnst biːf/ Minced beef is very cheap and versatile.
pour /pɔː(r)/ You need to pour the beaten eggs in a little at a time.
míchaná vejce
scrambled eggs /ˈskræmbld eɡz/ I can make you some scrambled eggs on toast.
komediální seriál
comedy series /ˈkɒmədi ˈsɪəriːz/ There’s a new comedy series on TV.
o krok napřed
one step ahead /wʌn step əˈhed/ It’s really busy and you always have to be one step ahead.
haddock /ˈhædək/ The haddock was white and flaky.
irony /ˈaɪrəni/ ‘This wig makes me feel great’, he said, without irony.
smát se nahlas
laugh out loud /lɑːf aʊt laʊd/ Some jokes make you laugh out loud.
avocado /ˌævəˈkɑːdəʊ/ She won’t eat avocados because she says they’re fattening.
widen /ˈwaɪdn/ They’re widening the road to make it into four lanes.
turn down /tɜːn daʊn/ He was offered the chance to work in New York but he turned it down.
flatness /flætnəs/ The flatness of the landscape was unremitting.
vyprsknout smíchy
burst out laughing /bɜːst aʊt ˈlɑːfɪŋ/ When he came in wearing a wig we burst out laughing.
plech na pečení
baking tray /ˈbeɪkɪŋ treɪ/ Put the pie on a baking tray and heat for forty minutes.
slít, přecedit
drain (the pasta) /dreɪn (ðə ˈpæstə)/ After you’ve drained the pasta don’t leave it to stand for too long.
deep /diːp/ Some people have deep beliefs in reincarnation.
nesmírně legrační
hilarious /hɪˈleəriəs/ I think it’s hilarious the way he does that funny walk.
vepřová žebírka
pork ribs /pɔːk rɪbz/ One of my favourite meals is pork ribs with onion sauce.
udělat šest kliků
perform six press- ups /pəˈfɔːm sɪks pres ʌps/ Before doing a yoga course, I was unable to perform six press-ups in a row.
brát se vážně
take yourself seriously /teɪk jɔːˈself ˈsɪəriəsli/ People who take themselves seriously are often the butt of others’ jokes.
whipped cream /wɪpt kriːm/ I love having whipped cream with apple pie.
plněné papriky
stuffed peppers /stʌft ˈpepəz/ I need to get some rice for the stuffed peppers.
length /leŋθ/ The length of the walk is about three hours.
vaječný krém, řídký pudink
custard /ˈkʌstəd/ Would you like custard or cream with your dessert?
ztracená vejce
poached eggs /pəʊtʃt eɡz/ I fancied some poached eggs but I couldn’t find the pan.
spices /spaɪsɪz/ We were overwhelmed by the smell of exotic spices.
vyrovnat, uhladit
flatten /ˈflætn/ When making biscuits, you must flatten the dough.
short /ʃɔːt/ Tom should stand at the front because he’s short.
width /wɪdθ/ The width of the lorry meant that it took up the entire road.
spit out /spɪt aʊt/ When he wasn’t looking, I spat out the food into my napkin.
krůtí prsa
turkey breast /ˈtɜːki brest/ He ate a turkey breast for Christmas dinner.
mít do toho ještě daleko
there’s a long way to go /ðeəz ə lɒŋ weɪ tə ɡəʊ/ People are starting to eat more healthily, but there’s a long way to go.
zvládnout pozice
master the postures /ˈmɑːstə(r) ðə ˈpɒstʃəz/ Once I’d mastered the postures, I found yoga quite easy.
joint /dʒɔɪnt/ Wear good running shoes to prevent injury to your joints.
jídelní lístek s ochutnávkovou nabídkou jídel
tasting menu /ˈteɪstɪŋ ˈmenjuː/ The restaurant’s tasting menu gives an insight into their cuisine.
míchat (přísady)
mix (the ingredients) /mɪks (ðə ɪnˈɡriːdiənts)/ You’re meant to mix the ingredients with your hands.
trunk /trʌŋk/ A course of yoga will provide greater trunk-flexibility.
cartoonist /kɑːˈtuːnɪst/ The cartoonist captured his personality perfectly.
nechat se strhnout
get carried away /ɡet ˈkærid əˈweɪ/ When I get carried away in the kitchen, I experiment with exotic spices.
thickness /ˈθɪknəs/ The thickness of the castle walls was intended to keep heat in.
octová zálivka
vinaigrette /vɪnɪˈɡret/ I’ll make a vinaigrette for the salad.
spálit kalorie
burn calories /bɜːn ˈkæləriz/ To burn calories you need to undertake aerobic exercise
pečené fíky
baked figs /beɪkt fɪɡz/ When we were in Greece, we had baked figs for dessert.
thicken /ˈθɪkən/ You need to add some flour to the sauce to thicken it.
polické kreslené vtipy
political cartoons /pəˈlɪtɪkl kɑːˈtuːnz/ Political cartoons are a vital part of satire.
stolovat, jíst
dine /daɪn/ When I was young, we never dined in restaurants.
slapstick /ˈslæpstɪk/ Children love slapstick, especially if it involves adults falling down.
celkem vzato
overall /ˌəʊvərˈɔːl/ I think that my diet is pretty good, overall.
grilled /ɡrɪld/ It’s healthier to eat fish that is grilled rather than fried.
high /haɪ/ We were really high up and could see for miles around.
chopping board /tʃɒpɪŋ bɔːd/ You should have a separate chopping board for meat.
vtipný, zábavný
witty /ˈwɪti/ He’s really witty and always entertains us.
weakness /ˈwiːknəs/ He was overcome by weakness as he crossed the line.