File 4 cz Flashcards
vyhodit do vzduchu
blow up /ˌbləʊ ˈʌp/ The organization has blown up the cars of several prominent politicians.
vzdát se
surrender /səˈrendə(r)/ Some members of the gang surrendered but the rest escaped.
narrow-minded /ˌnærəʊ ˈmaɪndɪd/ After living abroad she was a lot less narrow-minded.
hrdý na
proud of /praʊd ɒv/ We’re really proud of the fact that he overcame his addiction.
přijít s, vymyslet
come up with /kʌm ʌp wɪð/ We need to come up with a better plan.
cannon /ˈkænən/ When the cannon hit the ship only a few survived.
ceasefire /ˈsiːsfaɪə(r)/ The ceasefire only lasted a week before hostilities resumed.
blue-eyed /bluː aɪd/ The woman is blonde and blue-eyed.
zmeškané volání
missed call /mɪst kɔːl/ Have you checked your phone for missed calls?
popudlivý a nervózní
edgy and tense /ˈedʒi ænd tens/ He often feels edgy and tense.
arrow /ˈærəʊ/ The king died when an arrow hit him in the eye.
declare /dɪˈkleə(r)/ The government declared war on the revolutionaries.
capture /ˈkæptʃə(r)/ They captured over 300 rebels on their first raid.
revolution /ˌrevəˈluːʃn/ He joined the revolution as a protest against corruption.
ring /rɪŋ/ Oh no! I forgot to ring my mother.
nadšený čím
keen on /kiːn ɒn/ Being keen on something may or may not lead to addictive behaviour.
pro zásilky první třídy
first-class /ˌfɜːst ˈklɑːs/ Could I have ten first-class and ten second-class stamps?
spear /spɪə(r)/ The spears were no match for the army’s weapons.
hlasová schránka
voicemail /ˈvɔɪsmeɪl/ He’s left a message on my voicemail.
závislosti v chování
behavioural addictions /bɪˈheɪvjərəl əˈdɪkʃnz/ Behavioural addictions include compulsive use of the Internet.
absent-minded /ˌæbsənt ˈmaɪndɪd/ My father is becoming quite absent-minded and often forgets to eat.
second-hand /ˈsekənd hænd/ Many of my clothes are second-hand.
názorný příklad
a case in point /ə keɪs ɪn pɔɪnt/ His attitude is poor and his lateness today is a case in point.
coup /kuː/ The military coup against the government did not succeed.
pevná linka
landline /ˈlændlaɪn/ I called you on your mobile as well as your landline.
kostýmové filmy
period films /ˈpɪəriəd fɪlmz/ I love historical and period films.
na poslední chvíli
last-minute /lɑːst ˈmɪnɪt/ Are there any last-minute holiday bargains available?
zcela sešlapané
worn-out /ˌwɔːn ˈaʊt/ Those shoes are worn-out. They’re beyond repair.
the wounded /ðə ˈwuːndɪd/ The wounded were evacuated from the war zone.
dobře vychovaný
well-behaved /ˌwel bɪˈheɪvd/ The hotel will accept dogs if they are well-behaved.
propadlý čemu
hooked on /hʊkt ɒn/ It’s easy to get hooked on something that makes you happy.
shield /ʃiːld/ A shield will not protect you from an attack from behind.
uvést v premiéře
release /rɪˈliːs/ Many of the films released in the 1990s showed disdain for historical accuracy.
telefonní automat
pay phones /ˈpeɪ fəʊnz/ I stopped using pay phones as soon as I got a mobile.
řízená střela
missile /ˈmɪsaɪl/ The long-range missile destroyed several buildings.
put through /pʊt θruː/ I asked the operator to put me through.
bullet /ˈbʊlɪt/ The man fired three times but each bullet missed.
loot /luːt/ Soldiers looted the city, putting shops out of business.
the big screen /ðə bɪɡ skriːn/ It’s better to watch films on the big screen than on a TV.
civilní obyvatelstvo
civilians /səˈvɪliənz/ Many civilians were injured in the attack.
tolerantní, mírný
easy-going /ˌiːziˈɡəʊɪŋ/ She’s very easy-going and gets on with anyone.
docházet, končit
run out of /rʌn aʊt ɒv/ I’ll have to go because I’m running out of credit.
