File 6 Flashcards
go camping
/ɡəʊ ˈkæmpɪŋ/ jet tábořit What I remember about going camping is the wet tent.
/ˈʃəʊ ɒf/ chlubílek My parrot is a show-off and loves performing for people.
on the way back
/ɒn ðə weɪ bæk/ cestou zpátky On the way back we stopped to rest.
/bɪˈsaɪdz/ kromě toho You’re too young to live with him. Besides, you haven’t got any money.
city break
/ˈsɪti breɪk/ krátká dovolená v některém (velko)městě We had a free weekend so took a city break to Rome.
battery hens
/ˈbætəri henz/ slepice z klecových odchovů Battery hens are kept in inhumane conditions.
/əˈlaɪk/ podobný Pets and their owners become more alike over time.
/ˈædvətaɪz/ dělat čemu reklamu He advertised his bike in a local shop window.
/pɔːz/ tlapky My cat sleeps with its head resting on its paws.
/skrætʃ/ podrápat, škrábnout It can be dangerous if an animal scratches you.
/ʃel/ krunýř Our tortoise never came out of its shell.
/spɪt/ plivnout As I was about to climb onto the camel it spat at me.
breed in captivity
/briːd ɪn kæpˈtɪvəti/ odchovat v zajetí These tigers were bred in captivity and will be released into the wild soon.
package holiday
/ˈpækɪdʒ hɒlədeɪ/ kompletně připravený zájezd If you just want sea and sand then a package holiday is ideal.
set out on a journey
/set aʊt ɒn ə ˈdʒɜːni/ vydat se na cestu Before you set out on any journey, check that you’ve packed everything you need.
endangered species
/ɪnˈdeɪndʒəd ˈspiːʃiːz/ ohrožené živočišné druhy Tigers and polar bears are now endangered species.
cancel a trip
/ˈkænsl ə trɪp/ zrušit zájezd The company cancelled the trip because the guide was ill.
a dark horse
/ə dɑːk hɔːs/ tichá voda, neznámá veličina We don’t know much about him. He’s a bit of a dark horse.
I smell a rat
/aɪ smel ə ræt/ tuším zradu The CEO said our jobs were safe but I smell a rat.
politically biased
/pəˈlɪtɪkli ˈbaɪəst/ politicky zaujatý, tendenční Dan finds the news here quite politically biased.
Nothing was going particularly wrong.
/ˈnʌθɪŋ wɒz ˈɡəʊɪŋ pəˈtɪkjələli rɒŋ/ Nic špatného se nedělo. Even though nothing was going particularly wrong, I didn’t feel happy.
a foreigner
/ə ˈfɒrənə(r)/ cizinec He was a foreigner, but I couldn’t tell which country he was from.
/ˈɡrʌmpi/ nabručený If I’m feeling grumpy my cat keeps out of my way.
a bit of a fluke
/ə bɪt ɒv ə fluːk/ šťastná náhoda I was going to travel round the East, so settling in Spain was a bit of a fluke.
/ˈkɒmprəmaɪz/ kompromis We couldn’t reach a compromise on where to go on holiday, so we stayed home.
put a trip off
/pʊt ə trɪp ɒf/ odložit výlet She put the trip off until next week.
/pəˈsjuː/ jít za něčím Even though my family was against it, I pursued my love of acting.
/stɪŋ/ bodnutí A wasp sting hurts but isn’t usually dangerous.
/əˈbeɪ/ řídit se, poslouchat Many of the locals don’t obey the traffic rules.
/ɪˈfekt/ dopad, účinek The crisis has had an effect on the public’s spending.
/baɪt/ kousnout Even tame animals will bite you when angry or scared.
guided tour
/ɡaɪdɪd tɔː(r)/ cesta s průvodcem The guided tour of the castle was fascinating.
let sleeping dogs lie
/let ˈsliːpɪŋ dɒɡz laɪ/ nehas, co tě nepálí Don’t bring that up again. You should just let sleeping dogs lie.
so and so
/ˈsəʊ ən səʊ/ to a to People go to the vet and say their dog has got so and so.
/ˈfʌsi/ vybíravý Cats can be fussy about the brand of catfood they like.
/klɔːz/ drápy Be careful when handling birds as their claws are sharp.
up to date
/ˌʌp tə ˈdeɪt/ aktualizovaný We have to keep all our records up to date.
/ˌəʊvəˈkraʊdɪd/ přeplněný The area gets so overcrowded that you can’t move.
take out insurance
/teɪk aʊt ɪnˈʃɔːrəns/ pojistit se He was glad he’d taken out insurance when he broke his leg on holiday.
My heart sank.
/maɪ hɑːt sæŋk/ Byla ve mně malá dušička. My heart sank when I saw what they’d done.
hasn’t gone too far down that road
/ˈhæznt ɡɒn tuː fɑː(r) daʊn ðæt rəʊd/ v tom směru se toho moc neděje You’ll find burger joints in Milan, but Italy hasn’t gone too far down that road.
/laɪ/ lehnout si I’m going to lie down upstairs.
/hɔːnz/ rohy It was amazing to see the two rams locking horns.
/ɪmˈbærəst/ rozpačitý He was embarrassed when someone mistook him for a girl.
/ˈluːnətɪks/ šílenci Every so often, my cats run around like lunatics.
like water off a duck’s back
/laɪk ˈwɔːtə(r) ɒf ə dʌks bæk/ nemít žádný efekt, neublížit He keeps trying to provoke me, but it’s like water off a duck’s back.
/treɪt/ charakterový rys It’s said that pet-owners and their pets share the same personality traits.
take the bull by the horns
/teɪk ðə bʊl baɪ ðə hɔːnz/ vzít něco za pravý konec I decided to take the bull by the horns and spoke to him myself.
low-cost airline
/ləʊ kɒst ˈeəlaɪn/ nízkonákladová letecká společnost Low-cost airlines often charge for meals.
/əˈnaʊns/ oznámit The BBC has announced that they’re going to cut jobs.
to my horror
/tə maɪ ˈhɒrə(r)/ k mé hrůze I realized to my horror that I’d left my purse behind.
to make it in time
/tə meɪk ɪt ɪn taɪm/ zvládnout to včas It’s a long way, so set off early to make it in time.
/kəˈmɪtmənt/ závazek Owning a pet is a lifetime commitment.