File 2 cz Flashcards
vyjít s čím
get by /ɡet baɪ/ When Bob lost his job we had to get by on my salary.
velice dobře se bavit
have the time of your life /hæv ðə taɪm ɒv jɔː(r) laɪf/ I had the time of my life at the party.
engrossed /ɪnˈɡrəʊst/ I was so engrossed in my book that I missed my stop.
relationship /rɪˈleɪʃnʃɪp/ They have a strange relationship but it works!
za(dva dny)
in (two days’) time /ɪn (tuː deɪz) taɪm/ I can’t believe we’ll be leaving in two days’ time.
příští týden v tuto dobu
this time next week /ðɪs taɪm nekst wiːk/ This time next week we’ll be lying on the beach.
už je konec
time’s up /taɪmz ʌp/ Time’s up. The exam is over.
pohybovat se
get around /ɡet əˈraʊnd/ The best way to get around the city is by taxi.
oslava, velebení
celebration /ˌselɪˈbreɪʃn/ This is a celebration of the great painter’s work.
loss /lɒs/ The loss of his home sent him into a deep depression.
nezbývá moc času
not much time left /nɒt mʌtʃ taɪm left/ There isn’t much time left for them to score a goal.
at times /æt taɪmz/ I have a bad back, which makes me irritable at times.
dostat se z rozchodu s kým
get over (sb) /ɡet ˈəʊvə(r)/ When he broke up with her it took her a long time to get over him.
pomstít se
take revenge on /teɪk rɪˈvendʒ ɒn/ She decided to take revenge on him.
bída, strádání
misery /ˈmɪzəri/ Poor people at that time led lives of misery.
ušetřit čas
save time /seɪv taɪm/ It’ll save time if we check-in online.
liable to /ˈlaɪəbl tə/ Are you more liable to get a cold if you feel cold?
špatně co pochopit
get the wrong end of the stick /ɡet ðə rɒŋ end ɒv ðə stɪk/ Don’t get the wrong end of the stick – I’m trying to apologize!
technická novinka
gadget /ˈɡædʒɪt/ My dad always buys the latest gadget for the house or home.
adulthood /ˈædʌlthʊd/ She spent most of her adulthood travelling.
get through to /ɡet θruː tə/ I tried talking to him but I just couldn’t get through to him.
zabít čas, krátit si čas
kill time /kɪl taɪm/ There wasn’t much to do at the airport to kill time.
childhood /ˈtʃaɪldhʊd/ I have good memories of a very happy childhood.
illness /ˈɪlnəs/ She had to stay inside during her illness.
pospíšit si
get on with /ɡet ɒn wɪð/ Could you please get on with your work and stop talking.
sadness /ˈsædnəs/ I realized with a sense of sadness that I’d never be back.
belief /bɪˈliːf/ I don’t share your belief that this will work.
get to know /ɡet tə nəʊ/ She’s actually really nice when you get to know her.
zbavit se
get rid of /ɡet rɪd ɒv/ Moving home is a good time to get rid of stuff.
proti své vůli
unwillingly /ʌnˈwɪlɪŋli/ She went along with the idea unwillingly.
mít ještě čas navíc
with time to spare /wɪð taɪm tə speə(r)/ I thought I’d be late but I got here with time to spare.
juggle /ˈdʒʌɡl/ She’s great at juggling her work and family life.
za mého života
in my lifetime /ɪn maɪ ˈlaɪftaɪm/ We won’t see space tourism in my lifetime.
a long time ago /ə lɒŋ taɪm əˈɡəʊ/ This photo was taken a long time ago, before he went bald.
mít šanci
get the chance /ɡet ðə tʃɑːns/ Since I moved we don’t often get the chance to meet up.
for the time being /fɔː(r) ðə taɪm ˈbiːɪŋ/ I’ll move eventually but I’m OK here for the time being.
vymyslet si
create /kriˈeɪt/ She created an implausible excuse for her behaviour.
v té době
at the time /æt ðə taɪm/ He missed the eclipse as he was on the tube at the time. I have a bad back, which makes me irritable at times.
zabrat všechen čas
take up all your time /teɪk ʌp ɔːl jɔː(r) taɪm/ His work takes up all his time. He never has a day off.
být v kontaktu s
catch up with /kætʃ ʌp wɪð/ Modern technology allows us to catch up with friends.
frenzy /ˈfrenzi/ The presenter’s comments generated a media frenzy.
vynadat komu
scold /skəʊld/ She scolded him for breaking the window.
splendid /ˈsplendɪd/ He used to have splendid toys that we all wanted to play with.
rite /raɪt/ Jumping into Grandma’s pool was a rite that we performed every time we visited her.
kindness /ˈkaɪndnəs/ Thank you so much for your kindness in letting me stay.
happiness /ˈhæpinəs/ I remember the happiness I felt when the war was over.
in time for /ɪn taɪm fɔː(r)/ He didn’t arrive in time for the flight so he missed it.
nechce se mi
can’t be bothered /kɑːnt bi ˈbɒðəd/ I really should make lunch but I can’t be bothered.
umět si poradit
cope /kəʊp/ How do we manage to cope with so many distractions?
vyhnout se
get out of the way /ɡet aʊt ɒv ðə weɪ/ He wouldn’t get out of the way.
nemít času nazbyt
spare the time /speə(r) ðə taɪm/ I’d love to help but I just can’t spare the time.
vrcholný (okamžik)
crowning (moment) /ˈkraʊnɪŋ (ˈməʊmənt)/ The crowning moment came when he realized that all the texts were from me.