co se týče
when it comes to /wen ɪt kʌmz tə/ When it comes to cooking, there’s nobody better.
stáhnout se
withdraw /wɪθˈdrɔː/ The rebels were clearly outnumbered and withdrew from their position.
hands-free /hændz friː/ This hands-free kit means I can phone you from the car.
vypnout, odstřihnout
cut off /ˈkʌt ɒf/ If you don’t pay your bill, you’ll get cut off.
at all /æt ɔːl/ There didn’t seem to be any truth in the rumours at all.
nezvladatelná úzkost
overwhelmingly anxious /ˌəʊvəˈwelmɪŋli ˈæŋkʃəs/ Gamblers feel overwhelmingly anxious if they can’t gamble.
turn off /ˈtɜːn ɒf/ I wish people would turn off their mobiles in the cinema.
weighed up /weɪd ʌp/ All of the options should be weighed up before we decide.
top up /ˈtɒp ʌp/ I need to top up my mobile soon.
machine gun /məˈʃiːn ɡʌn/ Fifty men were killed by machine gun fire.
home-made /ˌhəʊm ˈmeɪd/ Home-made pies are much nicer than ones from a shop.
občanská válka
civil war /ˌsɪvl ˈwɔː(r)/ After a long and bitter civil war, the country was in disarray.
chorobně závislý na
addicted to /əˈdɪktɪd tə/ She admitted that she was addicted to plastic surgery.
entirely /ɪnˈtaɪəli/ The film was filmed entirely on location in Wales.
call /kɔːl/ I couldn’t call you because I lost my phone.
intenzivní radost
high /haɪ/ Buying lots of clothes gave her an enormous high.
všechno bude v pořádku
just fine /dʒʌst faɪn/ Don’t worry. You’ll be just fine.
make a call /meɪk ə kɔːl/ Sorry, I’ve got to go out to make a call.
na částečný úvazek
part-time /ˌpɑːt ˈtaɪm/ I can’t afford to pay my bills with a part-time job.
premiere /ˈpremieə(r)/ Many famous actors attended the film premiere.
sitting around /ˈsɪtɪŋ əˈraʊnd/ Everyone was in the living room, sitting around as usual.
léčit se
seek treatment /siːk ˈtriːtmənt/ His marriage broke up when he refused to seek treatment.
promítat filmy
screen movies /skriːn ˈmuːviz/ Many teachers screen movies in the classroom.
docela dost
quite a few /kwaɪt ə fjuː/ There were quite a few inaccuracies in the text.
directory /dɪˈrektəri/ Our phone number isn’t in the directory.
zavolej mi
give me a ring /ɡɪv mi ə rɪŋ/ Give me a ring to let me know where you are.
dovolat se
get through /ɡet θruː/ She tried your number but couldn’t get through.
nutkavé chování
compulsive behaviour /kəmˈpʌlsɪv bɪˈheɪvjə(r)/ Compulsive behaviour makes people feel better about themselves temporarily.
left-handed /ˌleft ˈhændɪd/ She was born left-handed but uses her right hand now.
závislý na, odkázaný na
dependent on /dɪˈpendənt ɒn/ Addiction is when you are dependent on something in order to feel good.
long-term /ˈlɒŋ tɜːm/ The economy isn’t doing well now, but the long-term prospects are good.
ally /ˈælaɪ/ The group was without allies.
filmové recenze
film review /fɪlm rɪˈvjuː/ All the film reviews said that it was the film of the year.
a bit of an /ə bɪt ɒv æn/ He said he’d been ill, but that was a bit of an excuse.
air-conditioned /ˈeə kəndɪʃnd/ I’ll need an air-conditioned car in this heat.
vyráběný ve velkém
mass-produced /ˌmæs prəˈdjuːst/ Mass-produced items are often cheaply made.
překonat závislosti na
overcome addictions to /ˌəʊvəˈkʌm əˈdɪkʃnz tə/ She successfully overcame addictions to shopping and the Internet.
zastavit se
coming over /ˈkʌmɪŋ ˈəʊvə(r)/ We’ve got some friends coming over later.
survivors /səˈvaɪvəz/ As the fire died down it was clear that there were no survivors.
treaty /ˈtriːti/ It was a great moment when they signed the peace treaty.
kind-hearted /ˌkaɪnd ˈhɑːtɪd/ He was a kind-hearted man who would do anything for you.
engaged /ɪnˈɡeɪdʒd/ Every time I ring him his line is engaged.
moc dobře
full well /fʊl wel/ You know full well what you’ve done wrong.
duty-free /ˈdjuːti friː/ Max asked us to bring back some duty-free cigarettes.
líbit se
like the idea of /laɪk ðə aɪˈdɪə ɒv/ I like the idea of having my books in alphabetical order.
otrávený čím
fed up with /fed ʌp wɪð/ My wife got fed up with me spending all my time online.
zničit život
wreck lives /rek laɪvz/ Addictions wreck lives and should be treated seriously.
dialogue sequences /ˈdaɪəlɒɡ ˈsiːkwənsɪz/ The dialogue sequences were awkward and stilted.
otázka čeho
a matter of /ə ˈmætə(r) ɒv/ It’s only a matter of time before he has an accident.
shell /ʃel/ The rebels shelled the government building.
phone /fəʊn/ Hold old were you when you got your first mobile phone?
charge /tʃɑːdʒ/ Don’t forget to charge your phone before you go out.
vojenské jednotky
troops /truːps/ More troops need to be deployed in the region.
helpful to /ˈhelpfl tə/ It can be helpful to talk to someone about it.
retreat /rɪˈtriːt/ The army retreated from the city to regroup.
hlavní ženská role
female lead /ˈfiːmeɪl liːd/ She’s played the female lead in many Hollywood films.
ozbrojené síly
forces /fɔːsɪz/ The attempt by the forces to storm the embassy failed.
bow /bəʊ/ The wood used to make a bow must be strong but flexible.
naprosto úžasný
absolutely phenomenal /ˈæbsəluːtli fəˈnɒmɪnl/ The response to the appeal was absolutely phenomenal.
overthrow /ˌəʊvəˈθrəʊ/ The rebel forces overthrew the government easily.
casualties /ˈkæʒuəltiz/ Many of the casualties of the bomb attack were women.
závěrečné titulky
the final credits roll /ðə ˈfaɪnl ˈkredɪts rəʊl/ A great film will hold your attention until the final credits roll.
plot /plɒt/ Many people can’t remember even half of the film plot.
mluvit hlasitě
speak up /spiːk ʌp/ You’ll have to speak up because it’s a bad line.
switch off /swɪtʃ ɒf/ You should switch off your mobile in the theatre.
znechucený čím
sick of /sɪk ɒv/ I got sick of coming home to find new clothes hidden in the wardrobe.
harmless /ˈhɑːmləs/ Behaviour that seems harmless can lead to dependency.
defeat /dɪˈfiːt/ The army finally defeated the rebel faction.
break out /ˈbreɪk aʊt/ We were all terrified when war broke out.
otevřený pro
open to /ˈəʊpən tə/ The extent of behavioural addictions is open to debate.
hang up /ˈhæŋ ʌp/ He hung up on me in the middle of the conversation.
refugees /ˌrefjuˈdʒiːz/ We were one of the first countries to receive refugees.
s vysokými podpadky
high-heeled /haɪ hiːld/ Her feet were ruined by wearing high-heeled shoes.
siege /siːdʒ/ As the siege continued, some hostages fell ill.
propadnout čemu
become hooked on (sth) /bɪˈkʌm hʊkt ɒn/ People who are hooked on a substance often don’t think it’s an addiction.
famous for /ˈfeɪməs fɔː(r)/ The clinic is famous for helping celebrities.
snipers /ˈsnaɪpəz/ The convoy was attacked by snipers hiding nearby.
sword /sɔːd/ Even antique swords can still be very sharp and dangerous.
to nejmenší
the very least /ðə ˈveri liːst/ I think the very least you can do is apologize.
a tak dále
and so on /ænd səʊ ɒn/ We talked about family and holidays, and so on.
posedlý čím
obsessed with /əbˈsest wɪð/ I became obsessed with keeping up my tan.
short-sighted /ˌʃɔːt ˈsaɪtɪd/ I’m short-sighted, and have worn glasses since I was ten.